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Kara rode Fin impatiently. Her hips ground back and forth in a sensual rhythm. “It's just not working.” She complained. Each time she slid forward his limp cock rubbed between her folds, but no amount of rubbing, grinding, sucking or stroking seemed to allow the Hero to become hard.
“Hey.” She slapped his cheek lightly to get his attention. He jolted from his trance. Fin had been trying to concentrate but all he could think of was Vura's smug expression as she said goodbye to the party. Still, even then he could have mustered some blood flow to his member. Not anymore. It was like something was constricting the veins and preventing him from getting hard.

“What?” Fin panted. He had been trying as well. He was exhausted.

“I said it's just not working. And look.” She lifted his tunic, causing the Hero to blush deeply. He pulled it back down but she could see clearly what was happening.
“It's been a week since then. For every day you stay pent up the mark grows little by little.” While still straddling him Kara looked down gravely.
“That Elf thinks that the thing that feeds these marks is cum.”


“Semen. Jizz. Spunk. Maybe the stuff itself. Maybe just the essence of it?” She wondered out loud. Kara slid back and took his cock in her hands. Usually if she was teasing him for not getting hard she would be wearing a grin. That is how it was in the beginning. At this point she looked serious.
“For women, that means getting cummed on, or in. I guess? But you're a guy and you still have a mark, so what does that mean for you?”

“It means...” Fin trailed off as he fell into deep thought of what was happening.

Kara spoke first. “We're guessing this mark is actually alive. What it's doing is getting 'watered' by sperm. In your case you produce sperm so it's stopping you from cumming and eating happily every day.” Kara sighed.
“For us girls we just have to stay aware of our surroundings and avoid getting semen on or inside us. For you, you're passively losing ground without being able to do anything. We can't say that it's likely this thing wont start affecting your mind when it progresses further. Like that warrior, Vura. She was completely different at that time, it was easy to see.”

“Any luck on a cure?”

Kara shook her head. “Heilan is going out every day to different botany shops to ask questions. The Elf is studying the Mark on her own to see if she can make any breakthroughs. I'm obviously working with you to try and help you out and stop the growth but it's pretty clear that there's only one option at this point.”

Fin gulped. “What's that?”

Kara leaned forward and whispered in his ear. He did not like what he heard. “S-seriously?”

She wiggled her two fingers at him. “We're probably going to have to do it once, maybe twice or even three times a day. We'll see how much it grows and how much we need to do it for.”

“F-fuck!” Fin cursed, gripping his hair.

Kara stared down at his pitiful, curled up self. “Not gonna lie and say I don't like it, but I'm sorry this is what we gotta do to you.”

“F-fine. Just be gentle.”

“Don't worry. I wont be unkind.” As soon as she turned him onto his stomach she grinned.


“Woah, a Dog! Are you from Try-” It was a common occurrence. The city they had chosen to stay in and find a cure was perfect for a few reasons. The plant was located not too far away, considering the time to travel west or east. The city, Ryshamvar, was also a hub port between east and west that meant even if the answer was not held by a local it could be found in a traveler if they were lucky. So far there was no luck and on her way to a new botanist, every day Heilan was subjected to vile treatment by the crazy locals. The man that approached forwardly took his hand and placed it over her ass, kneading into it as he asked the question.

“Get off!” She took his hand and grabbed his collar with her other hand to gracefully flip him against a nearby wall. The Ryshamvaran landed upside-down on his head. Ryshamvaran's were tall Beastfolk with hair that was typically orange or blonde with black stripes or spots on their ears and tail. Where Heilan was incredibly strong, the Ryshamvaran Beastfolk were incredibly fast, but it did not help them when they provided an easy point of grapple when they chose to grope her.

“Bastard!” She spat at him and continued on her way.

Two men observed her from a cafe. “Wow...” The first intoned. He was a traveling merchant from the east. The other man was a local.

“It's a common ritual at this point. The girl comes into the market, gets approached by some local and puts them on their ass. It's a good show.”

“What about the guards?”

“Even if the guards protect locals over travelers more often, that one is being protected.”

The other man grinned. “Oh... So it's that type of  'protection?' Seems like every time I come some new person has been marked.”

“Hah. Seems like you know. She's gonna meet a guy she can't beat soon enough. That guy that people usually stay away from.”

“Hmm... They call him a demon, right? Why?”

“Black ears. Most people think he's a different species because he's bigger than the others and he's got solid black ears and fur instead of blonde or orange, but that's a type that does pop up now and again.” The man sipped his tea from a small cup, completely finishing it off.

“Bad omen. The black fur thing isn't made up for no reason. All those kids that are born like that are inducted into a crazy old tradition.”

