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NT veRse - Bad End Guide 20 - Triumvirate

  • Complete the Underworld Guide 8
  • Find Another Way 2
  • 2023-12-13
  • 10 votes
{'title': 'NT veRse - Bad End Guide 20 - Triumvirate', 'choices': [{'text': 'Complete the Underworld Guide', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Find Another Way', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 13, 0, 17, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


“Ugh... We had a little leak.” Synra laments.

“I can't believe that freak came out.”

“A what, Mother?” You asked attentively. The only reason you would be brought back is to listen to something she had to say. You remembered that you had been brought back many, many times recently and each time you had very little explanation for her.
“As I said before, I always go out intending to follow what you say but the Eve on the outside doesn't listen since you don't let me remember.”

“Still... I thought you would listen to sense.” She pouted.
“It has to be like this, since there's so many tangled cobwebs locked in that little noggin of yours.” You flinched as she rapped on your skull gently.


She looked at you with narrowed eyes, then shrugged. “You're 'my' Eve so I guess it doesn't matter if I tell you.” She grinned.
“Basically I needed an agent. Someone that could go into the world and get me things and accomplish things that my normal Scribes and Scriven can't.”

“What's the problem with them?”

“The problem is, they got no ability to hide their thoughts from people looking in. Especially Jhiana and her people... If I sent you as is you'd be torn apart by all those 'nice girls' since that woman is my natural enemy.”

“Why is she your enemy? What did she do?”

“That temple was something I inhabited originally. It's where I was born. My brother and sister were born in different places and they held on to their birthplaces.” She bit down on her thumb, drawing blood.
“I'm the only one that lost mine because of a stupid error. It's humiliating, you know? Being the smartest one, but also the only one to lose something so important?” She shook with anger while leaning close to you. She stared you down scrutinizingly.
“You... Wouldn't happen to be thinking 'Oh, you lost something like that. Maybe you aren't really the smartest? Are you an idiot, Synra?'”

You averted your eyes and tried not to show any reaction. “I... Mother is the smartest and greatest.”

She softened and tussled your hair gently. “Evie, this is serious. That person that came out is really bad. Bad news.“ She almost sounded sympathetic.
“You're a nice girl but there's parts of you that I had to take away to make you like that. If those parts start coming back and you stop being so nice I don't know what I'll do.”

“I don't know what I can do, Mother. I can't affect anything that happens out there unless you let me. I- I don't want that person to come out but how am I going to stop it?”

“Ugh... I guess I'm really going to have to get help, then.” She frowns deeply.
“They're gonna laugh at me.” She leaned into you. You flinched, but eventually just had to allow Synra to shrink into your arms. You were not sure what to do until she looked up at you in frustration.
“This is the part where you console me, you automaton!”

“There there...” You hugged her and patted her, eliciting a gentle sigh in her. You thought back to the journal and asked something that you had asked before. You had to ask delicately, because Synra had a short fuse.
“Is everything that happens with me within your plans?”

“Yes! Hey...” She pushed you down and knelt over you.
“Why're you asking me that? You think I'm stupid, too? I know about EVERYTHING that's going on with you! You think I can't?”

You gulped. “I would never suggest that there was something outside your calculations.” If she knew, there was no reason to bring it up. If anything, it would just make her even more angry.


“What does the guide say?” Sun asked.

“We're clear. For now.” You observed, flipping through the pages.
“So far, what I've gathered is that it doesn't fill unless something bad will happen that leads to death or worse. So hat do we do?” You entered your first city since being brought to this world. Sakanset was a large walled city on the outskirts of one of  the small powers on the continent. It bordered the northern plains and the western mountain ranges and those, coupled with it's obscure location meant that it was the perfect location to find 'Travelers.' It was an incredibly large city. The road into down was decorated on the side with many walled manors and carts selling wares dotted the innermost path. Guards that looked more like hired goons in a kung-fu movie sat at every corner holding pikes. The only thing that discerned them from the rabble was a yellow bandanna tied to some part of their body. Ahead, above most of the structures you could see a rising citadel on a hill that the city was expanded around. You glanced over at some disagreement to your left.

“What!? I passed inspection at the gate!” A merchant was being stopped by the yellow bandannas. The guards did not seem to be listening to a word he said. The captain was holding the man on his knees while two other men searched his cart again. You could faintly see one of them loading items into a bag.

