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“What's this place?” Sam asked, staring at the overly large canopy rising out of the forest. Surrounding the dome of larger and thicker trees there was something of a support town, as if it was a place to recover from or prepare for.

“This is a circus, Master.” Kara offered. The reddish-haired Fox stood to his right dutifully and had barely made a peep until he asked. Her attire was fitting of someone of her status. A Beastfolk and a servant. She wore a short skirt and a tight corset that pushed up her breasts with a loose black blouse over it. There was a white apron with frills around the side. Nothing was going to stop him from having her wear stripper heels in the woods with open toes to show off her cute painted nails. He in no way felt bad about maintaining an unrealistic beauty standard on a hike.

“That all it is?” Sam scrutinized. It seemed to stand as a monument.

Raithe, standing to his left in a mirrored maid outfit to Kara chimed in. “My sister is downplaying it-”

“Not intentionally! I promise.” Kara pouted and leaned close to Sam, hanging off his fat arm.

Sam shook her off. “Just be more careful next time. Hear?” The Fox nodded guiltily. He looked to Raithe.
“Go on.”

“This Circus is one of many owned by Serius. He is like our mother, a Hedge God with power different to her, but somewhat comparable.”

Sam nodded with recognition. “Your mother, Coda. The one you said my favorite daughter in law would have to get to to give our family the power of a god? And there's another one right here, a shorter distance? Isn't that important info?” He scrutinized.

“The one and the same, Master” Raithe claimed nervously.
“But, Serius is different, and this place is dangerous. We should just make haste to the-” Sam placed a finger over her lips, shushing her. He then bemusedly pushed that finger, and another into her mouth to have her suck on them idly. He looked to Kara.

“Why shouldn't I just go in there and have my girl take on another god?”

“Because Serius is less powerful than our mother in general, but more powerful by a great margin within his own territory.

“Sounds like a challenge...”

The girl gulped. “I... Wouldn't put anything past your skill, Master but-” She leaned over and eyed Raithe who looked back in recognition.

The paler, silver Fox nodded and allowed his fingers to fall from her mouth. “But, if you want entertainment I would simply suggest entering to see the festivities and the draw of it, then leaving shortly after. If you still have the desire to, Serius will be much easier to deal with after our mother is under your control.” She glanced pointedly back at the Hero, emerging from the cart to join the three.

In contrast to Sam's tastes the Hero was dressed an a sensible suit of armor with leather and cloth padding. The form fitting nature of it still showed her slender waist and the curve of her hips, but it was function over form. She strutted up to the front, past Sam and Kara and Raithe and dropped down to her knees. Sam ignored her for a moment, with the only recognition being a hand resting on her head as if she was a dog that had just wandered up and sat next to where he sat. She closed her eyes and waited with a faint smile, as if her training was similar to a dogs.

“If you're saying my little conqueror here can't conquer this place... Yet...” Sam paused. Both girls waited nervously. They were genuinely worried for him and wanted what was best for him, so they hoped he would heed their advice.
“Then I can wait. Let's check it out then leave.” Tension lifted and the two girls smiled.

“Do you need me to do anything, Daddy?” The Hero asked with her head lowered.

Sam tilted her head up so that he could enjoy her shining blue eyes that defiance left so long ago. An innocent smile crept across her lips as he grinned at the thought.
“Sweetie, I just need you to defend me like you always do. Anyone comes up to us threateningly you kill 'em, got it?”

“Go-” She was about to respond affectionately in the affirmative when Kara interjected.

“The... Inside is protected. There is no violence, I wouldn't recommend it. But that also means we aren't in any real physical danger. No one can attack us.”

“Got it... But we know pretty well that violence isn't the only danger, don't we?” He smirked at the Fox tauntingly. She blushed and offered a passive nod.

“Y-yes Master. You, and I, and Raithe should be able to handle any of those threats. I doubt there's anything that can stand against you.”


Sam explored the circus, but he thought it more akin to a town within a town. There were unnamed districts, streets and territories all acknowledged and upheld by the denizens in subtle ways. To the eye of an experienced patrician, the ability to have people want to observe order within an environment that seemingly has no rules is the sign of talented leader. One section stood out, and it was not the block of strippers. Nor was it the cooked meat fountain. Near it there was a seemingly barren section populated by more women than men, and of the men that were present, they were in the process of shedding whatever masculinity they had left. It was a curious place, as the presence of all these things demanded that men such as him flood in. Instead, there were just well-behaved woman and finally, at the center was one singular man.

“An Orc.” Sam commented out loud.

