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“That was textbook incite and lock usage but how are you going to be so inconsistent? You got potential but only if you take advantage when opportunities arise.” Malik warned. It was only a light scolding because ultimately the young Orc was successful.

Sebek scratched the back of his head as he held the phone up to his ear. “I'm not a psychopath.”

“Not yet.”

“Not ever! How is it that the biggest religious figure in the world is such a scumbag?” Sebek finally asked.

Malik chuckled. “I wrote the books. I taught the people that taught the people that taught your teachers. There's truth and belief behind what I did and what I taught but ultimately it was all by me. Nobody writes themselves as a villain. To begin with, from my perspective this is good. You're doing good. Is it any different than what you do when you choose to actually act?”

“That IS different?” Sebek argued.

“I know you didn't think before you spoke there, kid, because otherwise you wouldn't have said it.” Sebek huffed but Malik continued.
“You'd call the justifications I give for my actions excuses, but you just as easily excuse the justifications you give. You aren't actually moral, you're looking for reasons to be bad just like everyone else.”

Sebek took a second to think and calm himself before answering. “Not all justifications or excuses are equal.”

“Who decides?”

Sebek felt stuck. “You're a prophet. Did you actually speak to that Nameless God?”

“If I answer that would it change anything? I could tell you that I speak to something that tells me what is right but unfortunately for you I can read you. I can't see you or smell you but I can tell. You look for morality in reason. You want to quantify an abstract good like freedom of choice or life to measure your actions against and you are very, very uncomfortable because by those standards you are a complete and utter psychopath in denial.”

“So you think that someone speaking badly of our people, insulting us, denigrating us and showing ignorance doesn't justify my actions so far?”

Malik exhaled through his nose. “Do you?”

Sebek fell silent again for a few moments. “Why do you think you are right?”

“Because I believe our people are the first males. The only males. I believe that we are descended from the first followers of the god that lost his name. I don't believe in treating others badly, in fact, I want everyone to live happily; free of worry or hardship. I truly believe that Orc is a term that can be applied to anyone that accepts it and in that, unlike all the others I am above the petty specism and racism.”

“Maybe I shouldn't have this power.” Sebek decided.


“I'm not a bad person and I don't believe these things as strongly as you. It seems like I would need at least one of those to keep going with this.”

“Lets not be hasty!” Malik offered hurriedly.
“Why'd you do the things you did so far.”

“I could justify it but the truth is I got mad. In some cases it wasn't even anger, it was just annoyance at a micro-aggression. I wanted to correct their behavior and fix the way they thought about us, but what right do I have to force that on them?” As Sebek asked that question and let it hang his phone pinged. He opened it and stared in shock at a picture of MCS's mother that she had sent. It was obvious she sent it because it had the selfie angle with her arm stretched up off screen to hold the phone. Her other hand was raised in a peace sign next to her flushed face. There was a lewd angle to the pursed smile she had when she took the picture. It was just the first picture that centered on her face. Bellow she sent the text.

[Waiting patiently and obediently for my Orc hubby to come home!] The second picture below that which stirred something in Sebek was of her body. It was a downward angle so he could see right into her cleavage. She was wearing something that he was familiar with. Around her neck hung the metal Orc holy symbol; An ankh  with a bottom that curled up to the right and a dot at the center of the curve. In his sect it could be worn on a necklace but he noted that she chose to honor the traditional requirement that it be worn from a choker. She wore a piece of lingerie that consisted of a bra that pushed up and shaped the breasts from the bottom without covering them, and a thin see-through piece of lacy silk that circled the torso around the breasts loosely and hid nothing. Sebek inhaled sharply when he realized that Fara had squeezed herself into a ceremonial corset who's express purpose was to 'correct' the posture of new Orc women. It was another item that his sect did not observe as it shaped and curved the spine forward in an effort lift the ass and puff out the chest. It was also known for causing quite a few back problems and did not allow the woman to bend down easily as they were forced to do it at the waist. Below the waist she wore nothing aside from an easily-removed thong and a small skirt made of the same lacy, mosquito-net-like fabric that 'covered' the chest. In the more extreme Orc households the wife, or wives, were typically expected to wear these items only at all times and it was even a debated discussion on whether they should be made to cover or wear clothes when out in public. Regardless of the answer, they were always supposed to wear the same demeaning, difficult footwear decided upon by Malik himself. Heels so high that the feet were essentially pointed and shaped straight down, with only the toes allowed to be flat on the ground. It truly challenged the idea that he claimed to want everyone to be happy and comfortable.

Sebek cringed. He had asked Fara to look up a little about his culture and to her credit she had done exactly that. She took from the most extreme examples in every aspect and likely had many, many strange ideas floating around her head that Sebek did not even come close to sharing. Worse still, despite the past discussion on morality and his claim that he was not cut out for the power he was given, the sight aroused him.
“I can't believe this... What have I done?”

