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The Grand Tower Kingdom lies at the heart of the maiden's spine and it's six areas are defined by six entirely different environs. The only linking facet between them, besides the prevalence of dragonkin, are the countless ruined towers which dot their landscapes.  These ruins of stone and ash serve as ancient grave markers for both mortal and dragon. Among these ancient killing fields, there is none so devastated as the Corroding Gash. It is here that dragons, who saw the doom of their kind, gave themselves utterly to the blackest of flames so that they might burn down all that might harm the last bastion of their realm. It is here that Krealt made her last stand against Dragon Queen, buying time not only for her children, but for every escaped slave who fled their bondage. It is here that the Hero Elf betrayed Salamander at the last moment, allowing Dragon Queen time to escape into the heart of her territory. It is here that the bones of titans from ages past slumber, and it is here that the Black Dragon Princess plots the brutal vengeance she will visit upon the kingdoms that wronged her mother.

Black Dragon Princess has inherited her mother’s ancient grudge, manifesting as an acrid hatred for the mortal races she feels have stolen the rightful place of dragons. Deep within her, she harbors resentment for these mortals, who choke the earth with their numbers while she remains alone, who live with wild abandon and greed, no longer guided by the hands of her kind, who had been hand-picked by the gods. She sees their bids for freedom, the way they strike out against her rule, as arrogance and selfishness. The Fourth Dragon princess has felt this in her bones since the day she was born. This hate is etched into her, bone deep, and bubbles forth in every word and action. So potent, this toxic hate is, that she has isolated herself from her fellow dragonkin. And so she remains, isolated, alone, a monument to an ancient grudge left to fester. 



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