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I cannot express how happy I am that we changed development to Unity instead of sticking with Game Maker.

Many of us on the dev team have been in kind of a rut recently, though I'm mostly out of that now.  While I've been waiting on art assets and people to parse dialogue I decided to chip away at the kingdom engines for the game- resource income, building upgrades in territories, and recruiting units.  Imagine my delight when those only took a day, each, to almost fully re-add and integrate into the game.  Thanks to object-oriented programming, and the Unity engine, what would have taking me weeks (or months) has been done in considerably less time, with hopefully no bugs.

This version of Towergirls marks the release of the test-game mode, which allows the player to start a new game in control of High Forest.  Once reaching the overmap several armies will be spawned for the Band of the Moon, High Forest secondary territories, and Canopy Cave.  Territories can't be captured quite yet, but I'm hoping to have all the kingdom stuff (and the remainder of Kobold's loyalty and romancing quests) added in the next few weeks.  As you might assume, the tutorial can also now be skipped when starting a new normal game.

In addition to the new kingdom stuff, I've fixed a heap of bugs and errors having to do with the tutorial hub dialogue and starter quests inside the hub.  Everything in there should now have working dialogue with no dead ends or softlocks.  Enjoy.

Cheats have been changed for December, also.  Here are the patch notes-


Glacier Keep has a decorated battle background

Kingdom resources are now tracked, saved, and loaded

The game tracks whether or not a particular Kingdom's AI is enabled or not

Army movement is working again

Territories may construct upgrades once again

Basic territory upgrades are functional

Territory names are now part of the UI and do not scale as a result

Territory upgrades may be razed to return some of their building costs

Territories show their current construction progress bar and defense rating on the overmap near their name

The inventory panel displays how much personal gold and silver the player has, even on the overmap

Available unit types can now be seen by pressing the garrison panel in the territory inspect window

All units (sans their abilities) have been added for High Forest

Units may be queued up for recruitment in territories and run on their own independent timer from building construction

Recruited units may be disbanded from armies and removed

Armies and their units are saved and loaded

Multiple armies of the same faction may no longer be garrisoned into a single territory

Territory happiness is functional and impacts building and recruitment speed

The party is now always selected on the overmap until the player has a territory or army units

You can now search for 'party' or 'ser' on the overmap to pan to the party

The party and armies may now be told to travel to arbitrary points on the overmap

Armies may now be told to travel after an enemy army on the overmap

Fixed some broken dialogue bits in the Ratfolk quest

Fixed the 'add silver' dialogue function

Dwarf Villager now has post-Ratfolk quest dialogue and vanishes when appropriate

A new 'suspense' theme has been added for when the Siege Alert sound ends

All units (sans their abilities) have been added for the Band of the Moon.  Cavaly siege units still need more work.

Some help tooltips with overflowing or partially displayed text have been fixed

Fixed some wonkiness when speaking to the alleyway Fisher Guard while drunk

Fixed an error in the Huntswoman dialogue when Ser returns sober

Certain dialogue options in the Ratfolk quest now only require Charismatic instead of Silver Tongue

Fixed an issue that prevented quests from being marked as failed

The non-working ghost save file should no longer appear

Added a new option in the Main Menu for starting a new game in test mode, for testing kingdom management.

A new parser function has been added for loading and playing basic cutscenes

The tutorial at the start of the game may now be skipped and does not end in an instant game over

The BBOS quests can no longer be opened at the top right quests tracker until the Big Book of Stuff is acquired

Territory siege battles can now result in damaged upgrades and loss of territory fortification levels

There is now post-siege information

Units now retain their health amount at the end of a siege

Tax Knight no longer faces the wrong direction in the hub

Removed a debug feature that would inadvertently spawn a bugged save game entry in the list of save games when pressing 'Q'




very bugy curupted my save files and i just got to the 2 level and it just bugued my saves to have a spider abilaty and every time i hovered on them it shod me my sword and then it cracht my game


ps: sorry for my english


In old/current versions there is a ghost save which is always broken. Make sure you are loading an actual save. You may want to go to AppData/LocalLow/ChivalricGames/ and delete the saveini file without a number. The last save in the list is normally the ghost save.