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NTR Quest - Odyssey 32 - Decline Djir

  • Rule Seafolk (Continue to Oppose Aoians) 9
  • Discard Seafolk Diplomacy (Speak With Aoians) 6
  • 2024-02-10
  • 15 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 32 - Decline Djir', 'choices': [{'text': 'Rule Seafolk (Continue to Oppose Aoians)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Discard Seafolk Diplomacy (Speak With Aoians)', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 10, 0, 10, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 15}


You held him for a minute, thinking deeply about the choice that was laid out for you. A smile crossed your lips as you were playing with his short, triangular ears.
“I think... This is a bad time.”

Djir looked up with wide eyes. “Y-yeah?”

You nodded. “I can't agree to that right now.”

“Right now means...”

“Well, I still like you. I feel like we're still partners and if what you were saying was true, we can continue on like this for a while until I can give a definite answer. Right now, we're in the middle of a mission. We haven't reached the end of our search and we have these Seafolk to figure out. Your dick is literally still wet.” You smirked.

Djir covered his face, cackling. “Yeah! That's true... I got a bit excited. Like I said, nothing changes. I was resolved to still call you 'My Prince' even if you gave me a definite no. Gods. I'm sorry, I got a bit carried away.”

“You do that sometimes. It's why you're charming.” You kissed him on the muzzle.

It was hard to tell, but it seemed like Djir was probably blushing. “That's-” He stopped as Marrien and Fiona ascended to the deck you were both on.

“Okay... So all of them were trying to mess with us?” Fiona remarked.

“Seems to be the case.” Marrien eyed the blubbering, dripping, leaking pile that the strong, tall shark woman was made into by Djir. She shook her head.
“Goodness, Djir. Was that really the best method to subdue her?”

Fiona held her stomach, holding back laughter. “Holy... You did a number on her.”

Djir stretched back up to full height, rubbing the back of his neck. “She came onto me. I told her politely that I wasn't into women. She took that to mean I was a pushover. Maybe it insulted her? Hah.” He showed a toothy grin.
“She implied my cock didn't work, anyway and started to show hostility, like she was ready to fight. Thought they all looked tense so I took the strongest one for myself. Anyway. I had to show her it worked and that's the result.”

Marrien blushed. “I see. That... Makes sense, I suppose.”

Fiona cackled. “Yeah, makes a lot of sense! Glad he's on our side.”

Djir winked, picking the Shark up and throwing her over his shoulder. Her gave her plump rear a smack before descending to where the other one was laid out. You flashed the Core of the goo girl at Fiona.
“This is the one that tried to get me. She can still talk, I think. She's been a bit quiet.”

`I... Am just thinking. Reassessing my loyalties.` She claimed.

“How did you do it, anyway?” Fiona asked.

“Not sure. I didn't try to. I just did it... It's like my body did it on it's own after she failed to eat me.”

Fiona shuddered. “Mom was getting schmoozed by that guy. He even made himself look like our Dad to get to her. They met Dad, according to him. He said that he moved on after staying for a month, but who knows if that's true. Mom was also close to getting eaten and he tried to use some mind technique on me, as well. Then you had your encounter... I really don't wanna think about what could've happened.” She walked to the edge and stared down into the lower deck. Everyone was slowly gathering. Ashur was there as well. She pointed.
“I hate to admit it, but if that little twink hadn't been there we might be screwed. It would've been up to Djir to salvage it all.”

“Djir proposed to me.” You said suddenly.

Fiona's eyes nearly bulged out. “Did you-”

“I said 'not yet.' He said he got moms permission and that nothing would change if I said no and he seems to be telling the truth.”

She leaned on the side, looking down at Ashur and the others. “Ashur and Djir. I gotta say I'm surprised by both of them. Neither of them I really trust. Neither of them I really liked. But Djir adores you and is probably our greatest ally, and Ashur saved our asses.” She tapped her chin in thought.
“I'll take him, if you want.”