Sun gripped your arm. “Not worth sticking our nose into, for now. We'll just be another target, and then it'll be a fight.”

“I wasn't going to.”

He nodded. “Sorry... I just know you like to help people.”

“He's right though.” Milk added. She loomed behind the two of you, wearing a robe to hide most of her suspicious features.

“I want to.” You admitted.
“But I dunno what I can do right now. How do we find the 'underworld' here?”

“They're usually tied into crime.”

“Well that helps.” Sun groaned.
“Because most of this place looks like it's tied to crime. The people of our Sect were told never to come here.”

“Good thing you're no longer in that sect. Maybe they would pick you out and send you to the auction for having such a pretty face.” Milk teased.

“Shut up!”  

You tried to focus, despite the bickering going on in the background. Ever since that time in which you lost control you were never able to remember what happened but you were able to feel the results of someone going completely wild with your, or rather 'Eve's body. According to Sun many of your pathways had opened, meaning you were quite a bit stronger than before. Though you still could not utilize the exact strength the person used when they came out, you were stronger than Sun without having to activate any type of ability at this point. Your already good eyesight and hearing were also improved.

You scanned everything that was in sight and spotted a girl eyeing Milk from an alleyway up ahead. 'She looks strange, but the way she's staring...' It did not look curious, but pointed; knowing. To the girls detriment she was not observing you as closely. You kept her in the corner of your vision and allowed the two to continue their idle jabs at one another until you were lined up with the alley several yards away. You stopped and took a look at the guide, smiling to see no new entry as of late.

'That means...' You turned to stare at the girl suddenly. As soon as you laid eyes on her directly she bolted off.

You waited until you could see straight down the alley for a reason. As soon as the girl left you bolted after her. More importantly, you could see which way she turned down easily and turned down that route to follow her. As you gave chase you felt an exhilarating, unfamiliar feeling.

'I”m legitimately faster!' You followed her down each twist and turn, gaining steadily.
“Hey! Stop! I just got a question.”

“Then don't come closer! Stop chasing me and I'll stop!” The girl shouted back.

“Then stop running!”

“You first!” As she glanced back to shout at you, Milk landed roughly in front of her and acted effectively as a brick wall. The girl bounced off of Milk's solid frame and passed out.

You waited for sun to catch up. “What was that?” He asked. He then saw the girl laying on the ground and cringed.
“W-what did you do!?”

“She ran into me.” Milk had her arms crossed under her chest.

You crouched over her and tried smacking the girl's cheek a few times lightly to get her to wake. “She was fast, so I doubt she got seriously hurt by running into you...” You muttered. As you pulled on her nose you saw the corner of her eye twitch. You realized she was faking unconsciousness and grinned.  
“Since she's not awake we'll just have to strip her down.”

“W-what!?” Sun gasped.

“Oho!” Milk seemed excited.

Before you could bring your hands to her tunic she opened her eyes and pointed at you accusingly. “D-don't touch me! I got connections to the Underworld so don't try anything.” You and Milk traded a smug look as the girl realized what she said.
“I mean...”

“Just the girl we wanted to talk to!” Milk slapped her back hard, causing her ghost to almost leave her body. She then lifted the girl up under her arms and was just shy of holding her in a choke hold as the girl chose to remain limp like a possum.

“What do we ask?” You wondered.

“August, Cappy or the bitch. Do you know where any of them are?”

“Who wants to know?”

“If I could remember what my name was I could throw my weight around in the crowd...” Milk grumbled.

“Ah. Milk. Use your...” You blushed pointing to your breasts, then hers.

“Oh! Good idea. I hadn't thought of using it like that before. Clever.”

You and Sun watched as Milk hugged the girl and guided her nipple into the girls mouth. Her lips closed around Milk's thick teet and you both could see that the moment the first drop entered her mouth she was sucking eagerly. Slowly the rebellious girl began to relax until finally she seemed completely enamored, with an obscene drip of white sliding down her chin as her lips curled up into a dizzy smile.
“Uhh... August, was it? Y-yeah...” She relented.
“He's not here. But he's got a room.”

“What about the others?” Milk question.

“Oh, nobody knows where those two went.”

“Wait wait wait!” Sun shouted, backing into a wall.
“We've been drinking that by the glass on our trip. Does that mean we're both...”

