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Chapter 16

The Prince and Nealin had rented a room at the finest establishment in Castezin. A Beautiful building adjacent to the Wintergreen. According to the owner it was the best they had. There was even some thought as to whether or not the room should be rented out at all until the owner finally caved with enough coin being offered. The room was large, had a balcony and took up much of the top floor. It had it's own sitting room and was dressed up like a noble's bedroom. Hanging above the mantle was a painting of an enchanting red-haired woman. Nealin suggested that the age of the painting meant the woman was long gone, and that Caelin should not get his hopes up. It overlooked Castezin. From it they could see the Manor on the hill and the forest of sloped roofs that made up the town.

A knock interrupted their breakfast. Caelin raised his voice. “Come in.”

The Knight that had knocked on the glass the night they came entered, closed the door behind him and stood at attention. Standard attire for his sort was knee-high boots, a stiff uniform made from some sort of tightly woven, layered fabric with plating affixed to a foundation of harnesses covering the chest, shoulders and belt area. For cold weather they were given a warm cloak.
“Your Highness, I've come with a summary of the events that occurred last nigh.”

“Go on.” Caelin waved him on, sipping from a dainty cup that had been prepared by Nealin.

“It seems that a subject of Castezin was reported missing early in the night. The subject worked at the nearby Tavern as a laborer. Word reached three investigating Knights who left the Wintergreen Tavern last night to investigate. They-”

“Names.” Nealing interjected.
“Have you questioned them already?”

The Knight shook his head. “No. But I have second-hand information, and their Names are Dame Ayla, Sir Ryan Samson and Sir Zachary Miller.”

“Well.” Nealin smiled at his brother.

“Ayla is...” Caelin trailed off, expecting the man to understand and answer.

“Yes.” The Knight nodded.
“The same.” He seemed to be waiting. When nothing was added he continued.
“From what I pieced together, the Knights found the subject held in a warehouse near the gates into town. A battle ensued.”

“A 'battle?'” Caelin uttered skeptically. He scoffed lightly.
“But it was night, and if it was that woman on the prowl...”

“This was widely confirmed. There was a battle. One Knight injured. One Knight Exhausted. One Knight removed under trauma and duress. The Winter Knight showed his presence. Duke Castezin showed his presence nearby as well.”

“Anything interesting to report there?” Caelin leaned his cheek on his palm, staring down at the liquid in his cup. He idly brought a finger down to the surface, then lifted it to let a drop of tea drip back down and make ripples.

“No. The Winter Knight was seen entering and exiting the warehouse. The Duke was seen attacking three individuals on a rooftop in a quick exchange. One had his arms cut. Castezin retreated at the calling of the word 'Flare', then gave chase but all three disappeared in short order. The only information about the Dukes abilities is the inference that no one watching could even see his movements.”

“That's useful to know in some ways. But, it sounds like it was possibly Varsham and two others. Nealin?”

“I sent a bird to my contacts at the Sun Tower. There is no such thing as a Tenth Ring Aurar in the Empire that they would not know about. However, I know roughly about the Moon Tower. The moment our Father came to power he had it destroyed soon after. The Master of the tower was one of the only Twelfth Ring Aurar's on the continent. Surprisingly she agreed to be silenced in exchange for amnesty to all the other Aurars that were under her, and all of the workers.”

“Our Father took a bargain like that?”

“The reality of the breakpoints in the Rings that Aurar's achieve is that a Tenth Ring is attainable with a lifetime of work. An Eleventh Ring is achievable with extreme genius and is generally five times more powerful in output. Twelfth Ring is a Supreme being that needs to be measured along a different scale.”

“How does this person get caught? More importantly, how does Father decided that it's better to have them as an enemy than an ally?”

“The Moon Tower was a shame to the Empire. It was always like that. It was acquired early on as the Empire grew in the 'Dawning Age' and was the first formalized school for Aurars in the growing Empire. Fast forward a few hundred years later and the Sun Tower is build a miles away in the new capital and we suddenly have two competing schools. One that observes Sol and another that observes Lun. It's obvious that there would be tension. Do you remember that there was an old Capital?”

“Vaguely.” Caelin looked bored. He kept touching the surface of his tea lightly and letting it drip down.

Nealin identified that and made it quick. “The old Capital was Selene, a kingdom of a single city that swore itself to the First Emperor without a fight.”

“Oh, that legend of the 'Sage King' that saw the potential of the first Hero of Sol and the future Emperor and decided to give up his whole kingdom?”

Nealin nodded. “The town of the first Emperor slowly grew into a City over a century until finally it was fit to be called a Capital. Then the two locations eventually grew even more and joined around the lake that Selene was founded on. Both places combined to become our capital, Shanaine.”

“Pfft.” Caelin snorted..
“They took an ancient city and a new city, combined them and named it 'Old' Aine after the new city? Aren't we a lovely bunch.”

“Erasing history is the norm. These things aren't even able to be spoken of or learned about.” Nealin tapped his temple.
“Unless you're a part of the Imperial Family. The old capital of Selene rests on the lake surrounded by new development. You know our summer retreat? That's the old palace of Selene.” Nealin shared a satisfied smile.
“Reading there over our summers is how I learned all this.”

“I'm sorry... I lost the plot. What were we talking about?”

Nealin sighed. “My point is... The Empire has always wanted to erase the Moon Tower, as the evidence of Selene, as an observer of taboo, as a bad omen. The Moon Tower was stigmatized long before it was destroyed. Finally there was a reason twenty or so years ago. The Master of the Moon Tower was performing experiments on monsters. They had captured Vampires, Werewolves. There were trapped Demons and other spirits and they observed defunct gods that were no longer considered divine within the Empire. The fact that the Empire's strongest Aurar was someone that came from that could not be allowed. Father prepared for a fight but wound up with a deal. The woman was silenced and freed. The Tower was dismantled brick by brick by pillar and all of the Moon Tower subjects went their separate ways.”

“Oh, it was a woman?” Caelin questioned with mild interest.
“Is she around?”

“Who knows?”

“I suppose it doesn't matter. An Aurar is useless once they're silenced.”

“I wonder.” Nealin lifted his chin smugly.

“It looks like you want to say something, so go ahead.” He looked to the Knight.
“Oh, you're dismissed, by the way.” The Knight left with that word and shut the door behind him.

