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NT Rangers - Lad 30 - Take Siblings

  • Fetch Kara 8
  • Leave Kara Be 11
  • 2024-01-25
  • 19 votes
{'title': 'NT Rangers - Lad 30 - Take Siblings', 'choices': [{'text': 'Fetch Kara', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Leave Kara Be', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 25, 21, 46, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 19}


“Shit... Slayer's here. Look at that procession.” The Captain grumbled. Below he could see Lad approaching at a leisurely pace in his armor that was a mix of blacks, silvers and reds. He was followed by an Aoian Slave that he was known to have with him since the start that was something between a boy and a girl, and two siblings with brown hair.
“I was wonderin' what kind of guy he was, really but look at the discipline of those slaves. He knows what he's doing it seems.” As he stopped talking he noticed Lad look up at him sharply from where he was standing. It was so far away, but he still shuddered.
“Those damn eyes... Fucking albino. Everyone, get in line and welcome the Slayer! Nobody act up or it'll be your neck!”

Lad stopped up the plank. He whispered to Yeong. “Walk ahead of me and give a message to Kai if you see her.”

“I'm on it.” She walked ahead, then Lad walked up the plank with the two siblings following behind. He thought about them, even without looking back to check.

`They readily agreed to come. They really think I'm a Slayer. I need to pay special attention to them now. I said they would be on the line for any problems that occurred but I don't mean it. I'm going to protect them since I decided to bring them.`

He sighed. Up ahead Yeong would have given Kai the message `Bump into Lad by accident.` Lad took a step onto the deck and saw the crew lined up on either side of him.

`Orr is a place that observes strict hierarchy, and part of ones authority is determined by the cruelty they're willing to exercise on a moments notice. So, the current plan involves killing two birds with one stone.` He looked away at the right time as Kai stumbled out of the line. There was a collective gasp as she collided with him, only to be knocked on her ass.

“Ow...” She whined.
“What hit me?”

Lad smiled internally. `Good acting.` One the outside he was scowling. He was not moved by Kai at all, and she was the only one to sustain any injury, but he made sure to look as disgusted as possible. It was to the extent that even Kai was taken aback.
“Who does this belong to!?” He shouted, looking around.

“Shit! Shit!” The Captain rushed down and bowed down with his hands together.
“This is just a worker we hired... We'll immediately kick her-”

“No.” Lad began to brush off his armor, seeming to check for scuffs.

“S-sorry?” The Captain asked.

“Since it doesn't belong to anyone...” He gripped her hair between her long ears and forcefully pulled her towards him. She crawled to his leg, not wanting to get her hair actually pulled out.
“I'm taking it.”

The Captain smiled, seeming relieved. “That's a good solution. No one can complain.”

Kai gasped. “B-but I'm not a slave!” She cried.
“I just bumped into him.”

“If I take you to the courts I can make sure you become a slave. If I prefer, I can kill you now and save you the suffering.” Lad spoke coldly.

“He's right. You're the idiot for stumbling out of line. I'll tell your mother or sister, or whatever she is what happened. Don't worry.”

“But...” Kai stared down dejectedly.

Lad tilted her head back. Kai's eyes filled with tears. He brushed them with his thumb, which he subsequently brought to his lips and licked.
“That's quite a good taste. I'll make sure you feel enough pain that I can taste those more often.” He released her, pushing her onto her back in the process.
“Take that to my cabin.” He ordered, turning up his nose.
“I'll tour the ship quickly so let's not waste time. Everyone get back to work. You too, Captain.” Lad glared.

“Yes sir!” The Captain retreated, breaking a sweat as he made his way back to the wheel.
“This fucker's the real deal. God... And actual psycho. I gotta be on my toes now.”

The First Mate mopped his brow. “That's what I was saying... You can't just underestimate a Slayer because people say he looks like-”

The Captain covered the man's mouth, even though Lad was currently at the front of the vessel. “Don't say it! If I hear anyone repeating shit I said before, they get thrown overboard!”

“Aye.” The mate saluted.

As Lad finished his 'inspection' he made his way back down to the deck. He was mostly just pretending to look around. As he made his way to the bottom he saw in front of him a robed figure with green eyes. The man was smiling.
“Wow. That was quite a show, Lord Slayer.”

Lad stared at him blankly. “Should you be talking to me?”

The figure shivered. “Hoo... Chilly.” He paused, inspecting Lad from head to toe.
“I was wondering if you were actually going to be able to kill those siblings, but maybe it's possible.”

“Sounds like you know something about them.”

“Thought you didn't want to talk to me?”

“Congrats. You piqued my interest.”

“Well, we want the same thing, roughly. I want to kill a Prince and I don't care what happens to those Heroes, and you want to kill those Heroes and probably don't care about the prince. But, if we combine our efforts I think we'll both be far more effective, since the two goals will more than likely collide.”


