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NTR Quest - Odyssey 16 - Forgive Djir (Fuck on Your Terms)

  • Bathe Alone 12
  • Bathe with Djir 16
  • 2023-10-20
  • 28 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 16 - Forgive Djir (Fuck on Your Terms)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Bathe Alone', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Bathe with Djir', 'votes': 16}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 20, 18, 43, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 28}


You leaned forward, folding your hands together under your chin as you stared down at Djir. He seemed genuinely apologetic. It was not a hollow apology by your perception. He showed real vulnerability. It was enough to look past what he did.
“I forgive you, Djir.” The question on your mind was if he could also show a desire to change or compromise. As the Gnoll lifted his great head to stare up at you with a grateful expression you asked.
“But are you really interested in me?”

“Of course.” He argued.
“Everything I said was true. I have... Proclivities, I understand. They are rare, I admit. You are-” He looks you over hungrily.
“You are exactly my type.”

You remembered Amun, a man that was also very much his type and that was quite similar to your build. But Amun was akin to a servant and you did not want to live that way.
“But you also want to control me.”

Djir cringed. With everything you done and all the boundaries you asserted so far he of all people seemed anxious and hastily conceded.
“It's not completely necessary.”

“Not completely?” You looked at him with a cocked brow. It was a noncommittal answer and he knew it. He still desired to control you and to have you for himself. It was not something you wanted to participate in.
“You told me that you look at me with regret even though we've never met before. That you wish you could do things differently. Well... Here's your chance.” You were not completely sure what you were offering. In a small sense it was a chance. Largely it was a shit-test that you did not fully expect him to pass. To your surprise he nodded his large head.

“Alright. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do and... I suppose I can do anything that you want me to.” He offered a suggestive gaze up at you that made you blush. The Gnoll licked his chops, but was content with not invading your space like before. He was waiting for you.

“W-what?” It surprised you.

“You think I was lying? I want you... I can do things FOR you. This doesn't have to go just one way, Fin.”

It felt odd. Such a creature offering to do 'whatever' for you. You had to admit, at least to yourself, that you were curious.  

Djir brightened. His tail wagged behind him like a dog that was just given a bone. “Can I?”

Your cheeks flushed. “I- I don't know? Why don't you show me what you can do so I can decide if I like it...” As soon as you said that Djir moved forward, his hunched form leaning over you as you sat back on the cushioned seat.
“Wait!” He stopped the moment you said it. You paused a moment, staring into his hungry eyes and salivating maw.
“You stop anytime I say so, right?”

“I promise!” Djir panted, nodding his head vehemently. You thought he was telling the truth so far as he wanted to, but the look in his eyes made you wonder if he actually had the strength to follow through once he got going. There was something about the way he looked at you. The hunger he had for you as a whole was greater than anything you had seen in Teuta or Jeane. Your sister did not look at you like this, but the obsession felt similar.

“Then...” You sighed, hoping you wouldn't regret the decision.
“Go ahead.”

Djir nodded. You expected to get pounced on and ravished. Instead he slid his large form over you. His weight did not rest on you, though you could feel his warmth radiating from the fur covering his broad chest. His large arms flanked you on either side. One hand supported himself on the cushion beside you while the other gripped the back of the seat that you leaned on. You stared up pensively, then finally closed your eyes as his teeth got a little too close for comfort. His breath washed over you, then his tongue lapped over your open mouth once, then twice. When you did not protest the warm, dexterous appendage pushed in and without even trying you were kissing him rather awkwardly and sucking on his tongue. You opened your eyes as his tongue withdrew from your mouth. You felt hot and felt Djir gazing at you expectantly. He was looking for any reaction and holding back while his hot breath washed over you. You leaned in and kissed his maw. Your lips caught his teeth which you could feel made him jump ever so slightly. As soon as you reciprocated his big arms closed around you and embraced you and the two of you continued trade wet affection for another minute while you became noticeably aroused and so did he.

