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NT Rangers - Lad 10 - Find Leto

  • Follow her Out 17
  • Find her in Cell 3
  • Snitch 4
  • 2023-08-31
  • 24 votes
{'title': 'NT Rangers - Lad 10 - Find Leto', 'choices': [{'text': 'Follow her Out', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Find her in Cell', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Snitch', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 31, 21, 38, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 24}


Lad did not have time to worry about the two minor romances he had accidentally begun with Kai and Yeong. It seemed as if he was shot with a working 'NTR arrow' and now his beloved was going to be magnetically drawn to someone he disliked. He had no idea who it could be that he disliked, but he knew for sure that the beloved would have to be his sister. He loved Leto in a completely platonic manner, however there was no one on earth he loved more. He rushed onto the transport and waiting anxiously for it to reach the drop-off point within the ChesAn Arcology. The moment the doors to the shuttle opened Lad jumped out and left the twins behind. He rushed down the halls to Leto's room.

He slowed as he reached the door and calmed himself, not wanting to worry her. He knocked. There was no answer. He shouted through the door and waited a few more seconds before finally just sliding open the plain white door and rushing inside. Empty. The bathroom door was open. Empty. The bed was made and underneath was clear. He racked his mind.
“Who do I dislike?” There was a short list of the worst people he had in mind, but none of them were anywhere within reach. Not to his knowledge. She would have to leave the Arcology completely and that was hard to do for someone like her.

“Who...” He left the room and thought as he walked. As he did he called Lacie.

“Ms. Briggs?”

“Yes Lad? I was just about to call you. I need you to report to the lab. You got shot with one of those arrows and it seems the effects are persistent. Janna has lost the use of her barrier completely. Well... Except to trap herself inside.”

“About that! Leto's missing.”

“Your sister? Ooh, that's not good.” She paused a few seconds.
“She has not left the facility, which is good news.”

“Doesn't she have a tracker or something?”

“In good faith, we wanted to avoid that sort of thing with our families and loved ones. I'm doing a sweep now, okay?”

“Okay.” Lad breathed.
“Who do I dislike?” He wondered.

“That's good thought. Think about it. The sweep isn't exactly a quick process. I'd like to narrow it down.”

Lad stopped and gasped loudly. “The holding cells!”

“Oh shoot! Okay... She's in there! Sending security at once.”

“Can she open the cells?”

“Of course not. There's no way for someone that doesn't have clearance to fiddle with the controls.” Lacie offered. It was a comforting notion.

“I'm hurrying there, too.” Lad activated his suit to get a rush of adrenaline and began rushing towards the holding cells. As he entered the room before security.
“No...” Lad whined.

Leto had her back to Sebek's cell. Though there were no bars and therefor no way to reach through, there was a slot for food and other things. Lad could make out quite easily the Sebek had himself pressed up against the glass. His long Orc member was pushed through the slot with his balls hanging down below it. He gripped his heart and shook as he saw Leto grinding her ass over the slot. She used his cock like a dildo that was stuck to the bathroom wall, grinding back against it. The particularly thick member was squeezing into her tight cunt with each motion her hips made to ride it.
“Yes!” The formerly wholesome girl gasped.
“It feels so good...” What hurt most was the genuine tone she had when she spoke those words and the look of pleasure she carried. She noticed him after a few seconds and smiled.
“Oh... It's my twink brother.” That one hurt, but mostly it was the way she said it. Derisive and cruel.
“Don't stop me. I need to look after myself now. I'm going to run away with Sebek.” She panted.
“I just don't need you anymore.” She claimed.

“I know this isn't you...”

“Feels pretty real to me!” Sebek grunted. Leto's body tensed. She slide back over as much of his length that was available. His balls pulled up and twitched as he pumped an impressive load into her raw pussy. He pulled free, causing her gaped cunt to immediately loose a spattering of seed and juices onto the floor beneath her. She grinned and rubbed her face.

“Oh god... Tell me how to get him out of here, Lad!” She demanded the next second after milking his cock. She marched up to him, still leaking down her thigh.
“You want me to be happy, don't you?”

Lad looked away. “I...”

“You what? You want me to be a little fixture in YOUR life? What about ME?” She asked angrily.
“How. Do. I. Get. Him. Out.” She pointed. Sebek stared out with a smug expression as he wiped himself.

“I don't know, I swear...”

She clicked her tongue. “Useless.”

Lad heard a feminine laugh from the cell over. “What are you laughing at!?” He shouted past Leto at the cell.

“Oh.” The Jackal offered coyly.
“Not much. I'm guessing you got shot by that freak?”

“What do you know?”