“You'll... Take him?”

Fiona shrugged. “Guys like that are good by me. I leaned I liked it after spending enough time with Innad.”

“Innad? He's interested in sex?”

“Oh, very. Well... He is now. I kinda made it my mission to make him an addict. He doesn't show it, but that twink basically begs for it every night.” She licked her lips.
“Hearing his voice go high and squeak while I bully him in bed is pretty fun. Maybe I'm a bit addicted to guys like him? Even looking at Ashur now I can kinda see all the things I can do to him in my head.” She offered causally. When Fiona paused she looked at you and noticed your surprised expression.
“What? You're the only one that can talk about this stuff?”

“Point taken.” You relented.

“But, Ashur is mine. For now... He just wants to be friends with you and have tea parties and stuff...”

“Try on dresses?” She winked..

“Oh, I'm sure. If you want to be friendly, go ahead.” Her expression brightened. You noticed the glimmer in her eye and quickly added.
“I mean friendly, not 'friendly.'”

“Fine.” She sighed.

“You both aren't being as blown away by this as I thought you'd be.” You pointed to your tall Beastfolk ears.

“If you changed at all it'd be alarming. My brother isn't a good actor, and if whatever stole your body is as good at pretending as it would have to be to trick both me and mom... Well, I don't wanna think about that. All signs point to you being you. You're a bit taller and fluffier but that's all.” She looked at you closely, hand on her sword. A wry smile crossed her lips.
“Big question is, are you still as strong as you were?”

“Stronger.” You answered smugly. Your Beastfolk body felt enhanced. Your senses were better than they had been and there was also an odd quality that you could not quite figure out, but your Aura felt far more robust.

“Hmm. We'll see.”

You descended into the lower deck at the center of the ship where the Seafolk were being kept. Teuta, Ahsur, Jeane, Amun, Cyyani and Innad had come up to see what the commotion was. Jeane and Teuta arrive to see you. They both did a bit of a double take.

“What happened!?” Teuta looked at you, pumping healing Aura into your body.

Jeane walked up to you with a dazed look and immediately tried touching your ears. They flattened away from her hand automatically as soon as the fur was brushed.
“Real? Real... What?” She looked at you.

“I'm not sure.” You chuckled.
“Maybe you could make sense of this.” You held up the Core of the elemental.
“This thing tried to eat me. Digest me with slime. Thanks to Ashur I was safe, but according to her a 'layer' that was not me got eaten and removed, and this is what was beneath.” You explained.

Teuta kept touching you all over with a confused look. Jeane meanwhile stepped back and looked to be in deep contemplation.
“A... Layer?” She stared at you appraisingly.
“Yes, you have a different Aura about you, now, but it's not a different shape, it's simply a different shape of you. If that makes sense.”

“You're saying I'm different, but I'm still me... There's been a lot of people saying that.” You crossed your arms over your chest. It was unfortunate that Jeane had the same thought as everyone else. You were hoping with her Aura senses she could pick up something different.

“That's not all. The Aura and 'you' are a different color and shape. That seems to imply the Aura is not yours. It is the same that I used to see, though. So, you still have it, but the base is different...”

“I don't understand what that means.”

“It's like there is your Aura that I recognize, then there is a wealth of other Aura swirling around you that looks like an amalgam.”

“I can't heal it...” Teuta apologized.

“Well, yeah. I knew that.” You patted her on the head.
“Thanks for trying, though.” She perked up and added.
“Oh, there's something I need to talk to you about, actually.”

“Yes? Can we talk here or-”

“We can talk here. It's just that Irisia has been bringing me prophecy, lately.”

“Irisia? Is that normal?” Jeane asked curiously.

Teuta smiled nervously. “Well... Typically it's just the Pope that gets prophecy from Irisia, but since it involves us, and we're far from home maybe I'm the only one that can be reached?”

“Alright. What's the prophecy?”