It was unavoidable with Djir being so close that you would feel his massive member swinging and bumping into you. You felt it uncomfortably not for what it is but for what you guessed was coming. You asserted your boundaries but you had already given the go ahead. You expected this to be the point where Djir truly forced himself upon you. Instead the Gnoll continued to hold you carefully until he slid down. You had no idea what he was doing until you felt his tongue wrap around your member tightly and pull and rub. It was all over you.
“H-holy...” You threw your head back and gasped. Your waist lifted off the cushion. He pulled your cock into his mouth and around his teeth but you never felt their sharpness. He was good.
“Damn..” You moaned as he licked from your balls, over your member once more then up your belly to your chest. He opened your tunic as he went, as if unwrapping you. His tongue rolled over your nipples briefly and he rose again fully to lay another warm kiss on your lips before nuzzling into your neck and...
“Ah!” You yelped as he nipped down gently. Djir leaned back, panting.


You shrugged. “It's... Fine.” You smiled up at him. He chuckled nervously.

“Haha...” He went back in, using his teeth more carefully to tease your skin before returning back down to your member. You sunk down and tensed as he worked so hard to please you.

“I'm-” You looked down and could see Djir was already nodding. He delicately held your cock at the base and licked around the tip, pushing you over the edge. He pointed it so that the load shot over your chest and not his fur.

“Sorry.” He conceded.
“But... It's harder to clean off of me than it is from you.” With that he once again lapped over your chest and stomach with his tongue, cleaning you as he promised. At this point you felt incredibly hot and intensely satisfied. Djir stared at you, but it was more of a begging gaze than it was demanding. You could practically feel the warmth radiating off of his cock.
“You don't have to-” Before he could finish, without really thinking it over you reached down and grabbed what of it you could reach. Djir's blinked. He hugged you tightly.
“If you want.”

He retreated back to the bed and laid down, splayed out with his monster on display. You felt free to leave, or refuse, or do whatever you wanted, but you chose to crawl between his legs. Feeling his cock again in your hands it was hot enough to feel like it would burn you, almost.
“I don't really know what I want. It's not like. I still like women...”

“You can like both and- and there is nothing wrong with experimenting, regardless.” You could tell Djir was trying to talk you into it, but you couldn't fault him for that since it was the only thing he was doing. It was your call to close the distance and to actually grab it. You looked down and inspected the thing more closely. Far bigger than yours and intimidating. It was hard like a muscle and it sweat. For the first time you inhaled around it and the musk was intense enough to make you shudder. You leaned down and stared past it up at him and his enamored expression as you gave his member your first lick. If it were at all bad you could not have endured it. Luckily for Djir and of uncertain luck to you his cock was a deeply satisfying savory flavor that filled your mouth as his scent filled your nostrils. As he became more engrossed in tasting it his large, clawed fingers wove into your hair affectionately. He sunk down to his balls and kissed his cock near the base. If he did not have such a robust reaction to every little thing you did it would have been harder to get into it, but every lick elicited a happy groan and the kiss made his ears stand up and the fur on them stand as well. Goosebumps.
“Fin...” He asked.
“Try- Try taking it into your mouth.

“Okay.” You felt more safe exploring and listening to him, so you tried it and pulled the large flared head between your lips. The reaction he had to that was quite nice.
“Y-you've had this before on you, right?” He asked. You nodded.
“Just do what you know feels good for you. Please.”

You smiled with it in your mouth, then closed your lips around it tightly, sucking it down further. Your tongue cupped around the underside as you bobbed up and down over it a few times before pulled back up to the tip to lick around it consistently while your hand stroked him just below the head.
“Faster...” He begged. You went faster and felt him throb in your hand. You went down, sucking his cock between your lips again. Then, without warning you felt something warm and thick shoot to the back of your throat and fill your mouth while his member pulsed. You pulled back before it could burst out on it's own and both felt what you had in your mouth leaking out and more of it roping over your face and chest. You stared at him in shock.
“Sorry... Haha...” He offered.
“Like I said though, it's easier to clean off of you than it is me.”

