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NTR Quest - Odyssey 25 - Let Djir Run Wild

  • Collect Djir (Leave Garm Behind) 14
  • Refuse Djir 5
  • 2023-12-22
  • 19 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 25 - Let Djir Run Wild', 'choices': [{'text': 'Collect Djir (Leave Garm Behind)', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Refuse Djir ', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 22, 22, 40, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 19}


You had already thought it over. “Letting him go wild seems best. To begin with, there's no guarantee that what I said will come to pass. If we are just planning on sitting back, regardless, we can play both sides like this. We help him and if Garm is ended by him, or if it becomes strong with his power growing specifically it's also not bad for us, right?” You were guilty to say as much, but you also considered that Djir may not look kindly upon you trying to reign him in, anyone.

Fiona nodded. “So... We join forces and use his strength to guarantee Aniyufar. If what you claim is true then the chaos of Garm falling after that isn't bad for us, either. I think this is probably fine.”

“It's the result of attending weeks of political talks in the background. Plus.. I feel like I know Djir pretty well at this point.” You glanced down the Alleyway. A presence at the corner could be felt, hidden. It was a presence that you would have not noticed until you were used to it. The feel of Amun, who no longer had any ability to hide from you once you had assessed him completely.  
“Come out.”

The Aniyub stepped into the alley nervously. He was still dressed in the feminine robes that your party had placed him in and his face was still done up in the same makeup with eye-liner streaming very slightly. Amun had heard most of what was said and his mind was abuzz.

“You two... What do you think you are doing behind the Master's back.”

“Who's your Master right now?” You asked.

He flinched. “That-”

You added. “Also... Whatever ideas you have right now, where do you think you can go with both of us here?” His mouth opened and closed a few times for lack of anything to say. He could not imagine a string of words that could save him in this moment. He frowned deeply. The memory of your lesson weighed heavily on him. His inability to move beneath the weight of the your hand alone. It was advanced Soma manipulation to increase the weight to such an extent. Then, aside from him the other Hero was standing just beside him, staring down the alley with a predatory gaze and a frightening grin.
“Come here.” You motioned him towards you both. Like an inmate walking down the green mile he began helplessly stumbling forward, sweating in the presence of the two giants. Both you and Fiona were, practically, very small physically. But in a very real sense you loomed quite large; similar to your hand at that time resting on his shoulder, you carried a weight that was not represented by appearance. If what you said was accurate, you and Fiona may even be larger than Djir in that sense. He felt regret.

'My only chance was at that party. Before they knew who I was I could have killed one of them. Even if I died it could have saved Djir.' Amun thought. He swallowed his fear.
“Even if I die, you wont get away with whatever you are planning.” He flinched as Fiona chuckled.

“Poor thing.” Fiona commented.

You sighed. “What are you talking about? Why would you die?”

“Be- because I heard you two colluding?” He was not sure what else to say. You surely knew, so you were surely just messing with him.

You and Fiona exchanged a look. She seemed amused. “Amun... I'm pretty sure Djir knows I came here to talk to Fiona.”

“Huh?” He blinked.

“Aside from that.. We're going to meet him together after this.” You rubbed your eyes.
“Lastly, Amun...” You lowered your hand from your face and looked at him.
“Why do you think I would kill you after I promised to protect you earlier?” You gripped his wrist and pulled him towards you. The surprised femboy stumbled into your chest. You lifted a hand to his head and scratched around his ears to soothe his shaking.
“I made you one of my people. I'm not just saying things for fun. I was serious.”

Amun remained close to you, essentially in your arms. It is true that he was quite cute like that. The fur on his long, perky ears was soft so even if it was to soothe him, you would be lying if you claimed it was not very satisfying for you as well to touch them. You smiled at him. He blushed and said quickly.
“Well what if I plan to tell Djir anyway?”

“If you try to betray me like that despite everything I've said, you wont be one of my people anymore. I'll be upset, but I wont kill you. Do you get what I'm saying, Amun?” You asked and he nodded almost instantly.

“This is to your tastes?” Fiona asked.
“Can I pet him, too?”

You turned your body and angled Amun away from her. “You have Innad...” You argued, stroking Amun's ears greedily. They were moving like mad beneath your palm. The Assassins face was growing more and more red by the second. Partially you could tell that it was because of what you were doing with him. The other part of it was you seemingly guarding him from Fiona.

“Amun, do you want to be pet by Fiona?” You asked.

Fiona smiled and extended her hand out towards his ears. “I'm nice.” She cooed.