She closed her eyes and held her hands together. “There is a Slayer that can not be trusted, but can only be trusted. There is a Hero that must be guided along the correct path if he is to stay. One of them will lead to the destruction of this world, while the other will maintain peace and balance within it. The Coda will exercise their final choice over the Gate and must leave, stay or die.” Teuta took a breath as she finished repeating the words.

Jeane seemed to be trying to decipher it in real time. “A Slayer... So, a Hero killer from Orr, and the Hero. That could be you or Fiona, or both.” She inferred.
“You, or the Slayer will lead to the destruction of the world? It seems like it would be the Slayer, no?”

“Seems. I don't intend to destroy anything.” You assured them. Neither of them doubted that.

Jeane continued. “The Coda exercising the final choice over the Gate... Coda can mean end. The end of something, but Coda is also the brightest, red star in the sky and a God. So Coda will choose at a gate and... Has to leave or stay or die. That part does not make sense to me. The star can not leave or die.”

“A Slayer coming to kill us makes sense. We killed Sam... That wont be without consequences. Even if we didn't, I'd expect them to assume we did, because it's Orrans. Their ships are faster and they have methods of travel the take them through parts that are normally inaccessible. Even if we're using their ships, many of their crew left. This is difficult.. How accurate have prophecies been in the past.”

“Relatively accurate, and also rare.” Teuta offered.

“Now. What is the correct path for me to take, and who's supposed to guide me?” You asked.

“Hold on now.” Jeane stopped you.

“This prophecy is for you specifically. Is that fair to say?”

“I believe it was for Fin, yes.”

Jeane furrowed her brow. “Then the way it's worded, it's likely that he is not the Hero, but also the Hero is a He, so it's not referring to Fiona. So, there will be a Hero that we, or Fin, needs to guide along the right path for him to stay?”

You took a deep breath, then exhaled wearily. “I'm not sure. If any of this starts lining up, I have a feeling it'll start making sense. Right now we're just guessing. I'm already on a decent path. Let's reconvene when something happens.” You leaned in, kissing Jeane on the forehead and Teuta on the lips. You give her ass in particular a smack before moving over to Ashur.
“Hey, you helped us out a lot back there.”

Ashur brightened, bouncing in front of you adorably. “You mean it?”

“Yep.” He hugged you as you said that, pressing his cheek into your chest.
“You're so hugable like this, like a big stuffed animal. Beastfolk are really interesting, but what's with the disguise?”

“That's what I was about to ask. What do you think?”

“Can I touch the ears?” You looked up with a transfixed expression. You smiled, offered a short not and knelt down since you were another half a foot taller than the short Prince since your change. He carefully reached out and stroked his hands along your ears. It didn't feel too bad when it was done carefully. Ashur turned his attention to your tail.
“It looks so soft... Like a cloud.”

“Feels like it gets in the way.” You admitted.
“Like an unwanted passenger.”

“If it got in my way I'd hug it. I wanna sleep on it like a pillow.”

“Would you like to sleep with me?” You smirk.

“Yeah.” Ashur admitted bashfully.

“We can revisit that.”

You approached Amun. The femboy was dressed quite nicely in a thin dress. He was wearing light makeup with tasteful jewelry adorning his neck. He stood with his arms crossed, listening with his eyes closed to something Cyyani.
“-as a Princess you don't look bad. Actually, I've always wanted a Sister.”

“What about Merit?” He asked softly.

Cyyani looked at him strangely for a moment, then nodded with recognition as if just remembering. “Oh, right. Yes, I suppose we're related. I mean a Sister like you, though.” She stopped and stared at you haughtily.
“Hello, My Prince.”

Amun opened his eyes and knelt to greet you more formerly. “Hello, Master. You look exceptional.”

You nodded, resting a hand on his soft head. “Right. Accepting it so easily?”