“Keep in mind.” Malik advised, sounding quite impressed by the image as well, as though he could see it.
“This power isn't a license to make someone believe something they do not.”

“What?” Sebek was stills taring at the picture and feeling a familiar straining in his pants.

“Remember? You can't convince someone to do or believe something they don't already.” Sebek nodded slowly, having remembered that from the light novel. However, he was not sure Fara would have taken to it to such an extent without it. As if being able to tell what Sebek was thinking, Malik continued.
“She could've been like this. She probably would've, too. What you would've done is played into her preconceived notions. You'd let her believe the stuff she did because it made her hot to think about. Why do you think this is the stuff she jumped to when all you asked her was to look up our culture?” Sebek could tell Malik was grinning as he spoke.
“You're talking about it being bad, but all you really did was correct the bad parts of her behavior while giving her the ability to fully indulge in something that she was obviously very interested in already.”

It was the breakthrough that he had been waiting for. An answer to at least some of Sebek's concerns, though he was faintly open to the possibility that it was still just an excuse. Regardless, It made sense. The lock, to begin with, was a bit of a cheat but it would only work to lock in thoughts or feelings that they already had. Incite only enhanced emotions that they already felt. It did not feel as immoral to make people believe and feel the things they already did and with that, he felt somewhat vindicated in correcting some of the more anti-social and racist traits and thoughts, like a teacher.

“Still, this is awkward. I'm not a traditionalist.”

“What's more awkward is, you thought you were controlling this girl but she obviously wants this. If you fail to meet the needs she has, she might just go for a different Orc. It's a burden, but what can you do?”

“Damn...” Another Orc could just as easily be worse. Especially an actual extremist.

Sebek slumped down in his computer chair and returned the message. [Oh, is that an Orc household?]

She returned quickly. [Could be, but it needs a Daddy.]

He rubbed himself over his pants as he typed with his thumb. [How about I come over and take charge, then? Dinner ready?]

[I'd greet you on my knees with a plate in hand like a good woman should.]

Sebek gulped and mopped his forehead. “Fuck... This traditionalist stuff is weird as hell, but it hits all the right notes if we're just talking about kinky stuff...”

“Why do you think I was so specific? Listen, being a man and looking after the worlds women is a burden so we should at least be able to have fun doing it.”

Sebek messaged back. [What would Gary think if he saw his mom on her knees in front of the door waiting for me to come home in that outfit?] It made him feel amazing. The thought of his bully coming home to see his mother kneeling before an Orc. The thought of him eventually joining her was even better.

[LOL. he would go wild! Not in a good way. Don't think he would approve, no?] There was a pause where Sebek began typing, but she started after him and posted another message before he could respond.
[Or... I guess it should be 'she?']

[If I'm observing the true text then she's a woman, right?]

“Good woman.” Malik commented.
“You can use this. It's a pretty good in.”

“I know that, obviously...” Sebek uttered.
[She would be. By the traditionalist texts, yeah.]

[I kind of want to, but it's hard to not think of her as a man, still. Is that a problem?]

Sebek made a conscious decision in his mind and after taking a deep breath he responded. [Not at all, but maybe we should meet up and talk about it.]

[For sure! I'm home, he's not. Perfect time for me to greet you 'normally.'] She left a winky emoji after that.

* *

Sebek knocked on the door, but there was no answer. After waiting he finally decided to just try the it. The door was unlocked and when he pushed it open he knew why it was not being answered. In the entryway, on the ground was Fara. She was on her knees but instead of sitting upright she was face down with her forehead pressed so hard into the carpet that it would probably leave a dent. Her hands were open and folded in front of her head facing up. Not holding a plate, disappointing, but he could imagine it there. She was shaking, particularly in her rear as though she was having some trouble.
“How long have you bin holding that position?” Sebek asked breathlessly.

“S-since you said you were coming over.”

He looked down at his phone and the last message sent. “Thirty minutes... Wow.” He entered and quickly closed the door behind him while making sure to lock it. It made Sebek feel less conflicted.
“You are pretty serious about this?”

“Very!” She spoke into the carpet.

“Why?” He asked.
“Oh, you can lean back up, by the way.”

She breathed a sigh of relief and with some effort since she could not properly flex her mid-section due to the corset, she sat up.

“It's... Honestly is just so intense. Sexually, yeah, but also...” Fara said honestly before pausing to gather her thoughts. She breathed deeply and stared up at Sebek.
“Like... My husband is wonderful and all, but when I'm with him I feel like we are in a union. We aren't really attached by anything. There was no real circumstance or ceremony. We liked each other and we got together and there was not much else to it.” She shuddered as she exhaled deeply.
“But, when I started looking into Orcs after he was stationed in Warren I started to see how they lived. For Orcs a family isn't just a thing you have because you like someone. That's part of it but it's also that it progresses the goals of the entire culture. A culture that I get to be a part of! I've never been a part of anything, really. The structure, the devotion to another that goes beyond 'like.' It's all so... Appealing.”