Nealin continued, leaning over the table. The smell of his perfume wafted over. “Auramancy requires two things. The Aura to actually form a Shape and the mental capacity to imagine, conceptualize, create and apply concepts and shapes. If you gave the power of a Ninth Ring Aurar to a First Ring graduate they would likely match up to... Oh, let's say a natural Fifth Ring? If you gave the power of a Tenth Ring-”

“Eight?” Caelin guessed.

“Lower. They wouldn't be able to do anything with it. The mind of someone that can only grasp the first Ring would not be able to grasp a single concept at or above Tenth Ring and if you apply the same principle, even a Tenth Ring would not have the capacity to apply a Twelvth Ring's concepts and Shapes into reality with all of the power of all the gods at their disposal. “

“So... The release of a Twelfth Ring Aurar into the world, even silenced, could best be described as...”

“A mistake, in the most generous scenario. In the worst, it's a disaster waiting to happen. Silencing is a loss of all Aura Rings and all Soma Pathways throughout the body. It denies future growth as well, however any power granted from any other source can be used with the same complexity so long as their mind remains intact.”

Caelin frowned. He finally finished his small cup in one gulp. Nealin stood up and attentively poured him another. “How could Father allow this?” Caelin questioned with a disgusted look about him.

“Oh, he's an idiot. Nobody told him and if they did he would not listen.”

“It's really that simple?”

“He came to power at a time where nothing was going on. The Moon Tower was his Crusade, so he just wanted it to be done quickly and easily. By all accounts, this could have actually been a disaster for him. So, when it came time and the Master actually gave herself up so easily it was probably done quickly and swept under the rug. To the public, Father is the Emperor that dismantled the taboo, evil tower. The truth is lost. The old bastard won in the end. Nothing happened over 17 years since it happened and he will probably kick the bucket before he sees any consequences.”

Caelin thought for a moment. “Were they really in league with demons and monsters?”

Nealin laughed. “Probably not. I imagine they were all very earnest, if a bit bold, studies that would have benefited the Empire in the long run.”

“Hm.” Caelin nodded, poking the surface of his tea lightly, dripping it again.  
“I want you to gather up old research. As much as you can. Have your contacts continue it in private and fun it through some of our private ventures. When I become Emperor we'll destygmatize it, anyway. Aside from that I'd like to understand why Ayla is here. I'd like to understand why a citizen being kidnapped requires the protection of Blood Eagle remnants and at least one Tenth Ring Aurar. There's something going on here and I need to know if it's a threat or an opportunity.”

Nealan nodded. “Yes Brother.”

Caelin smiled coyly. He stopped Nealin before he could turn to leave. “Before that, have a runner deliver an invitation and... A fetching dress to Ayla as invitation to the Banquet after the Full Moon. I need a partner, after all.”

Naelin touched his cheek in feigned shock. “I thought I was your partner?”

“Oh, dear... As lovely as you would look in a dress, Brother, I'll have to decline.”

Nealin stopped. “Do you... Really think I would look good?”

Caelin waved his hand without answering. “Go on. Get.” Nealin scurried off, laughing to himself.

Chapter 17

On Gretta's request at the end of the night Ayla carried the sleepy child up the stairs with Zach. She was pointed to a small room at the top of the stairs with a bed and a few dolls laying around. Ayla carefully stepped around them and put Elly down gently. Zach then came in, performing the same dance around the cluttered floor to do the extra work of pulling the covers out from under her to tuck her in. Since the end of dinner the girl was already in her night gown, but was allowed to stay up. Ayla continued paying attention to her for as long as Elly wanted it, which wound up being the whole night they were there. They both left and Zach closed the door, but left it open a crack. They walked down together.

“You're pretty good with kids, Ayla.”

“Is that right?” She did not believe it.

“I've known that kid for so long she calls me 'uncle', but you see her and she immediately calls you aunt and talks your ear off all night.”

“I'm not sure what it is. Sorry. I didn't mean to-”

He nudged her. “Not what I'm saying.”

Ryan and Gretta were waiting at the bottom of the stairs near the door. “Thank you for coming.” Gretta hugged Ayla again.
“Come back whenever you feel like it. Our home is your home. You do not have to bring that fellow along every time you do” She winked at Zach. The woman released Ayla from the embrace, but still held a friendly hand on her upper back as she remained close.

Ayla looked at Ryan. The man exhaled through his nose sharply, holding back a laugh. “Don't look at me. It's her home, I just live here.”

“Thank you, Gretta. Dinner was very good.” Ayla said, trying to show that she was flattered.

Gretta released Ayla and stepped back. “Hearing you say that made it worth cooking. Goodnight, you two.”

“Night Gretta, Ryan.” Zach waved. The two of them left the home, walking out into the street. Lamps were sparse, so the street was dark, and only even dimly lit in patches.
“What I meant was, I really think you are good with kids.” Zach said, continuing the conversation they started on the stairs abruptly.

“I just listened and talked.” Ayla shrugged. It was mainly why she didn't believe Zach. She did not play with the girl. She did not know any games or anything that kids liked.

“If they don't run away it's probably fine, right? She gets bored when I talk to her for more than a few minutes, then it devolves into piggy-back rides.” His shoulders slumped dramatically.
“And once I'm the piggy there's no going back for the rest of the night.”

Ayla was caught off guard by the comment. She was so confused that she laughed. “What does that mean?” She asked, covering her mouth while she fought back the chuckles.

“I dunno, but you laughed.” He made a prodding motion at her in the air with his finger.

“I did. Good job.” She was not sure what else to say.

“Shall we head back to our cozy bunks at the manor to end out the night?” She could guess that he was half serious. Ayla thought about that for just a moment.

“Why do you and Ryan stay in bunks when you live in town?”

“Deployment is done by rotation so while we're on duty, even if you live in a mansion like a noble you're gonna stay in a bunk at the Manor if you wanna work for His Grace. It's so that everyone is ready at all times.”

“That makes sense. I like it.” Ayla nodded.
“So you return to your home in the weeks you are off?”

“Ryan does. Sometimes I stay with them when they're not too sick of me. I make it up to them by giving them a break from Elly, so it balances out. Still, once I've overstayed I notice this look that Gretta gives and it sends chills down my spine so I have to run away at that point.”

Ayla looked at him curiously. She ignored most of what he said and honed in on what she was asking before. “But you live nearby, you said.”

“It's just a house.” He responded strangely. Zach rarely danced around a topic, but that is what it felt like. As if realizing his own mistake and immediately trying to correct it he sighed and offered.
“Do you wanna see?”

“It sounds like you don't want to.”

