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I guess my coronavirus date night isn't going to happen...

This pandemic is getting more and more serious now in France. A few minutes ago, our prime minister just announced on TV that from midnight tonight all non-essential businesses, including restaurants, bars, theaters, clubs and gyms, just to name a few, will be closed. So basically we are in the same situation as in Italy. The massive shutdown came earlier than we expected, and I didn't see it coming this early. The same ridiculous rush on toilet paper and food staples is also happening in a lot of supermarkets in the suburbs. Luckily, we live in the city center and people haven't started panic buying... yet... anyway, I'm not worried. However, we're not going to have a social life for the next few weeks, that's for sure.




Hahaha súper fun


"Let me penetrate your body." LoL. Cosplay fun indeed!

Dana Tudor

I m from Bucharest/Romania and it s the same here when it comes to toilet paper🤷🏻‍♀️

David Proby

At least you can lighten the mood with the cosplays. I just told Jack on the phone that since he’s going into self isolation and working from home for a couple weeks, I should be there with him and no work would be done; just a lot of prostate checks would be done and he agreed with a sexy smirk. I mean I am a future DR after all😈😈😈😉


I know, it's really weird how people react in panic. XD


That does sound like a sexy vacation... always make the best out of the worst situation. Just make sure you guys got enough food and supplies to... keep on going strong... in the love direction. XD

Danny Provencio

NYC May be heading in same direction as your country. Trump got the test but won’t acknowledge the results. Asshole. So far not too bad. Was working on a garment at work. Beautiful bridezilla tornado twist bodice. Bride kept redesigning it. Anyway a sweet frightened asian sample hand was making and I was adjusting it for her with pins. I pricked my finger as I always do, on white no less. I immediately did a trick I know of to remove blood stains. Put a bunch of whit thread in my mouth. The persons own saliva will pull stain out. Well! Sewer is was immediately aghast. So nasty I know. I apologized. Next time I will figure out another way. Sorry for long story.

David Proby

Already got that covered and I have plenty of cake for him to eat and not just for dessert😈😉

Danny Moran

The same just happened in Spain where I am


Yeah I gotta find me a guy of similar enjoyment! Roleplaying is fun on the table and in the bedroom! Ha.

Andy Q

We are having a dinner party tonight. Not letting it stop hanging out with friends

William Deutsch (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 16:11:24 You all stay safe & heathy, also having a sense of humor is important, thank you for putting a smile on my face, I needed one today
2020-03-14 20:23:29 You all stay safe & heathy, also having a sense of humor is important, thank you for putting a smile on my face, I needed one today

You all stay safe & heathy, also having a sense of humor is important, thank you for putting a smile on my face, I needed one today


This is so hot and funny please take care all you guys, im from Mexico and this virus its just starting, and our country is not ready for it, 😪😪

Tammy Dasti Fisher

Is that what you do, Danny? Work on wedding dresses? You must meet a lot of... ahem, 'interesting' characters! Lol!

Tammy Dasti Fisher

I don't think our Prime Minister could shut down Canada like that, we're just too freakin' big! The individual provincial premiers could maybe decide to shut down their province, but even that would be a huge deal. I can't wrap my brain around what shutting down an entire country would entail!

Danny Provencio

Tammy Dasti Fisher. Yes am currently making wedding dresses at JLM Couture nyc. Don’t know how to reply to you here contact me through Facebook under Danny Provencio. Can discuss and reply easily there. Am on Instagram too under name tucsonnyc. Can see what I ca do and have done. Can contact me through there too.

Bryan Williams

The virus costume looks like a Malboro from Final Fantasy.

Roger Leonard

Maybe buy a bidet. That will save you from the hash of having to wait in line for toilet paper in the future. Btw I’m in China so no social life for me for almost 2 months now...