“The purple fur looks so soft...”

In a twist, Amun ceased being bashful and clutched you tightly, shifting away from her with you as a barrier.
“There you have it.”

Fiona clicked her tongue. “I had no idea you had these kinds of tastes. Djir and... This. If I knew that I would've adjusted my search when it came to your partner.”

“This again? How about we cut that out... I didn't like being forced by you towards a certain interest and I don't like it now.”

Fiona rolled her eyes. “I just didn't want you to get hurt.”

“Well, we know how that turned out...”

“Sue me for not wanting that Priestess to ruin you.” She muttered in response.


“She's a warped harlot that enters glory holes for fun. I felt like if you ended up loving her you'd be warped, too. It was easy to see. The priestess never even hid the fact. It would be like falling in love with a prostitute. Compared to that, isn't Jeane, the girl who will be more likely to follow your lead and be considerate of you the obvious choice?”

“Maybe, but it's not your choice.”

“What's your choice?”

You turned up your nose. “Both.”

She gasped and pointed at you. “That's greedy!”

“What's wrong with that? You have one husband and now you're trying to pet the ears of one of my people?” Amun's ears twitched as you said that, his short tail lifted from between his legs.

“Let's just drop it and talk about the elephant- no, the Gnoll in the room. Djir. Do you love that guy?”

You blushed deeply. Amun was paying close attention. “I... Like him. I think love between him and me is an equation where all his variables need to be set before I can no the answer. I made everything pretty clear to him so it's mostly in his court, now.”

Fiona cringed. “Talking about tastes... Have you s-slept with him?”

You exhaled through your nose sharply. “Yes.”

Fiona rested one hand on her hip and covered her mouth and nose with the other as her face began to flush.
“Sheesh... You're throwing me through a loop here.” She looked at you.
“Are- are you on t-top or the bottom?”

“You don't need to know that!” You argued vehemently.

She held her head in her hands. “That means bottom! Oh god...”

“Don't worry about what I do with the people I like, okay? If you want to be my sister and not my caregiver, give me at least that much.”

“Fine, fine... Are we going?”

“Yeah. We can go.”


Djir was waiting in the sitting room with a glass of some liquor in his hand. The bottle that it came from was half empty. He stood up as you entered, then stopped as Fiona appeared behind you.
“This's unexpected. This is how it's going to be, then?”

You looked back at Fiona, then towards Djir. You shook your head and walked over to him. “Don't jump to conclusions.” The Gnoll seemed surprised. He opened his arms to you as you approached and readily leaned down to embrace you, but his eyes did not leave Fiona. As the two of you were together, a sigh could be heard from her. You looked up at him, ignoring her reaction.
“What were you thinking?”

“I had to contend with the idea that I'd lost you.” He offered seriously.

“But you still let me go?”

He paused, then whispered. “Something keeps telling me that I have to let you go if I want to have you come back. You haven't proved that thought wrong once, so far. What did you two talk about, then?”

“We talked about what we wanted to do in regards to you.”

Djir released you from his arms and returned to his seat. “Then please, sit. Both of you.” Fiona wandered into the sitting area and plopped down on a love seat. Djir as almost taking one up himself, but there was room. You want and sat down beside him.

Fiona groaned. “I guess that's the fruit of my labour.” She admitted.

Djir grinned. “Anyway... Go on.”

You looked to him. “I brought it up... And Fiona agreed. We both are going to lend our strength to this thing you want to do with Garm. We'll help you in any way you require in order to end it quickly in your favor. Basically, we've both decided to put our full support, and whatever support we command within the expedition behind you.”

He looked floored. “That... Is very far outside what I expected to hear.” He bent down, furrowing his brow. His hands wove together in front of him and he seemed to be in thought. You and Fiona exchanged a look.

“This is also not the reaction I expected.” Fiona said.

He nodded once. “It's everything I would've asked for. So I'm forced to be suspicious. Ease my concerns a bit and tell me what you want out of this.” He looked to you specifically for the answer. It was the gaze that threatened to see through anything you had to say. That much was to be expected.

“Aniyub as a Province with special privileges and the figureheads that we approve of.  Garm, under you, should guarantee it obviously.”

He shook his head. “No...”

“W-what?” You blinked.

“What do you mean no?” Fiona uttered in annoyance.
“You're getting everything you would've wanted, anyway.”

“That's just  it. I'm getting everything I want. It's too much. Something doesn't add up. There has to be more. I can sense it, I just don't know what. I can't see the benefit you two see in this deal. I'd believe you, Fin, to give me this but not her...” He stated.