Sebek was surprised. None of those were particularly shallow. Where before he saw a horny racist he instead saw a woman that had lived a boring life that she felt was without meaning and without ties to anything she found important. She still came off as being horny as hell, however.
“So... You want to be a part of this?”

“Part of me does. For a ton of reasons. I still have those voices in the back of my head telling me it's a bad idea. I'm married, I have a son, I have a pretty privileged life that I don't want to jeopardize.”

Sebek lifted a brow. “If there was a way to remove your doubts would you take it?”


“Are you sure? Because this only works if that's true... I think.” Sebek warned.

Fara tilted her head curiously. “Huh? What do you mean? I have stints where I could feel as though I want it really bad, then clarity shines through.”

It was dubious, but Sebek felt like he could do it. “Do you think you could utter the full-conversion pledge while meaning every word?” He stood directly over her and placed his fingers on either side of her temples. It was actually a quite common position for normal conversions. It was something he did not understand until recently. Almost none of them involved Sociamancy in the current day and age but it came from a time where all of them did.
“Alright... You looked it all up so you know what to say, right?”

Fara nodded. “I renounce my Humanity completely! My species is Orc.” As she pledged that Sebek said 'locked' quietly under his breath. Two arcs of electricity connected with her forehead and jolted her. The woman spread her legs and her eyes crossed involuntarily. The old shocks were like static but with two hands it felt so noticeable. What was also noticeable for her was that the feelings of doubt that crept in after she made that pledge in the mirror so many times before was no longer present. When she said it before she would feel aroused and continue saying it, and she could act like it was true but convincing herself truly felt almost impossible. After she said it with Sebek she felt different. She had no idea how to describe the feeling but when she looked up at Sebek with his dumpy body, flat face and pig-like nose she did not feel attracted in spite of his features but because of them. She was completely and utterly aroused by a member of the opposite sex of a species that she had become a part of.

“Keep going...” As the ceremony proceeded, Sebek's member was close to bursting from his pants in front of Fara's face. She licked her lips as she stared at it with crossed eyes.

“I refuse to acknowledge or conceive of non-Orc Males. I renounce the concept and find it to be impossible.” She felt another shook and then drool falling over her bottom lip once the few seconds of convulsions were over. She closed her mouth and gulped back saliva. Just like before when she said it for fun she still knew deep down that Gary and her husband were men. It was impossible to think otherwise outside of play. After the shock however, the mere thought of them in her mind was impossible to connect with the word 'man.' The picture of them, no matter how they looked or spoke or acted or called themselves in her memory just rang in her head as 'feminine' or 'female.' They were women to her and importantly, they were not Orcs.

Even the second one was a little extreme for Sebek. The pledge was the harshest version and as far as he knew, his mother took a watered down pledge at conversion. If that was bad, the last was probably the worst and most dubious to him, but he was going to see it through by convincing himself she could only actually make it work if she believed in it. “Continue...” He breathed heavily. As bad as it was, it was also extremely hot.

“I renounce my name. I renounce my former life. I renounce my personality. I pledge to live as a blank object until subject is granted to me.” As she said that and as Sebek arced into her brain the woman once known as Fara went completely blank. Her mouth fell open. Sebek covered his mouth and groaned as his erection burst from his fly and slid up her blank face, almost giving her whiplash. It bobbed and leaked pre down over her head. In the traditional sense it was symbolic but he knew that there was more to it with actual Sociamancy. Women who had pledged but remained unchosen by an Orc man were meant to live in service to the community until they were. What this meant is that they would act as pawns. By normal methods the women would act subdued and submissive and would serve in whatever capacity they needed to while earning a mate. During this period they would be careful to not let on their personality, ideas, hobbies, anything. This allowed the community to decide what they would be used for in the mean time, and eventually it would allow their husbands to decide on what they would like and who they would be. This was in the strictest communities only, and even then they were only acting. He looked down at Fara and could tell that she was blank but not gone. Her brain was not clear, just not active, otherwise she would not walk or breath. Her mind took the context it needed from locked away memories to learn tasks and perform necessary actions. It was extremely efficient with Sociamancy.

“Okay... Uh... I name you Fara, however you will remember me as the sole namegiver.”

“Thank you.” She bowed her head, allowing her forehead to slide down the shaft nonchalantly as she did. Fara leaned her head back, allowing her lips to touch it without any hesitance.

“You will retain your old personality.” He added. Suddenly light came back into her eyes. She smiled and began kissing up and down Sebek's cock as she stroked it near the top with one hand. Her thumb rolled over the wet head and pressed into the tip. It was clear she did not even know what happened.

“My daughter is going to be home soon.” She warned.
“Do you want me to greet her with my lips and tits around your cock, my love?” She beamed up at Sebek with a wide, genuine smile.

“N-no. We'll have to be a bit more subtle than that for now.”


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