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Chapter 22

Almos watched Ayla and Priest go. Chantelle had already left the moment she knew that he was there, so it was only those two leaving together at the last minute. Once they were out of sight he was free to act whatever he liked. Zero-One charged the way a beast typically would, making it too predictable. He got beneath it's reach as it swiped for him and brushed the sword smoothly across it's neck. For a normal beast it was a killing blow and it fooled Almos to see a seeping red line form like a collar around Zero-one's neck. No matter how much or how little strength he put into a blow, the nature of his sword was to cut. The Duke felt jarred as the Werewolf kept moving as though it's head was still attached cleanly; there was no reaction at all. It bore down at him with both of it's massive claws. Castezin got out of the way, brushing his sword to three points as he moved. Above the knee. At the wrist. At the shoulder. He arrived behind Zero one and raised his sword.

The Werewolf lead with the leg that should have been cut at the knee and swiped with the claw that should have been gone. The arm was fine overall and all those thin, clean line that had seeped blood were closing before Castezin's eyes. Almos stopped and scratched his head with his free hand. It was Soma. The skin was tough, but not as developed, while the inside was fully aligned. It was the only thing it could be. Werewolves had naturally developed Soma, but not to such an extent; Zero-One had the martial constitution of a Knight. The important parts, the muscle, the senses and the bones were too well-developed to cut through with his usual method. So he ran and outpaced it. It was only a threat to the extent that it could waste his time in order for him to have to kill it. He did not need to fight the beast, he could just ignore it..

Almos climbed the temple to the roof with a few quick leaps and dispatched two werewolves that attempted to flank him. He painted across their bodies and they simply fell apart like broken dolls. Not all of the creatures shared the same constitution. He traversed the length of the temple in an instant, bypassed the very obvious broken ceiling and found a pathway along the side. He came out behind Reus and Haron as Zero-One was returning through the front arch. Before they could turn to face him he activated his shape and darted towards the woman with moon-like silver eyes. He inhaled sharply as within a fraction of a second Haron levitated and turned, waving at him as if swatting a fly. Many tiny, flickering star-like Shapes left Haron's person and surrounded him in an instant. He intuitively thought to cut them in a pattern that created a way to advance towards her. They shot at him all at once as he cut at least twenty in front of him, enough to squeeze through before being turned into Swiss cheese. His eyes swiveled to Reus. If the wolf had also avoided his Shape it would be difficult. A smile crossed his lips.

Haron's eyes were on the wolf as well, but in annoyance. She lifted her hand. The same stars appeared to cling to and bind his sword. The metal sparked as if it was being welded or struck on an anvil. He had to back off. The stars spread out and began moving around the room. Every time a star moved it adjusted in a straight vector. No star ever curved, it would need to stop before changing direction. It told him a lot.
“Each of those is a separate Shape controlled individually. Is it the Cosmic Shape Suite?”

“Who knows? Goodness, I can't even remember how to use half these silly old Shapes.” She lamented casually.

“It's terrifying to imagine what you could do if you weren't suckling at Reus's Aura.”

She lifted her chin warily. “A compliment from the Duke? I must be dreaming. Though, if I were I could already be dead by now.”

“Why don't you try the method that worked for you last time?” He offered in jest.

“We have not actually confirmed whether killing you stops it but I will try that instead.” She said sarcastically, moving the stars around her hand into a hexagonal spiral towards him. She formed more around her own person like a cloak that then darted towards his person as well. Some were swiped away but most were dodged. The effect was that he could be kept at bay, at best. She grumbled to herself.
“Silly beast...”

Castezin smiled. “I wonder what pleasant dream he's having?” He asked knowingly.
“It may be so nice that he wont actually escape it for several minutes. He's ripping into my Knights as we speak. He may conquer the whole territory soon.” The Duke mocked.

Haron's mouth fell open. “You're kidding!” She moved a star subtly enough to clip him. As it made contact with his clothes it burnt the area, then dissipated after leaving only a small red mark on his skin. She rolled her eyes.
“Strong Aura.”

Almos felt at a disadvantage after that. He finally figured out something he did not wish to. The stars could burn a hole right through him if any single one got a good hit on him. He even had to consciously dissipate any hits with his Aura, otherwise the star that burnt through his clothes would have remained on his skin and burned through until there was nothing left but a cauterized hole; maybe less. If any got inside him, they could potentially be moved around from that vector. It was a terrifying prospect. Against a normal person, the complex Shape, layered over and over again, was a weapon of inhumane destruction. He shook his head. If one figure was to be free of his Shape, he wished it to be Reus. A Twelfth Ring, even at a fraction of their potency, is just far too strong. The most difficult person was meeting him, and also the second annoyance in Zero-One was charging towards him. It stupidly swiped through the stars that were surrounding him and got a hole burned through it's palm. When he noticed the stars withdrawing from around the Werewolf he used the thing by keeping himself uncomfortably close. It was easier to dodge than the stars.

