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Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, we definitely noticed fewer and fewer people on the streets every day. But I also notice that people around us... our friends and family... are starting to change their normal behaviors: Joe started to stock food... Zhang doesn't wanna hang out in crowded places anymore... and Eric seems weirdly joyful during this health crisis.



Tammy Dasti Fisher

Way to go Eric! Making the best out of a bad situation! 😂😂😂👍👍👍

David Proby

I just got back from getting toilet paper and only thing left was the ones you buy for an RV 🙄🙄. And that last panel with Eric in the leather suit and ghast mask reminds me of Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear and he’ll telepathically tell me all the naughty thoughts I have in my head or what games I’ve been playing on my Xbox One hard drive 🤣🤣🤣🤣

William Deutsch

Eric is inventive & makes a bad situation even better 😜😜😜

Tammy Dasti Fisher

Even the Mayor of Calgary put out a statement about the virus. He ended it with: "Don't hord toilet paper, that's just stupid." Lol


I try not to Judge but... Wouldn’t that suit get Hot and Sweaty... Not in the Good Way?💧

David Proby

Wish folks here in Seattle could learn that. And the state governor issued a statement to postpone or cancel events over 250 people and I’m pissed comic con was pushed back from this weekend to later in the summer


Mm need to see Erics husband too 🔥

Raul ortiz

Theirs less poeple in public id be joyful to !

Tammy Dasti Fisher

They've done that in Alberta too. Comic Con is in April so we're waiting to see if it's even going to happen or not.

Danny Moran

You and Johnny look similar. I almost thought it was you lol