“No no. Slight detour.” Zach began leading her down a block. After a little while they arrived at a dark, two story home. He lead her up the stairs to the raised door. He simply opened it. It was unlocked.

“You... Don't have a lock?”

“I do.” He glanced back, trying to smile.
“It's just... There isn't really anything here to steal.” Zach opened the door and stepped inside. He took a small box of matches and began lighting things down the hall and through the rooms as he went ahead of her. Ayla stopped and looked around. It had all the qualities of a place abandoned. Dust, a musty smell. Not a sign of an insect, which suggested in an empty home that food had not been in the stores for a while. Ayla began walking in Zach's wake. He talked at her from the other room.
“Sorry it's a bit cold. I can turn on the stove and light a fire...” He trailed off. Ayla walked into the sitting room with the fireplace. She could see her way around in the dark as if it were day, so she was just fine. It was a room that Zach bypassed. She knelt down next to the table in the center of the room and looked at something out of place; it was out of place because it was a thing within the empty home. An unopened letter in a yellowing envelope.
“Leave that.” He said from behind her. Ayla glanced over her shoulder at him and saw his expression. It told her that he did not want to tell her more sternly, but might.

“Alright.” She stood up and left it alone.
“When's the last time you stayed here?”

“I sleep here roughly once a month.”

“You might as well sell it if you use it that little.”

“Right? It's a lonely place, to be honest. I always tolerated it and lived here like a normal person, but after that day we talked about before I couldn't take it. Too many walls and too much distance between me and the people I care about. But... At the same time I can't just get rid of it because what if one day I get to fill this place with people I like, or things I wanna collect, and maybe even someone like Elly to take care of. God willing.”

Ayla ran a finger along a dusty shelf. “When you find someone like that, if you bring them back here to see this cold, dirty place what would they think?”

Zach stared at her curiously. “Not sure. What do you think?”

Ayla lifted her chin. “They'd probably turn right around and walk out. Noble women are stuck up. Even middle nobles like yourself, I assume. You aren't doing yourself any favors.”

Zach cracked a smile at the absurdity of the conversation. He plopped down on one of the dusty cushioned chairs and bent over, his elbows resting on his knees as he offered Ayla a bemused look.
“Got any advice for me, Ayla?” She felt like an oddity the way he was looking to her in that moment.

She sat down across from him. “Fill the place with things noble women like, first.”

“Things noble women like?”

“Your potential partner. They tend to like flowers, scents, nice carpets and drapes.”

“Do you like any of that stuff?”

“I'm not a noble woman.” Ayla waved the question away.

“What things do you like, then?”

She considered the question seriously. “If it's me, I like swords. Weapons.”

“Anything else?”

“I do actually like art.” Ayla admitted.

“I think of art as a window into what someone else saw at the time. It's easy to understand. I don't get artists, but when I look at their work it's like their mind's opened up to me or something.” She paused, then added.
“I've been told I have a good eye.”

Zach nodded slowly. “Art, swords, other weapons. What about a clean home?”

“It should be clean.”

He paused for a moment to think before asking. “Does this place seem like a nice place to live to you?”

“From what I've seen, I would like to live here. I've seen grand places where you can get lost, and I've seen poorer places where everyone is huddled up in one room. For my tastes, somewhere like this is what I like.”

Zach's smile widened. He sat back. “Good to know. Do you wanna walk back to the manor dorms or stay the night?”

She stood up, dusting herself off. “I thought you hated sleeping here?”

“When I'm alone.” Zach pushed off from the chair to stand up beside her.
“Let me get the guest room set up for you.”

“Need help?” Ayla followed him up the stairs.

“Yeah I'll take some, thanks.”

Even if he asked for help, the guest room was already set up. There was a spread with a particularly thick layer of dust. Aside from that it was better than the dorm. It just took a little cleaning, which she did with him. As soon as it was done she slept, because Ayla was not typically late to go to bed without reason. Zach bid her goodnight and left her in the room. She closed her eyes and awoke after a comfortable, dreamless sleep.

As she got up to explore the house in the morning she took the initiative to invade his room and see that it was empty. She walked downstairs and found the entryway dusted. Zach stood in the sitting room with a cloth in one hand, a duster in another and a bucket of water on the floor. He looked up from what he was detailing.
“Hey! Morning. Sorry, I'd offer you breakfast but-”

“No food.” She nodded, identifying the problem.
“We can get food. First, I'll help you with this.”

“This? You don't have to.” Zach watched her as she closed the distance and stole the duster from him. She began working on what she could see. He gave up and worked with her. They went room by room. There were no messes, since messes occurred through living in a place. It was just dusting and dusting was quick and insignificant and once a damp cloth was run over the wood surfaces the home shined like it was new. The morning light also added something to the charm of the place.
“As payment for helping me, why don't you stay here when we're cycled out next?”

Ayla scratched her head. “How're you going to impress a woman if you have an unmarried one living with you?”

Zach could barely contain himself. “Not sure! But I'll figure something out. For now, the offer's open. You know... As thanks for helping me.”

“As thanks for helping you, I'll accept. I've actually never had a more peaceful rest since I got here.”

“Same. Even having someone in the same house makes a difference.” He remarked, wringing his cloth out into the bucket.

Zach walked her back to the dorm to give her a chance to change her clothes. They technically had one more night of rest, then the Full Moon would bring every single Knight and Soldier back to duty. To the surprise of both of them, the moment they entered the gates of the manor the head maid was waiting. She kept her head lowered as she pointed herself towards Ayla and stated.
“His Grace would like a word.”

Zach patted her. “I'll let you go. Good luck.” He nodded to the maid and left to check the stables.

Ayla looked down. The clothes she had worn the previous night, casual and a bit spotted. “Should I change into my uniform, first?”

“Not necessary.” The maid said sweetly.
“Follow me.”

The staffing within the grand home itself was sparse. Knights were not patrolling the interior. There were just an appropriate number of maids and workers going about daily duties. The place was how she remembered it. The entry into the manor had a high dome ceiling. Around the sides, old pillars held up the edges of the dome, and a second floor landing the overlooked the floor. There were doors at every wall, and every space between a door was decorated with some sort of art or a weapon. Ayla realized as she looked that without thinking she described to Zach her ideal decoration, and in her past life the only man she met that shared her sensibilities was the Duke. She was lead up the grand staircase onto the second floor where there were chairs and curtains lining the walls. The room served as the ballroom when needed and she could tell how. Looking down, the first floor was an open space as massive as the training ground itself and took up most of the building. She was taken the rest of the way to the Duke's office on the second floor.

