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You stare at the map with wide, fishlike eyes, those glassy red orbs lighting up as you point to a blacked out area to the south. Lowland. A swamp or some type of river basin. There is a crude drawing of a pointy nosed woman with an arrow pointing to it.
“What about here? Think it would be fun?” You ask Shadowheart, your second in command.

“Why are you treating the locations as tourist attractions? We're looking for a cure, Surge.”  She looks at you skeptically.
“What is that map, anyway? Why are there doodles all over it.”

“I mugged a Goblin for it.”

“You 'mugged' it?”

“Yep.” You smile brightly, leaving it at that. You look up towards the distance, squinting at the mountains nearby, then you check the map to confirm.
“Says a 'target' lives here.”

“Give me that...” Shadowheart swipes the map from you and reads it for herself.
“Yes, I see... They have no clue where the Druids are, naturally. However, there does seem to be a human manor here and... They are marked target. There is smoke rising in that direction so it's possible they're already gone. Shall we check on the off chance that they left someone alive that can help us?”

Astarion waltzes over to the two of you, flinging a dagger up to catch it when it falls. “Has our fearless figurehead been told where we are going yet?”

Shadowheart nodded. “Our leader has decided we'll be checking out a human settlement nearby.”

“Oh human... That should be interesting. Surely we'll all be welcomed with open arms.”

“They might all be dead.” You comment.

“Even better! Let's check for valuables.”


You arrive at a burned out Manor. Flames still lick from the roof and the windows of the main structure and the bodies look fresh. The attack must have happened the same day. You, and everyone else notices Drow bodies laying among the fallen of the Flaming Fist. You know immediately that it was a guard retinue from Baldurs gate, though they would not be here without a reason.
“First those poor sods at the bridge and now this? Bad time to be a guard.” Karlach said grimly, mourning in her own way.

“They're still trying to pick people out!” She notices.
“Fire can't do anything to me that hasn't already been done. Mind if I go help out?”

“Go ahead.” You wave her away. Karlach immediately sprinted off.
“I am going to speak to that poor mourning woman at the gate.” You offer. The Flaming Fist member is knelt over a fallen comrade muttering a silent prayer.

Astarion and Shadowheart look at you in horror. “Oh yes!” he shouts.
“With all these Drow corpses lying about I'm guessing you want to add to them?” You smile coyly in response, scratching your cheek as you look to Shadowheart to see what she has to say.

“I am also at a loss for words. Planning to turn yourself in?”

You laugh heartily. “Oh relax. I'm great at fitting in with surface dwellers.”

You see Astarion visibly shaking from annoyance. “No you are not!”

“Just watch. Back me up, I'll show you how a master does it.”

They reluctantly follow you with dour faces, as if they were your funeral procession trailing behind your already fallen corpse. You approach the woman. She looks up at you as you come close, and seems startled for a moment, but your pale skin and red eyes could be that of a High Elf, or any kind, really. The presence of the Drow and the silliness of one walking up forces the possibility that you are one from her mind. You rest a hand on her shoulder.
“A prayer, child? This humble holy woman would join you in mourning. Though I do not know this man, his deeds have a weight on your soul. His life had meaning that I can see in your eyes without even needing to ask.”

She begins to weep like a child. “Oh... Oh god. Thank you. Yes, you're right, he was a good man. Those bastards! I'll kill those bastards that took him.”

You close your eyes and kneel, whispering a prayer. “Revenge is not the way to salvation. Do your duty, but he would wish for you to be safe, not hunting his murderers, no?”

She takes a long, drawn out breath before letting it go with a faint nod. “You're right.” She rubs her eyes and stands.
“Thank you, Cleric. You've saved my mind from torment today. If you ever find your way to Baldur's Gate I will greet you and treat you to something nice. I should get to helping. There's much to do.”

“Oh my, what?”

“They took the- the Duke! Dammit, I can't believe I got held up crying. I gotta go!” She ran off.

You stand, dusting your robes. You turn. The others offer a look of disbelief. Shadowheart grabs you by the collar angrily.
“You could fucking act normal this whole time!?”

You chuckle. “No... I just remembered I could act normal. I'm a spy! Can you believe that? Walking into a settlement to gather information after it was raided by my people stirred the memory in me.” There is a long silence. In the background Karlach tackles her way through the front door and battles her way through fire, emerging with two Humans over her shoulder. It is quite a spectacle that is going completely unnoticed.

“Well, now that we know, we don't have to worry about you causing us any problems for us on the road-” Astarion stops speaking as soon as more shouting rises from the group. The guard you spoke to, after mingling back into her comrades, collapsed.

There were shouts from the Fists. “Poison! Drow poison! Dammit we have another one, get the antidote!”

