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“We need to speak about your combat prowess.” Lae'zel had been keeping an eye on you, as she promised. There are no shortage of eyes on you between Asterion, Shadowheart and her. No matter how much you try to shrink into the background, against all odds you seem to be the center of this little group. Each for their own reason. Asterion, the spawn, is satisfied to watch you flounder. Shadowheart has abdicated most responsibility, content so long as you all are treading onward. Lae'zel is the most tenuous of the party. It feels as though any moment she will leave, or slit your throats; whichever comes first. The Gith did not take leadership formally. She is content to act as though she is in charge and very little has been done to contradict her so far despite the fact that the others unequivocally look to you over her. You wonder if she is clueless, or if she is brutally aware of the silent coup.

“You said I was very capable.” You reminded her.

“Indeed. Which is why it is confusing when you seem to cower before enemies that should be defeated so easily. You allow yourself to be brought down. Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. The last time is a detriment...” She brought her face close to yours, practically hissing with each word directed against you. It was glorious. So lucky you are to be a female instead of a male. The arousal you feel over her berating you and scrutinizing you can only show in your expression and the way you move. You wonder how loudly those two aspects speak to someone like Lae'zel.
“There is something going on. It almost feels as if you are trying to die.” Not die, though a death for many who are not as warped as yourself. To be brought low before a beast that you should be able to slay easily. There are times when the humiliation is simply too much of a tantalizing promise. She is correct.


The first time with tomb raiders. You approached to speak with them and ended the conversation by somehow becoming their pack mule. As the Halfling was stripping you of every last piece of clothing you had while ecstasy washed over you. It was a suitable distraction for Shadowheart and Lae'zel to kill the men without any issue.

The second instance, where you heard voices from a hole in the grounds of the old temple where Shadowheart and Lae'zel defeated the looters party. They sounded angry so you 'stumbled' down and landed on a bed. They opened the door to find you staring invitingly at a rather tall and powerful barbarian. To him you must have looked like an angel that fell from the sky. Your ash-colored skin was made to glow by a ray of light cast through the crack that you slipped into. You feigned surprise and tugged at your robes suggestively. It was the only signal the man needed to shut the door behind him and ignore the questions of his group. Without interruption it was a wonderful encounter. The man was no saint and that is exactly how you wished him to be. He was not showing mercy and he had no reservations about being rough. You could tell that with each hard thrust he was intent on taking possession of you. You closed your eyes and imagined a new reality with this man where he inducted you into his party and kept you to use you and fuck you as he pleased. As he rutted one last time you gasped, feeling an oddly inviting texture of blood on your bare stomach; warm and thick. You looked up and saw Lae'zel standing over him and you. She had stabbed him in the gut then slit his throat for good measure. The moment the blood dripped onto your chest and stomach with him still pulsing inside you felt release. You could leave your body in that moment. Even the look Lae'zel was giving you added to it. She stared down with disgust and confusion. You could feel it in yourself as well because you craved both in some sick way. The blood, the sex, the humiliation. Such a potent cocktail.

The last time. Her words bring you back to that moment in particular. The most recent. While exploring the grove you came across a Bugbear standing over a dead Tiefling. You hazarded to guess that the two were connected. The Bugbear must have sneaked in during the chaos. He held his weapon in his hand tightly, looking to you as his next casualty. It was no survival instinct, but something else that made you kneel down in front of him. His eyes filled with understanding as you dropped your weapon and looked up in nervous submission. He was unsure, as if he suspected a trick of some sort but your act was better than convincing; it was true. The Bugbear stepped over you until you were beneath his loincloth flap between his legs. His large pendulous sack rested over your eyes as you tilted your head up worshipfully and immediately it began to sweat onto your face and leak scent into your skin. You inhaled greedily and let you mouth fall open a saliva collected on your lips. With the satisfaction that he had claimed you, the monster pushed you down on top of the Tiefling. You guessed that once he's had his way with you, you would join her. As he was about to swing his large made a sword once again pushed through his chest from behind and killed him instantly once the wielder did a simple twist. Lae'zel stood over you again with that same look of disgust.