Haron cursed. “Damn!” Her tone softened.
“Sweetie? I appreciate the help but please-” She inhaled deeply, lifting Zero-One and tossing him through the shattered ceiling as if he were thrown by a catapult. He howled on his way out like someone falling. Almos was almost amused by the surprised look on the werewolf's face. He made a few more attempts to reach her. If he got close, she wrapped the stars around herself like a cloak, becoming effectively unstoppable. She could then bind any part of him that she could catch and surround and it finally just felt lost; she could attack and defend perfectly without recourse. Almos made the call to leave the way he came, though he did not stray from the temple. He remained hidden nearby, content to wait and watch until night. After some time passed Reus finally awoke and threw a tantrum, which Castezin observed comfortably from afar.

Something did happen that almost stirred him, however. The moment the moon rose Reus let out a howl that strained even the Duke's ears. More werewolves did not actually affect his chances at all so he was not worried. After a few minutes he noticed Ayla moving rapidly towards the temple in a straight line. He sighed quietly. Her presence could help or hinder him quite a bit.

Chapter 23

“Child!” Reus barked.
“Come sit with Grandfather.”

Ayla looked at the wolf strangely, then around the room towards any of the assembled creatures. After a confused pause she returned her gaze to Reus motioned to herself. “Me?”

“Yes, You. Who else?”

Ayla nodded, reluctantly moving to his side at the head of the temple. It was not a command that she felt like she had to follow, but she suspected one would be forthcoming if she refused. There was no point in fighting such easy requests. Ayla sat down near him, a step below the pedestal. He shifted closer to fill the space between them, his big head resting down next to her. The way he spoke was different. It was not exactly speaking into her mind since she could hear it, yet his mouth also did not move normally like he was speaking. It was as if the sounds he wanted were being projected out into the air naturally. She identified it as Aura Speech.
“Why 'Grandfather?'” Ayla questioned.

“Because you are the child of my child. Therefore, you are my granddaughter. First of your kind, that I know of.” He sounded different from when he spoke to Haron. Softer and more affectionate. She never had anything like a grandfather, but she expected the wolf masquerading as one to still be far from the mark. Still, she decided to humor him.

“That thing over there is your son?” Ayla nodded towards Zero-One, the great, dark Werewolf. She assumed Hans was supposed to be the progenitor, but it felt like there was another one before him somehow.

“My son in the sense that he was created using an ancient method through imbibing aspects of my divine form into a human.” He paused to offer a sneer towards Haron.
“This was something done without my knowledge, however... I decided to approve retroactively. That woman can get some things right, as I can now see.” He looked to Ayla with his sharp red eyes as he spoke.
“Because you carry his blood, and he carries mine, that makes you my Granddaughter. Understand? No other human has this privilege.”

“I understand.” She nodded. Ayla did not need to approve to understand.

“What is your name, Granddaughter?”

“My name's Ayla.”

His ears perked like a dog that just heard a new sound. “Hm?” He moved again, his massive head even closer to her, basically beside her.
“That is a good, old name. A name that my Brother's people came up with.”

“Who are they?”

“The Selenites. The were the first to fall to this Empire's unquenchable greed. They had a great city that was built on the lake we were born to honor Mother Lun. Temples like this were also built all across the land. As you can see... They were not spared.”

“What do you expect people to do about monsters that attack them in the night?” Ayla asked incredulously.
“A temple to a 'God' that creates werewolves. No wonder it was destroyed.”

For the first time he growled at her, baring white fangs for just a second. “Watch it, child. You were educated by them, so I can forgive your error, but if it is said again I will have to correct it. These children of mine were made to battle Night while. That was always their purpose. Humans, before they became greedy, lived without expanding into our lands. They were happy and safe due to our protection. Your foolish kind saw us as 'monsters'  that were a part of Night for petty reasons. How can your kind expect so much out of us while also treating us with so little respect? Every animal you know of guards its territory and acts with impulse. Even you. But only humans and those creatures of the Night have intent to sow destruction.”

Ayla frowned. “Forgive me, but what were you protecting those humans from that was worse than the protection you provided? How many innocent people were simply 'lost in the woods?'”

“Night is an entity that moves where Sol does not. Everywhere Sol and Lun do not shine, Night thrives. From Night spawns Demons, Leeches and Horrors. My children are naturally capable of fighting these things, however your kind only pantomimes your battle against them.”

“Pantomimes? I know about Night and the things it spawns, but the Empire battles Night better than anyone. I've seen it pushed back. That is the entire premise of the founding of the Empire of Sol.”