As soon as she entered she felt something was strange. For one, the Duke was not present. For another, there was a covered object near the center of the room. As the Duke was not present, she expected the Maid to usher her into another room to wait out of the way somewhere, as was her experience with Caelin.
“He will be with you shortly.” The maid left. The first thing she did was walk over to confirm the view of the training ground. From the window behind his desk there was indeed a direct line of sight towards the dummy. She nodded, then turned to walk around the edge of the room. She noticed in a prominent position high on a wall the subject of many rumors. It was an object she never saw for herself in her past life, but it was out in the open within the Duke's office in this one. The family portrait featured young Almos XIII Sol Castezin. Sitting next to the young Duke was his mother, a woman of ethereal beauty with platinum blonde hair and golden eyes. The current Emperor's cousin. Behind them both with a hand on each of their shoulders the former Duke stood. The stern eyes almost seemed to make contact with hers, and follow her gaze. He was the picture of Almos Castezin today. She felt bad. The painting was beautiful on it's own, but one that would be stigmatized for seemingly showing Almos as never aging. However, as Ayla stared at the painting she could feel the presence of the child and the mother within the painter's expression. For the child in particular there was no way he could have been painted where he not in the room in front of the man or woman who painted the piece. That was her immediate thought. The premise of the accusation was that the painter had painted the likeness of a child, however that seemed even more unlikely to Ayla at this point.

`Another rumor dispelled personally.` She felt ashamed that she was taken in by those lies in her past life.

The door opened. She turned and lowered herself while saluting the Duke as he entered. He waved a hand in her direction, quickly passing her to reach his desk.
“At ease, Dame.” He walked to the front of his desk and leaned on it comfortably, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked her over with an appraising look.
“Are you someone that enjoys art?” He motioned towards the painting.

Ayla nodded towards it. “This is a nice piece. I do like it.”

“People have said I look quite a bit like my father.”

“Most children do. Or the mother.”

“Indeed. Still, it seems that those words move around the capital quite often.”

“I'm sorry.”

“What do you have to be sorry about?” He wondered.

“You're a victim of unfair rumors, Your Grace.”

He shrugged, an even gesture. “Are they unfair? Maybe I am a vampire.”

She shook her head. “I've judged that to be basically impossible.”

His lip shook a little as she said that, trying not to laugh. “Oh, you judged it?”

She bowed her head. “I apologize for wording it as such. I just meant to say that there is no way.”

He seemed interested. “I'll bite. What's your reasoning?”

“I've seen you acting in the sun with power that exceeds that of any possible Vampire. You exist solely in the sun, even now. Though rumors exist, none exist of you drinking blood or preying upon people under you. I have more reasons that are simply little things, but the painting also confirms the opposite truth to the rumors being spread.”

“Oh? Most would see it and think that I am the father in that painting. That the child is merely a fabrication of a painter who was paid off or manipulated.”

“But... The child is not. The painter truly saw a child and I can see Your Grace in him.”

There was a long silence where he seemed to be collecting his thoughts thoroughly. “Dame, you have been an enigma to me since your arrival. You are the first of your graduating class, a class featuring the Crown Prince and many other knights that have quickly become renowned within official Orders. As a commoner you had immediate opportunities in the Imperial Knights Order with your connections to the Crown Prince. But, you came here.”

“I truthfully just want to help.” Ayla insisted, crossing a hand over her chest. It was a gesture she'd used many times before to emphasize that she was being genuine.

“What connection binds you to Castezin that you would swear yourself to me? You were born in the capital. There are people to help there.” He reasoned.
“I suggest you be truthful.” He stared at her with piercing eyes. His fathers eyes from the painting, following him without even moving.

“The truth...” She swallowed subtly and whetted her lips.
“The truth is that I was well en rout to becoming a very bad person. In reality, I already was. I was a bully. I crippled people within the Academy at a command and... For fun. I've killed people already. Quite a few. Before I came here my Brother and Father died, you see.” She took in a deep breath. It was not acting. She did not know how to act well enough.
“The listed reasoning is a monster attack. The true reason is that they were burned with a suspected monster in what seemed like an accidental association. No risk was too great. I realized before that-” Her voice shook as she continued.
“That before, I also shared that reason and I was capable of horrible, evil thing; such as burning someones father and brother simply because someone told me it was for good, and they were already cursed. I decided I needed to get away. The reason I chose Castezin is because you have a reputation for looking after your people. I wanted to understand what it means to care for others and help in a way that does not involve murder.”

The Duke nodded slowly. “I see. What is your relationship to the Crown Prince?”

“He was my employer. In more crude terms, he held my leash while we were in the Academy.”

“Hah.” He rubbed his eyes.
“Who holds your leash now?”

“You do, Your Grace.” She offered frankly.

“You don't need to debase yourself.” He uttered wearily, waving away the notion she laid out.

“Can you tell me anything interesting about the Crown Prince?”

“What would you like to know, Your Grace?”

“Anything of political interest?”

She felt slightly ashamed at the fact that she had very few answers. For someone such as her that had come back from the future with her memory intact one would assume she had a wealth of knowledge about markets and political events that would occur. To her detriment, Ayla never had any interest in anything outside of what she was involved in. She had never made an investment personally, or even thought of one. She barely managed her own money at all. As soon as she was granted a title in her past life she had to look up what that title meant, and where the territory even was. Ayla shifted uncomfortably.

He chuckled and and reiterated in an attempt to refocus her. “It doesn't have to be big. I'm just curious. You know him well.”

“He is afraid of the dark.” She blurted out, just to have something.

The Duke immediately looked up and seemed genuinely floored by the fact. “I'm sorry?”

She glanced away awkwardly. “It's true, Your Grace. Caelin is afraid of the dark. Not deathly. He doesn't scream or cry in it. It just unbalances him. He sleeps with a dim light, but never on him. Instead there are either candles or lanterns spread out to fill the corners and remove any shadows that could dance along the walls.”

The Duke listened intently, tapping his bottom lip. “This is... Genuine information, Dame.” He motioned her closer, seeming far more personable suddenly.
“Anything else? Has the Crown Prince learned to utilize Shape, yet?”


Castezin smiled widely, cocking his head to one side like he was welcoming an old friend. “How can you be sure?”

“Because he's boosted by his strong blood.”