His jaw drops. “You poisoned her?” He asks, leaning in with a lowered tone.
“How did you do it? I'm actually intrigued.”

You lean in to respond. “You see the moment I touched her shoulder I-” You see Shadowheart holding her head in her hands off to the side like she has a migraine.
“Shadowheart, are you okay? I have a tonic that can fix that headache.” You turn back to Asterion.
“And then I would give her a poison vial, if I were trying to poison her. It's just that easy. Poisoning is so easy.”

“I am taking notes, just in my head.” he promises, leaning back with a bemused smirk.

“Do you have an antidote?” Shadowheart asks, quite exasperated.

“They could potentially take us back to Baldur's Gate. They are going in that direction.”

“Oh, good idea. Poisoning someone and then offering a cure is a great technique to get someone's trust. I'll try it out here to see if I'm rusty.”

You approach the group that is tending to the wounded. The Guard is already in the stage where she is vomiting blood from her mouth. Not too late, however. You procure an antidote from your bag and offer the woman relief. The others are hesitant, but she takes it from you gratefully, as you are a Cleric she trusts. As she begins to recover the other Fist's shoulders release their tension. The woman smiles weakly.
“Damn... First my mind, then my life.” You see it in her eyes. She is on the cusp of worshiping you. The idea enters your mind, and a cruel grin is easily masked as a gentle look. You motion towards Karlach.
“Well done. You have saved these people, just as I asked. You are an honorable Knight, indeed.”  You remark.

Their eyes, especially those of the dark-skinned noble woman, brighten. “So it's you! You all are heroes. Saving me was one thing, but you also are down here saving my people as well... If it's you, maybe you will be able to help.”

You stand clasping your hands in front of your chest in prayer. “Please tell me what it is you need.”

“Those absolutist cult members stole Grand Duke Ravenguard.”

You feign shock. “Stealing a Grand Duke is a... Crime?”

The noble woman pauses. “Ye- yes?” Karlach covers her mouth with both hands and steps back so no one notices her trying not to laugh.
“Anyway, you agree to find him?”

“Does this Duke look like anyone in particular?” You ask cluelessly.

“That is a strange way to ask that question, My Lady, but yes. He is a tall man with dark skin. His head is bald. He carries a stern expression and should be wearing-”

You nod slowly. “Is it a shiny bald head or a fuzzy baldness, like what you would see on a newborn?”

She looks dejected as she admits. “Shiny. It is a shiny head. Can you find him or not?”

You open your arms benevolently. “That shiny head will grace Baldur's Gate once more, I promise.”

The noble woman does not seem pleased at all. “Thanks.”

“Karlach, saving the Grand Duke should be our number one priority!”

She lifts a brow. “What about the-” The tiefling taps her forehead.

“She said it was shiny!” You raise your voice.

“I can't tell if your joking.” Karlach mentions frankly.

You realize your mistake. “Oh the tadpole! The damned tadpole, yes...” Tapping your chin in thought, you try to remember the map that Shadowheart stole. All you can think of is the crude doodle of a drow woman with big tits in the corner.
“What... Were we talking about? Karlach my head hurts, were we doing something?”

Both eyebrows raise sympathetically. “Oh, honey... Yeah. We were.” As she steps forward, hugging you to her chest preciously while patting your back you feel the gentle burns begin to warm your skin, growing more severe by the second.
“You said you were into this, right?”

“It's like being hugged by an oven.” You smile widely, nestling your face between her large, skillet-hot bosom.

“Alright.” Karlach shrugs.

As you feel her body you remember what you were thinking about suddenly and pull away. “I remember now! There's a Drow woman with a nice body at the Goblin camp to the north!”

“What about the...” She taps her forehead a bit more insistently, waggling her brow.

“Why do you keep doing that?” You squint at her as the others show up.
“Oh shit! That's right I got worms in me 'ead.”

“I promise darling, we can barely tell that your head is full of holes.” Astarion states flatteringly.

Shadowheart eyes you suspiciously. “What was that about a Grand Duke?”

“I'm not sure, but we should check out the Goblin camp because there might be an attractive Drow woman.”

“You mean there might be a cure to our ailment?” Shadowheart corrects.

“I think I said that, didn't I?” You look to the others with a questioning gaze.

“I definitely heard... Cure at the Goblin Camp.” Karlach confirms.

“I assume from what I heard that we are en route to an attractive cure.” Astarion adds, backing you up.

Shadowheart balls her fists, her eye twitching. “What makes you think you can gaslight me?”

“Because we both worship the Goddess of gaslighting.” A thought crosses your mind as you say that.
“Wait wait wait... It just hit me. What are the consequences for betraying a God?”

Shadowheart crosses her arms over her chest. “Death.”

