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Gina tore her headset off. She was sweating and soaking through her seat, which was particularly awkward for her as she was in an office setting. Only her four short, thin walls separated her from her superior and her other coworkers at InternPol. She was shaking from the experience of not having her limbs. For her in those moments she was a squishy little thing with two holes for fucking, and a reservoir that was filled nearly to the point of bursting. It was an impossible scenario and she felt all of it, down to the last detail.

She stood up and stumbled to the restroom, hiding herself from passing glances as well as she could. Once she was within the office bathroom and she was sure it was empty she looked in the mirror, felt all her limbs and her stomach and leaned close to look at her skin. It was simple paranoia, but she almost thought that she still felt it. Like the reverse of a phantom limb. Gina splashed water on her face and took another look as she had begun to calm down. Middle aged, average height and build, black hair. She was decidedly not as interesting as her character. Not was she a small purple onahole.

'That's it. That's my account gone and fucked.' She grimaced. The One2One company did not make exceptions to the one account policy, even for the governments of the world.

'ridiculous... If at any point I log in I'll be treated to more of that. No control, just a- a virtual life of being used like a toy by monsters over and over again.' She exhaled, the glass of the mirror fogging. She stared at herself and saw she was flushed. Embarrassed, or something else.

'That's all. I hit a bad end and now I'm gone.' She gulped, feeling definite arousal. As Gina heard a sound outside she withdrew to one of the stalls and pulled her phone out.

'But, that doesn't just happen in the game, does it?' She closed her eyes and remembered the feeling of helplessness and loss. Her free hand slid between her thighs. She relaxed and let go, imagining being changed again, being reduced to an object by a monster over and over again as her fingers plunged into her sex.
“Mnnnh...” She bit her lip, struggling in the small stall of the work bathroom.

She did a full stop out of shock as the bathroom swung open. Mercifully her boss shouted before entering and finding out.
“Gina! You in here?”


“Bathroom, or...”

“I was throwing up.” She lied.

“What's up? You got blacked out, right?”

“I was able to get back in and I dunno why but I could remember details outside.”

“That's big!”

Gina collected herself as her Boss walked up to the stall. She wiped herself down with bathroom tissue.  In preparation to come out. Her little black pencil skirt would hide most of what was going on between her legs, and with her soaked underwear.
“Yeah, I know. Sorry..”

“Alright, what made you sick?” She asked, right outside the stall. Gina heard the woman sniff a little, but seemed ultimately none the wiser.

“Well...” Gina thought about telling her everything, but then she thought about what she was feeling. The embarrassment and the shame of losing. How it was all affecting her. She choked and decided to leave most of it out.
“Yeah! My character's body got taken over using some unknown power. Only thing I know is that... I lost my body and my girls are also out.”

“Yeah... They logged soon after they went dark. We're thinking it looks like a Boss but the players are pulling the strings. Seems likely that we're dealing with the Cult. Before they went out, they said they saw you, but not in your body so we need to do a deeper debriefing later since it's unclear what you could see after you were blacked out without your body. Like... Where was your perspective, even?”

Gina began to sweat. She covered her face with her hands. “Give me a minute, okay, Boss? I'll be out to tell you what I know.”

“Sure thing, Gina.” The woman left the bathroom. Gina immediately set about cleaning herself up more. She stared down at her phone and found a peculiar result to her search.

'Bad End Club? For successful and well-put-together women. Experience what it feels like to lose... Crazy.' Despite thinking that, she bookmarked the link.

Once outside, Madison, Gina's boss met her for the debrief. The two women sat down. “Is there anything else you can tell me?”

“I'm not sure. My perspective felt... Disembodied.”

“We have control of your system and account but we still can't see anything through the interface. That means you are the only one that can tell us what you saw. IS this really everything?”

“It is.” Gina lied, not wanting to implicate herself. There was no way to figure out what she was saying was wrong and to be frank, she was still tell the most important details that she could remember.

“How do you think you can pull back info from the game through the Blackout rules?”

“You said that the girls saw my Character? If my perspective was separated from my character then the game might've gotten confused, so it's mixing up rules to allow some info through but not enough. A bug, basically.” Gina smirked at her boss.
“You wanna send a bug report?”

“No shot.” Maddison laughed.

“Bugs and glitches are the only edge we got over that crazy corp. They dug themselves into a hole with their hands-off attitude. We can exploit everything we know about the game's glitches and exploits to our hearts content... Until they fix it.” She crossed her arms and bobbed her head up and down to think quickly.
“Okay. I'm gonna have you log in periodically to share info.”

Gina gulped. “P-pardon?”

Maddison looked at her strangely. “Something wrong?”

“No no... Nothing's wrong. Yeah, no problem, boss.”


From the Onahole perspective she could see through what looked like a pink filter within the game. Her angle and how she was positioned seemed odd until she realized that she was tied around her neck to a Goblin's belt, bouncing around. As she bounced and turned she saw glimpses of things. Horrifying things. For one, surrounding the Shaman that held her there were mounted Goblins that carried themselves like knights, complete with armor and mounts. Their mounts were modified players, their eyes blinded on the sides. Their bodies tied up like a butchers roast. Their arms were bound behind their back and only their legs moved with hooves replacing their feet. The girls were bent forward slightly, the Goblin Knights feet slotting through their arms like stirrups. It looked ridiculous, but also quite foreboding. They were in a sewer. A big sewer with running water. As she bounced another way she looked back and saw the pale, androgynous face of one of the Elves that was mentions. Silver hair and a collar clasped around his or her neck. They carried a neutral expression, neither happy nor sad. As she kept looking back she saw something incredible. A small feminine face poking around a dark corner behind the convoy of Goblins. It was Sherri, hiding herself and tailing them rather effectively.
'You gotta be fucking kidding me... Of ALL people-'

Gia had to stop mid thought because she felt a thin old hand wrap around her onahole waist and squeeze. Her mind shuddered. The feeling of being compressed made her 'body' gush and lubricate. Her exterior was not sensitive, but anything that squished her or made her insides move felt amazing. The Goblin picked her up and stuffed her down over his cock idly as he moved. He casually used her and nutted in her like it was nothing. For that small act that was inconsequential to him, Gia felt her mind sundering from the pleasure and the sensation of being fucked like a toy. Every single ridge of his cock could be felt within her tight orifice, because her small body was stretched to wrap around him perfectly with no input from her. She was surprised to be pulled off after he came and tossed around to the Knights. She logged off before she was caught.

Outside she was panting and sweating again. Eyes wide. Still no response from the exterior interface, but she could remember most of the details. She glanced over and spoke into the receiver to Maddison's line.
“Th-the 'detective' got out and is tailing the group. I think she's free. I see Goblins are actually severely leveled. All of them. Not just the Boss. They have a significant amount of resources now. I also have a rough description of one of the Elves.”

“Good job, Gina! I'm gonna need you to keep logging in and out periodically to give us updates since this is the best we got at the moment.” A shiver ran down Gina's spine and through her cunt as Maddison gave that order. A little smile involuntarily invaded her lips, curling up shakily at the corners. “Will that be an issue?”

“No ma'am!”




Not trying to wrap this story up (love goblins and bad ends) but how far is this story going to go? I mean it started as a single chapter in O2O that I’m pretty sure you forgot about until someone pointed out the goblin lover story never actually ended, we went from a series about a VR game corrupting a group of friends to a cult seeking to entrap as many people in VR as goblin sex slaves, and a cyber crime unit trying to stop them and ( seemingly failing) to be entrapped by the pleasure and corrupting influence of this VR world