“Mhm. What is your progress I feel it should also be soon.” He was surprised to strike a sour chord with such a suggestion. He had no way of knowing that Ayla had spent ten years trying and failing to reach any Shape with her Aura.

“Far.” She offered ashamedly.
“I feel no progress and I don't have a clue on how to proceed.”

“Do you understand your background?” He asked.

“I have a common background.” Ayla claimed.

Because she believed that, he could only smile and nod. “There are many reasons for a bottleneck. Some simply do not have the talent. For others... They are trying the wrong things.” She gave him a questioning look.
“An unnatural bottleneck can occur if the blood has a Shape that it wishes to take. Even if you trained for years trying everything and raising your Aura to unnatural levels for a Knight, if the blood desires to take a Shape and that Shape is not reached, you will never advance.”

Ayla considered those words carefully. “That is-”

“Just something to think about. Blood is an interesting thing, Dame. What it carries is the memory of all those who came before. It tells a history and even if a man bleeds and his vitae is spread in drops across the whole world, no matter how much time passes, each drop will always tell the same history no matter what. History can be changed. Memory can be changed. The past that lives in blood will never be forgotten.” He offered with far too wide of a smile for the subject. He was satisfied to see her pondering deeply what he was saying, so he continued.
“There is a reason I called you here. Partially it was to test you. You passed in every regard.” he noted that she was still looking down and away passively.

“Look at me.” Ayla looked up curiously, staring into his eyes.
“Are you aware that Prince Caelin and Prince Nealin are in Castezin right now?” Her expression told him the truth without her needing to speak, so he was satisfied, but he was doubly satisfied when she spoke quickly and simply, without any airs.


“Right. You passed that, as well. Do you and the Crown Prince have any other relationship? Be honest.”

“No, Your Grace. Though...” Ayla frowned a little.

“Yes?” The Duke leaned forward, about to touch his lip.

“He has tried.” Her expression said it all to him there as well. Words unsaid. He leaned back.

Almos's face filled with sympathy at her discomfort. He suddenly felt bad for what he had planned to ask if she passed every grade he set for her. She passed with flying colors, but the fact that she was so earnest with him forced him to be more forthcoming with her as well. He walked to the covered object and took away the sheet. It was a beautiful silver and blue dress. It was something that Ayla guessed would be quite nice for a lady to wear to a banquet or a ball, but she had very little interest so she instead looked to the Duke in confusion.
“An invitation and this item was sent to you from the Crown Prince. It seems, for some reason, he intended to have you as a partner for my open Banquet after the Full Moon.” Ayla could not say a word. Her brow furrowed and her lips curled down for a thousand words, however.
“Say no more...”

Ayla closed her eyes and steadied her thoughts. She opened them and asked dutifully. “Would you... Like me to attend to gather information, Your Grace?”

He shook his head. “No. No, I don't think so. I planned to, but I can't ignore your loud feelings on the matter.”

Ayla recoiled slightly at the suggestion. She took it as him declining her help “Your Grace, if you need me to do something I-”

He closed the distance quickly. Her eyes did not catch his movement. The Duke stared down at her. It was an iron gaze, not an angry one. After holding that stare for a few moments he relaxed a little and rested a hand on her shoulder.
“Dame, I'm not a weak person. Information can be gathered in ways that don't force a poor girl into an uncomfortable situation that she never asked for.”


He lifted a finger. “Not another word. Now...” The Duke grinned playfully, like a child playing a prank.
“How much do you want to return this dress to sender?”

She could not stop the smile that was forming on her lips. “A lot.”

He lifted his chin, inhaling, and his hand to his bottom lip. “How much do you want to hear about his reaction when it's returned?”

“A lot.” She admitted. He had quickly grown a warmness about him. He was unlike Caelin or Nealin. She felt comfortable. The kindness and understanding he was showing so effortlessly drew out feelings that she had barely ever felt before for a Lord.
“Sincerely, thank you, Your Grace.” She bowed and offered a salute purely out of gratitude.

The Duke looked to be thinking. “Dame, would you be interested in joining a daytime operation tomorrow? It will begin in the early morning. Our goal will be to find and subdue the greater threat before the Full Moon creates a potential disaster. What do you think?”

Ayla did not have to think. “I'll join, of course. I would like to. Who else will be in attendance?”

“All of the Knight-Lieutenants. You already know Sir Elrich; there are four others.” He smiled.
“I will also join.”

Ayla tried not to look surprised. “I see.”

“Consider this a test. If you show promise on this mission you will be considered for a promotion.”

“Thank you, Your Grace. I will not disappoint you.” Ayla promised, holding a salute.

“Of course you wont.” He paced, apparently trying to remember if there was anything else.
“Ah, yes. Would you like to go and see him? Hans?”

Ayla perked up. “Yes. Will it be alright?”

“You tell me.” He eyed her closely. Ayla remembered that the one who found her in the state she was in over Hans first was the Duke.

She nodded. “I believe I'll be fine, Your Grace.”


Ayla understood that it was purely for everyone's safety that Hans be held in a cell. There was a dungeon on the property. It was placed far in the back, where a natural cave descended into the mountain that the Castezin Manor was built up against. Ayla descended with the escort of Sir Eldrich. He held a torch in his hand, as there was very little light. The stairwell was carved out of rock and descended many, many flights until finally they landed in a humid corridor. There was a steel gate with another guard present on the inside. He opened the way. On the other side of him, a more solid wall with a metal door was then unlocked and behind that door were various cells in rows extending down the long stone hall. There were no occupied cells, save for one. Ayla spotted the Doctor before anyone else. She recognized him and inclined her head politely.
“Hello, Doctor. Thank you very much for taking care of me.”

The older man smiled and put down whatever book he was reading by lantern light. “You saying so makes it worth the medicine, Dame Ayla.”

Ayla thought to mention. “I met Gretta and Elly last night for dinner. You raised her well.”

He looked upon Ayla like she was standing within a ray of light. He nodded to himself happily. “Thank you for saying so.”

Ayla turned her attention to the cell. It was lit with the lantern the Doctor was using. Hans was placed on a comfortable bed. He was layered with far more blankets as a result of there not being a furnace.
“How is he?”

“To be frank? Bad.” The Doctor stated gravely.

“When he is awake he screams and cries. I do not suffer any type of moaning and complaining, however for him I understand. His body is twisting beneath the skin. His blood is being fought by the body like it is an infection. He is dying, but being kept alive by what is killing him. A living paradox. It is-”

“It's the transformation.” Ayla inferred.
“It's like he's turning into a Werewolf, only the change has been taking place over days, not hours. I understand the pain from that is intense. He's going through something terrible.”

