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Here's some more progress on Sylvanas Windrunner. As you can see, I refined all the elements from her chest and shoulders areas, and on Monday I'll start working on the rest of her arms. 

And if anybody can help me with one doubt, I'd appreciate it: what version of her bow would better fit this outfit? I noticed there are different versions of her, and I was going to make that skeleton bow for her, but it seems like this belongs to another outfit. 

Sylvanas Windrunner will be released on February 2, 2024. 



chuck ferguson

personally, I think either bow version I've seen works well, though, the bone-bow you see her with near Shadowlands release is pretty hot. Which, speaking of 'hot', are you planning on a version without the black 'leggings' / pants and just the bikini style bottoms? Personally like the bikini in boots look, though her pants tend to be the 'hip-hugger' style sitting low on her abdomen aren't terrible. Can't wait for this one to be ready!! Keep up the amazing work, and hope you have a terrific 2024!!

Torrida Minis

My biggest concern is if I end up making a bow that's not the official one for this kind of outfit, some people might get frustrated with it. I was initally going to make the bone-bow, but then I noticed that there's an ornamented bow that's usually more associated with this outfit, and I just wanted to be sure of that. Regarding her leggings, you know what, I think I'm going to remove it. It's working a lot better with her bikini in boots look, as you said, so I'm going to leave it like this. You'll see it later with the new previews :)