You stared him down, one eye shut by the coating your face received. “Then clean it off...”

He wagged a finger at you. “I did it for you... Now...” He trailed of and looked at you playfully. You reluctantly swallowed what was in your mouth, then stood up to find a nearby towel to wipe yourself. No matter how much you wiped it still felt like it was on you. Like dried glue.

“Ugh.” You glanced back at him. He was grinning. Despite him being a little mischievous in the end, you could not exactly stay mad at him for just that.
“Where can I wash this off?”

“Do you really want to leave and risk being seen?”

You shrugged. “There has to be a bath nearby.”

“Of course. Should I join you?” Djir offered, already getting up.

“You want to join me in the bath?” You remarked.

“It's a communal bath. My people bathe together. Men and women... It is not a huge deal. Keep in mind, I also need to clean myself off.” He left a moment for you to think, then added.
“I could wash you...” Then another pause before.
“And you, me.”

“You're being awfully clingy. Starting to remind me of Fiona.”

“Nonsense. I don't want to control you, I just want to be near you, Fin.” He smiled earnestly, though even that somehow had a way of consistently seeming malicious when it bared his sharp teeth.
“Besides. If I'm with you I can protect you. Who knows what type of assassins are lurking about, haha.”

“Is that a threat?” You stared him down.

“N-no no! A joke! I swear...” He raised both hands in front of him and cackled awkwardly.

Fin smirked. “You're starting to feel less like a terrifying General and more like a confused pup.” In good humor, Djir closed the distance and picked you up in his arms, despite the 'coating' you received.
“Y-your fur!” You argued.

Djir ignored it, hugging you tightly. It was not awful. He was warm and comfortable, like a nice blanket.
“Hehe. If you keep testing me I might have to show you what's 'terrifying' about me.” He stopped himself after saying that and added very tactfully.
“With your permission, of course.”

“Uh huh...” As he let you down you stared at some of his matted down fur.
“I suppose now you're going to say you 'have' to come bathe?”

“Hah... You got me. But...” He relented.
“There's more than one bath in this palace. Only if you want me there with you.” Djir stared at you hopefully.


Roland Taranis

Hello my friends, here comes the analysis =) Since what happens in the chapter is rather straightforward, I'll focus on the character of Djir and what I think would be the correct path forward. So, this iteration of Djir is very complex, because he has remnants of what happened in other timelines. He has been very genuine within our interactions so far but do not be mistaken, he is very much dominating, controlling etc... The qualities that we traditionally associate with Djir. But with those remnants he instinctively knows that if he submit to those impulses toward Fin, his chances at something genuine are gone. He is struggling between his idealistic desire at a relationship with us and his instinct to take control. Hence his slips of the tongue remarked by Fin. For now, he has been very careful in how he behaves, but I suspect if we commit a bit too much to him, he will inevitably take space until there's room for no one else but him at Fin's side, not even Fiona. We already proved we are "open" to something with this chapter. He doesn't have to resort to extreme behavior to get our attention. So I think we should show some boundaries and bathe alone. I think we will need to juggle things back and forth with Djir down the line until we can find an equilibrium he can accept between him & the others. And that comes with some impactful actions rather than be physically glued to him, or him to us. We need to change his perspective. He told Fin "I want you to see what I see, the way I see it". I relish the first half, Fin is in dire need of education. But the second I abhor. And if he is genuine in our relationship, he should be able to accept this too. But if we manage to find that equilibrium, Djir would become an absurdly loyal ally to Fin and enable him to soar to unprecedented heights amongst the iterations of the Hero. At least I think so. And a friendly reminder, chronologically we parted with Fiona a few hours ago and, pretty much, had sex (oral) on the first night. We are supposed to stay for quite some time, I think at least weeks. That's enough for today.