“To be exact, the Heroes are going to probably interfere in my mission regardless, so I got an interest in getting rid of them. Then everything else is easy.”

“Are you anyone? Why should I care what you want? Just do your job...” Lad rebuked.

The figure laughed, pulling his hood back. “Damn! You're the real deal. You'll only listen to authority and power since you're an Orran so I'll actually introduce myself. He had a short, messy head of platinum blonde hair. His eyes practically lit up as he spoke and his smile was radiant.
“I am Third Prince Aiden of Hossen.”

Lad stared at him blankly. `I don't know Geography, especially ancient Geography, so I'll just act like I don't care and hope he explains further.`

“R-really? Dominant Kingdom in Trysk? Historical founder of the Imperial Tripartite?” Aiden frowned. “I... Know a bit about the Heroes, since they're related closely to the Kingdom of Hossen.” He added hopefully.

Lad took Aiden's hand and shook firmly. “Fine.”


Lad stared at him. “Explain.”

“Sure... So, Fin and Fiona Vara are children of the Marchioness. Technically they are a March of Hossen, but they have independent relations with Orr and other surrounding Kingdoms, which gives them some de-facto sovereignty.”

“That's politics. I don't care.” Lad sighed.

“Okay okay... Just the meat, then?” Aiden was becoming uncomfortable and a bit pouty.

“Fine. The jist of it is, those two are basically monsters. They were found to be heroes at a young age and with the Marquis' resources they were able to secure training from that age. Both of them trained under Masters all across Trysk in combat, and Aurars from the tower. As far as I know they are both proficient in magic and swordsmanship and there is a problem...”

“A problem?”

“When they are alone you may be able to duel one of them. If they are together you can consider their strength to be multiplied by ten.”

Lad nodded. “Okay.”

Aiden looked shocked. “You- you don't even seem perturbed. Haha...” He held his head.
“That's awesome, you're as cool as a cucumber!”

Lad smirked. `Not going to say it, but I don't actually want to kill either of them so their strength isn't a problem for me.`He looked at Aiden and patted him on the shoulder.
“Yeah, I'm just not worried. There's way around every problem.”

“Cool...” Aiden stared at Lad admiringly as he walked away.

“You didn't even ask me what I do?” He called out after Lad.

`Time for a blatant lie to look cool, since this guy is already taken in by my charm.` Lad turned,a glimmer in his eye.

“That's because I already know.”

Aiden blushed. “Slayer Lad, huh...” He muttered to himself.
“If I could pull him over to Brother Paul's side somehow, it would be an incredible find.”

As soon as Lad entered his cabin he began to tear up. He knelt down at Kai's side. “I'm so sorry I was rough, Kai. I didn't mean any of that.”

She sighed. “I know. It was scary seeing you like that because it was so convincing, but Yeong gave me a quick idea of what we were going to do. I get that this was basically to protect me.”

Lad nodded. “That's right. Basically, you are now off-limits for anyone on the crew, or they would have to answer to me. I can get Kara, too. I just need to make up another act.”

Kai chuckled. “Lad, you're not that bad as a villain, you know that?”

“It's all just a carefully calculated social play, which is my specialty.”

“It's...” Kai's cheeks flushed. She hugged him around his neck and nuzzled into his neck, her tail swishing behind her.
“Kinda hot.”

Lad gulped, hugging her around her waist. “Ye-yeah. It's a weird trick of the brain. My trait makes people like me, even if I do so many cruel things. So it's a two pronged attack on a persons psyche.”

Kai explained. “I mean... Yeah. It was scary, but I still really liked you. I was thinking like, 'Wow, I really want Lad to punish me more!'” She laughed.

“Okay, here's your punishment.” He wiggled his fingers along her sides, tickling her.

“Gaaah!” She squirmed, trying to get away.

He smirked, running his fingers all along her side as she screamed while trying to contain laughter. On the outside a crewman passed by. All he could hear were suppressed sounds intermixed with begging and pleading. He gulped and kept moving along.

“Hey, me too.” Yeong complained.

“Okay, come here!” Lad pulled her, hooking his arm around her waist to toss her on the bed. He wiggled his hands at her side, too. She seemed to remember something.

“Oh, I'm not ticklish.” She wiggled her toes.
“Not even on my feet. My body is too well trained.”

“That's too bad.” Lad pulled up her tunic and kissed her belly, up to her chest.

“Lad! There isn't even anything there anymore...”

“So?” He asked, kissing the blushing girl right up to her neck. Her eyelids were shuddering and her face was bright red. He kissed her on the lips finally, pushing his tongue into her mouth. After a few seconds he pulled back and smiled down at her.
“I already told you I don't care.”

Kai was watching, laying on her side with a wide grin. “This makes me really happy.”

“Why?” Yeong asked.

“Well, I was also a boy at one point. I was always going to want to change, but if someone like Lad came along at that time I would've felt really good.”

