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NTR Quest - Odyssey 9 - Recruit Cyyani

  • Regiment Teuta 10
  • Free Teuta 10
  • 2023-09-01
  • 20 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 9 - Recruit Cyyani', 'choices': [{'text': 'Regiment Teuta', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Free Teuta', 'votes': 10}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 1, 20, 3, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 20}


“I don't agree with you at all, but you can come with me.” Cyyani stared at you quizzically. Her stared demanded more of an answer than just 'no, but yes.'

“Okay, I feel bad for what happened to your people. I do want to help you, but I'm not going along with all that other stuff.”

“You feel bad? Why?”

It was your turn to stare back at her with a questioning look. “Because my people conquered yours. It's terrible. I don't even know what's going to happen next, but-”

“How silly.” Cyyani tapped her bare foot on the floor. She lounged to one side and regarded you smugly.


“You feel bad for conquering? Conquest is life.” She asserted.

“What? Surely you aren't okay with any of this?”

“I'm not okay with it because we are the ones being conquered. However, if the roles were reversed I would not shed a single tear for you. Oh, and believe me, if the roles were reversed I would, without provocation. Even now I crave to conquer you.”

“I'm not taking you with me if you are admitting that you just want to conquer me!”

“Oh relax. I am not a beast. I can contain my desires... To some extent. Part of why I wish to come with you is to learn about the culture and the peoples that defeated my own. I have a vested interest in cooperating, so don't worry. I will merely suggest that you kiss my beautiful feet like the animal you are. I wont 'force' you.” She smiled pleasantly.

“How nice...” It somewhat shudder inducing to be around a woman that was so open about her intentions and desires.
“Okay, fine. So long as we're on the same page. How do I justify it without... Submitting myself to you.”

“It's not that difficult. If your sister gets to be the Monarch with her own companion, so do you. We don't 'have' to breed, but it is recommended. For the illusion.”

“Let's hold off on that for now.” You held out your hand. She gripped it with surprising strength and pulled herself out of her seat.

“I'm going to be frank. I'm afraid of my sister and I need someone that can stand up to her, but only in the sense that I can not keep letting her do whatever she wants. Fiona and I are evenly matched.”

“In strength, yes? In wits it seems she is quite a bit better than you.” Cyyani mocked.
“But, what else could be expected from a man?” The girl shrugged and offered a wistful note.

“You called yourself a warrior?”


“You're going to protect and aid me in protecting the people around me. Aside from that, you are free to do whatever you want. That's the deal.”

“Quite assertive... Not sure I enjoy hearing it in a male voice.” She stared down at your firm expression and relented.
“However, I suppose I can learn to manage.”

“Good.” You smiled.
“Shall we?”


You turned to leave. Cyyani followed you out. Further down the hall, stepping from the meeting hall you could see Fiona in her royal garb. She approached you cautiously, eyeing Cyyani the whole way. “Hello, Brother. You've made a friend?”

“Yes. You have Innad. I figure I should have one as well.” You claimed. Cyyani turned her head so that it could not be seen that she was rolling her eyes.

Fiona could not fight your logic and it seemed as if it should be something she encouraged, considering the developments that took place.
“How about someone else?”

“What's wrong with Cyyani?”

“I was told of this woman. She may be too abrasive for you.”

Cyyani chimed in. “A good sister would try to raise a brother that does not shy from abrasiveness.”

Fiona bristled at that. Through gritted teeth she retorted. “My Brother can speak for himself.” She looked to you and curled her lips very performative into a sweet smile.
“You want a sweeter girl than this to be at your side, don't you?”

Cyyani chuckled. “If he can speak for himself then why is it your words that you are insisting on placing in his mouth?”

“You-” She was about to curse.

You cleared your throat. “Can you both calm down? Cyyani, don't talk to Fiona like that.” Fiona grinned in response to the defense, but became stunned as you added.
“Second, Fiona, Cyyani isn't for that. I have Jeane thanks to your nudging and I happen to like her quite a bit. Cyyani has expressed an interest in traveling and I thought she'd be useful as an assistant.” You smugly used Fiona's own desires against her. Throwing Jeane in her face as an excuse while downplaying Cyyani was something she could not exactly argue against.

