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“Oh no!” Sam screamed effeminately. The first thing he did when he got back was get undressed.
“I'm ruined...” He frowned deeply, soft cheeks flushing as his dainty hands encircled two soft, small mounds on his chest. Bitterly he had to admit it.
“I got tricked again.” He nervously grabbed between his legs and took a handful.
“It's small...” Sam put his clothes back on hurriedly, new body stretching the limits of the short shorts and the top he was wearing. He left his room and went to search for his slaves. He exited out into the hall and walked forward while concentrating on finding them. He stopped in front of one door and opened it, stepping inside. He saw Kara and Raithe and Fin sitting around a table comfortably with Suzy. She turned first to look at him, her eyes widening.

“Oh my!”

“Shut up!” He preempted, walking forward.

Kara and Raithe hid smiles as they stood up at attention and lowered their heads in his presence. “Hello Master.” The twin maids said as one.

The Hero did not have the same sense. Her jaw dropped and she simply smiled happily and commented.

“Don't say it.” Sam gritted his teeth.

“Cute!” She shivered, standing up to meet him.

“Like me.” The Hero added insult to injury, eyeing him head to toe.

“Oh yeah? Like you, huh? How about I show you why that's not the case.”

Fin gulped. “Uhm...”

“Come here, you twink!” Sam pulled Fin towards her and hugged her from behind, squeezing her breasts.
“To begin with... There's no way this body was ever male. Is that the same as me, at all?” He questioned. Fin moaned as Sam's hand went between her legs and felt the small bulge. He blushed. It was still smaller, just... Not as much as he would like to make his point. They were closer in size than ever. He let her go.
“This is ridiculous.” Sam gripped his head, running his fingers through his short, smooth hair.

“I could not agree more, my dear.” Serius's voice came from behind him.

“D-daddy?” he covered his mouth as he realized what he had just said.
“I mean... Dad?”

“Oh please. The first one earns you a lot more good will, darling, believe me.” The Raccoon winked. He waved his big hand dismissively.
“Anyway... This is a bit silly. You're completely lost, you let that Orc put you in such a state. It isn't inaccurate to say you failed in all the parameters and you're still refusing even to take the obvious way out. This isn't the behavior of a mature and educated man, but a spoiled girl.”

“I- I just suffered a setback!” Sam argued.

“Indeed, and if I keep letting you suffer setbacks I'll no longer be able to save face in my own circus.”

“Look, just change me back and-”

A sly smirk crossed the man's lips. “Back to what?”

“Back to...” He held his head in his hands and strained to think.
“To... what did I look like? Girls!”

They looked up in thought. “Uhm... Has master always looked like this?” They questioned. He could see the uncertainty in their faces. It was not deception but genuine confusion.”

Sam turned back. “That's not fair, Dad... I- I know you did something. You- you changed me somehow. I just... I just can't remember.”

Serius sighed. “I can give you another chance. I'll make you the older sister again.”

“But Daddy... She's cute like this.” Suzy complained.

“Shush.” Serius sighed, fanning himself.

Something did not feel right. Sam felt confused and extremely gaslit by the exchange. On one hand Sam felt like he was being done a favor. On the other hand... Something was definitely wrong. Still, it was another chance that was better than nothing.
“Fine... Put me back the way I was.”

“Of course, darling.” Serius chuckled giddily.

Sam suddenly felt a shifting inside as he grew in height. He felt his hips widen and his body shape and tone towards a certain ideal. His chest swelled with his rear. Along with the myriad of changes the most drastic was the most subdued as... Very quickly and without much fanfare Sam became a woman between her legs to match the rest of her body. Much like with everything, she touched between her thighs subconsciously during the change and felt something was wrong, but could not quite place it. She groaned.
“Ugh... Father.” She complained in a low, but still feminine tone.
“Does it have to be so jarring?”

“Oh my...” Serius lifted a brow.
“Is that a word of complaint, darling?”

“Not at all, Daddy.” She smiled and said sarcastically with a saccharine sweet tone.

“Noooo! I'm the youngest again.” Suzy lamented.

“Oh get over it.” Sam waved her slender, clawed hand dismissively. She was taller than her father and had an elegant look about her. She stood with her hip slightly cocked, arms crossed under her heavy chest. Her black and white stripe hair flowed around her shoulders, in gentle, shallow wave-shaped locks. Though her clothes had been destroyed by the growth and alterations made to her body, a new robe set was wrapped tightly around her erotic form. Thin fabric over most of her body with a more comfortable layer over it. Her tail swayed behind her while her ears stood straight up. All in all, she had become a mature, feminine version of the man she was, though she had no way of knowing it. She spoke while inspecting her nails.
“Everything is back to...” She felt sick to say it.

“What's wrong, darling?” Serius said with a knowing grin.

“I- Nothing, Daddy.” She furrowed her brow.
“I was just thinking about what to do with the Orc.”

