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O2O - Goblin Lover 5 - Trick and Trap

  • Goblin Lover 29
  • Bad End Academia 7
  • 2023-09-01
  • 36 votes
{'title': 'O2O - Goblin Lover 5 - Trick and Trap', 'choices': [{'text': 'Goblin Lover', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Bad End Academia', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 1, 20, 16, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 36}


Luara looked over the assembly of Goblin troops. The downside of a Goblin Horde was that no matter how many could be created in such a short amount of time, their level and their equipment left too much to be desired. However, each Goblin warrior in the camp was born at the highest level the could due to their mothers being high-level adventurers. It was only a difference between around two levels, but that two levels per warrior was a significant departure from the average player experience versus the little devils. The equipment they wore was tailored to smaller creatures, providing the bonuses that players would typically see on their equipment. The difference was not apparent, but the statistical equivalent on top of their already high level was gaining around five additional levels on top. Luara admired that one Warrior could potentially overpower a new player on his own. It was exciting. It felt like progress.

She passed her gaze up to the living statue that was Uma. The representation of a not-yet-established goddess provided significant positives to the goblins that remained close to it, and allowed them to replenish themselves easily.
“Yenna, those items were a masterpiece, really.”

The Artisan kept her eye on her work. “I just kinda did what he told me to... It worked out, I guess.”

“Why are the buffs so strong?” Luara was able to inspect her own character and see that the bonuses to Goblins and Goblin Followers granted an even higher power ceiling to the average warrior that was within range.

“This is about how strong a normal Divine Statue is, but I guess it is a lot since there's no actual established goddess that she's representing. Part of it has to do with the fact that a player's power is being suppressed and consumed and repurposed. If I were to craft one out of normal materials it would have a close to zero effect.” She explained.

“I see.” Luara nodded, patting Yenna on the back. She looked over and saw the Shaman motion her over. He had become a higher level than even her after draining so many levels from the adventurers they already captured, but those girls were close to level one at this point and she could sense he was after more.

“What is it?” Luara watched the Goblin perform the simple motion to speak commands into her mind. Her body shuddered as her mind was invaded. She could potentially resist, if she tried. She was not trying.
“S-settlement?” She deciphered his command. He nodded.
“You want to form a settlement?” He shook his head. He wove another word into her mind. Luara cringed.
“Attack? You want to attack a settlement...” She saw him nod, then felt one last word that bared repeating.
“Takeover...” She looked at him. It was ambitious and she loved the idea, but...”
“It just feels too soon.” She motioned to herself, then to him.

He nodded and brought her over to the statue. He pointed to the girl and grinned maliciously as the word 'Trick' was woven into her mind. He tugged on her Cursed Heels and added another. 'Trap.'

“Trick and trap...” She mused. Goblins were no stranger to traps and tricks. It was the basis of their danger as a monster. However, the Goblin idea of a trap was fairly rudimentary and obvious. If one had the perception, they would see through an ambush or a pit and even a sub-average player could. Luara smiled and dropped down to his level, nodding.


“Isn't it a bit soon?” GoblinLover commented.
“You just build up strength for free. Pick up adventurers. Easy. Attacking a small settlement will just draw attention. It's kind of stupid.”

“I agree completely.” Laura stated.
“That's why we're going for a city, instead.”

“I-I'm sorry? Were we just having a completely different conversation just now?”

“Nope. We're both on the same wavelength. It's just that, attacking a town draws attention while 'attacking' within a city draws rumors. Remember the Jack-the-Ripper poser incident a while back?”

“Sort of. Basically, a Player Killer would get hunted to the end of the world if they killed as much as he did, but because he was hiding in a place that no one would look, he was never caught.” The Cities of One2One were player run. Every shop, every guard and every single piece of construction and line of defense was fallible. In a normal game, attacking a guard would mean all others were hostile. In O2O, they could not even relay what killed them upon respawning. Attacking a city was suicide for any force, since they were built to be defended from outside threats. Picking away from within, however...

“Move the Warren to the deep sewers beneath Pridehale.”

“Ah... I get it. Pridehale, of course.” The City was known for being designed and founded by nerds. As a result, even if sewers were completely unnecessary for Players in game, they were built to be fully functional. A clean, underutilized network of well-constructed catacombs below a popular city.
“They're semi-populated by monsters, so it would not even draw that much attention. You aren't just going to move in right away, are you?”

“No, I've found some volunteers that are going to make it easier and safer ahead of time.”

“Oh? Color me intrigued. Not like Uma, I hope.”

“I made sure to only recruit people from the Goblin subKreddits. The Goddess statue fate that I posted about with a screenshot is stirring peoples  imagination.”

“You posted-” She could hear frustration leak into GL's vocaloid tone.

“Relax. I doctored it, so all they get is the fetish fuel. No actual info.”



An innocent enough girl followed Luara down the manhole. A few feet away they found a nondescript alcove. Tina was a bright adventurer that had played the game for a long time. She had been captured by goblins on two different occasions and 'rescued' a while later. In short, she was a 'high-chaser' of the highest accord. She nervously regarded the alcove, and the items as Luara removed them from the pack.
“I'm not the only one, right?” She asked.

“You're not even the only one tonight. The idea is to have one of 'you' near all the entrances to the surface.” Luara explained. She was wearing her mask. The item that concealed her identity from other players. It was necessary if she got found out. She smiled as the girl's thighs tensed. She bit her lips.

“Yeah...” The girl breathed. Unlike Uma, she did not have to be tricked into stepping into the fate-sealing heels. When they were on, Tina felt she could no longer move from the position she was placed in. It was like she was stuck in quick sand. Luara placed the collar around her neck and enjoyed seeing her face twist into a mask of pleasure. A permanent, dribbling, cross-eyed O-face.

“Imagine it.” Luara coaxed. No chance of rescue this time. I'll make sure of it. You'll be a permanent fixture. A took to promote a new Goddess, and a resting point for them. You'll live to return their health and empower them. Bye-bye character. Bye-bye Tina.” Luara giggled.

“Finally...” Tina gasped. The bangles and belt were placed on her, locking her into an elegant, statue-like position. If she were simply a frozen woman in an alcove there was a chance someone would find her. Instead, they had a plan for that, as well. Luara placed the final touch on Tina, as she had with so many others that night. Luara gave her vulnerable pussy a few licks before carefully pushing a primed gem inside. Slowly Tina's immortal, invincible body began to turn to stone. Luara watched with heavy arousal as it enveloped her quickly. Her nethers were still soft, so she could be fucked and the gem could be removed, however if anyone noticed such a thing she suspected they would be so enamored by the fuckable statue that they would not notice to try to extract something. They would be more concerned with what they could fit in. As it turned out, almost anything.

Luara left the sewer, satisfied that she had placed interested individuals at most of the important entrances and exits. Her eyes rested on her magnum opus, however. A fountain that she found at an opportune time near the center of the city had become host to a rather peculiar statue overnight. Uma, who once fashioned herself a Queen, was set to be admired in stone for the entirety of the games lifespan. Not a soul knowing her true identity. Her Aura, Luara noticed, seemed to extend far further than the others.

She left that statue behind and returned to the sewer to find an entry point. Eventually, with quite a bit of guidance from other websites she found a grate that lead outside the city. She kicked it out and cursed how wet she had gotten. The tube was small for an Elf like her, but for Goblins they would be able to sneak in just fine. Everything was set.


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