“Huhuhu...” He chuckled.
“But Night flourishes in your lands. Demons and Leeches in particular are quite happy to feed off of your civilization. Your Empire casts deep shadows, even where the light seems to shine. How will you know that the ones you trust do not worship Demonic beings behind closed doors? How would you ever see that the thralls of a Leech are among you? These things hide most effectively among the places you Humans build, almost as if by design.” Ayla shifted uncomfortably.
“I see that you know it, Granddaughter. You can see that the Empire is corrupt. Somehow, even in your youth the truth of it is engraved on your soul.” He slid to begin circling her with his massive form. His big lupine head lifted and came close to her her ear.
“Why not join me? Call me Grandfather and aid me in returning this land to the way things were. You hate Night and you should realize that humans are the only reason it is so strong, and getting stronger.”

“Why ask?” Ayla leaned away.
“Do I have a choice?”

“You do. Your blood binds you to me. I command you, but I can not force you to fight earnestly for me.  Someone that does not serve willingly is ineffective and doomed. I would make use of you still... Just not to the same effect. If you were to join me wholeheartedly-”

“What do I get if I serve you?” She asked frankly.

“Greedy!” He snapped his jaws close to her ear.
“But fine... Your blood, that which belonged to me,  is already a gift, Granddaughter.”

“A gift I've never felt any reward from my whole life. Now you expect me to thank you for something that's only ever done me wrong?”

“Enough. Fine. Trust is important, yes. This gift of mine has been mostly dormant. Surely you have felt it's benefit at some point. However... I will awaken it in good faith and show you.”

“I don't want to become a werewolf.” She stated clearly.

“You wont. I also ask nothing in return. You will simply take it as a gift and be grateful.”

She shook her head and asserted clearly. “I don't want it.”

“You little-” He stopped himself.
“Fine! Why are you so stubborn? There are no strings attached to this. Do you take me for a human?”


“Call me Grandfather.”

She flushed a little at the command, but could not exactly say no. “Grandfather...  For the path that I'm on right now, if I accept your gift, you are still taking something from me. That thing is my commitment to never using your filthy blood.  It never should've been within me to begin with.”

He roared at her. Haron quickly pulled her back. “Now now... Goodness! Family gatherings always become so heated.” The woman fanned herself, pulling Ayla further and further away.

Reus snarled at Ayla before turning a few times on his pedestal and laying down. He muttered like a pouting child.

“The girl knows not what she says.”

Haron lead Ayla away and raised a bowl of some medicine in front of her. Haron stared at her very pointedly and said in no uncertain terms.
“If you drink this, it will make you immune to the Duke's Shape.”

Ayla stared back at Haron in confusion. “Immune to-”

Haron smiled and nodded. “Yes. His shape has the power to effectively make you useless in a fight against him. So, you should drink this if you want to have an effect in the fight that is to come.”

Ayla furrowed her brow. She took the bowl in her hands. After staring down into the liquid Ayla looked up again and whispered.
“You... Are not forcing me to drink this?” Haron's smile lengthened and the woman nodded coyly. Ayla felt like she understood perfectly. While Reus was watching them idly, Ayla lifted the bowl to her lips and pretended to drink while Haron stared at her closely.
“There. That should be fine, right?” She handed it back.

“Yes!” Haron subtly poured a bit down onto the ground in front of her, grinding the wet spot out in the dirt with her foot. She turned sharply and addressed Reus.
“All is prepared, oh Patron!”

“Good!” He rose up and searched around the room. He was looking, but Ayla could also guess that he was seeing with far more than his eyes. As much as she did not like the wolf, she guessed he was incredibly strong for being able effortlessly use Aura Speech so fluently.
“Still... There is nothing happening. Perhaps he gave up?”

“I find that unlikely, oh Patron. He is close.” Haron corrected politely.

He seemed to catch something and barked at Ayla. “Granddaughter! To my side.”

“Weren't you just about to bite my head off?” Ayla questioned, resting a hand on the hilt of her new sword. Being forced to fight for someone she did not like against someone she was sworn to protect felt like a good time to get some practice in.

`I can reduce my effectiveness by using a sword I'm not used to. That way I'll not be able to fight at full, even if I'm forced to.`

“The duty of children is to learn, while the duty of parents is to teach. I will teach you in time.” She walked to the great wolf's side, a little behind Haron. The woman was inspecting the various wards one last time from afar. She concentrated for a moment, closing her eyes. After a few seconds she opened them wide in a panic.
“What do you see?”

“Something happened to void the path the Waning Crescent set out earlier! Every route is closed.” That ever-cocky, jovial tone had disappeared. For the first time, Haron sounded worried

“What!?” Reus understood the implications and Ayla could guess. Based on Haron's description earlier, she had a list of steps ongoing to kill the Duke, and things had changed at some point.
“What changed?” The wolf voice the question that was on both their minds.