“Well... If you go back to him he's probably going to overwhelm your psyche and it will reflect badly on me. As I said from the start, the best course is to simply offer up the Hero and be done with it.

“My pride wont allow it. She's mine, Daddy.” Sam complained.

Serius looked distraught. “Isn't it enough that you have Coda's two brats waiting on you hand and foot?”

Her cheeks flushed lightly. “A little. It's... A little comforting. But I earned this Hero myself, with no help. It was hard and now I just have to let her go?” She stomped her foot, heel digging into the tile.
“It's not fair!”

“I know, I know. Come here.” Serius opened his arms. Sam stepped into them and hugged her father as he hugged her and rubbed her back.
“It's frustrating, but some things can't be helped. You are my child. My eldest. You need to start learning the right lessons if you want any chance of taking over for me when I am gone.”

“Taking- You don't mean...”

Serius nodded. “Of course it's you. It's always been you. What is a Hero? You have so much more waiting for you right here if you just... Give in.” Serius let go of her and she stepped back.

She swayed a bit, feeling dizzy. “Give... In?”

“Let go.” Serius added. The dreamy words practically floated into her brain and enticed her. Then they triggered her.

Sam held her stomach. “I feel weird.” Her memory was not altered, it was just different. She remembered masquerading as the ugly son of an Orran Patrician and everything else after that. It was all the same, just tilted differently. Still, she felt the same sickness as if she was suddenly overwrought with anxious feelings of loss and failure.
“Something's wrong...”

“Hoh...” Serius smiled.
“Stronger than I thought. It seems you need to be allowed to experience total loss before your mind can accept all of this.” He mused.

“What? What're you talking about?”

He shrugged. “I think you should definitely try try pull one over on that Orc one more time. You are my eldest daughter. You should not have any trouble.” He commented half-heartedly.
“But, if you fail, you have to promise to leave all of those confusing thoughts behind you. Agreed?”

“F-fine. Whatever. I don't understand it, anyway.” She agreed.
“I'll kick that Orc out myself!”

“Uh huh.” Serius chuckled.


“That old bastard!” She shouted, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Got a headache coming on. Raithe? Kara/” As soon as Sam sat she felt the twins on either side of her. “You.” She pointed to Raithe.
“My shoulders. Kara, work on my feet.” She kicked off her heels and sat back as the two massaged her at either end.

“What do you want me to do?” The Hero asked.  

“Ah, you showed up as well.” She exhaled from her nose sharply. The list of things she could do with women decreased somewhat.
“Just come her.” Sam patted her lap. Fin straddled it and leaned down, kissing her Master on the lips. Sam slipped her a bit of tongue. She let out a little giggle, feeling around the Hero's body. As her hands circled Fin's perky breasts that same feeling washed over her. Dizziness and confusion.
“Why does this feel strange and... Incomplete?” She wondered out loud, spreading her legs.
“Get down... You know what to do?” Fin nodded. Kara got out of the way while Raithe continued to massage her shoulders. She closed her eyes as the hero licked around her cute, shaved pussy. She let out a small moan, covering her mouth with a hand. After another minute of that she opened her eyes and sighed.
“Alright, alright. Something is missing. This- This just feels so unsatisfying. What could it be?”

“Is it a cock, Mistress?” Kara asked in a chipper tone.

“Y... es. Yes it must be?” It felt right, but for all the wrong reasons. She knew it must be a cock she was missing, but had no way of being ungaslit into realizing she was missing her own. A smile crossed her lips.
“How nice a cock would be.” She could practically feel it already. Sam stood up.
“It's time to go visit the Orc.”

“Is that a good idea, Master?” Fin asked.

“Of course. I already have another plan.”

“What are you going to do?” Raithe began trying to work on Sam's hair since she was about to go out.

“We've been trying to kick him out. He's only a problem because he refuses to participate. If we can trick him into participating, we can overwhelm him with resources.” The concept was simple. Lure Malik into an exchange of coins that would draw him into the system of the Circus. From that point on, he would be affected by the places Aura just like everyone else that was trapped.

“Once we can get him to use coins he'll get addicted to spending them.”

“That's quite smart, Mistress.” Kara gushed.

She laughed. “Of course, dear. I'm Samara, the smartest of my Father's children.” She lifted her chin haughtily.
“I just need to focus on not being manipulated, but I could never be manipulated so easily.”

“Of course not!”

Sam walked out into the hall, only to get ambushed by Suzy. The little sister wrapped her arms around Sam's waist.
“Don't do it! You're gonna get messed up, sis!”

“What are you talking about?”

“That Malik guy is really strong against women. It's why no one's had any luck. Dad doesn't care if you win or lose, because you'll belong here in the end no matter what happens. Just give up there Hero...”

Sam scoffed. “You just said there was basically no risk for me.”

“The risk is disappointing Dad. Also, on my end I don't wanna hear you gush over Orc cock for the next couple decades after you get obsessed.

“I'm not going to get obsessed! What kind of g-” She blinked, having another weird moment before she could say it. Sam shook it off.
“G-girl do you think I am?”