“A Human.” The Orc responded in kind. Malik was spread out across the padded cushions he was seated on. Surrounding him was not an opulent number of women. About three. Sam respected that there basically no need to have five, ten, dozens of women surrounding him doing nothing. It reeked of insecurity. However, three was the perfect number to amuse both hands while the third does work. He grinned at his own three.  The girls were with him. Close. He recognized the folly of letting any slip away unattended in a place like this.

“You've come a long way from Orr. Sit.” The Orc motioned to a set of seat across from him.

Sam quirked a brow. “My clothing is Cheshire and the winter coat could be from anywhere, so how-” He sat across from the man comfortably and allowed his women to surround him in a similar fashion to the Orc. The Hero sat daintily in his lap. Across the fire the Orc stared at the Hero covetously.

“Orrans have a particular attitude about them. There's a familiar bravado that's shared by people that have never been conquered.” He explained, both excusing his knowledge and attempting to flatter the Human.

The two men stared at each other, then Sam broke the silence by laughing. “Orcs and Orrans share that aspect to our history, I suppose.”

Malik rubbed his broad chin curiously. “I think... That it's fortunate for one that the other lives so far apart. Separated.”

“Protected by steep cliffs and narrow mountain passes.” Sam retorted cleverly.

“Or a natural moat, easily guarded.” Malik leaned back and blew smoke straight up.
“Enough pleasantries. How much for the dark haired girl? You have two Foxes already and a human of that caliber is... Rare out here but easy to come by where you're from. I'll offer a fair price.”

Sam grinned and wrapped his arms around the Hero affectionately. “This one's not for sale. She's special.” He gave a knowing look to the Orc that implied his hand had been played a bit by immediately asking for the Human girl over the two Foxes. Humans were not particularly 'rare' or valuable in Demonkine, but Foxes were rare everywhere. Especially twins.

“Hm.” Malik grunted.

“Nice place you got here. Little Orc Kingdom in the middle of Demonkine? Is it just you?” Sam asked.  Malik remained silent.

“Yeah, looks like it's just you. Impressive. Must've taken a lot of 'skill.'” Malik lifted his chin in response to that comment, but otherwise kept quiet.

“What's a lone Orc doin' out this far? Could be fooled to think it's diplomacy, but it's not that, right?” Sam shook his head.
“Only question is, what does an Orc have to do to get ostracized by other Orcs.” Malik smiled at that and leaned forward.
“That got you?”

“You fashion yourself a manipulator.”

“I'd never.” Sam feigned offense.

“Good. Your sloppy work gives the craft a bad name.”


Malik leaned back and spread out, allowing his girls to move and adapt to his new position on the seat. “You go in and like you're swinging a sledge hammer and you take out everything that isn't devotion to you? That's not craft or skill, that's just sloppy work, Sammead. You're a demolitionist.”

Sam furrowed his brow. The words were getting to him, not just because he was right but because he seemed to know things that he should not.
“What are you, then?”

“That funny little trick you can do? My people invented it.”

“Oh yeah well-”

Malik grinned and added derisively. “For executions.” Malik held up three fingers.
“No skill.” He lowered one.
“No confidence.” He lowered another.
“No 'real' lovers.” He lowered the last finger.
“Isn't that right? Lonely lonely human. Nothing to call your own. You're just a little kid playing with dolls basically.” Malik shook his head.

Sam was sweating. “Stop acting so high and mighty! What's the DIFFERENCE between you and me, huh?” He lifted up off his seat and pointed energetically.

“When I pass, these girls have a purpose and an ideology that they will carry on of their own accord, because they believe it. They believe in me because 'sculpt.' I don't shatter or break unless I want to. I don't play with dolls, human. I don't want to.”

Sam's eyes wandered across the three women serving Malik. Unlike his own servants, the beastfolk seemed bright, responsive and not at all broken. They looked as if they wanted to be there and Sam could feel in Malik's words that he wasn't lying. He could feel it in how aggravated he was becoming. “We're leaving!” Sam shouted. He stood up and turned around.

“Real companionship...” Malik began, letting his words hang in the air. Sam stopped. He did not want to, but he stopped and listened.
“Is not attainable by you as you are right now.”

“Dammit...” Sam muttered under his breath. He gritted his teeth and lead the way back to his own resting spot with the girls.

“What's wrong, Master?” The Hero asked, concerned.
“Don't mind what that man said. We love you.” She smiled her empty smile, dark eyes conveying very little. He had never felt it so lacking until it was pointed out. The Human held his head.

“Leave me alone.” He grumbled.

“Master?” She moved closer.

“Er- errands.” He corrected himself.
“You all need to run errands for me. I need supplies. I'm taking that Orc's little 'Kingdom.'” They each brightened to see him ready to conquer, but none of them saw the truth. He was flustered.