“Yes. You seem to know.” He looked upon her a level of surprise.

“The woman that I saw back at the warehouse said with ninety-nine percent certainty he would turn completely on the full moon. I don't know if-”

The Doctor tapped the bars. “Silver coating. As you know, bars made of silver would be silly. The coating serves the purpose. It is His Grace's opinion that if there is a one-percent chance, the child should be given it.”

“He has a silver Holy Symbol around his neck.”

“I saw that. It belonged to a Knight.” He looked at her curiously.

“Mine. Yes.”

“Did you know him? Family?”

“No... He's just-” Ayla frowned.
“I just wanted to help him.” She realized she needed a reason.
“His- His cursed skin and eyes. I thought that I wanted to start helping people. When we saw people like him before, when they were reported to the Holy Knights Order they would be tried and scrutinized. I thought that I wanted to do something different.”

“Very noble.” The Doctor exhaled slowly.
“Holy Symbols... Silver... Full Moons. These things are not a science. There is consistency and logic but they do not favor empiricism. There are events that defy logic that we have to accept, regardless. Sometimes a sacrifice or an act of purity and good will can have an effect. Sometimes it is useless. I would say that in this case, the act of giving that child the Holy Symbol is an act of good will that saved him, and saved many, many people. I believe that nothing the woman said was untrue. I feel as though he should have turned, but there is something that is slowing the effect. That is why I also insisted with His Grace that the one-percent chance should be observed.”

“Do you know anything about that woman?”

“I was present at the scene for a while. I saw evidence of her work. I witnessed the results of her craft through the child there... I believe she is a genius apothecary, to say the least.”

Ayla glanced back. Eldrich was waiting near the entrance. “She had silver eyes. Like mine.”

“Are you curious about that?”

“I'm interested in your perspective. I've known people that have beliefs similar to yours. Science, logic.. I tend to receive good advice from them.”

“Well-” He looked up in thought.
“The perspective that I have brings a few things to mind. Silver eyes are called  Aura of the Moon. They are rare within the Empire, but rarer still outside the Empire. Hair and eye color are two traits that tend to be passed on from parent to child with a common certainty. Did you know your mother and father to have those eyes?”

“My Father and brother both had brown eyes and brown hair. My mother apparently had blonde hair and brown eyes. She died before I knew her but that is what my Father told me. What does that mean?”

“The... Eye and hair color can sometimes remain dormant within the blood for some time. If there was a relative with such in your ancestry the chance is small, but it is possible. That is all I know. If you like, since you complimented my parenting, can I look into this for you? Gretta needs more friends like you, Dame. I fear that man never lets her leave the house.” He lamented.

“Thank you, Doctor. I wont refuse.” She paused.
“Uhm... Gretta seems very happy.”

“I rescind my offer.” He said suddenly. Ayla's jaw dropped.

“Kidding, kidding.” He said before she could speak. He rolled his eyes and grumbled something in another language.
“I know he is of good sort. There is no need to say it. How could a man my daughter picked be bad...” He reasoned in a low tone, rubbing his chin as if trying to think away around it logically. Ayla decided to leave with that.

“Thank you, Doctor.”

Chapter 18

Before sunrise Ayla found the circle of Knights meeting just off the training grounds. She was already in full uniform with cuirass and gauntlets and even her helm stowed under her arm. As she moved to join them Eldrich saw her and approached. He offered his hand.
“Good morning.”

“Good morning.” Ayla returned the greeting, shaking his hand firmly in place of a salute, since he offered.

“Hah? We have a new recruit?” Among the assembled Knights was a large man that she had never seen before. He was in a more complete set of armor and even had a a tower shield that he was leaning on. Ayla sized him up as he sized her up. She could tell right away that the man was a Holy Knight.
“Is the young lady lost?” He asked in an insufferable tone.

“Priest. She was added to the mission by His Grace.” Eldrich stated sternly.

“What is this lady's role?” The man that was referred to as Priest asked. He was bent comfortably over his tall shield, his chin practically resting on it with both his arms. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Priest had a chiseled face with a  lackadaisical look, and a pair of tired, creased eyes. His hair was long with the color and consistency of straw with graying strands; all of it was tied back in a loose pony-tail.
Eldrich did not speak immediately, his mouth opened and Ayla could tell he wanted to come to her defense, but he was not told what her role was, just that she would be attending.. She exhaled and spoke up to cover for herself.
“Scout. Forward lookout. Something like that.”

Priest scratched his chin. “Chantelle, she's angling for your job, darling.”

“Stop trying to stir up trouble, Priest.” Ayla perked up at the sound of a familiar voice. She turned, surprised to see the woman she knew as the head maid strapping additional armor on over a fitted Knight's uniform. The maid that Ayla now knew was called Chantelle motioned towards a pile of armor pieces that had seemingly just been dumped from a bag.
“Put it on. We're getting the good stuff for this.”

Ayla approached the pile and sat down next to Chantelle. All of the pieces they had access to were additional plating for the legs, arms, shoulders and armored skirts for full coverage; they were being equipped to go to war, she thought. All of it was Soma Material. Rare and powerful, but expensive. The uniforms themselves were woven with a fabric that was cut and stab resistant.

“You're probably wondering why a maid is putting on armor.” Chentelle grunted, tightening some buckles to their last notches.

“No.” Ayla said truthfully.
“I always guessed you had training. Actually, it makes sense to me. There's no Knights in the Manor, so I'm guessing at least one other maid is a Knight and you protect His Grace discreetly.” It would seem as if she figured it all out, but it was known from when she last invaded the manor. Chantelle and one other woman defended it as if they were knights. Chantelle was a woman who fought with daggers, while the other woman used dual axes.

“Right you are!” A woman gripped Ayla's shoulder's from behind firmly, as if beginning a massage.
“The famous Ayla, finally in the flesh!” Ayla turned around and paused the assembly of her armor to take the woman's hand in greeting.

“Nice to meet you.”

“I'm Jasmine.” The woman seemed pleased to offer her name. She was taller than Ayla by a head and had a head of weedy orange hair tied back in a tight braid. The braid fell over her shoulder to the front of her chest where the end was sealed. She had a freckled face that reminded Ayla of Nealin, just without the makeup. Jasmine wore little makeup, in contrast to the Prince who sometimes seemed clownish to her.