“We have a word for your kind.” Lae'zel says harshly, shoving you by your shoulder to corner you.
“Ir'revrikal. A pain servant.” There is no more flowery way of saying that she spit on you. It lands on your cheek close to your mouth. As you were taken by surprise, Lae'zel kisses you forcefully, biting down hard on your bottom lip to the point of drawing blood.
“Will you fight back?” She asks, spitting your blood out onto the ground next to your feet.
“You tricked me by fighting before. Was it simple reflex?” You whimper before her like a lost child. She looks down on you with something resembling pity.
“If you are going to surrender so easily, then it should be to me. I will destroy you as well as any of them, so do not continue running into the arms of those who will do harm to you. I am here and I am fully capable of hurting you myself.” As she says that she licks across your bleeding lip, shoves you to the ground and walks away. You are left to stew in the thoughts of Lae'zel 'destroying' you as she promised.

Shadowheart catches sight of you and smiles. “Seems she likes you.” She offered sarcastically while throwing a healing word over you.

“Are you disgusted by me, too?”

Shadowheart makes a revealing expression with her brow furrowing and her lips curling down. “Yes.” She admits.
“And I suppose that arouses you?” She shakes her head at you.

“It's strange, of course, but oddly enough I have seen stranger things in Baldur's Gate. You are just a drop in the bucket, my friend.” A smirk crosses her soft lips.
“At least you're just a pervert and not a crazed murderer like the rest of your kind.” She looks down her nose at you, reaching to help you up.
“If anything, it's quite impressive, don't you think?”

“Lae'zel beats me and bites me but you really have a way of biting at my soul.”

“I'll take that as a compliment.”


A body in the road. Fresh. It had not been picked at yet by scavengers and the sausage in his pouch is still edible, if a bit robust in scent. Something about the corpse draws you to it. The others find you strange for going near. You kneel down beside him. Who was he? Why was he here and what killed him? You see signed of being gored by claws and heavy paw prints in the vicinity.

“What could do such a thing?” Asterion asked.

“A beast.” Lae'zel stated.

“Obviously. What kind?”

“A large beast is a large beast. What does it matter?” She scoffed.

“I see the tracks heading off down the hill.” You observe them, but something is strange. There are two sets of human tracks walking after the large tracks of the beast.
“Should we go investigate?”

“No.” Lae'zel votes. The impression you get is that her vote is the only one that counts, however, as she is already walking back towards the main road.

You call out to her, since the possibility is on your mind as well. “There are also human tracks here. The druid that was mentioned could have been the beast or one of the people. The adventurers say they lost him, not that he was captured.”

“What point are you trying to make?”

“If it's him, the healer could be as close to as as being on the other end of these tracks.”

“Worth a shot.” Shadowheart offers encouragingly.

“Yes yes. By all means follow the tracks of the murderous beast.” The spawn rolls his eyes, following you closely in spite of his protest.

You track the Beast and the two human-sized individuals to a large cavern at the base of a sheer cliff. It does not look dark inside and it seems there are multiple sources of natural light which comfort you into venturing deeper. You get a sense of 'breathing' within the cave but the sound is far off. You lead the others quietly. Down a narrow path. Of all things to find you stop, looking upon an altar of a Goddess. You jump across a small stream to investigate and find a note with a prayer.
“The prayer is to Selune, and a record of a coming of age ritual for young Selunites. Maybe it's a sign.” You smile at Shadowheart brightly only to notice that she is scowling at you.

“A sign?” She asks.

“Y-yes? What's wrong. I need a God to become a Cleric, don't I?”

“You're still stuck on becoming a Cleric!? Fool. You know serviceable magic. There's no point.”

“Why... Would I not want to try and use this.” You hold up the note.
“I could unlock a chest by saying a prayer and maybe I'll even be able to connect with a Goddess while I'm at it.” You offer innocently. Shadowheart looks beside herself. She pulls you aside while the others sit to rest in the small tribute area.
“I don't get it.” You offer cluelessly to her.

“Because you are stupid. I understand. It is a problem that should be fixed, rather than ignored.”

You pout incredulously. “Not you're being as cruel to me as Lae'zel, almost.”

“Maybe I should be if it will get your attention.” She glares at you.
“Selune is a terrible goddess. If you are going to become a Cleric and I can't stop you from doing so, you should pick something like Lolth or any other god will do.”

“That seems strange. Lolth over Selune? To me that makes mild sense, even though I don't have a connection to either but to you it should be obvious that Selune is a kinder Goddess than Lolth. Unless-”

She places a hand over your mouth and pushes you back further away from the group into the shadows not touched by the natural lighting.
“Enough. Alright I'll tell you. I... Am Cleric of Shar. The Lady of Secrets. Enemy to her sister Selune. If you are actually serious then I will try and guide you onto a better path since it seems like left alone you are predisposed to self-destruction.” Shadowheart smiles a little smug smile.
“How benevolent I am.”



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