Fiona pivoted. “My, my... Cyyani. From Queen to personal assistant? How does it feel.”

Cyyani adopted a fake smile to match Fiona's. “I serve at the pleasure of my Queen. If you ever need anything as well, let me know.”

“Hm.” Fiona nodded.
“If you're taking her, I'm taking Innad.”

“I thought he was staying behind as a figurehead?”

“They'll figure something else out. I am Queen, I can do what I want and take what I want.”

Cyyani nodded evenly. “As it should be.”

You rubbed your eyes. Cyyani was opposed to Fiona as a matter of principle, but it seemed the women were far too aligned in far too many respects. You wondered if it was a mistake to bring two wild-card girls into your life. You also had to remind yourself as you stared into Fiona's eyes. You were staring into the eyes of a killer. Not even you had taken a life, and yet Fiona did so in a cold, premeditated fashion. She was frightening.


You boarded the ship and immediately made your way to Jeane's room with Cyyani close behind. As you knocked and heard the elven voice coo for him to come in you turned to the tall Jackal woman and asked politely.
“Please wait outside.” As you pushed your way through the threshold of the door. Against your wishes she stepped through behind you and shut the door behind her.
“Hey! This isn't your room!”

“She is certainly acting like it...” Jeane commented, watching the Aniyub wander about the cabin curiously.

You pushed her from your mind and observed that Teuta was waiting on the bed while Jeane was at the desk.
“Who's this?” The Priestess asked.

“This is Cyyani. I suppose technically she is my assistant?” As you said that the jackal exhaled sharply through her nose. She was placing her hands on everything, much to Jeane's annoyance.

Teuta admired her body from the bed. “Will she be joining us?”

Cyyani laughed and spoke over her shoulder. “Please... I will not play third wheel in an awkward harem surrounding a man, of all things.”

“We are not a harem.” Jeane argued firmly.

“Oh really?” Cyyani turned on her heel and slowly panned her gaze across the three of you.
“I suppose you're correct. None of you can claim to be the center. You're all fumbling over each other like cubs learning to hunt.” She lifted her chin and grinned.
“If you wish this to become a harem I-”

“Okay!” Teuta offered excitedly.

“What? No! We aren't doing that.” You exclaimed. Teuta blushed and looked down while Jeane remained confused. You huffed and explained to Jeane.
“She wants us to be her Harem.” You looked to Cyyani.
“I assumed.”

Cyyani raised her hands. “Pretend I am not here. Continue on.”

You lifted a brow at Teuta. “You said okay?”

The Priestess wiggled her rear where she sat in an antsy performance. “You should know by now that I have quite the appetite.”

“For a priestess, no doubt.” Jeane interjected.

Teuta sighed deeply. “I feel if I had more discipline and regiment to my life, I may have been able to stem my urges. However... Being a priestess is so free. We go into those boxes at the temple and the slots... Well they are just the perfect size for-”

“Stop!” You held up both hands.

Jeane looked to you from staring at Teuta with wide eyes. “I was interested to hear her finish.”

“Me too!” Cyyani added.

You pointed to the Jackal. “You... Are not here, remember?” She shook her head and turned around.
“What are you trying to say, Teuta?”

“What do you mean, what is she trying to say? Look at her!” Jeane leaned over and pried the priestesses legs apart.
“She is soaked! This woman is voracious! How have you not noticed?”

“Uh.” You were not sure what to say.

Jeane continued. “It seems she should be indulged to some extent. You will have to take responsibility.”
Cyyani crossed her arms and spoke over her shoulder. “These are just the words of someone who is not here, but it seems this woman is an undisciplined swine. A woman that can not control herself or others in my culture is said to have the heart of a man. she would be thrown to the soldiers as a rare treat were she in my service. If the priestess requires regimenting, regiment her.”

“That was a little harsh.” Teuta commented.

Jeane furrowed her brow and observed closely. “You do not seem any less excited.”

Teuta blushed. “Well, you see...” She cleared her throat and did not finish what she was going to say.



Hmmmm free teuta I get the feeling runs the risk of tipping off their relationship to Fiona……let’s do it


Hero is a good boy, it’s not in his character to be a disciplinarian, that was the Academy hero.