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The traveler looked down, a flier in her hand. She seemed to be standing next to a stage in the midst of a crowd of people and many soldiers. The weather was nice, so there was no problem there, but she felt taller and her body quite a bit lighter.

'Where am I? What was that last thing I was doing? Did I end up going out?' She glanced down at the flier as a million thoughts swirled around in her mind.

'Recruitment... For the Royal Academy... Royal Academy...' She gulped, then looked around more closely at the crowd she had passed a quick glance over. Some type of representation of medieval clothing that was not quite accurate. Stylized for a certain audience, rather than to fit a specific period. Looking down, she herself was in a gold and blue waistcoat with blue pants and black boots. Her chest protruded, despite the tightness of the coat. A far more impressive pear of breasts than she had before.

'No way...' She felt her hair.

'Long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. A military uniform... A courtyard where I”m handing out fliers with other soldiers. If I”m right-' She nervously glanced up over the crowd and saw the large open front of the guild building. A place that was not so well described, but the situation when put together was enough that she could immediately pick out where she was.

'It”s that tacky concept that I”ve read hundreds of times. I got sent into the world of some trashy story I read...' She pinched herself.

'It hurt...' She began to look around more nervously.

'Furthermore... I got taken into the text of some unpublished erotic fiction story, of all things. This scene is definitely the first chapter. No... Maybe a little sooner than that? In who-knows how long the Hero is going to show up, cause a commotion in the guild hall and he'll eventually be approached by the four possible mentors...' She looked up and saw a curious pair of red ears poking up from the crowd like a flag.

'That”s-' She considered her options.

'Beastfolk were not supposed to be too common in this part of the continent, except for Dogs, I seem to remember? So those ears can really only belong to one person.' She began to leave the soldiers.

“Commander!” One shouted.

“Huh?” The traveler slowly turned.

“Yes?” The soldier stared at her curiously.

“Where're you going? You said not to leave the stage.”

“I- I'm going to go check out the- the candidates inside the guild hall.” She gritted her teeth.
'Is this NPC really going to stop me... Wait, he said Commander, didn”t he? Wouldn”t that make me...' She straightened her posture.

'Two birds with one stone.' She stared at the soldier.
“What is my name and title?”

He seemed surprised and stood at attention. “Knight-Commander Plank.”

'Tha fuck?' She slapped her forehead.

'I wanted him to say the name of this character so I could confirm but he used the l-last name!? When in the whole damn story was Teuta”s last name ever said... To begin with, last names were basically taboo to the writer for some reason. Maybe because she just hated having to remember them... There were many instances where characters first names were mixed up in certain chapters. That”s just the type of work it was... Very “adhoc.” Still, if it's the Knight-Commander then it would only be Teuta. And the appearance is right. Oh god...' She covered her face in despair.

'I am inhabiting the body of one of the most fucked characters of all the fucked characters. A Knight that is supposed to be powerful that dies off screen after getting turned into a nugget by a gay Gnoll...'

“Fuck fuck fuck.” She muttered under her breath as she dropped the fliers and rushed into the crowd. She broke through to the hall and witnessed a commotion. A small lad with messy black hair and adventuring equipment was shattering all expectations at the station used to test potential.

'So that means I am too late and the selection is going to begin soon.' She tried to think as the crowd around her 'oooh'ed and 'aaaw'ed. Before she realized it, she could do nothing right up until the point in which the four potential mentors were standing in a row.

“What about you?” The Hero asked, pointing at Teuta.

'Ah, wait a minute...' she grinned.

'I have a cheat!'

The First Cheat: Knowing exactly what the Hero from the original story likes. She smiled and cleared her throat.
“I am Teuta. A Holy Knight-Commander from the Kingdom's primary order of Knights. Since you're special I wont take you back to the Royal Academy. Instead we can basically go wherever you want. We will have a lot of alone time.” She added a wink for good measure. She smiled smugly as the Hero's face lit up.

'First operation! Change this character's fate. I'm starting to get flashes of Teuta”s memory. It wasn”t clear in the original story but it seems she was constantly finding excuses to leave the palace where the Crown Prince is at. I never actually knew, but at this point in the story she was never bound to him which means that not choosing Teuta in this circumstance condemned her to being the Princes plaything... That ugly bastard... Since Teuta is a Knight that belongs to the Royal family, she can only make excuses to leave briefly and needs approval to be able to separate herself from the palace.' She chuckled lightly.

'Unless... It has to do with securing a National Treasure like a Hero. Though...' She looked at him closely.

'I know from the beginning that he isn”t just any Hero. The only other people that know that are-' She looked to Kara, then curiously over to Jhiana, the only person that was calm.