“Seriously, who'd harass such a charming girl?” Jasmine shot a pointed stare at Priest.

Priest snorted. “Getting it out of my system. If I met her at the chapel I would have to act so humble and nice.”

Ayla picked up on the meaning. “Priest is...”

“Priest is the Chaplain. He is the head of the Chapel... Believe it or not.” Chantelle explained coldly.

Ayla smiled. `The head- No, Dame Chantelle speaks far more matter-of-factly when she's in a different uniform.` Ayla took the initiative to speak to her some more for a reason that was pertinent to her.
“Truthfully, I'm not sure if I'm a scout, but that's the role I'm suited to. If so we'll probably be working together.”

Chantelle nodded, tightening some more loose straps. “Get my back.”

“I will.” Ayla promised.

The woman smirked and turned her upper body away. “No, tuck me in back there.”

Ayla found a hanging end of a strap that had already been tightened and folded it in so there was less a chance of it catching.
“You're set.”

“Thank you.” Chantelle finished by tucking her own tied hair beneath the back of her collar.

“Hey, Eldrich, where's Aneth? Late as usual.” Jasmine complained.

“Filling your bloody tools with Mana!” A bitter voice muttered. Ayla saw a man with buzzed hair wearing a slimmed down uniform. He dropped several black sticks on the ground in the middle of the group.
“Even when this is all the thanks I get.”

Priest whistled and spoke playfully. “Every time you're late we can only guess that the demons finally captured your mind, you poor heathen.”

“An Aurar?” Ayla asked. She actually did not know of any Aurar employed by Castazin.

“At your service.” The man the must have been Aneth bowed dramatically before her.
“Because that is apparently all I am good for to you people.” He grumbled, kneeling down in front of Jasmine.
“Would you like you boots shined, Madame?” He asked in a mockery of a sycophantic tone.  

“Oh yes please. I shall lift my sole for you, as well to kiss, dear squire.” Jasmine offered in a similar mockery of a noble accent.

“What Ring are you? Is it okay to say?” Ayla asked.

Aneth stood up and dusted his pants with his hands. “Sixth. Maybe not fancy enough for a graduate Knight from-”

“That's excellent.” Ayla offered immediately, her eyes widening. He was young for it. Incredibly so. He seemed to be younger than her. She inclined her head respectfully.

Aneth covered his mouth and looked around like he had seen a ghost. “A word of gratitude for an Aurar in Castezin? I worry now that I've already died and gone to hell.” He smiled at Priest.

“And it must be quite chilly there.” Priest jabbed.

Aneth looked to Ayla with a newfound appreciation. “Sorry I was rude, Dame.” He bowed graciously.
“Aneth Garret of the Sun Tower, at your service in particular. The others can kindly wait in line.”

Jasmine held her head in her hands. “Oh no... She's encouraged him!”

“Yes yes. You all hate me because I am a man with many things to say.” Aneth bent down and gripped one of the sticks he brought.
“Do you know what this is, Dame?”

Ayla looked at it. On closer inspection the stick was a metal rod. She recognized the make and purpose. There was an inner portion with a grip where there were ten sections that could be twisted into one of two positions.
“This is an Aura Beacon.” She took the one handed to her.
“There are enchantments on the inside that release a tuned brightness based on the number and position it's set to. It sends codes for the purpose of coordination.”

“The Lady is quite well versed.” Priest complimented, catching one of his own that was thrown to him.
“But... Does she know how to read it?” He leaned off his shield and made a spinning motion with his finger pointing down.

Ayla nodded, turning around and closing her eyes. To be a good sport she did not listen for the tell-tale clicks with her heightened senses and simply relied. The way that the device was read was through memorization of the signals. It only required that and some skill in Aura to actually be able to find them.
“One, Four, Five, Nine. If you go in order, instead of in sequence from low to high the code was Five, Nine, Four, One.”

Priest laughed. “Nice try. You got it mixed up, young lady.”

“What?” Ayla furrowed her brow and turned quickly. She squinted at it to immediately understand the problem.
“No, it's upside-down.”

Priest's face became red as he looked at it. The party stared at him. He sucked on his lip a little and reluctantly stated.
“Well... You seem to know it all, Dame.”

“Are you all quite done?” Rast questioned hoarsely, handing a few sheets of thick paper off to Eldrich. Eldrich walked around and handed one to each of them.

“These are the codes for the mission. Memorize them well, because if I don't burn as many sheets as I handed out before we leave there will be hell to pay.” Aneth stated.

“That's right.” Rast grunted, looking over the assembled Knights. He gave a short little nod once he had finished sizing them up. Ayla handed the sheet back, then Chantelle. The rest followed in short order. Eldrich took them and held them out to Aneth. The Aurar held out his hand and rapidly the pages ignited and disappeared.

“His Grace will be arriving shortly.” Rast told them. He paced in front of them as he spoke.
“Each day since the attack has been spent information gathering. Tracking, confirming with contacts. We assumed we would lose the trail, however due to some unusual back and forth movements after the attack itself, we found tracks and were able to follow it to the outskirts of a grove situated-” Rast cleared his throat and looked to Eldrich. The Knight opened a map promptly for all of them to see. It showed the north of Castezin with the borders of the Northern Marches in sight.
“Very good.” Rast pointed.
“Near the border of Rischemark. The grove sits within a river basin. It's preceded by rough terrain where the roads and paths divert around this area naturally, so it's well hidden. We believe there to be a temple here. There is currently no evidence of reinforcement or fortification. The land itself is wide open on all sides once we crack the natural defenses. The issue is of course the 'wildlife.' The reason our rangers couldn't get too close was the presence of many werewolf tracks and droppings in the area. Far too much to be a loner, or even just  a couple.”

“Do you think it may be a pack?” Ayla asked gravely.

Rast looked like he did not want to give a definite answer one way or another. “Rangers said no. But they base that off common logic concerning the beasts. I'm hesitant to share their assessment because if we follow logic, this attack shouldn't have happened to begin with.”

“But-” Priest interjected.
“If it is a pack we need an army, not a disparate group of 'interesting' individuals.” He motioned around to everyone as he spoke. To Ayla in particular he winked one of his weary eyes.

“Your mission is to capture or eliminate any cult members you find in the temple. If this were a pack extermination it'd be different. We expect to get in and get out and if there's too much interference we leave. Simple as that. Ten hours till the Full Moon rises and twelve until the sun goes down. Before either of those times our mission should be complete or we're going home. Everyone gets out an hour before the sun dips no matter what.”