You furrow your brow, trying to remember. “I think I betrayed Lolth.” As you say they the party takes a collective step back. Astarion fully disappears in a puff of smoke.

“We can only hole she already made you an idiot as punishment.” Shadowheart jabbed.

“How do we know if that old arachnid hates you?” Karlach asks.

“I'll have to ask a spider if we see one.”

“Your first inclination is to ask a creature of the Goddess that may hate you if she hates you?”

“Is that a bad idea?”

“Put it this way. If you weren't sure if Shar hated you, and you asked me, I might kill you.”

“Does she? Because I like her a lot, I just wish we could spend more time together.”

“Yes well, no God answers each and every servant of theirs every time they have an inquiry.”

“Let's see. Lady Shar, do you like me: Yes or No.” You close your eyes and pray, concentrating deeply. As you are standing and thinking you feel something, Karlach walks over to you and pats your ass.
“Not now! I'm praying to my Goddess.”

“Your robes caught on fire just then.” Karlach explains. Shadowheart looks at you smugly.

“That wasn't necessarily an answer! I need a more definite answer.” You open your eyes and find yourself in the Emperor's realm. You scratch your head.
“What happened?”

“You died instantly. Can you please not tempt gods to kill you? Your mere existence already does that, so I have a lot on my plate as it is. I brought you here while the others are deciding whether or not to revive you with that scroll.”

“Heh. Should be out pretty quickly then.” You turn around to see that he is giving you his trademark evil stare. His eyes are filled with uncertainty.

“The opinion is currently split. Karlach wishes to revive you, while Shadowheart decided her goddess wished you were dead, so it would be an insult to bring you back. They are returning to camp so that the spawn may serve as a tie breaker.”

You click your tongue. “Well damn... Why's your shirt off?”

“I was shocked by your casual attitude towards me before. But having thought about it more, it seems you have an interest in Mind Flayers.”

“A bit.” You offer bashfully. An understatement. You have quite a few fatal obsession, not the least of which are his long tentacles and mind-bending abilities.

“I will not hurt you... However, I could make you feel anything I wish. Anything... You wish.”

Your eyes light up at the offer. “Truly?”

He floats towards you, his tentacles flanking your head on either side. A horror to some, an enticement to you. His hand lifts to touch your cheek. Slick, cold skin is felt.
“As I pondered your demeanor I thought you insane, but there is merit even to your madness. Have you ever wished to be more?”

“In a sense, I've striven so far to be less. But, to be more increases the thrill of submission. I feel more ecstatic when I am strong, being subservient to someone weaker.”

“Such is the reason you went along with the Githyanki. It was something that confused me, however her foolishness has already taken care of itself. Which simply leaves you... I believe that you will be revived.”

“You got anything to do with that?”

“Who knows? Your mind is beautiful in a sense. It could be so much better. Would you enjoy becoming stronger. Better. If you do, I can still ensure you are subservient to me.” You sense it in him. Thrill. Exhilaration. You are a social Chameleon who chooses to act the fool and in him you can see something like kinship. He is showing himself as he truly is. A villain who plays as a savior. His excitement at dropping pretenses feels like it is truly him. A layer that his been stripped away. You rise up into the air as he lifts you, spinning you and moving your body like a puppet-master.
“I could control you... I could enforce my will and you would enjoy it.”

“Yes!” You utter ecstatically.

“Then I will deny you.” He says happily, luring your body up against his.
“You will crave my power and I will deny you. You will beg me, however you will only ever receive a taste of what it feels like to be controlled.”

You salivate. “This is... So cruel!”

“I know.” You are slowly turned away from him, his arms drape around you from behind.
“But I can already see into your thought process. I know for a fact that you will obey, because in your mind you are still wondering... What if I am controlling you right now like a puppet? Perhaps this deadly fascination you have is my design, and not something that you yourself have.” You shudder.
“You may simply be another warped innocent on the plate of a being that is far above you. How does that feel?”

“M-magnificent.” You moan. As you let out that sound you feel a painless intrusion into the back of your skull. Two tentacles wrap around you neck tightly while the other slide into your ear and stroke around your forehead.
“Uh uh...” You twitch, feeling ecstatic as the tentacle pushes into your mind at the same time as you feel pieces of yourself being taken away. Your body shakes and orgasms as your skull empties, both literally and figuratively. With his tentacles inside, it almost feels as if your are being polished and licked clean like a bowl. Your eyes fade and you drop to the ground like a lifeless doll. Then... You awaken in camp.



Jane Hexum

OK i fucking love this story i cannot help but hear the character 's voices when they speak, urge is my favorite protagonist there's such a hopeless mess horny sub and Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass, i shit you not i actually squee'd while reading this


I love Surge so much❤ She needs her brain ate for real next time