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Dalton immediately set to work trying to bring Dinae over to his side. He had heard numerous stories of a better or more attractive man taking a woman easily with one love-making session. They both seemed oddly calm, however. Leam was standing back with his arms crossed, looking at them both and Dinae was merely removing her clothes since they were back at Dalton's place. He kissed her deeply, inserting his tongue. He could not help but turn to observe Leam's reaction to him kissing Dinae like that. It was too serene, almost cocky.

`Huh?` He wondered. He was feeling a bit lesser, just by the fact that he was paying more attention to the other guy out of performance anxiety than the girl. She identified that easily and addressed it.

“Where're you looking?” Dinae laid back and spread her legs tantalizingly before him. Her shaved pussy was there, waiting for him and her soft, perky breasts were just waiting to be touched and cupped as well. He climbed on top of her and began fucking her. His cock was bigger, he was stronger, he was bigger. There was no way Leam could compete. He also fixed his behavior and kept his attention solely on Dinae, even if his thoughts drifted.

`Dammit, I'm losing... The simple fact that this encounter is happening at the best of that guy is throwing me off and getting into my head. Get over it!` He inhaled deeply and started fucking the Beastfolk like they were the only two people in the room. After that it began to feel a lot better for both of them. He could tell. Dinae hugged him over his shoulders and moaned happily, her hips moving with his thrusts. He could feel her tightness. He was expanding her cunt so even if Leam had fucked her, Dalton was still shaping Dinae to his cock in the end.

Leam gulped, watching the large, curved cock push into Dinae's unprotected pussy. He could get deeper, and fill her even more. It made Leam anxious. It was a blatantly bad idea . He had no reason to believe Dalton would not make Dinae fall in love with his cock. It was a good cock, better than his. He felt regret and fear, but still wound up letting it happen. He was watching it as it happened and he got irrationally hard at the thought that the moment his love was permanently taken from him could be this one. Very easily, Dinae could decide that Leam wasn't good enough and Dalton's big dick was for her. Leam sat back and began to stroke himself while watching. His breathing became ragged even though he was not one of the two participating.

`What do I even have... This was a mistake.` He whined internally.

`I can't live without Dinae!` With that thought he came quickly.

Meanwhile, Dalton was still going strong. He stopped thrusting quickly and moved on to short, hard ruts as he felt himself getting close. Dinae squealed and muled, her back arching and her voice escaping satisfyingly as she came over his cock. Juices slicked his long, thick member as he pulled out one last time, then thrust all the way in. He cringed, thinking to much of her to spring it on her.
“You... Want me to pull out?” Dalton asked respectfully.

Dinae seemed to be thinking. Everything was put on hold with Dalton holding back inside of her. He was surprised to see her turn to Leam.
“Uhm... It makes sense to have a kid with Dalton right?”

“W-what!?” Leam gasped, holding his head in his hand.

She realized what she said. “I don't mean that I don't want your kid, too. What I meant to say is, what if I have Dalton's kid? Then I can have a kid with you after.”

“That's... A little outside what we talked about Dinae. Do you like Dalton?” He felt confused and very close to being broken. Dalton felt very good about the direction things were going. Then things flipped with her answer.

She shook her head. “I like sex with Dalton and he's strong but I actually like you a lot more as a man. We got a lot of history and I think you're a bit better personality-wise. Especially now.”

“I'm sorry?” Dalton gasped.

“What?” Dinae looked up at him. She was innocently fucking with both men at once, whether she realized it or not.
“He brings something different to the table.” She stated pragmatically.

Leam felt conflicted. “It means I'd be taking care of and supporting his kid, then, Dinae.”

“I guess so.” She shrugged
“I mean... I only really wanna do it if you're okay with it.”

“No.” He gritted his teeth, balling his hands into fists for being so weak.
“You wanna do it, but you wont if I ask you not to. There's no 'wanting to do something only if I'm okay with it.' You either are or you aren't.”

“Uh...” Dalton felt very caught in between.

Leam's face became bright red as he pointed. “Dalton! I'm begging you to cuck the shit out of me right now!  As bad as this sounds... Make her pregnant with her first child so I got to wait.”

“A-aren't you just forcing yourself now!?” Dalton asked, still incredibly hard and incredibly desperate to cum, somehow.