“What choice does he have.” Cyyani offered sardonically.
“So... How did this happen? Did you stick your dick in something bad?”

“Y-” You were about to say something to contradict her, but you realized as soon as you opened your mouth that it was exactly what happened, in reality.

Her jaw dropped. “You're joking.” Cyyani slapped her forehead.

“Not bad. You like a bit like us, but with a puffier tale. I actually quite like this... It's attractive. You're not a bad male at all, now that I've been observing you. If we have a chance I'd like to have your child and tie you down.”

You chose not to bring up that you declined Djir, so you certainly were not going to accept her. Politely you shook your head.
“I'm not available at the moment. I'm actually in high demand. If you take a number I may get to you eventually, Cyyani.” You smirked at her.
“If you behave.”

She rolled her eyes. “Forget it. Too much of an attitude on you. Oh, I can fix you, sure, but there's too many fools around that would try to stop me.”

“Hah... That's the only thing stopping you, you think?”

Her bronze cheeks flushed. “Sh-shut up.” You stepped forward, folded your hands over hers and lifted them above her head. You backed her against one of the wooden walls of the ship. Your face came close to hers without touching.

“Are you not resisting because you don't want to... Or because you know the result of challenging me.” If there was one change you felt, it was territory. You felt vaguely territorial and a bit more prideful. They were not completely divergent from your usual self, just small enhancements. A minor change that allowed you to better understand Cyyani's mindset.
“You can't consider this place as yours, Cyyani. It's mine. You're on my territory. You're a guest. You're weaker.” You said, witnessing her ears flattening against her full brown hair.

“Okay! I understand.” She lowered her head and averted her gaze. You felt like you could breath again and let her go.

“Good.” As you stepped back you noticed Amun staring at you in awe. He took your hand and slid in close.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Master? Is your bed warm, tonight?”

“It's always warm... But it can be warmer.” You hinted. You expected a reaction, but the expression of joy he made was just too much.
“I have to go check on something.”

You approached the captured Seafolk. They had gotten up and were being restrained. Marrien was overseeing the questioning.
“Were you ever planning to abide by the treaty?”

“Yes! Of course.”

`They're lying, Master.` The Elemental spoke into your mind.

`Our plan was to use you from the beginning. You were integral, but we did not want to work with land dwellers, so our plan was to make you slaves that could then be turned on the other land dwellers.` You exhaled sharply through your nose and held up the black Core.
“Mom, this one says they were always planning to betray us.”

“T-traitor!” The Squid spat black ink onto the deck. The Shark meanwhile was sitting with her legs spread apart, a dazed expression about her.

`I'm not a traitor. I'm just going where the tide takes me. This guy's basically Kin, and he's strong. Far as I'm concerned he can be my Master.` She said, apparently speaking to both you and him. The Squid reacted as if he heard.

“Let me ask.” You began.
“Did the Aoian's really attack you first? Are they attacking for no reason? Be honest, I have another source on me.”

The squid groaned. “Fine... We attacked them, but only because they were in our waters!”

`Truth is, Master, we attacked really hard in the beginning. It was the Merfolk, first. They took out two of their ships, but the last one had that Cao guy on it, so it was a wash at that point... We could never get the upper hand after that.`

“Why's he so angry, though? I understand if you destroyed his ships but-”

`There was a slip of the tongue that made everything go wrong?`

“A slip of the tongue? Did you insult him?” You asked. Marrien and the others were listening in.

`Not an insult. He was about done, but the Merfolk king taunted him and said that our nations would keep attacking. Though he defeated one of us, he could never reach the deepest depths of our alliance and therefore he would be doomed to lose to attrition. He seemed really excited when they said that and apparently decided he was going to do what he was told he could not do... And now we mostly believe he can eventually.`

You sighed deeply. “Wow... That is extremely stupid.”

“I heard that.” Jeane commented.
“The Hero that needs to be guided along the correct path may be Cao Young.”

“That fits.” You nodded evenly.