You calmed Fiona with a gesture and rested a hand on Djir's leg. “The truth is, my Sister and I are not cut out to be a Queen and Prince. We have the power to do whatever we want with Aniyufar, but if I'm being realistic we don't have the will to actually follow through on building the place up and allowing it to prosper. That's why. Plus... We are not actually here to do any of that even if we could. We have to leave and continue following in the footsteps of our Father. This was a diversion...” You smiled at him.
“For me it was a really nice diversion.”

“You're leaving?” He questioned, stunned.

“Soon. We have to. That's not to say we wont be back. It's very likely we will-”

“I don't want you to go.” He said seriously.

“Listen!” Fiona shouted across the table at him.
“You can't have everything you want.”

“Then... Take everything else.”

The two of you exchanged a confused glance. You looked at Djir. “What?”

“Whatever this deal is that you're offering, forget it. I'll give you and Fiona whatever you need to feel comfortable enough to stay. Garm can be whatever you want it to be...”

Fiona's eyes lit up. “W-whatever? Really?”

“Yes.” He nodded.

“That's not going to work...” You interjected.
“Djir... We need to go. We can't stay here. I don't want you to make a mess just for me to stay... That's crazy. What we're offering is for you to do whatever you like here. We'll help. After that we have to go.”

“Whatever I like... You'll help... You mean that?” He repeated.

“Yeah, We'll accommodate your plans. Our terms are set and they aren't unfavorable.”

“I suppose that's that, then... I have to think about my end of this, then. Otherwise I accept.” He leaned back, draping his large arm over your side of the seat.

“So...” Fiona began.
“What is it you like about my Brother?”

“His cute ass.” He winked.

As Fiona paused and gained a look like her brain was rebooting you looked to him with a bright red expression.
“The hell are you saying!?”

“She asked. Didn't ask what I liked best, just what I liked.” He leaned down and licked across your lips. “For the record, what I like best about you is your cheeky attitude, coupled with those nice noises you make when we're in bed together.” He cackled a little to himself as Fiona adopted a look like her programming failed to reboot on startup and had to try again. Her head was spinning.

“You could be less crass...” You complained.

“Can I be?” He grinned getting closer.

Fiona suddenly awoke her senses once more and pointed. “W-what about heirs!”

He glanced over. “We talked about it, me and him. He should have lots of heirs with as many women as he wants.”

“We're in agreement... So long as they aren't bad for him.” Fiona nodded solemnly.

“Indeed.” Djir and Fiona traded a rare look of solidarity.

“Can you two stop trying to agree on the strangest things?” You groaned.

Djir chuckled to himself. “I've thought about it.”


“That's right. Hey Fin, how about I leave with you?”

“I'm sorry?” To say you were shocked would be an understatement.

“After we-”

“Nah. If we carry out any of my original plans and I leave at the end, there wont be a country after I go.” It was surprising that he grasped that far. You think on some level he understood the same principles you had explained to Fiona. On some level, though, he believed that if he was present he could reign in any disaster. You had to admit, Djir's ability to deal with problems as they arise was the wildcard that you had no accounting for. The other wild card...
“You said I could do whatever I wanted, didn't you? I can't get you to stay even if I hand my whole Empire to you... So I'll leave the whole thing behind instead. You said something interesting to me. That I would have to show you with my actions down the line. I think that's where we're at and since you said I can do whatever I want, you two gotta accommodate me, right?”

“That...” You were not sure what to say. You had not expected this.

“If we do that, then you wont be able to guarantee Aniyufar for us, either.” Fiona commented.

“That's true.” As he said that he was mainly looking to you, even though Fiona was the one that spoke.
“That place without either of you, and without me will eventually drift out of your control. The guys that want to run this place without me wont have their eyes on additional territories for a while so it'll also be difficult to use Garm as an excuse... Eventually that whole kingdom will probably slip away from your expedition.” He explained jovially, with confidence of one that had thought it all out already.

“I don't mind too much if Aniyufar is free... If it's not mine or Garms or yours I think it's better than having it ruled by outsiders to these lands.”



Also, seeing Finn talking about how he'd be upset if Amun betrayed him feels like the good universe version of the Dark Hero telling Ladd he'd be sad if he rejected him. XD

Jane Hexum

I'm finally up to date with one of the story's and have to say I'm 100% on team Djir tho i really want to help Amun and Dijr make up a little at least