Heilan's ears twitched. “There's just one more place to visit today. I gotta help the group. Ms. Kara. The Hero and even Jeane.” She did not want everyone to end up like Vura. No matter how much any of them begged for her to come with them she just kept refusing and staring at them with a smug look.
“It-It's like she saw what was gonna happen to all of us...”

“What's that?” A deep voice asked.

Heilan was on guard, but since it was not a man trying to grope or manhandle her she felt less inclined to try and fight. She turned to regard the owner of the voice and saw a tall, defined Ryshamvaran with long black hair and black ears, like a Cat's but bigger and a little more rounded. He wore a long black, buttoned tunic that fell below his waist. He also had baggy black pans and sandals rather than shoes. He had lithe, yet masculine features and a long red dot painted in the center of his forehead.
“You wanna help or are you just asking?”

“Helping begins with just asking.” He said smoothly.

“Okay.” Heilan relented, pulling out the drawing of the mark. It was made so that she did not have to go around showing her belly to every botanist she met. She gave it to him while staring up to keep eye-contact. He was about a foot taller than her, which was normal. Somehow, though his presence seemed to set him apart from the other locals.

The man took the drawing and looked over it. “I see. You were captured by a plant that did this to you. The mark is on your stomach. Judging by how desperate you are, you have already seen what it can do to a person.”

“Yes! Yes on all accounts!” She clasped her hands in front of her excitedly.
“Who are you.”

The man smiled gently. “I am Ravana, one of the Rakshasa.” He searched her face curiously for a reaction, smiling wider when she showed none.

“What's that?” Heilan asked cluelessly.
“Oh, I'm Heilan.” She offered her hand with a bright expression.

Ravana took her hand and squeezed, but did not shake. Instead he drew something on top of her palm with his finger that did not seem to leave any mark.
“It means in your terms that I am a Mage that works directly for the King of this land.”

“What was that?”

“The creature that inhabits you at this point is dormant but can be communicated with using sense of touch, aided by magic.” He closed his eyes, still holding Heilan's hand.

“Why are you... Communicating with it? I feel weird.” She squirmed, trying to pull her hand away. Ravana's grip was too tight, however.

“There is sense to what these seeds do. They behave rationally and an be negotiated with. It just happens that most mortals goals do not align with theirs, so they are deemed unreasonable.”

“W-well of course.”

“But... A beneficial relationship is possible.”

Heilan finally managed to pull her hand away. Ravana opened his eyes to stare at her. “I wanna get it out! I don't wanna have a beneficial relationship.”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her close with incredible strength. “Your 'seed' wishes to work with me, and you do not. I wonder who I should listen to.” Heilan shuddered as he kissed into her neck, then bit down in an act of dominance. The Dog gasped. He kissed from her neck up her chin and whispered in her ear.
“We can compromise. You have no solution but you wish to save your friends. What a predicament.”

Heilan began to tear up. “I-I don't wanna betray my friends either. I'm the Hero's, which means I can't and I don't wanna be with you, Ravana.”

“But you want them to be consumed. How kind.” Ravana mocked, caressing Heilan's cheek.
“I will be frank. The library of the Rakshasa is the only place in this Kingdom where you will find any hint of information concerning this thing here.” He tapped her belly where the mark was, sending a pang of pleasure rushing down into her cunt. She convulsed and came so easily, dripping into her leggings through her panties as she panted and struggled to remain standing.
“How can you refuse, Doggie?” Ravana stroked her ears affectionately.
“If you tell them what I told you, do you think they would resist?”

“I want them to be cured, but if you do that and I tell them I don't like it I'm sure they wont let me.”

He grinned. “Of course. That is too easy, however.”

“What do you mean?”

“I will make you a deal. Tell them with your eyes. Say that you will endure the treatment I give you in exchange for me assisting your Hero and your whole party. Say your lies, but speak truth to them in your expression. Your look and the language of your body to the point that it is obvious to them. So long as you stop short of speaking protests, my bet is that they will go along with this and refuse to save you from it. For their sake. Your false words will be enough to let them overlook your suffering.”

“If- If they decided to save me from it?”

“Well then... I suppose if that I happens I will stake my reputation and offer my services without you as payment.”

She smiled weakly. “They will definitely forbid me from giving myself to you, even if I say I'm okay with it. So long as I show them how hesitant I am. I can do that, right?”

Ravana breathed in her hope and closed his eyes as he savored it. He gripped either side of her head gently, rubbing her ears idly with his thumbs. He opened his eyes.
“Just so.” He nodded.