Haron stared up at the sky. A look of realization washed over her. “Oh.” Before she could turn, Ayla drew her sword. Despite her intent, being educated from the mistakes she made the first time meant that she held the sheath forward and away from her hip and gripped the handle from beneath. She pulled the sheath back as she drew the Shokujin sword. Without skipping a beat she wound her hand back behind her hip before swiftly and cruelly taking a step forward and drive the tip through Haron's back and out the front.
“Aaaugh!” A pained wail tapered off into a gurgle as blood pooled in her throat. Haron spat and coughed it up, sending it a few yards as she looked down at the blade in disbelief. Ayla drew her sword out of the woman, cutting even more on the way out in a rather heartless motion. Haron stumbled forward and fell.

“Child!?” Reus uttered in shock.

“She's not awake. She's dreaming.” Almos explained coldly, appearing before the wolf ten yards away. Reus eyed the wards, then narrowed his eyes on Almos. As he was paying attention to the Duke, Ayla hopped onto the pedestal and slashed at Reus. The Wolf darted to the side. One of the glowing wards on a pillar lit up as he got too close and shattered into many glowing hot shards like a pipe-bomb, peppering the god's side. He let out a pained howl.
“For some reason...” Almos drew his sword.
“All of these wards are set to activate when either of us crosses them. Haron expected the girl to escape when the time came, but... Instead she is carrying out her subconscious desires.”

“Sleepwalker...” He remarked in a low growl.
“That Witch's blood runs through you?” Reus did not leave time to answer and simply barked. As he did every single thing in front of him within the temple, and the temple itself vaporized within a cone in front of the wolf.  The Duke stood in the middle of it all without moving. Reus blinked as only some parts of the equipment Duke Castezin carried turned to dust. All of the symbols on his person shattered. The connectors to his black and silver plate armor and some of the cloth that wound around the pommel of his sword. Aside from those items Almost stood mostly unaffected. Both his clothing and sword remained, which shocked the creature to no end.
“Not created by man.” He noted.

“Spite of Man. Destruction of everything built by humans? But don't you know that human take everything we see?”

“Of course... You know it already, though?” Reus's scoffed. The furs on his ears and the back of his neck stood up. He bared his fangs.

Almos smiled. “It came to me in a dream.”

Ayla's mental state was that of a person that was sleeping. Within, her mind was in a blank state. Outside, she was awake and alert, but not there at all. She moved by instinct and desire. A sleepwalker would only do that which they wished to do. It acted to completely override any methods of direct control.

Ayla darted in to make another attack against Reus, only to be batted away by his tail easily, as if she were just a fly to him. She tumbled back into the undisturbed earth and grass where temple floor used to be. She stared up at the night sky, breathing steadily. As she sat up she looked for a target, but Reus and Castezin were already gone. She followed a trail of blood instead. At the end of it, Haron was still crawling away. The woman raised her hand.

“Ple... ease. Please. Ayla.” Haron begged, holding a hand to the wound on her chest. She had cleverly tied her robes at the mid-section to tighten around the wound but it was really all she could do and it was definitely not enough. Even an Aurar could bleed out. Haron closed her eyes as Ayla lifted her sword. There was no need for a heavy blow to end the woman. Suddenly, as she was about to finish Haron off Ayla turned and struck horizontally across the path that Zero-One was taking to attack her. She cracked her neck and darted after him to fill the space it tried to make for itself. She wound her sword over her left arm preemptively as she jumped towards him, then landed on her right foot, took another long step to land on her left and propelled her whole body and sword down towards his heel.

The Duke had not fought these types of werewolves before, but at a certain point in her future Ayla was fighting only them. She knew their weaknesses. Healing was a factor but some parts were unprotected and had far more importance to the body that could not simply be healed right away. She sliced above his right heel. The tendon snapped and rolled up painfully. Zero-One yowled and fell to one knee. She moved and kept herself lined up with the center of his spine. His movement was not as much of an issue with his tendon cut, so she was finally, comfortably faster and more mobile than him. Ayla set her eyes on a point between his shoulder blades and stabbed into the spine like a surgeon. His body tensed and he lost movement in his arms for a moment. Ayla wheeled around while spinning and sliced the left tendon above his heel for good measure. Once everything was set Ayla stood directly in front of the beast and pushed her thin curved sword down it's throat without hesitation. She gripped the handle with both hands as she turned her back and slashed forward. Zero-one fell in half at the neck as she walked back to Haron without looking back.