“I mean... At the end of the day you're just a woman. You're gonna go weak at the knees for a big brute just like the next gal. But he's a smart, big brute so it's a nasty combo.”

“Oh stop. You're overreacting.” Sam left through the doorway into the Circus grounds near the Orc camp. She strutted in, eyeing the servants as she passed through.

`If all these people turn into customers, it'll be just as good as forcing him to leave.` Sam decided as she stood before Sam.

“Look at you.” He lifted a brow.
“First a handsome young man, then a little twink and now you're a milfy older woman? If I mate with you will I keep getting a different lay every night?”

She blushed. “Who knows? I got a proposal for you.”

“You're plan to make me and my people customers wont work. Already been tried. Next.” He made a rolling motion with his hand.
“Also, you don't care at all that you got turned into a Beastfolk woman?”

“Turned? I've always been a Tanuki woman.” She corrected

“Hah. He did a number on you. I gotta admire the man's work. I expect nothing less from a Demi-God.”

“If he's so powerful and you know everything, why would he leave your memory in tact? What's so special about you? Wouldn't you also be tricked into thinking I was always a woman if it was the case? No, you're obviously just trying to sew division.”

“Two things. I'm not someone that participates in this place the normal way so he got no sway. Second, I'm actually very special, so yeah, I would know regardless. You came to me originally as a big, cocky, ugly bastard and now you're a pretty woman. I didn't even have to do anything.”

“Pretty?” She blushed before shaking it off and clearing her throat.
“Ha! I'm surprised you didn't pick up that it was a trick all along. We're shapeshifters so of course I could come to you in that form. It was a disguise, stupid.” Sam said smugly. In her brain it was the truth and how everything fell so perfectly into place. She was a 'shapeshifter.' That's how she lived a whole life as an ugly bastard. It all made sense.”

“Sorry. You're right. I'm stupid.” He patted the spot next to him.
“Come have a seat and drink with me while you try to think up another plan.”

“Kay.” She plopped down beside him. His arm draped over her, pulling her into his side affectionately as servants brought them each a drink. A brown liquid in a short, clear glass.
“If this is spiked you'll have hell to pay.”

“Obviously.” He drank his in one gulp then let out a satisfied exhale. Sam nursed hers as she stared tentatively at his Orcish member bulging through his pants.
“I can tell you wanna go a round or two. See it in your eyes.”

“No you don't!” She blushed deeply.
“Liar!” Malik smirked. He was lying. He could not see it in her eyes but within her meta-info. It was so easy.


“More!” She gasped, shaking her ass. It was raised and her tail was falling forward to drape over her head to freely present her already gaping pussy and sore asshole. It was the third round already and she could not get enough of the sensation. Sam knew that it should not be her first time, but the sense she got was that she would have to remember if she had ever had a cock before. The way it plunged inside of her, filled her to her limit and stretched her out inside before pulling out and dragging along those tight, sensitive walls. Each thrust built into a greater and greater pleasure until it finally overflowed and if Malik had managed to hold back, which he always did, he would just keep thrusting and rolling that pleasant ecstasy into yet another orgasm. She was in love. Sam practically had little pink hearts for eyes and they must have been floating from her head and popping desperately as she wagged her ass for him.

“Heh. Why not.” He grabbed her thick hips and pushed in unceremoniously. Her back arched and her chest fell, tits pressed against the carpeting. She was rolled around on them like exercise balls as he rammed her.
“But I'm doing this one for me, got it? No more fun just for you.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

Malik smirked. “Greedy bimbo.”

“Who're you calling a bimbo, you dumb Orc bastard!?” She shouted back at him. He smirked, pushing into her hard as he slapped her ass. Malik then pulled all the way out, leaving her empty with her tail and ass wagging in front of him.
“I-I'm a bimbo!” She admitted. He nodded in approval and slammed back into her, hilting with one thrust. He gave a few more, then threw his head back and came inside her.

“You're definitely gonna have an Orc kid. Lemme know how he turns out.” Malik laughed.

“Cheeky sonova...” She muttered face down. He was still inside her, so it was still a little hard to think.

“What was that?” As he kept emptying his balls he leaned down and curled an around around her slender neck. Her eyes rolled up as she was pulled back upright. She gritted her teeth as oxygen became more scarce.

“S-sorry... Ah!” She screamed out in pleasure as his cock popped free, flicking her clit on the way out. She shuddered and came one last time.

“Damn. Wish I could keep you.” He lamented.

Sam turned her head. “Why can't you?”

“Your Dad wont let me. Definitely wants to keep you here.”

A smile curled across her lips. “Why don't you stay here, instead. I'll treat you well.” She still basically had hearts for eyes. A subtle, rapt and hypnotized expression was maintained consistently by her as she spoke to him after the sex.

“No offense, but I got better things to do. I'm only here because I don't got what I need to do them. Yet.”

“Hm.” She pouted.