“No!” Leam announced.
“I genuinely want whatever Dinae wants, no matter what. That means if she asks for it I'll even beg on my knees for you to take her from me. As contradictory as this sounds, this is how we're going to work now. Humiliate me, fuck my girl, cuck me and steal her from me permanently, Dalton.” Leam gulped. He was asking so eagerly for something that was so awful. To his surprise, Dinae moaned and tightened, triggering Dalton to cum inside without being able to stop himself.

“He's filling me up...” She mewled, rubbing over her womb affectionately.
“So exciting.” Once she was done she climbed off of Dalton and walked happily over to Leam while she was still leaking down her thigh. She straddled his lap.
“Can you do me a favor, love?”

“Y-yeah.” Leam nodded.

“That man's superior semen is leaking. I need you to plug me up with your cock so I have a better shot getting pregnant from it.” She explained.

“Yeah, yeah!” Leam exhaled from his nose and plugged her with his average-size cock. She threw her head back and let out a giggling moan. He felt so strange. He was plugging up her cunt so the seed of his rival would definitely soak in and impregnate his girl with their first child. He had no interest in doing so, but he felt extremely interested in doing so the moment she asked. He hugged her to him, pushing his face into her breasts.

Dalton watched from where he was in the room. Their lovemaking was something else and the resolve of Leam was something that he could not match. As the guy desperately tried his hardest to plug his girls pussy with Dalton's cum to ensure the cucking actually went through, Dalton knew he lost. It was especially apparent from the love in Dinae's eyes. Dalton leaned back, let out a contented sigh and smiled.

`Damn... How do I win against a guy that'll literally do anything she asks, even if it's against all his interests as a man? This is too much.` He asked.
“You actually gonna raise my kid if she has it?”

“Yeah.” Leam asserted strongly, thrusting up into Dinae's sex. She was not close to cumming but somehow she seemed to be getting a lot more enjoyment out of joining with Leam. It did not feel better, but she liked it more. Dalton knew then that whatever would be between him and Dinae could only ever amount to sex.

“I'm barking up the wrong tree. You win.” Dalton admitted.

“I-I what?” Leam blinked. He felt close.

Dinae noticed and warned him. “Hey! Don't mix your weak sperm in there. I'm trying to have a strong baby for my first time.”

“S-sorry honey. I'll cum outside.” Leam actually pulled out and unloaded a few weak spurts over her stomach. She nodded, seeming relieved.

Dalton chuckled. “Yeah. You win. I'm gonna take my-”

“Don't you dare, you bastard!” Leam shouted.


“Don't think you're going to get away with NOT fucking my girl! She gets what she wants. Got it?” Dalton fled back a few steps as he heard that. He did not know that he could hear the words 'fuck my girl' spoken with such stable dominance as with the way Leam just spoke them.

“Yeah well what about what I want? I want love too, you know?”

Leam relaxed a little. “Ah... Sorry. I guess I got carried away. You're right, you deserve to have that, too.”

“Thanks.” Dalton closed his eyes and sighed.
“I think... I gotta find a new partner, probably. This is why they say not to mix work and pleasure.”


A few months passed after the 'Hannah and Paul' incident and surprising to almost everyone, Leam and Dinae were still going strong. Dinae was still practicing sex with exclusively Dalton and Leam, though Dalton was the buck that did most of the fucking. Meanwhile, Leam was feeling left out.
“What if I try to have sex with another girl?”

“You could.” Dinae shrugged, seeming fine with it.

“That girl... The uh, Charlise girl? I saw her looking at me. I think it was 'the' look.”

“Oh! She's cute.” Dinae complimented.
“I actually have Dalton coming back to run ram on me tonight so now's a good chance.”


“Yeah. You need me with you?”

“No...” Leam left to try and go meet up with Charlise. After roughly an hour he returned to see Dalton fucking her from behind. He turned to offer a wave, but otherwise barely acknowledged him. Leam sat down next to them as Dinae was bent over the kitchen table with her arms folded behind her back by Dalton's strong grip.

“Wh-what happened?” Dinae asked.
“How'd it go?”

Leam threw his head back. “Couldn't get hard at first... She tried to stroke me, suck me. We cuddled and laid naked. That finally worked and I started fucking her but it felt too... Normal. There was no dynamic. I didn't feel like she was gonna look at anyone but me. I didn't feel like she was gonna convince me to do anything that was overtly bad for me and my psyche. She was just so basic.” He lamented.