The woman had stopped crawling at a point. She laid back. Looking up into Ayla's eyes, they were blank. Even more glassy than a wolf's eyes. A true beast without moral guidance, though she wondered if it would be any different if Ayla was awake and still had the same opportunity. Haron could not help but laugh a little, even if it pained her.
“Without fail, all humans create their own demise.” She mused. As Ayla was poised to stab Haron a white mass of fur and muscle dove from the shadows of the woods. She cut it across the neck as it made it's attempt, cutting into a silver chain to dull the blow just enough to leave the albino werewolf undeterred. Hans pinned her, staring down at her with misty red eyes. Even as a beast he seemed to be sad and scared.

- Earlier -

As the Full Moon was soon at hand orders were given for the prison to vacate, but the doctor refused. Since there was a stated one-percent chance he had to observe in order to render aid in the event tat the transformation failed and poor Hans was left critical. He stood by with his medical bag, waiting and staring at his silver watch anxiously.
`It should be beginning soon.` He thought. As the hands on the face struck the correct time he heard stirring within the cell. It was not a great sign.

`Hans had been fed a near-lethal dose of tranquilizer in preparation for this moment. The fact that he's stirring at all shows that things are beginning to go wrong. But this is no longer the realm of known science. Anything that happens beyond this point is going to be unusual.` He blinked as Hans rolled out of bed in pain. The frail boy woke up screaming.
“Damn!” The Doctor saw his body beginning to contort. He had to consciously hold himself back from going inside.

“It's happening.” Miller observed sadly from the Doctors side. The man was like a second father to him, so it was natural that he would be with the Doc as he put himself at risk.
“We should get out of here.” Miller advised, patting the man's back.

“We have to see it through! What if this is simply a sign of his body fighting it? If there's a chance-”

Miller grabbed the Doctors arm. “Dammit! I promised Gretta nothing'd happen to you, Doc!” He pulled, but the man was holding firm.

“How thick are these bars?” The Doctor asked in a professorial tone.

Miller sighed and stopped pulling. He knew that tone. “Looks like three inches to me, Doc.” He cringed, hearing Hans's deafening screams in the background. The sounds of bones cracking threatened his sanity. He thought he could be sick if he stared, so he looked away but out of the corner of his eye he could still see skin stretching and bone and muscle bulging within.

“Three-inch steel with a pure silver coating. Silver is a weak metal, however to their kind it provides a functional three additional inches of reinforcement. This cell was not designed with escape in mind, Zachary. All of these measures are a result of adequate over-precaution. If this place was unable to hold a fully grown entity of his kind neither of us would even be here and he would have been killed on the spot. No chances were taken and no expenses were spared!” The Doctor ranted.

Miller scratched his head and offered a simple nod followed by a short word of submission. “'Kay...” He was not the man's match in terms of lecture and debate. Miller stood by sadly as Hans's body grew and transformed into a great, white being of fur and muscle. The Albino roared and growled in it's cell. Overall the transformation took less than a minute once the moon rose and occurred over the course of the Doctors berating lecture.

Once it was done the Doctor punched the wall hard. As he shook his fist he muttered in his native tongue.
“Sol, Damn it. Was it too much to ask for a miracle?”

“Satisfied?” Miller asked.

“No. But we should go regardless.” The Doctor turned to leave of his own accord. Before they passed the front of the cell Hans rushed forward and gripped the silver bars tightly. The Doctor stopped, staring with wide eyes.
“No burning... No hesitance.”

“What?” Miller stopped.

“Run!” The older man began waddling comically down the hall towards the gates.

“What!?” Miller caught a glimpse of the three inch steel being bent shallowly at first. It was pulled back, then pushed forward, then pulled back. Each time they were pushed and pulled they became more malleable. The bars finally bent and it was able to reach an arm through. Miller caught up, grabbed the Doctor and pulled him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.

“Ack! My back! You little-”

“Yeah yeah...” Milled sprinted towards the end of the hall as the sound of more bars bending filled the stone prison. Half way to the end there was another long, loud bending sound followed by a snap and a crash behind them. He gritted his teeth and used Soma to temporarily increase his pace. He had developed his bones, not his muscle, so it was exhausting and he would run out of Energy quickly.
“Dammit! Open the door and get Rast!” Miller shouted down the hall.

The Knight that opened the door saw Miller barreling down the hall, running from an albino beast galloping on all fours to gain on the trained Knight.
“Get ready to close it soon as we're through!” Miller barked. As Hans was on his heels he skidded through, slamming against the opposite bars hard from going so fast without control or proper balance.

The Knight in charge of the door had placed himself behind it upon the order and expended a burst of Energy to slam it shut the moment Miller was through. A millisecond of difference and the door would have burst open but the satisfying clunk of a solid locking mechanism rolling into place sounded as a sickening bending sound accompanied a deep dent in the thick metal door and it's frame.
“Solid steel...” He uttered in disbelieve.
“Three inches of solid steel!” The Knight on guard added in a maddened tone while gripping his head.  It began to cave in as blows rained against it.