“What's our time to arrival?” Chantelle asked.

“Eldrich opened the map again. “Looks like four hours on horseback, but, we leave them a mile before the target to avoid making too much noise. Call it six, at that point to reach our target. That gives us four until the moon and six until dark.”

“The smell of horses would attract beasts, as well.” Ayla added.

“It was also a consideration.” Eldrich nodded. He raised his voice.
“Does everyone have a signal device, food and water and appropriate clothing?” They all seemed to have it, Ayla included. As they each nodded Rast quickly chimed in hoarsely.

“I don't know what silence means!”

Collectively the Knights shouted. “Yes!”

Jasmine leaned on Ayla with a smirk. “Nervous?”

“Not at all. Having His Grace here should be an omen for a successful mission.”

As Ayla said that Jasmine's face lit up with fangirlish glee. “Hey, is Ayla joining us... Properly?” She asked with odd emphasis on the last word. Each member shot her a dagger-sharp look that she shrunk from. Ayla looked at her curiously.
“As a Knight Lieutenant.” She explained.

“His Grace seemed to imply that promotion would be based on my performance.” She leaned in to whisper once everyone averted their gaze.
“What was that reaction?”

Jasmine responded with a nervous chuckle. “Gate-keeping.”

“Ah.” It was a familiar thing to her, so she did not question it.

The Duke appeared beside Rast and removed his helmet. Everyone present stood at attention and saluted. Much like the first time she saw him he appeared in his full plate armor. Darker metal with silver accents. The chest and shoulders adorned with various symbols. Ayla could guess that many of them were enchanted or empowered by the things they represented. Such an expensive trinket was no issue for someone like a Duke, and permission for almost any item could be granted, since any restrictions placed by the Empire would be lifted by his royal bloodline.

“Has everything already been managed?”

“Yes, Your Grace. Just the roles are to be set.” Rast brought up.

The Duke assessed the party. “Dame Ayla and Dame Chantelle will move ahead of the party and scout. Clear a path that will get us through the woods without a fight. If we fight, keep Aura as a last resort to avoid any excess brightness. Ayla, you are faster than Chantelle so the shape that order takes is you will be ahead of her and Chantelle will be your shadow and catch up to you if you stop or require backup. Ayla, you will be the first to detect threats. Use your judgment to mark them as Kill or Capture with the signal device.” He turned.
“Sir Callaghan, Sir Eldrich, Sir Aneth and Dame Jasmine form the assault party of this raid.” Ayla nodded, understanding intuitively. The assault party would be responsible for neutralizing threats quickly and efficiently. The Duke continued.
“This is a lightning strike operation, so move fast in the wake of our scouts and only engage targets marked to kill. Bypass targets that are meant for capture. I will responsible for capture and if the emergency code is given from any device I am also considered a reservists for this mission.” It meant that if anyone got in significant trouble the reserve would come forward. Typically the reserve would not be the strongest of the Party.

“Any questions?” Rast scanned everyone present.

Aneth raised his hand. “Tenth Ring Aurars? Were we really not going to bring that up-” He paused as Rast shot him a look. Aneth smiled awkwardly and bowed.
“With respect, Captain. Your Grace.”

Eldrich spoke. “They were left out purposefully. For the purpose of this raid both can be considered absent or neutralized.”

Ayla blinked. She had not heard of the Aurars, but the threat of two at that level was massive. The fact that they were considered absent or neutralized already meant two things.

`They're guaranteed to not be able to offer any assistance to their side, or they're dead. But... Somehow they can say that while only assuming that they are neutralized? Since it was absent 'or' I don't think they would be careless about such an important factor.` She trusted them, it was just a little strange.

Priest, who Ayla identified as Sir Callaghan, raised his hand and asked. “Can we assume that the primary enemy is going to be monsters, then?”

“Correct.” Rast fielded that one.
“You've all been over-equipped for this mission. You all know how to proceed against Werewolves. If there is a clear enemy, it will be those. Ideally, the mission will take us to our target and we will capture them without issue.”

Ayla raised her hand. “Could this be a trap? What are the primary known-unknowns?”

Rast nodded. “For a trap, it's your job to spot them. If you encounter something that you can't handle wait for Chantelle. She will disarm simple wards. If it's something Aura-based, we have no choice but to wait for Aneth.”

Aneth chimed in. “It's actually a strong possibility. This place was their hideout for a while. Even if the Aurars are absent or neutralized they could have set up arrays and traps beforehand that will linger even after they leave or die. Dame Ayla if you need to know what those might look like we can confer before the start of the mission.”

Ayla smiled gratefully. “Thank you. I'm familiar with traps, wards and arrays so I'll be able to identify them.”

Aneth lifted a brow. “This graduated Knight has an impressive range of knowledge.”

Rast waited for them to finish before motioning towards Eldrich. The Knight had time to think while they spoke so he answered without much pause.
“Known-unknowns. Currently we expect traps and arrays, as already mentioned. Though unlikely, the possibility that a werewolf pack exists in that area is possible. The presence of werewolves and other monsters in general is likely, even if we plan to avoid them. Cult members with the skills of a Knight, or Aurars that we have not yet been aware of are plausible, but not something we have time to manage or confirm, so be aware of that with any human target. The reason we didn't include this in our assessment is the elimination of the mercenary group they hired. Once we knew we were tracking a group that would hire their protection we followed the money of every group, official or unofficial and couldn't find any more in this area dating back a year. Still, be aware. The purpose of His Grace being in reserve is for that potential to become a reality. Finally, there is a possibility that the cult leader has a patronage.” There was a punctuated silence among the crowd of experienced Knights. Even Ayla began to sweat a little.
“Borrowed Shape used by the cult leader or others is something we simply have no way of preparing for. If you come across any individuals that you suspect to be patronized by some entity, safely gather as much information as you can while considering it an emergency.”

Ayla understood. An individual that had been patronized was one of two things. The subject of a Demonic or Divine entity. The reason for such grave reverence, tinged with uncertainty and fear, was because that could range in danger anywhere from a Borrowed Shape that the patronized individual gained access to, or an entity appearing in person. Neither could be guessed at or discounted, because patronage meant one thing inherently; that an entities eyes were rested on an individual. Entities ranged in strength and so did the individual and all of those would have an effect that made their presence an extreme variable.

Rast, Eldrich and Almos waited. “No more questions?” Rast called out.
“Good. Let's move! Daylight is burning.”



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