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NT Rangers - Lad 17 - One More Minute

  • Try to Help 20
  • Feign Sickness (Don't Go) 2
  • 2023-10-19
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'NT Rangers - Lad 17 - One More Minute', 'choices': [{'text': 'Try to Help', 'votes': 20}, {'text': "Feign Sickness (Don't Go) ", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 19, 21, 47, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


Lad stopped both of them. “No, stay.”

The two girls looked up from their HanComm's. “It might be important...” Yeong seemed to be arguing with herself more than anything.

Kai rolled back over and cuddled up to him again. “If it's very important they'll call again... At that point we should definitely stop.” She winked.

Lad's expression brightened. It warmed the two girls who flanked him on either side. “So.” Yeong began.
“We're doing this?”

“Seems like it.” Kai remarked.

“One more minute.” He stated optimistically. As soon as he said that both girls moved to position themselves over him at once. They bumped each other and had a moment of sizing the other up.
“P-please don't fight.” Lad begged.

Yeong nodded. He pointed his gaze down to Kai's shorts. “You aren't even ready. I'll go first because there's literally...” She licked her lips.
“Nothing...” Her hands slipped down between her legs and came back up wet.
“Between us.”

Kai relented, rolling back over to pull her shorts down. “Fine! But then we take turns. God, this is complicated... What if neither of us finish?”

“That's not super important-” Yeong explains. Lad smiled at the endearing statement but quickly got a little worried as she continued.
“For us. We don't really need to, it's more important for the guy.” It was clear she was operating from something of a warped perspective.
“But. If you want to, just make use of your ex.” Yeong teased.

“My-” Kai looked confused, but her face turned red when Yeong lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers. Surprisingly she nodded, and got started on her own.
“Got it.”

Yeong inhaled deeply before straddling lad completely and abruptly just guiding Lad's cock inside of her. She was after one thing. The girl huffs softly and closed her eyes as she slid down onto it fully and began sliding her hips forward and back over his lap. As he looked up Lad could not help but reach up and squeeze her perky tits with both hands. She responded by reaching up and placing her hands over his encouragingly.
“Yes...” She gasped.
“It feels gooood.” She cooed.
“I wonder how much of this pleasure is-”

“Don't-” Lad gulped. Yeong opened one eye and lifted a brow.
“M-mention it.” He asked self-consciously.

“It's a part of you. You don't have to be ashamed of the fact that you're likable.” Yeong explained with an endearing smile crossing her soft lips. Lad felt like that was something he needed to hear quite a bit. He did not even know it. He covered his mouth and closed his eyes to keep his emotions in check. He opened them again, wide, as Kai's face was right over his. Their lips pressed together. She licked around them, then her own. Lad looked down, past her own breasts hanging loosely off her chest, between her legs where one hand had two fingers moving circularly rather fast.

“She's right, you know. You don't need to be ashamed. From our perspective it's kinda impossible to even tell the difference so don't even worry about it.”

“Okay...” Yeong moaned, biting her bottom lip. She slid off.
“Your turn, Kai.”

“Did you cum?” Kai asked, sliding over top of Lad to replace her.
“No, but... He hasn't either so-”

“I understand. It can only be one of us, right?”

She shrugged. “Kind of. Go for it.”

Kai gave a nod and looked down at Lad as his cock was guided in slowly. She seemed  a bit more hesitant than Yeong.
“I don't, like... I don't have my hymen.” She offered tentatively.
“But I haven't actually had sex with a guy.” She stared at him for his reaction.

Lad smiled genuinely up at her and stated. “Even if you had it wouldn't have changed anything at all.” Kai shuddered and sunk over his cock fully. Her lips parted and her eyes rolled up as she rose and fell over it. Lad was having a hell of a time holding it in. Yeong could tell.

Yeong leaned down and kissed Lad, as well, but then whispered in his ear. “Don't worry, I got this. I know a secret.”

“A- a what?” Lad blinked.
“Wait.” He whispered after her as she rounded the two bodies and positioned herself behind Kai.

Kai centered her gaze briefly to look around. “What? Where'd she g- guoooh....” Her jaw dropped as she felt warm lips around her tight, round hole, followed by a tongue pushing inside deep.
“That's-” She twitched, her ears and tail going wild. Yeong had to grip it near the base and lift it to actually go in. Lad took the hint and reached out, pulling Kai down into a hug as he pushed his cock deep. She was in his arms while she had her first orgasm at the hands of another. She was panting.
“Holy...” She remained in the same position, twitching and breathing and moving subtly.

“You want babies?” Yeong moved beside her and asked.

“W-what kinda question is that!?”

“I'm asking because he's about to blow.” Yeong chuckled.

“O-oh!” She slid off of him. Yeong bent down and gripped his cock near the base. She pulled it into her mouth and sucked and licked around the head.
“Wait! Let me help, too.” Kai offered, returning dutifully to get in around the balls. She sucked one of lad's small nuts between her lips and pulled back. It was all so far beyond what he needed to bust. Lad came with Yeong catching most of it in her mouth and swallowing it. They all laid together and basked in everything they had done together before Kai came back to her senses and stared at her HanComm.
“We gotta go!”