“Open this shit!” Miller panted. The Knight stationed on the other side had fumbled with the keys as Miller slid but he still managed to open it a second after he shouted. As Miller with the Doc and the other Knight all rushed through he slammed the second gate hard as the steel door was pushed in one last time to the point of buckling, then ejected into the connecting room against the bars. The werewolf forced it's way through the opening but the men were already rushing up the stone stairs towards the exit. The unnerving sounds of failing bars echoed up the stairs after them, mixed with grunts and deep roars. As they neared the top Miller heard thick footfalls behind them. Primal anxiety gripped all of them. Each human being had the feeling of inexplicable fear of something chasing up behind them as they ascended a dark stairwell. They were actually experiencing it.

“Dammit, dammit, dammit!” Miller repeated. They reached the end but he knew it was right behind them. Nothing else was on his mind except to protect and defend those who were with him. He threw the Doctor far, far away from the entrance and turned while drawing his battle-sword. He was ready to die just to buy a little time if he had to. The other Knights rushed past as he wheeled around, planning to draw and slash down in one motion since there was no time to draw and prepare a steadier stance. As he turned completely, he was shocked to see the back of a man he knew pretty well in legend. Miller's muscles gave out immediately.
“Captain!” He wheezed.

Without looking back, sword in hand, Rast spoke with a half-smile. “Well done.” He gave a short nod as the two that escaped with Miller dragged him back.

Rast cocked his head to one side, waiting with blade readied across his chest diagonally in a defensive stance.. With Miller and everyone else a safe distance back he allowed himself a few strategic steps back as the entrance began to freeze over. A cool, harsh wind blew down the tunnel. The focusing of air and cold would freeze or push back any normal being that touched it within that cold, dark tunnel. However, as he expected the creature that had burst out from the secure prison like it was nothing also had no issue ascending the rest of the way against the wind. It even dove out with momentum. The old man nodded to himself. He hopped back from Hans's swipe. He hid his intent within his Aura and continued retreating in order to lure the beast in.

Blood-thirst and instinct was all they knew, according to common knowledge. A werewolf was a beast above beasts in strength and it far exceeded humans, however Humans had always sat bellow most beasts on the totem pole when considering just their innate power within their bodies. The thing that set human beings above beasts was ingenuity. The thing that set a beast behind was predictability. The fact that they operated on rule-like instincts and barely deviated from them made them, in reality, weaker than a even a weak human who was the least bit prepared. For that reason, Rast felt confident while luring the new Werewolf into his trap. He was shocked when the Albino took a step forward, then stopped and jumped back ten paces, lowing himself to the ground to sniff the air and search around with his fur standing on end.
“Hoh...” Rast breathed. He was standing on the edge of prepared ground. Ice had formed beneath the earth and was ready to spring and shoot towards a central point from all angles like a bear-trap. He adopted a grave expression with narrowed eyes and down-turned lips.
`Someone with less experience would call it fear. But I don't see fear. Beasts know fear and that too is a predictable instinct. That instinct would've lead it naturally into my second trap that I prepped just in case.` Behind Hans the tunnel had turned in seconds into a tomb. The moment he retreated into the dark safety of the tunnel he would slide to the bottom and there would be no way back up. Rast exhaled cold, white breath like smoke, tightening the grip on his sword in preparation for a hard fight.

`That... Is caution. Caution and fear can be brothers, but one is far superior to the other. Fear is a facet of peril while caution is one aspect of strategy. A werewolf with strategic instincts can't be allowed to live.` Rast took in a deep breath and shouted.
“Prepare to lay down your lives! This thing can't-”

Before he could even finish shouting Hans looked to his left, then his right, then back. He found an opening and hopped back to cling to the mountainside above the prison entrance, then out far past the formation of Knights and soldiers. It jumped again onto a structure, then again over the walls. Bearing North-West.

Rast cursed. “What a mess!”

“Should we try and catch it?” Miller asked. He had been given enough time to recover to the point that he could stand and speak normally.

“Catch that? How? We lost our chance.” He shook his head and threw his helm down angrily.

Chapter 24

Hans licked Ayla's face once; a long lick from chin to forehead that triggered her to sputter and spit as she blinked awake. “Ah!” She yelped in shock at the face staring down at her and struggled underneath the great white creature, but she was effectively pinned. It bent down and sniffed her, defying any expectation that she was about to die unceremoniously. Ayla looked around in a panic, because the scenery had changed, on top of everything else. She was not in the temple but outside and... Some of the temple was gone.
“What the hell happened!?” She struggled, unable to pull her arm out from under Han's heavy hand.

“Ugh...” She stared at him, feeling saddened over the fact that everything she had done was useless. If she could not change one small aspect of the past, how could she change anything? He whined as she showed a distressed expression and let her arm out.