“Oh... I know quite a bit. How it works, for instance. But, security is gonna get here soon. Come find me after and maybe we can help each other, little cuck.” Just like she said, the security team entered a few moments later and secured the room.

“Be gentle with her.” Lad begged as they restrained the fighting girl easily.


Lacie performed a full scan. Once all the test had come back she was left completely dumbfounded. “This doesn't make any sense. Lad, I'm sorry but I don't know how to fix this right now. We'll keep Leto safe, but we have to push forward. The bright side is, since this seems unfixable right now, it's a good thing it didn't happen to Kai, or Yeong especially.”

“How could you say that?” Lad snapped back.

“Relax, okay?” Lacie responded firmly.
“I'm just looking on the bright side. We're going to find a cure.”

“What's so difficult about it? Do we have any ideas?”

She picked up one of the arrows. “It's not magic. It's not chemical. The material is unfamiliar, but I am sending one off to get tested more precisely. It's complicated, because the idea of a bolt that fires and 'hits' someone miles away with an abstract effect is ridiculous. I have no ideas.”

Lad thought back to the offer made by the Jackal. “How long until we start getting ideas? I don't know if I can stand having Leto messed up like this.” There was a lump in his throat as he went on.
“I- I can't handle her being like this.”

“Oh, sweetie...” Lacie furrowed her brow and leaned in to give Lad a long, tight hug.
“I'm so sorry. I don't know how long it's going to take but I think you'd want us to take as long as we need to get a definite result. Am I wrong?”

“No, you're right.” He let her break off the hug on her own.
“Thanks, Ms. Briggs.”

“Any time.” He tried to be subtle when he asked.
“The Jackal in the cells. She's dangerous, right?”

“More than dangerous. She tricked all of us for so long. It's strange that she was captured with such a silly ruse.” Lacie mused.
“Esther always seemed incredibly smart. None of us knew what she was hiding. It was the perfect place to be for a spy. Oh well...” Lacie shrugged.
“Her loss is our gain.”

“Am I okay? Any signs of damage after I got shot?”


Lad felt his head. “I 'feel' horrible.”

“That may be one of the side effects that we have no understanding of. Or, it may be that you just went through a very rough experience.” Lacie patted him on the shoulder.
“Get some rest, Okay?”


Lad returned to his room and collapsed into bed. He was assailed by thoughts of not only Leto, but Kail and Yeong as he finally drifted off. He woke up at some point. He could not tell at what time, but he knew by the automatic lights that it was definitely not morning. He was of course sweating and anxious. The darkness in the room felt particularly thick, but he was not afraid of the dark. There were always far bigger things for him to worry about. That was until a tall, dark figure emerged at the foot of his bed. She had tall dark ears and smooth black hair.

She held up a finger to her lips. “Shhh. You're in pain...” She commented.

“You know that already. You laughed at me!” Lad blinked and tried to sit up. He could not. He was paralyzed. All he could do was speak.
“How did you get out?”

The figure came into view and set beside him. An attractive Jackal woman in nothing more than a black tank top and some tight shorts. She was also sweating lightly.
“Oh, I did that, did I? I'm sorry for laughing...” She still seemed amused, but for a reason he was unsure of.

“I didn't leave.” She offered cryptically.

“Why did you come to me? I never rejected your offer to talk.” He was trying to buy time, but Lad was also being genuine. He had thought about the woman ever since Lacie showed herself to be unable to help.

“I'm not going to free you, by the way. I'm not stupid.”

She laughed. “Oh, that's a funny thing to say to someone that's already sitting on your bed.”

“You said you didn't get out. So that means you're still trapped in there and this is... Something. Some magic?”

“Something.” The Jackal repeated with a smirk. She leaned over Lad and stroked his hair gently.
“The appeal is... Really apparent. Intoxicating.” She got closed and breathed in his scent.
“Magical.  Heroes... All so interesting.”

“What do you want?”

“I'd like for you to come with me. In exchange I'll simply free your sister.” She snapped her fingers.
“No questions, no tricks. Her mind will be back to normal.”

“What about you wanting to talk from the cell? You don't ask me to free you, but you also want me to come with you somehow?” Lad took a moment to think.
“If I ran back to the cell, what would I see?”

He lips curled up subtly. “You'd see 'me' sitting there, I suppose. I would alter the deal, though. If you leave and go to the cell, what I am probably gonna to say is something about how the Arrow works, in exchange for a chance to escape. Indirect. Uncertain. Not an immediate solution.”

“I don't understand...” Lad whined.
“You're going to offer me different things depending on what I do or where I go? Why? You ARE Esther, right?”

“Of course I'm Esther. Who else would I be? Never mind why. What do you want? Think about it.” She uttered in frustration. He could tell she did not seem to be lying.


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