“A-anyway that is the situation.” Heilan finished explaining the surface-level deal. The Rakshasa would have free reign over her while he worked to cure them all. She of course made sure to show how hesitant she was to the point that it was impossible to ignore. Even if she said that she would make the sacrifice to help the party, her eyes told them very clearly that she did not want to. Inside she felt hope because all they had to do was disagree and refuse. If that were to happen they would have Ravana working on a cure and she would be able to avoid a nasty fate. She waited patiently and was heartened to see how horrified Fin was.

'He”ll definitely save me. There”s no way the Hero will allow this to happen because I”m one of his people. He said it himself.' She thought.

Before he could open his mouth, Kara interjected with a deep sigh. “Seems like you've made up your mind. I'll respect your decision to do this for all of us.”

The deal was to not say anything to convince them to say no. To only use body language. Though she was shocked, she could only show it in a reflexive blinking as Kara made her decision.
“M-Ms. Kara agrees, then.” She gulped.

Jeane nodded. “It has been futile these past days. I would normally say that we should never sacrifice one of our own, but I don't see another way. I am not even close to a breakthrough. Besides. It seems as though you are saying you can endure it so I will have to believe you.”

Heilan almost cracked. 'You bitch... Can you not see how scared I am? Shouldn”t you say ONE thing about how frightened I look? Why are you only paying attention to my-' Her expression sunk.

'Oh.' She saw in Jeane's expression and in Kara's.

'They definitely know. Both of them know I am forcing this upon myself while being terrified. So long as the Hero-'

Fin looked down passively, twiddling his thumbs. “I think... The votes are cast, so what can I even say?” he uttered noncommittally.

The corner or her lip twitch. 'You just need to say no. Just say no! Even if you say you don”t like it we can all benefit! Say it. Or at least look at me!'

He continued to avoid eye-contact. “So I guess it's been decided? Heilan will endure this thing for us?” He smiles weakly.

“Really, thank you.”

Behind her, as Heilan shattered mentally Ravana ran his fingers through her grayish black hair and leaned forward to inhale her misery.
“It seems they have made their choice, Heilan. I suppose we will be working together from now on.” He gripped her by the shoulders and turned her. Heilan, shaking, glanced over her shoulder at the Hero that still avoided looking at her. She twitched to one side and began laughing.


“Hm?” Ravana leaned close.

“No no... D-do it in front of them.” Heilan begged.

The Rakshasa grinned incredibly wide and stopped. Both had their backs to the party. He whispered. “They will see, my dear. Everything. They will hear it.”

“I want them to. I want him to. I don't want that bastard to be able to sleep soundly after the choice he made. He should hear it. See it. Feel it.” Heilan seethed.

Ravana kissed her on the side of the forehead and pulled her into his chest. “Oh my... It almost sounds as if you do not even want your dear friends to be cured.” He spoke so softly that only she could hear it with her radar-dishes of ears.

“I don't... God help me, I don't, I don't, don'tdon'tdon't!”

Ravana lifted her head to get a good look at her face. Dead, dark eyes and an expression that did not mind dying or going to hell, so long as someone else was dragged down with her. He drank it in and turned around, pulling her along with her hand in his.
“I think she wishes to remain with her friends while I perform my experiments.”

The rooms that they stayed in were open. They were bamboo shoot buildings on stilts in little rows so privacy was a concept that did not exist. That did not matter, since they were only built to keep relatively warm and dry and nothing else. Normally this was not an issue in the heroes party, however with Heilan and the Rakshasa, it was going to be.

They still whispered. “Am I gonna get taken over?”

“Yes.” He smiled.

“Will it hurt? Will I die?” She asked, even though she did not seem to care.

“In my reading of this, it will feel very good and you will not die, you will join with it and become different. To this creature you are it's precious host and I am soil and fertilizer to make it thrive.” He explained.

“So what do I have to-” She flinched as a long rope of cum panted her face over one eye and down her lip and chin.

“Do not waste any. Consume it.” Heilan did as he asked and scooped the seed he just shot all over her into her mouth. She licked her fingers and her palm sensually of every last drop.
“Something nice is, once you join with it you will absorb it through your skin and fur, so no more sticky fur after love-making, darling.”

She smiled weakly. “Is that it?”

“No, we need to go much further. Just keep doing things to make me aroused and I will keep going.”

“Yes Master...” She prostrated herself between his feet, one eye still glued shut. Her cheek was glistening from the cum that had rubbed into it like lotion. Her as rose and her tail wagged back and forth slowly as she turned her head and kissed the top of his foot lovingly.
“I'm your Dog. Please use me... I give up completely so just ruin me and get it over with.”