“In short she thinks I'm a complete invalid now.”

“Sounds like you are.” Dalton panted.
“You can't pull it out anyone but Dinae, obviously. You freak. Well, you can, but I guess you just don't see a point?”

“Maybe that's what it is. How's your girl doing, Dalton?”

“Viv? She's great. I'm nervous to let her meet you guys, though, because she's a bit...”

“A bit what?” They looked at him. The situation they were in was odd and awful and toxic, but it did not feel strange to them at all. They were completely absorbed in the dysfunctional nature of it all. Dalton even got the sense from what Leam just said that he had begun, or possibly always had craved it, even. Leam was someone who just always wanted to exist in an environment that was objectively bad for him. That is why he sat so casually and conversed while his wife was being fucked next to him, while she was carrying his child, and while the man that was stronger and better looking also had another girl he was fucking on the side.

Dalton shrugged, cumming inside Dinae. She gasped happily, thanking him with a kiss. “She's bossy.”

“Maybe it's good for you?” Dinae asked.
“I think she's whipping you into shape, because the moment you started having this mature attitude I started feeling wet again by just being in the same room as you.”

“Ah.” Dalton believed her. She demonstrated that minutes ago when he came to introduce his Aide only to have Dinae jump his bones. Viv was guided quickly into the other room awkwardly while the two fucked their hearts out.

“Wait... Is she here?” Leam looked up.

“Shit! I left her in the other room.”

“A-are you kidding me!?” A voice boomed from the now opened door into the sitting room.
“Dalton, seriously? You bring me here t-t-to introduce me to a friend only to push me to another room while you FUCK HER?”

The Elf stood slightly taller than Dinae, and about as toned. She had bronze skin and cherry red hair that was tied up in a loose bun. Her body had a pair of perky breasts and a plump butt with a slender waist and feminine hips. She wore the Garb of a Ranger. Green and white with some gold and brown where there was leather, of course.

“That's what I didn't get a chance to tell you about, Viv. Me, Dinae and Leam are all in a weird kind of 'relationship.'”

“Eh?” She looked like her mind was blown. Her tanned face became bright pink and her long Elven ears shuddered and turned red near the tips as well. She held her head in her hands, close to pulling her hair out. She had her eyes on Dalton for a while, to some extent. She didn't like bossing him around but she always felt like she could fix his odd personality. She was not sure she could fix this.

“Ehhh!?” She stepped back and turned around, chewing her thumb.

`It's okay. I can fix this. Right? I can-` She felt an odd pulling sensation in her heart. Her head was spinning, like dizziness but slightly different. She swayed slightly where she stood, glancing over her shoulder at the odd relationship. The setup felt like a black-hole of toxicity that threatened to swallow her whole.
`I... 'want' to fix this, right?` She felt hypnotized by the oddity of it. How messed up it would be if she got sucked into all that. The pulling in her heart grew stronger and she bit her plump bottom lip.

Innocently enough Leam asked. “Uh, would you like to have dinner with us, Viv?”

“Yeah!” She smiled, saying it automatically. Internally she was screaming.

`Why did you agree you idiot! You're definitely going to get sucked into this weird pace they're all at.` She adopted a fake smile. That fake smile then lead her to fake walk into the room and fake sit down at the table surrounded by Dinae, Leam and Dalton.

`Wait... Shit! None of that was fake, I'm actually just having dinner with them!`

“Are you interested?” Dalton asked.

`Say no to these freaks.` She knew it would be bad for her so the answer was obviously no. Her inner desire and heat had other ideas. She looked to Dalton, the big handsome brute, then Leam who had his gentleness and charm. Dinae was a beauty of the highest degree with dark hair and firm, plump breasts. She was even showing a little, which was an incredibly hot look.
`They're all really, really good.` She thought.

`But if I get sucked into this toxic relationship I'm fucked.` The moment after she had that thought a warped thought crossed her mind, along with a crooked, aroused smile to match it.

`I- I'm fucked.` She nodded to Dalton.
“Yeah, I'm interested.”



Jane Hexum

I'm surprised but I was rooting for Dinae to break her and steal her away from Leam.