Sam took stock of everything they were able to find for him. He had an idea of all the things he could use against the Orc. The options were slim. Orcs were not the traditional targets of any of the resources he typically had at his disposal. The numbing incense required someone that was already quite dull to the threat he posed. His pressure point techniques could hamper him, but not reduce his influence or his threat. The feminizing medicine he possessed, leftover from the Hero's transformation, was only useful if someone was willing to be fed it. He felt stuck.
“Damn it.” He closed his eyes and calmed himself.
“Yep. Looks like we're just moving on.” It was the most sensible option. He was annoyed but there was no avenue for success. He would not give himself over to obsession. He understood pretty well that the Orc had drawn out his pride and his anger somehow in an attempt to lure him in. The simplest solution was to just leave and continue his quest towards the Goddess Coda and her Coven. He only stood to lose by being side tracked.

“Well... Seems like you are actually quite deserving of the followers you have.” A boisterous male voice rang out behind him. Sam turned quickly to see a Fat Tanuki in luxurious purple robes. He had a wreath of green over his head, beneath his slightly rounded ears. Sam eyed the Beastfolk suspiciously.
“I had thought that you would simply fall to him like so many others.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Cerius. This is MY Circus that you are enjoying.”

“Who says I'm enjoying it. I was just about to leave.”

He turned up his snout. “To each their own. Regardless, I have for quite a while been waiting for an opportunity to evict that guest. Since you showed the ability to reason your way out of the trap that he's laid for so many before you, perhaps you could actually stop him.” Cerius grinned.
“With the proper resources.”

The Tanuki stroked Sam's pride, but he remained skeptical. “You can't do it yourself, obviously.”

Cerius rolled his eyes. “I'm afraid he has quite the way about him. I do not want to go near him, because I am simply a weak ringmaster. You, however-”

Kara leaned on Sam and whispered, much to the Tanuki's disdain. “He is a God.”

“Hoh.” Sam smirked.

“I WILL help. From afar.” Cerius added.

“That's what I was wondering. Who's to say you aren't just sending me in to get got.”

“I legitimately want Malik OUT. One way or another. He is an unfortunate guest. I thought him to be quite amusing to watch at the time that he first came to us, but now he has proven... Dangerous.”

“I don't really need to know your motive, there... An Orc Kingdom popping up in the middle of anyone's territory would cause concern.”

“Precisely! You are quite the dangerous sort to 'some' extent. However, the fact that you wish to simply move on makes you a tempting partner.”

“Careful.” Raithe warned.

Sam motioned for them to stand down. “How are you going to help me, then?”

Cerius removed his wreath and handed it to Sam daintily. “This may steel you against his provocations.” He then pulled out a vial of a pink substance.
“This is a toxin derived from Orcs essence that eats away at masculinity. Versatile. Usable in most forms, through most vectors.”

“You have these.” Sam took them.
“Why didn't you use them yourself?”

“Because.” Cerius shook his head.
“I am a simple man to please.”

Sam narrowed his eyes at the Tanuki and showed the wreath and mixture to Kara and Raithe.  “They are as he says.” Raithe claimed. Sam placed the wreath on his head and stuffed the vial in his pocket.

“I will also provide assistance whenever I can. From a distance.”

“Yeah, of course. Leave it to the real men.” Sam muttered. Cerius giggled in response and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Sam glanced around briefly.
“Wait, where's the Hero?”

“She was at camp.” Kara claimed.


“Blanks...” Malik began, resting his head in his hand lazily as his other stroked the Hero's hair.
“Are unfavorable, because there is just so much empty space to work with.” She leaned forward and kissed his Orcish member lovingly, trailing down to the base where she pushed whatever was left of her shattered masculinity into his balls willingly.
“The hammer...” He closed his eyes and focused on her mind, pushing desire for him into it.
“Still leaves room for the screw to 'fix' things.”
“Right, Cerius?” He glanced over.

The visage of the Tanuki stood beside him. “Keep your promise. That is all I ask.”

“Why would I every wanna stay here? I'm leaving the moment this girl is fully under my control, as we agreed.” He inhaled.

“Perfect.” The visage left as the Hero sucked one of Malik's heavy balls between her lips. She moaned lewdly and wagged her rear.
“Making it so easy for me... I should thank him somehow.” He pulled the Hero up into his lap and lowered her over his member. The Orc kissed her affectionately, driving more subtle devotion into her mind.
“You're already pretty good at this, huh.” He chuckled as she eagerly wiggled her rear to ease his cock inside before slamming it down fully over his. Length. Her back arched to accommodate him within her. She glanced back over her shoulder as she lifted her rear, allowing his cock to drag out slowly. She was good at it. She was trained for it.




Whelp, certainly seems like a lot of people are gonna be enjoying Tanuki Balls at the end of this.