In that moment she felt a presence appear behind her. She tilted her head back and saw Reus limping on three legs with one bleeding eye. Fur on his side was matted by even more blood. As he hobbled close, Hans leaned over her, bearing fangs and growling. Ralos coughed.
“Interesting... Relax, child. I mean this one no harm.” He collapsed a foot from Ayla, turned his head and vomited forth a grisly amount of blood.
“Ahhh.” He groaned.
“I am dying. That person is worse than a  monster. You can not trust him, Granddaughter.”

Ayla sneered. “You're the one I don't trust.” She turned cautiously, paying careful mind to Hans. She reluctantly turned her back on him and got to her knees to stare at Reus in his dying state. She felt zero sympathy for the old wolf. She was even a little relieved.

“There is not much time.” He rasped, using most of his remaining strength to lift his big head.
“Accept my inheritance.”

“No.” She answered simply.

“Gah! Dammit, girl, the children will all die to humans! These forests will be wiped out in time. All of this world will be covered in tilled earth and stone.” He explained desperately.

Ayla scoffed. “Good riddance. I want your kind to die out. Maybe then humanity wont need to fear the woods.”

He let out a laugh before choking into a coughing fit. “Hhn... Oh Brother. Is this how you felt?” He asked the air.

Ayla stared at the wolf coldly. “Just die, 'Grandfather.'”

“Allow this old wolf one last trick.” He tilted his head back and howled, sending out another quake that shook the trees. With that he fell onto his side, struggling to breath. That howl had been his last.

“What was that?” Ayla pulled her sword and for some reason thought it effective to point it at the already dying wolf.

He stared up at her with fading eyes. “They... are going... to your land. Many will die.” His lips pulled back into a devilish grin.
“Unless you call... them back with... my... inheritance.”

Ayl held her head in her free hand. “No... No! You old bastard!” She wanted to strangle the life out of him. Given the time they had, the pack of werewolves could arrive at Castezin before the moon fell, making them a terror. Thoughts of Ryan in his injured state, Gretta and Elly. Miller, who would undoubtedly die for any one person in the town if he was given a need to. All of the soldiers. The first to die should an event like a pack raid occur.. Her shoulders slumped in defeat.
“Fine. I'll take it. What do I do?”

“Touch... my face.” He wheezed. Ayla nodded and touched his face. The fur was soft and thick at his cheek. She pressed her hand into it as he asked.
“Kiss my forehead and say 'Goodbye' Grandfather.'”

She kissed his forehead and as she leaned back, offered reluctantly. “Goodbye, Grandfather. What now?”

“Heh... You already had it the moment you agreed. That was just for me.”

“You-” She watched him fade.
“Ugh.” Ayla shook her head. She stared up at the moon. He didn't tell her what to do, but she felt it. She took a deep breath and shouted.
“Come back!” Her heart thumped as the Aura emptied from her vessel. She clutched her chest and gasped. They were coming back, but to what end. Ayla realized they would probably run into the Knights. Then what? There was a pack waiting out in the middle of nowhere to be triggered again?
“No... It's not enough.” She looked up again.
“Avoid humans!” She cried out desperately. Both commands sent out a resonance. The last one she made forced something to shift inside of her from her very soul. Ayla fell forward unconscious. Hans jumped over her again, crying and whimpering as he fretted over her form.

To the side, moonlight began to descend and coalesce a few yards away. From the feet up a figure in white robes walked forward before he fully materialized. It was as if his body was being born out of the light itself. He finally appeared in full form with long white hair, pitch black eyes and red pupils within. His loose clothing and flowing hair floated about as if not held by worldly logic. Hans lifted his head to stare at the man but oddly felt no need to protect against him. He was comforted, but also overwhelmed and fearful. He lowered his lupine head out of instinctive reverence.

“Do not bow.” The figure made a lifting motion with his hand. Hans rose up and watched as the figure approached the body of Reus and knelt down. He stroked the wolf with a gentle, sad smile.
“Not in the way nor the time that I wish, but you did eventually understand me.” He spoke into the air.
“Rest with Mother, now.” He closed his eyes and bid the body of Reus to slowly disappear into the same light that the pale figure's body had formed from. Once Reus was gone the man turned to Hans and Ayla, looking down to inspect her briefly. The stare he gave saw through more than appearance. It seemed to see through everything.
“She is not in danger.” The werewolf cocked his head to one side. The figure smiled.
“Apologies.” He waved a hand and Hans's body froze, but his old form appeared naked beside the figure. He covered himself awkwardly. Then, he felt the ridiculousness of worrying about that and fell to his knees covering his eyes as he began to weep.
“What- Hic... What's going to happen? Why did this happen?”

