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Thank you for voting on Sylvanas' pose. We're going the more traditional way with her. I sketched out her elements today and refined her head and body. Tomorrow I intend to start refining her armor parts ;) 

She'll be released on February 2, 2024. 



Ron Barrett

I always appreciate anything I can help with and how open you are to suggestions. I know its hard to consider these ideas when you are on tight timelines to stay on track and I really never expect that they will all be implemented. Thanks!

Torrida Minis

Yes, it can be frustrating to rework on something considered done, but when the feedback is constructive like yours, I consider it a valuable resource to improve my work and just do my best to tweak whatever is needed. As I said previously, I hope my model improved in my latest iteration.

Ron Barrett

I think it has improved quite a bit but I am by no means an expert on the character so if the WoW players out there want to jump in and confirm or deny that would be awesome. She looks more purposeful and powerful than before.