Lad pulled Kai in as well. “Come here.” He had her lean over Yeong so that he could kiss her. Her rolled his hand over her ears.
“I didn't pull anything out, did I?”

“No, you were harsh, but gentle. It was really good.”

He nodded. “Good. I'm glad.” He looked at them both.
“Who's first?”

“Do Yeong's ass.” Kai requested.

“I guess you even like seeing other people getting it there, huh?” Lad laughed.

“What can I say?” Kai shrugged.

Lad pulled Yeong's legs up and ignored her member. He waited for Kai to get down and lubricate his cock a bit, then move between Yeong's legs and lick around her asshole, then a bit inside to lubricate there as well. Without much further fanfare Lad entered her. Yeong moaned, her eyes rolling back.
“It-It's been a while since I felt like this...” She groaned.
“It's rubbing... It feels weird... It's not like being a girl.” She pants.

Lad chuckled. “Careful. You might get hooked.”

“That's the plan.” Kai teased.
“Then she'll stop making fun of me for being a butt-slut.”


Lad looked over. “Wait... Did we-” He stared at the siblings in the corner. They were both looking over, seeming quite distressed.
“How did I forget they were there... Do they have a trait or something to be unnoticed?” He started to fret. He was even still inside Yeong at the time.

“It's okay. We knew Slayer Lad wasn't actually a bad person...” The girl admitted.

Lad sighed. “Okay. That's not the problem.” He gave one last hard thrust before pulling out and putting himself away. Yeong yelped.
“I got distracted. We need to figure out if we retrieve Kara or not. Is she fine on her own?”

“She seemed very confident.” Kai explained.


“Ugh... Disgusting place. I hate Orr.” The Hero groaned, scraping his fashionable black shoes on the side of a wooden walkway.

Jeane looked around curiously. “It seems as though this is a recreation of our original time, roughly.”

“Why?” The Hero asked.

Esther thought out loud. “Creating an internal space like this could make exponential energy. We got in by using Irisia, but the power this place is generating is going to surpass her in her sealed state so we should be careful.”

“I'm annoyed...” The Hero gritted his teeth.

“Why are you annoyed, Master?” Ai asked, floating beside him. They were drawing stares, since all of them stood out.

“If we had known from the start that the Hero was here all along we could have entered at any point.”

“There was no real way to have known.” Jeane argued.
“This space is hidden well and there was no intuitive way to guess that this is what was going on. This... This plan is genius. We should have-”

“Shut. Up. We could have done this EASILY, but we were just a side-branch so it would not have even mattered. We need to retake our fate before we can worry about making a 'perfect' plan to gain unlimited power.” The Hero complained.

“That is true.” Jeane offered placatingly.

“Ah! Master!”

“What is it, Ai?” He glanced over, seeing her float over to him with a flier.

“It says that you and your sister are wanted.”

“My...” His hands shook as he held the flier.
“Fiona... Mother?” He swallowed hard.
“We only need to kill... Me. But these people wish to Kill Fiona and Mother, as well, most likely. That means they're my enemy. Let's get on one of these ships. We can kill anyone that-”

“My Lord...” Jeane interrupted.
“We have only our innate skills and traits. The rest is gone.”

He sighed. “I still have my Heroic trait. I remember everything about learning magic so it will just be a few days meditation to get back to my old strength.” He stated flippantly.

“But, that strength is less than your strength outside, since we were also using the Angel like a secondary power source.” Esther commented.

Jeane smiled brightly. “It is kind of like when I first met you.”



Ok siblings, I sympathize with you being uncomfortable. That being said, you probably should've said something before Lad went balls deep into Yeong. XD (Also new crackpot theory: the siblings are avatars for the people running the system. No I haven't read BEG yet, so I'll understand if that theory's obviously wrong.) Also it's nice to see that even though he's trying his best to be edgy, Aiden is still Aiden. XD Genuinely hope the Dark Hero catches up to Lad's team, just to see him meet Aiden again. Also, also, with how this ended do I smell a potential redemption arc for the DH? Like, this is a chance to start from scratch. He's clearly uncomfortable with the idea of his mother and sister dying. Idk, feels like the seeds are there.

Tanya Wormald

As fun as that would be for Aiden's character from Academy, the Aiden in Odyssey would be the one that died in the main version of quest off-screen. But yes, Aiden is still Aiden, only now he is somehow a tall, charming boy and Ashur is the little twink.


Not much actual analysis from me this time. I vote for picking up Kara to be safe since it seems like a pointless risk to leave her to the crew. It seems like the rest of the voters saw the potential for fox girl gangbangs and hit the other button though. XD

Jane Hexum

option one Karma catches up and she gets a bad end and some great ntr gangbangs, option two she finally proves that she is in fact worthy i mean she made her class god after all hopefully she's learned better mentor the heros in all this time right?..... and fox girl gangbangs