“Eventually... you will lose yourself and not even I will be able to materialize this image of you.” He paused, walking over to the broken necklace with the ring symbol of Sol and the inscription. He floated it up into his hand.
“Is what I would say.” The man turned.
“But you are unique. My Brother's blood, but your soul remains more human than beast long after it should have already gone.”

Hans felt bad for crying while Ayla was in such a state. He sniffled. “Is she okay?”

“She used more Aura than she had stored. This means that she utilized her life itself to grant the desired effect. However, it was not enough. A drop in the ocean compared to what she has already sacrificed.”

Hans stared at the necklace as the man turned it over in his hand and read the inscription with a growing smile.
“Is it my fault? If she had that she could-”

“Not at all. This is a mere trinket that offered her no protection. It was her intent in giving it to you, and your gratitude that made it such an important item. Fates and intents wove together to forge something magnificent.” He looked up as Almos Castezin stepped within a few yards, as if appearing out of thin air.

“You.” The Duke narrowed his eyes.

“Me.” The man closed his eyes and nodded. The Duke froze, his mouth falling open while his pupils dilated as if asleep while standing.

“The Duke!” Hans gasped.
“No, what did you do!?”

“Nothing he did not intend to do to you and I. I merely reflected his own shape with the same parameters back at him.”

Hans did not understand the lingo, but it felt significant. He gulped, wiping his tears. He no longer wanted to cry. He still felt like it, but he began to understand that there was no actual use in it. Nothing would change.
“Who are you?”

“My name is Raulus. My brother was the being that just died.”

“I'm sorry...”

“Thank you for your sympathy, but it had to come to pass for a new age to finally be born. A new world will come and regardless of how we fight it or slow it, old things will always fade and new things will take their place. Even I will disappear and leave behind nothing, with no one to offer my teachings to.” He centered his gaze on Hans.

Hans felt like he understood something lining Raulus's words and gaze. He motioned towards himself. “Teach me. Please.”

“There is a world where you come with me, and you never see her again. You may be able to stay with this one and have the feeling of being yourself. You will likely become a simple animal, but she is the sole person other than me that will allow you to live without hurting others, as you desire.” He touched the bottom of his chin in thought.
“She may also just try and kill you.”

“I- I wanna to stay. But... I don't wanna be a burden. I also want that chance. If I go with you, can I stay closer to my human self than-” He cringed, looking over at his other form.
“Than that?”

“We will not know. It may be useless. You could simply be forgoing happiness.”

“But there's a chance.” Hans asserted. Raulus looked at him with a perfect poker face, not answering.
“There is a chance!”

The man finally broke and smiled. “If you say there is.”

“I'll go with you. But... promise nothing will happen to her after I leave.”

Raulus nodded solemnly, looking from Ayla to Almos. “For her sensibilities, she is in good company. She will be fine.”

“Alright. I'll be ready, just give me a moment.” As Hans knelt down, Raulus moved to the side of the albino werewolf. Han carefully turned her onto her back and took her hand. It felt cold so he tried breath on it to warm it, but in the state he was in no air came out. He shook his head at the silliness.
“You maybe wont hear or remember these words but thank you, really. Even after I- I 'changed' you were the only thing I could think about. When I felt your symbol around my neck I didn't feel pain... It was just warmth and that feeling brought me here. Not any command. You shouldn't think that you failed to protect me, because not only did you do your best, but everything I can do now is because of you. I 'd have nothing without you.” He exhaled shakily.
“Thanks, Ayla.” Hans stood up and wiped his eyes one last time.
“I'm ready.” With that his spirit returned to his body. Raulos looked at him and outstretched his hand with the silver symbol resting in the reservoir of his palm. Hans outstretched his own large hand, took it and clutched it to his chest like a treasure. He followed Raulus into the night, never letting go of that object or even letting it feel loose against his chest.

- Elsewhere -

A hooded figure knelt down in the dark next to the unconscious body of Haron. “Silver eyes, he said.” The male voice spoke while turning her face side to side.
“Black hair. Silver eyes. A looker, but not young...”

“Wasn't she supposed to be a Knight, though?” Another hooded figure asked.
“We weren't even supposed to do anything. Just observe...” He complained.

“No one else is here... If we go back and report that she is dead how stupid would we look?”

“Maybe he'd be glad.” He didn't say why we're doing this.

“No no... I know what he's like when he wants someone dead and it's not like that.” The man smiled.
“You taking the fall if we head back empty handed?”

“Nah.” The man knelt down and made a seat with his hands. The other man loaded Haron onto his back. They bolted off at an incredible pace.



Jane Hexum

i love how she fights like a surgeon dissecting a corpse

Tanya Wormald

One of the ideas for the character of Ayla that I start to decide on was "I kind of want people to feel like this character could be a serial killer."