He moans. “Ohh... Believe it or not, that fact that you have given up is far more arousing to me than anything else you can do.” He grabbed her hair in a big tuft and pulled her up so that he could look into her dead expression.
“That's it... Despair is so delicious.” The Rakshasa licked his lips. He tilted her head and stroked himself until he felt like cumming again. He pointed his cock into her ear and pushed it as deep inside as he could as he came. Heilan twitched and shuddered as the seed seeped down her ear canal. As he pulled his cock away he gripped her ear and began joyously massaging the thick load down inside as if he were grooming her.


“Since it's inside, the presence of it there will pull the roots towards your brain faster.” He advised.

Heilan smiled. “G-good.” As soon as she said that her spine arced and her eyes and ears twitched madly while the hair on both her ears and her tail stood up. Her eyes rolled back as an orgasm rocked her sense.

“That last moment you feel is going to be like that, but better.” He teased.

“Hehe...” Heilan chuckled, drooling down her chin as she felt movement beneath her skin, around her spine and in her head. She looked at the mark. A blooming flower instead of a tribal mimicry of twisting vines and thorns.
“Amazing!” She fell onto her back, still twitching.

“I said you would still be the same... But really, who knows. I think you will actually be quite different, Heilan.” Ravana grinned.
“Just one more load.” he whispered, spreading her legs before entering her. She panted and moaned, making it loud as she could.

“Yes! Please!” She begged.

Outside the Hero covered his mouth and cried. 'Oh god... Heilan. What did we make you do?' The others left and advised he did, as well, but he could not bring himself to leave her since they were the ones that consigned her to this fate. He could not hear every thing they said. He could just hear the brutality of it, and how she was moaning as she was being fucked.

“Here it comes. For my notes tell me how it feels to have your brain completely squeezed by roots.” Ravana asked, cumming on last time inside. His seed pushed into her womb before being immediately absorbed by the mark. As the roots grew more tightly around her brain she leaked from her nose and mouth and convulsed in her last moments as a Beastfolk. As the last flower on the mark bloomed Heilan smiled, then disappeared. When she opened her eyes she felt the same, but different. She was soaking in a pool of her own juices. Those that were not hers were slowly being absorbed. She looked up at the Rakshasa, sitting confidently, waiting. He looked down at her and laughed.

“Ah!” She salivated.
“My soil...”

“That's right.” He pet her between her ears. The door opened as she crawled over and clutched at his leg tightly, nuzzling against him affectionately. To the man that had fed her she felt an incredible sense of loyalty and reverence.

“Heilan! I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to-” He stopped, noticing the mood.

Heilan glared at him like an intruder. “You're only saying that just now? Why are you barging into my Master's room, anyway? Get lost... Has Kara 'milked' you yet today, are you crazy? Limp dick.” Heilan grinned as his expression turned. He backed out slowly but before he left completely she crawled up onto his lap.
“This man is soooo much better than you. This Master... He'll bring you guys salvation, don't worry.” She mocked.
“Definitely. Definitely.” As she said that he winked at the Hero and licked Heilan's cheek. She no longer cared about her friends. It was a stronger sense of separation from them than with Vura, for Heilan was actually forsaken. She cracked before she even fell to him and it showed. Her madness preyed upon Fin's guilt. He looked horrified as he looked upon her and saw the result of what they had done. Her mark was clear and on display, three fully bloomed flowers on her belly with roots spreading all around her both above and beneath her skin.

“Just listen to me Hero and you will be freed. Otherwise... What was this girls sacrifice even for?” Fin turned around and slammed the door behind him, running. He held the mark as it throbbed.



Roland Taranis

I would have liked Ravana or Heilan to explicitly tell the rest about their bet once the result was cast, to have Jeane & Kara realize they are terrible human beings. Once again, indecisive Fin will bear the brunt of the moral consequences while the two cold hearted bitches that pretty much decided the vote on their own won't even realize and barely care. Otherwise good chapter. Especially like the part where Heilan is explained the consequences of what she is about to go through, and still go with it =)


Oof that was brutal, but quite well written. I wasn't the biggest fan of Heilan originally, but you completely nailed her feelings of hurt, betrayal and hatred here. As fun as "she's a dog girl so she has submissive instincts" is for kink, this was just way more powerful as character writing. Also further evidence supporting my theory that you avoid being an NTR protagonist by being an active character who actually does stuff rather than meekly going along with things. XD Only minor criticism I have is that it would've been nice to see what Kara did to the Hero.

Tanya Wormald

Thank you. I think that when I write about the submissiveness of the Dog Beastfolk, the conceit should also be that loyalty is more of a give and take. A lot can be taken but they expect some form of give in return. So the situation here is like 'abandoning a puppy' or betraying a 'best friend.' It's just absolute betrayal from the person she would've given loyalty to.