“Yes, you're my thrall. I got you under my spell.” Milk teased.

You shook your head. “It only actually works like that if you drink right from the breast. Otherwise it's just a good source of nutrition. You didn't drink from the breast did you?”

Sun blushes. “She offered but I refused.”

“He got embarrassed. Maybe he's the new Meekling?”

Sun pointed at Milk harshly. “But that means you were trying to mind control me.”

“It's in my nature. You're a cute boy. Seeing you reminds me of my boys.” Milk fanned herself as she seemed to become semi-flustered.

“Eve...” Sun whined.
“This person is an actual beast. Is this alright?”

“I'm also kind of a beast, remember?” You mentioned wearily. You explained your circumstances to him as best you could already, since he was joining the party.

“Right... B-but you're different.”

“Different how?” You lifted a brow as he stared down at you with a longing look. His eyes rested on your lips. As your cheeks started to burn slightly you diverted back to the main subject.
“Who are you?”

The girl sat obediently with her legs crossed as you all bickered. When you asked she finally lifted her head again and explained.
“I'm Nina, a member of the Unorthodox Sect. I live here and work to gather information for people that buy and sell info.”

“That's useful.” You saw that Milk seemed impressed.

“No it's not!” Sun argued.

“What's wrong now?” You asked.

“The Unorthodox Sect isn't a real sect. It's just a word for people that are not attached to any Sect. If they are attached to anyone it's usually going to be a criminal organization or some Primal worshiping cult. Otherwise it's just people that practice Martial Arts through unapproved means.”

“Then wouldn't I be a member of the 'Unorthodox Sect' by default?” You asked.

You once again became flustered. “Y-you're different.”

You cocked your head to one side. “How?”

“If you tease him so much he'll run away.” Milk warned.

“Isn't it obvious... I'm going to go take a look around. Don't worry too much about me, I'll be nearby.”

“Sun? Wait!” Before you could stop him he jumped, kicked off the wall halfway up and then bounced onto the roof-top, disappearing.

“See?” Milk nodded.

You sighed. “Nina, do you know August?”

“Nope. I just know that he sometimes comes here and it's a big deal in the underworld when he does. Nothing's going on so he's not here.”

“That tracks.” Milk shrugs.

“Got it. You know where his place is, though?”

“Nope.” Nina shook her head.
“We don't mess with those people. They got the 'Black Ticket.' It means that anywhere they go in the underworld they are not allowed to be noticed by people like me. If they're spotted we keep it a secret and if the secret gets out the people involved in that chain are cut out. But, I don't actually know anything. I'd tell you if I did.” She beamed at Milk, who smiled brightly in return and tussled the girls hair.

“How long does this last, Milk?”

“I just know that if I keep feeding her it eventually becomes permanent.” The Minotaur shrugged.

“Kind of scary that it can be used like this.”

“Truthfully you're the one that reminded me of this side-effect. I wouldn't have known otherwise.”

You nodded. “Got it, so I take responsibility. Nina, take us to the underworld in this town.”

“Yes Ma'am.” The girl stood up. Nina was roughly three inches shorter than you and looked to be about the same age, physically. She had medium length, light brown hair and brown eyes. Her clothing was tattered and you could not tell if she wore rags on purpose to avoid being noticed or if she was actually just poor. The body she had was not malnourished and her speed seemed to imply she had some training and foundation that allowed her to eat and train.
“When you step off the beaten path the streets between streets... Those are the underworld. The same is true almost everywhere you go.” The girl was not lying. As she lead you down a winding maze you were suddenly in a covered street with lantern lights hanging over the walkway and around various stalls and storefronts. Nina turned around before entering.
“This place is my home, but it's also dangerous.”

You opened the guide. “Oh my god.” Pages upon pages were filled. Each individual shopkeeper and person walking by. Suddenly as you looked at them in a new light the disheveled and unfortunate souls of the underworld alley seemed more like predators waiting for a mark. Waiting for you.

'This is like... It'”s basically telling me that if I go in here I”ll die- no, I have already died many times. If I hit a dead end again...' You remembered the look of fear in Cai and Saedi's faces.

'At the same time, this guide is filled. So does that not just mean that I have the secrets to all of these scamming bastards right here? I can complete the underworld guide and stay alive while accomplishing my goals. Or... We leave and find another way. The guy isn”t even here, anyway.”


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