Marrien looked at you. “It's up to you, Fin. I think we may need to re-assess allegiances. That doesn't necessarily mean we ally our rival, the Aoians, but we could talk to them. It would speed our trip.”

`That's not true, Master. Though we can not defeat them, you people need to travel on ships and we can wear them down over time. That is why they are currently moored in shallows where nothing can happen.`

“Got it. So, we're both still in a tight spot. Squid.. You all are going to submit fully from now on if we decide to continue on, right?”

He lowered his head and sighed. “Now we realize what we agreed to... We are at a disadvantage so we will now submit to whatever deal you wish if you are still willing to continue.”

“Hm. Or, we take our chances with our rivals.”



Some nice catch ups in this chapter, especially interesting seeing that Fin better understands Cyanni now. Though admittedly a part of me worries his foxier personality traits might end up overtaking the paladinic aspects of his character that I've enjoyed so much. Yes I did have this exact same fear with Lad earlier. XD


So my own analysis is focused entirely on the prophecy and how much I DISTRUST it. I still haven't read BEG, so please excuse any obvious mistakes on my end. My first thought, knowing that this is a sim, is that the prophecy isn't real and has been fed to us by administrators to try and get Fin and Co. to follow the path laid out for them. Further fuelling my mistrust is the line obviously referring to Lad: "A Slayer that cannot be trusted but can only be trusted." We KNOW Lad means Fin no harm and is actually trying to help him. So with that in mind, anyone trying to turn Fin against Lad is hostile to our goals in Rangers. While the prophecy warns of the world being doomed, I suspect there's some "exact wordplay" at work here. While we know if Lad succeeds the simulation will likely end, this isn't necessarily the world-ending catastrophe implied by prophecy. You could see it as a prison finally being shut-down with those inside finally going free. While the idea of Dark Fin being the hero the prophecy refers to would make for a cool twist, with the interpretation I'm running with it feels unlikely. The prophecy opened by warning us away from invaders to the sim, and assuming I'm correct about it coming from the admins, presumably that means they want to guide Fin and Co. towards Cao for reasons still unknown. So with all that in mind, I vote for continuing to oppose the Aoians because FUCK prophecy! XD

Roland Taranis

There isn't much that comes from BEG, especially pertaining to the prophecy. To give you non-spoilery context, it takes place in the "real" Turaise and at a time period around Quest. These stories haven't really interjected yet, and the few bits that do are some obvious hints about the who & why of the Simulation. Nothing more tangible, really. So I don't think there will be much to correct on that regard. I did remark in my other comments that the presence of the Gods in the Sim, while not strictly impossible, is very surprising. The possibility that the Admins took the seat of the Gods within is a real possibility. I did wonder a bit about that "cannot be trusted" part. I think that due to the context, Lad will have to lie through his teeth, making him obviously untrustworthy. But I think you give a meaning that isn't there to the Prophecy. The wording is very neutral to me, and in no way did I find it wanting to turn Fin hostile beyond the "obvious at first glance" association of roles & goals. But anyone in the room, Jeane first, knows this is part of how Prophecies work, are wary about that and will try to dig deeper in the meaning before jumping to conclusions. There's a lot to say in the "end goal" department. Right now, guessing who will want to do what in the end is very much a blind guess. Lad is beginning to establish bonds with people from inside, so he might not want to shut it, and Dark Fin is becoming emotional about Fiona & Marienn despite being here to remove Coda-Fin... As Winter said in another comment, the viewpoints surrounding what the Sim entails from its inhabitants, should they know about it, would be extremely varied. Some would think as you do, an unnatural disturbance in the flow of life, and would want to end it. Others would very much enjoy this second shot at life, and fight tooth and nail to preserve it. I made a whole rant about "why" chose to oppose the Aoians & stick with the Seafolks. Even if I don't necessarily agree with your reasons, happy to hear we can aggre on what to do next ;-)