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NTR Quest - Odyssey 30 - Goo Girl

  • Reproduce 12
  • Turn her Down 2
  • 2024-01-26
  • 14 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 30 - Goo Girl', 'choices': [{'text': 'Reproduce', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Turn her Down', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 26, 20, 22, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 14}


“I'll follow the... The one I think is a girl.” You stare at the foreboding figure of the squid-like man. Everything about him felt like a bad omen, but you trusted Fiona with him. It was difficult to say whether they would be a danger at all, but that was the purpose of the surveillance. As you stated that you would follow the girl, Fiona eyed her up and down curiously.

“I want to know what she even is. Tell me after.”

You chuckled. “Are you disappointed?”

“No. I'm glad I'm the one looking after Mom. Let's go, they're starting to split off.”

Djir took the Shark Woman around the deck. She seemed interested in him, based on the look she had on her face with a toothy grin. Djir was able to keep a polite expression. Fiona followed Marrien and the dignitary at some distance as they descended into the hull, probably to speak in the office she had set up aboard the vessel. You watched them all leave, then turned your attention to the Goo Girl, or whatever she was. She had chosen to just wander around above deck in the opposite direction from Djir and the Shark. She was taking a leisurely pace up the steps towards the wheel. As you followed she stopped. You felt like your eyes were playing tricks on you as, in the middle of the steps leading up, her body reversed the direction she was facing by simply manipulating her mass. The clothing she wore adjusted to the change in shape, seeming to be reversible. She stared down at you, though it was hard to tell with those pupil-less eyes.
`Are you my escort?` Fin heard her voice not as something she said, but as something that entered his mind. He did not see her mouth move, but he heard her. Her voice was soft and calm.

“Yes.” he responded, following her up. She smiled and reversed again to reach the upper deck near the rear of the ship. Fin rarely went up there. It was wide and held the wheel, but there was not much else to see.

`These are unique boats. Even when we saw them from below they were bigger and sturdier than anything we had seen before. I suppose it is true that you come from another land beyond the void?`

“The void?”

`Many of our peoples live on shelves within a reasonable depth. For some, light is an issue so there are reef villages that are built in shallows. Those are made and inhabited by Merfolk who are the closest to your kind. As you go down you can find  people like Nerra, the big strong woman you saw. Then in pitch black Unollum's people live, being able to stand the depths without assistance. There are many more, but those our our primary representatives.`

“What about you?”

`I am an elemental. Technically, my people can live at any depth, however the deeper I go, the more I am reduced to my solid Core. I understand that some of my people live in the deepest depths as part of the stone, or as simple Cores in the water. But, having shape is invigorating, so I prefer to stay near the surface.`

You felt comfortable, and now you were simply curious. “What about the deepest depths? The void? You talked about it like it was a scary place?”

“Hah... Well, at a point the shelves drop off. Completely. When you look over them it is like looking up into space, and it might as well be just as vast. Even my people must stick close to the very bottom, because to float in that endless void will drive any intelligent being to madness. The things that exist there as well are unfathomable.`

“What about at the very bottom?”

She sighed into your mind. `Some like it. Believe it or not, it is hot. Even hotter than it can get up here. It is cold, freezing for so long but it is true that at the very bottom, as far as you can go into that void there is hot rock and steam, and things begin to live there and grow. There is an ecosystem beyond the space that is terrifying and unlivable.` She saw your wondering stare and smiled.

`My people believe that our world is an elemental, like us in a sense. Along those lines, we assume she pushes heat to the surface of her form where she can in order to sustain life, because she loves life. However, within the void none of her power can be felt.`

“Do you eat?” You felt it an oddly cliché question that was only given life by her unique nature. It was like asking a girl what her favorite food was.

`Any type of material. Some takes longer to digest. Anything organic can be eaten pretty quickly. Everything that I eat is added to the mass of my Core.`

You can not see it. It seems as though it is still hiding behind the parts of her body covered by clothes. “That shy ball?”

She laughed. `That shy ball is me.`

“So all of this is-”

`Well, this is all still me.` She motioned towards her watery self. The body you recognized as humanoid, even if it was see through.

`It is...` She tried to think, then came up with an answer while reaching up and running her watery fingers through your hair. Your head suddenly felt a little cool and wet.

`This part of you. Does it hurt when it is cut?` You shook your head.

`You shape it the way you like, and it is a part of you but it does not hurt when it is cut and you can even live without it. This is what this form is to me.`

“When you say it like that it makes perfect sense to me.”

`The only difference is, mine has just a few more functions than yours. Unless... You can not eat things by placing them in your hair, can you?`

“Pfft.” You stifle a laugh.
“I can't move my hair around freely, either. It's very much just a part of me that does nothing. I've just never thought of it.”

She looked at you with her plush lips and wide eyes. It was an expression that must have been crafted to look sultry.

`This is a part of you that I think looks good. Your bodies overall can not change shape, but I like them... I like yours. You are a Male Surfacefolk?`

“That's right.”

She ran her hands over her body. `As you can see, I identify with Female Surfacefolk. In the sense that all Female Surfacefolk are responsible for reproducing. With that in consideration, most of my kind would consider themselves Female.` She winked coyly.

You thought for a moment. “You reproduce on your own? Are there any men?”

`Some that choose to be. But, in the mechanical sense there are Males. They are very important... Males are very important.` She explained, leaning close.

`The Surfacefolk provide the material for the Female to reproduce.`

You looked at her cluelessly. “What is... The material?”

`You have the material to produce an excellent offspring from my form. I have been told to restrain myself, but I would be lying if I said I was not interested in you, materially.` She noticed that you were blushing, and could likely sense you were a little horny, so she leaned back.

`I am sorry... I am being arousing. I am teasing and it is not what I wanted to do to you.` She offered innocently.

You felt too intrigued to be able to help yourself. “How does... Your kind reproduce? What's the process of it?”

She seemed excited to share. `It should be similar to how your kind do it. We embrace and touch ourselves together. Your people call this foreplay?` She giggled.

`For us it is quite necessary. We need to be close... We wrap and caress and join fluids as our bodies join. It is warm and pleasant for both parties. From the material you provide a new daughter is formed fully grown with an uncanny likeness to the father.` She eyed you and moved closer, resting a hand on your shoulder. It was warm, not cool. The temperature of her body had changed.

`You...` She touched her lips hesitantly, looking around.

`I am not supposed to do this, but you do want to reproduce with me, do you not? It feels as though you do. Am I mistaken?`

“You...” The woman was standing before you, offering herself. It was a unique chance.


Roland Taranis

I just remembered an old guideline Winter told me about a while back that she uses when she writes. I just confirmed it is still in effect. She told me "I'm not going to screw a character over a single choice". I can now rule out the "Alive but crippled". So we can vote for reproduction with a light heart =)


Looking at that picture, I thought for a moment this chapter would be about Marrien getting railed. XD