'One of the strongest characters in the whole world casually appearing here at the start... What a trope. Thinking about it, I should actually be pretty strong, too. I think I made a good case for myself.' She nodded to herself and waited.

'Jeane and Kara are going to argue among themselves soon and I'll be able to break it up.'

Jeane opened her mouth. “This meathead Knight? You should at least consider the Fox before thinking about listening to her.”


Kara laughed. “Well... The Elf has taste. I didn't expect that. But she's right. The Knight said something strange. What are you two going to do with your 'alone time?'”

Her face became bright red. “W-well I-”

“Shameless. Absolutely shameless.” Jeane clicked her tongue.

“I thought better of the Holy Order.”

She looked to Jhiana. 'Help! You are a character that literally disappears for the entire story until the end! You have no stake so at least give me a hand!' She begged with her mind, knowing it would be useless. Surprisingly, Jhiana smiled and offered a short nod.

'Wait. Did she hear me?'

The silver haired woman opened her mouth to speak for the first time since her curt introduction. 'She”s actually going to help me?' The Traveler thought.

“It seems I am not in the running. I will take my leave early.” Jhina bowed. She nodded to Teuta.
“Good luck.”

The Traveler blinked. “What?” She gripped her head.
'She- She heard me, figured out she didn”t even stand a chance and LEFT early? You are now my least favorite character, Jhiana! I hope you can hear me!' She steadied her breathing.

'I still have a shot. I gave my best introduction.' She smiled and waited.

The Hero smiled at her, at Teuta and pointed... At Kara. “You. Kara for sure.”

'You stupid bastard! I can see the look on your face that says “exotic beastfolk woman, must bang!” fuck fuck fuck! I NEVER stood a chance against her. The original first choice.' She lamented.

Kara looked at Teuta smugly. “So it's decided.”

Jeane shrugged. “How unfortunate... At least it was not the vulgar Knight-Commander.”

'Traitor... Jeane, we”re supposed to be on the same side. Is it because I presented as a threat?' She felt like crying.

'No, I can”t just accept this. I know what the Hero wants, still!' She held up two fingers and looked at the Hero with a shameless smile.
“You should take me two. You'll have two Mentors.”

“Oh!” The Hero seemed swayed by just that.

Kara bared her fangs. “Bullshit. Look, I have special powers so all these other people are incompatible. You chose me, so it's going to be you and me. They can't teach you things if I'm teaching you, Hero.”

“Huhu.” You chuckled.

“What?” Kara looked at Teuta suspiciously.

Second Cheat: Knowing Lore. 'I know why Kara is saying that. Because her initial goal is to transform the Hero into a perfect offering for Coda. But I can”t just say that. It wouldn”t make any sense at this point and I would catch a lot of heat from those people... But, I also know a lot of side lore. The writer was someone that answered DM's so most of the things I wanted to know that weren't mentioned in the story could be found out like that. Like...' Teuta looked down her nose at Kara.
'I'll mix it with a little cheat knowledge as well. She isn”t going to expect me to know what she is.' Teuta licked her lips.
“Actually, our powers are compatible for two reasons: First, the quirk of your people can only not build Aura, not Soma. Soma is a big part of Te- of my skillset. Second, the only other thing is Divine power which also doesn't interfere. In fact, it's the most compatible power source to yours.”

Kara was stunned.”How-” She was sweating.

'It feels good to make Kara sweat this early on. A character like that seemed to be indomitable early on. The only issue is it”s mostly an act and she-'

“You still can't!” The Fox insisted.

Tueta smirked. 'She is all Bravado and no brains. The dumbest character in the series that gets the Hero into tons of problems throughout the whole story. I liked her but... Yeah.' She still felt somewhat nervous.

'The original vote was Kara... What if the voters can”t be defied in this world?”

“Why not?” The Hero asked innocently.
“Is anything untrue?”

“All of it!”

“Which part?” He asked.

Kara blushed. “Well...”

“I guess it's settled, then. I'll pick the two of you. Teuta and Kara.”

Teuta looked at the Hero. 'I badmouthed him but the the early Hero was horny to a normal degree. About as much as you could expect from a guy. He always started out innocent and then would get ruined over time by the situation he was in.' She lowered her head.

'What if... Instead I protected his innocence? How would the story go?'



Roland Taranis

The amount of meta jokes and fourth wall breaking is properly sublime XD Even though, with the amount of DMs I sent, why do I feel targeted ? >:-o


I was convinced that you'd been isekai'd for a brief moment there. XD


good so far. a typo at the beginning. impressive pear probably should be impressive pair .