They wandered into the meeting late. Lacie, Stephan and the twins were staring at them. Steph had a particularly suspicious look on his face while Janna and Joseph both seemed to be looking at the group knowingly.
“Okay...” Lacie began with a heavy sigh. She was trying to keep chipper but Lad could tell that the woman was a bit annoyed.
“Now that everyone's here we can actually begin.”

“What were you all doing?” Steph butt in to ask. He was staring at Lad specifically from the head of the conference table.

“Honey...” Lacie was obviously trying to move on.

Steph shrugged, his ears on a swivel. His fur was standing up on them very noticeably. “I'm just curious. There must've been a good reason.” Lacie rubbed her eyes wearily as he grilled the group.
“Seems like it should have been important to be late for a meeting. Something my daughter would never do.”

“Oh my GOD, Papa! What are you doing right now?” Kai's fave was red with embarrassment.

“Just asking.” Steph offered innocently.
“There shouldn't be any particular reason for it to be a hard question. Unless-”

Yeong interjected and pulled Lad towards her. “Me and Lad were fucking. I locked Kai out of her room and her HanComm was inside.” The rooms jaws collectively dropped. Janna winked at Lad while Joseph was staring intently at Steph, waiting for a reaction. The Fox furrowed his brow and obviously wanted to say something, but his wife was already staring him down.
“Is there a problem?”

“No... Let's begin. Go on, honey.”

Lacie breathed. “Okay! So... Something changed. Esther told us about an Echo 'hive' in an apartment building outside the Archology.”

“Why would she suddenly start giving us info? Isn't it suspicious?” Janna asked.
“We haven't even begun torturing her yet.”

“Yet?” Lad blinked.

“Joking.” Janna smirked.

“According to her words, there are rivalries within Echo. They don't all work 'together.' They have the same goals but it seems like they are competing for favor. That is how it was described. If so... It makes a lot of sense.” For Lad it made a lot of sense, because it seemed to be so from everything he experienced and witnessed at the facility. That being said, he could not bring himself to open his mouth and offer that pertinent information.

“It also actually seems to be in line with what we've already seen. Right, Mom?”

“That's right, sweetie. The apartment incident was apparently a fight between two distinct factions within Echo. Which actually leads in to why I believe she is being genuine. The location that we are going to try and investigate is the 'hive' of the figures that interfered with her plans to kidnap our Yeong and Lad from that party.”

Yeong held up two fingers. “So there's a grudge and a motive. It seems to tick all the boxes.” As she said that, Lad agonized slightly. He began to sweat for the fact that he could not speak up. It was this exact reason he was stressing. They were missing key information. Esther, or Merit as Lad knew her to be, would not be able to provide information about her counterparts no matter how much of a grudge she held. Lad felt the programming and the power of the rules inflicted upon him very vividly. It was not something that could be done flippantly. He did not know if it could be done at all.

“You okay?” Kai whispered as Lacie brought up an image of the structure and a few other diagrams.

Lad nodded. “Y-yeah. Just nervous.” It pained him. Especially with the time the three of them spent together, Lad knew that he may have to betray and hurt them and he absolutely never wanted to do that. He wished that he could just raise his hand and turn himself in. He shook and found himself doing it. The table looked at him.

“Yes Lad?” Lacie asked.

He struggled, gritted his teeth and tried as hard as he could but even for the sake of the two girls he could not bring himself to say the words that would help them immensely. Instead, in a roundabout way he tried to reach the same result.

“Do you think my presence would be a good idea? I'm-”

“It would, yes.” Lacie answered surprisingly quickly.
“You've already proven yourself and I feel like it is actually fairly obvious at this point. We don't need every single on of you to be good at fighting. You have an important role.”

“I see.” He lowered his head dejectedly.

'Didn't work.. Am I doomed to betray my friends?' As he thought that the room darkened and all of the other people faded into shadows. Outlined in white the Hero appeared, lounging on the edge of the table in front of him.

“You call it betrayal, but we have already talked about this. I want what is best for the world and that also means your friends.” He explained in a tone that was dripping with far too much self-importance.
“You should kneel, by the way.”

“Yes.” Lad knelt down and lowered his head. He saw the Heroes shoes appear in front of him as he closed the distance. A hand rested on Lad's shoulder, squeezing very softly.

“You've actually done so well so far. Freeing the Orc to open up the possibility of him causing more chaos and also using your Trait to endear yourself to two of the most important members of the team. Lad, you are positioned to be my most helpful agent. Understand? You can look up now.” Lad looked up to see the Hero, back lit like a divine being, a halo surrounding his head. He stood out in the dark, probably purposefully. Lad understood and he felt a deep, clawing, craving feeling to be looked upon kindly, to be useful.

“I- I understand, my Lord.”

“Do you?” The Hero asked curiously. Lad twitched as the pride left the Heroes expression and changed to one of uncertainty. It was like a gut punch to the human. Desperately, Lad nodded.
“Because... It feels like your mind betrays you so often. You began by trying to fight me despite my good intentions. If you continue going down that road...” Lad expected a threat. Something that would convince him that he needed to do well or else. Instead, all the Hero said was.
“I would be sad.”

