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You casually return to camp after being missing for days and lay down on your bedroll. As you do, Shadowheart sits up and screams at you in a disheartened tone.
“You! We thought you were dead! Were you going to say anything or just come back and go to bed? Do you have any sense in that head... Actually, I'm sorry for asking. You literally have holes in your brain. Are you compromised? What happened? Are you alright?”

“I'm great.” You smile gently, turning over onto your side.

Everyone else begins to stir. Karlach rubs her eyes before they stare at you in shock. “Holy shit!”

“What happened?” Asterion inquires.

“Enslaved for a couple days. Formed a bond. Ultimately it didn't work out and we had to separate-”

“How wholesome...” Asterion mutters.

“-her head from her body.” You finished talking.

“So you honey potted one of the cult leaders and now their dead without us having to lift a finger?” Asterion lifts a brow towards the rest of the part.
“I don't mind this.”

Shadowheart grits her teeth. “I'm annoyed that you left without saying anything. It was for so long we almost moved on.”

You look around at the chamber. It was a forgotten portion of the fortress with markings of Selune. You are surprised Shadowheart could tolerate it. As you are pondering what to say, Asterion leans down and rests a hand on your should.
“Darling, it's time for your nightly donation.”

“Nightly?” You smile.

“I was thinking you would enjoy it if you didn't have a say in the matter.” There was an amused twinkle in his eyes.
“What do you think?”

“I like.” You stand up.
“Uhm... Me and Asterion have something to talk about.”

“Oh he's going to suck your blood, is he?” Karlach commented.

“I'm surprised her blood isn't poisonous.” Shadowheart lays down and returns to sleep.
“Oh, hold on... Does everyone know?”

Karlach nods. “He burned himself trying to take a bite outta me. Can't say I feel sorry for the little tick.” She offers in a rare, bitter tone.

“Hmm.” You shrug.
“Alright, let's go,”

He takes you into a private corner. You tilt your head to one side and wait. “No foreplay? Right to the action?” He asks.

“Why not? Getting drained to the point that I'm tired and a bit weak is fun.”

He slides close, cocking his head to one side. “Don't tell me you've never once though of being 'more.'”


“If I ever stop being a spawn, we could quite the life together. Forever. You with your... Questionable desires and me with my very subtle bearing on life.”

“Are you trying to seduce me into becoming your immortal thrall?”

He steps back and looks up with a dower expression. “Well when you say it like that-”

You bite your lip. “Because that is the hottest offer anyone's made to me so far,” You fan yourself and close the distance, kissing him.
“You want to make me your little spawn, do you? What kind of Master would you be, hmm?”

He seems surprised, and a bit exhilarated but oddly enough he also feels very, very subtly scared and off-put by your advances. He smacks his lips, mouth opening to show his fangs.
“I would be... Quite a tyrant.”

“Would you?”You feel it not to be true.

“Not really.” He admits, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I think that I would... Be kind. Try to be, anyway.” He stares at you in thought, deciding upon his next words.
“Truthfully, my only act of tyranny may just be to see to it that you can never get away from me...”

You are disappointed by how tame it is, but feel a newfound sense of lust from his unusual pouring of emotion.
“You're a bit soft, huh?”

“I am NOT soft.” He furrows his brow.
“You want me to mistreat you? I know what that's like. I have ways of torture that will have even your warped mind begging me to stop. How's that?” He taunts.

You look at him seriously. “Your Master?”

“Oh get off it.” He waves his hand dismissively and turns around.
“Why do you care? I doubt I could make you scream, on second thought. It would be useless.”

“You, I feel... An interesting way about torture, but it's different when it comes to my friends. What if we torture the shit out of that master of yours as repayment?”

He laughs and turns around with sudden interest, sauntering back towards you to place an arm around your waist. “Ah yes. How will we do it?”  

“Prickpoints of light at eye level while he's restrained. Once every day so they heal only to burn out of his sockets again?”

“Not bad. What if his lower half is placed in acid just strong enough to lick the nerves, but not enough to kill them?”

“Hoho... I can tell you've thought about this a lot.”

“Oh you have no idea.” He grins. You think he may be going for your neck, but instead he kisses you.

“I am not being cheeky. I would be good to you. Only torture you in ways you find amusing. I really wouldn't let you go, either. I don't want to now.” You look into his dark eyes and run your hand through his pale hair affectionately.
“You are the first person... In decades, really, that I've been able to talk candidly with about my former master.” He looks you over, not as meat but as art to be admired.
“You are something aren't you? Such a unique creature. A psychopath, for sure, but also a pretty puzzle waiting to be solved. What incredible life waits stored in that brain of yours waiting to be unlocked?”

“Whenever I think about my past I see red.”

“It may be a blessing.” He remarks, getting closer.
“How about we try something different tonight?”

You smile. “Something without my permission? Will it hurt?”

“It wont hurt, and... I think I'd like for you to think about it and say yes.” He assert, opening his tunic to suggest what he could be referring to.

You contemplate the offer. There was something exciting and foreign and mysterious about consensualness.
“Alright.” You offer genuinely. He embraces you and  the two of you help in removing the clothes of the other. The whole while you both exchange kisses to your lips, yo chin, your cheek, you neck... Anywhere, really. Once there was nothing else between your two bodies with you sitting on his lap, legs wrapped around his back, and him sitting up and embracing you with his face in your chest. At the climax, at the height of a thrust he finally bites into your neck and draws blood, leaving even more weakness than you are already treated to from the sex. You shudder, eyes rolling as he stops just short of stealing dangerously from you. You feel dizzy.
“Holy...” You pant.

“Nothing 'holy' about it.” He smirks.



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