“I'm so sorry...” Lad felt himself tear up as his mind almost melted at the thought of the Hero being sad and him being the cause.

“You wont do that, will you?”


“What will you do?” He inquired.

“F-for the glory of Echo... I-I'll do whatever you need me to.” The scene faded out. Lad felt sick.  He was standing and looked around to see if anyone else noticed. They did not. In fact, the meeting seemed to proceed without him being aware.

Lacie finished speaking. “With that, we dismissed. Everyone get ready to ship out. This is going to be a serious test of Echo's capabilities.”

As soon as she said 'dismissed' Lad rushed out to hit the bathroom but he did not make it. Instead he ducked into a nook and puked his guts out. He was shaking intensely as if he had a fever. His body felt weak. It was like he was going through withdrawal.

“I... Need to make him happy...” Lad muttered in a daze.

“Make who happy?” It was the voice of Kai. Her turned around quickly. The look of dread from throwing up mixed with shame as he saw Yeong walk up, as well. The girl covered her mouth.

“Oh god! Are you okay?” They both worked together to lift him up.

“Just nervous.” He lied. Something hit him. As he stared at the two girls his body gained a bit more strength. For the Hero he felt compelled to love him and make him happy. For Yeong and Kai he wanted to.

'But... It's so hard. He whined. I can't... I'm so sorry.' He shook his head grimly, tears filling his eyes.
“What do you do when there's a strong voice in your head telling you to do something... Something that feels good but that you know you shouldn't do.”

Yeong and Kai looked at each other, then at Lad. Yeong began. “I would say do it.” Lad was pained by the ironic answer.
“Don't restrain yourself. Follow your desires. All that.” She paused, then stuck out her tongue and added.
“But it feels like I learned more recently that it's better to use reason and judgment. I like Sebek for a reason and like Kai explained, those reasons were absent from that other guy... He wasn't the one I fell in love with. Then I thought to myself. 'Gosh, there's another guy that actually feels kind of close in a lot of ways right next to me.'” She stared at Lad pointedly.

Kai shrugged. “You should listen.” Lad slumped, but then Kai continued to explain.
“So long as you know it's 'you.'”

He blinked, wondering if she knew more than she was letting on. “What-”

“I mean, I can relate. Dipping into the raw, immaterial space of the Wired is addictive. It feels good to exist there. I can do anything... I can find anything. It's amazing and I feel that 'voice.' But then I figure, that's not me. That's just the 'thing.' Listen to yourself and what you want, but separate out those feelings with other stuff, you know?”

“I understand. I think so.” Lad remembered what HE wanted. He wanted to resist. There was a voice and strong feeling pulling him, but those were not him.
“Thank you.” He wiped his eyes.

“No problem.” Kai smiled.
“You were thinking about which one of us to choose, weren't you?” She guessed.

“Eh?” He blinked and looked to see that both of them thought t hat. Without thinking he listened to his voice.
“Both...” Then cringed. He had just said something that could have easily been construed as offensive. Choosing both was essentially the same as choosing neither. Luckily, they traded another look then happily latched onto him.

“I was down from the beginning.” Yeong claimed.
“That's why I said to just do what you want.”


“I don't actually mind too much. I have to admit that it was fun, the three of us together.” Kai hugged Lad from the side tightly. Yeong followed suit from her side. They both kissed him, then pulled away.
“We need to get ready. Unless... You look legitimately sick.”

“But Janna's already staying behind due to her barrier problem.” Yeong commented.

Lad felt an opportunity. He could potentially opt to stay back due to sickness and then he would not have the possibility of sabotaging them without intending to. Oddly enough, in regards to the decision the nagging feeling was silent.

'I don't feel useful, but at the same time they're already short. But... Then what can I actually do other than potentially impede them?'

“Lad?” Yeong asked. He was thinking, trying to figure out the best way to keep them safe. There was a subtle pull towards going.



My respect to everyone who is on call, either doctors, emergency services, first responders etc. who has ever found themselves in that situation in the middle of sex and getting the call knowing you HAVE to leave and can’t say 1 more minute

Roland Taranis

Well, color me a bit surprised, absolutely no adverse consequence of being a bit greedy. And even better we have a real bond with both Kai and Yeong that will help us fight the programming down the line. Nice ^_^ I think I'll need to tune my analyses for Ranger specifically. Lad is such a good guy with good relationships and you all did quite a good job navigating the choices before I came in that there is less of a pressure to be cautious. Taking the "riskier" path as paid off quite a few times now. You all get +1 trust point from me, next level in a dozen points XD Here is my analysis for this week. Even though everyone seems to be of one mind for now, me included. If we are raiding the "adverse" Echo faction from Merit's, that means Dri's. Dri & Lad have quite a history, both good and very bad. I'd rather be there to navigate on sight instead of sitting it out and deal with the consequences. Especially since the programming doesn't seem to prevent us from sitting it out, which is suspicious in itself.

Tanya Wormald

haha, I at the very least try to have consequences based off logic. my logic, but still logic. I think in the past many have found that risk is rewarding when it makes sense (I hope) and that safe options are not safe when it's risky not to take a risk.