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As you negotiated with the Dog he would idly rut into her every odd second. It seemed like it was just enough to keep her thoughts jumbled. The powerful woman had no defense against the Beastman's canine cock. Merit was finally let down after a few minutes of humping and, according to the Dog, cumming. He apparently could go for quite a long time when mating and had only let her down so soon because you were having a conversation. She dropped to the ground, shaking and twitching. Her ass was still raised, her pussy leaking thick seed into the bath behind her. Gradually she began to weakly push herself up before you. Your attention was still centered mainly on the Dog, however.

“So... This is not a trick. You are willing to help me train to deal with Beastwomen, and also make me stronger?”

“Yep! No trick. Like I said, the only trick is that you've gotta devote yourself to something.”

“You kept saying that. What does that actually mean... Like, someone?”

“Yeah, something like that.” He shrugged.

“This isn't a religion or something, is it?” You questioned cautiously.

“Nope. Magic works off of exchange in part. There's what you put into it, sure, but beyond that the give and take is what makes certain magic stronger.”

Merit stood up on doe-like legs and huffed, moving over to your side. “He is absolutely trying to take advantage of you, idiot.”

You lifted a curious brow at the dog. “Are you?” You then stared at Merit.
“And weren't you?”

He shook his head emphatically. “Not at all. I have a Master. He tells me to mess with some girls and do other jobs but I'm not a slave. I'm still a student too, after all. I wanna help humans out and we're in the same Home.”

“Man's best friend, huh?” In response to that comment Charli offered a friendly thumbs up.

Merit scoff. “You can NOT be buying this? He's with-”

Charli interrupted. “So, Beastwomen are inherently stronger than you. That's kinda rough but it can be made up for with magic.” He rolled his eyes.
“However! When they have magic too it just keeps the gap. So you gotta learn tricks.”

“Tricks?” You leaned forward intently.

“Are you even listening to me?” Merit complained.

“Yeah!” He gives a demonstrative motion while explaining.  
“Put her in a headlock where your arm is in front of her neck and your other free hand is at the back of her neck, almost pinching it. It doesn't have to be tight. Once you have her, lean up and bite her ear.”

“There is no chance that would-” merit began before being taken into the lock by you abruptly. Merit was still a bit weak, which allowed you to get behind her, wrap one arm in front of her neck and another behind. She reached up and grabbed your arm. Despite her weakness she was still steadily moving your arm off of her and lifting you up off the ground slightly with sheer power. But, you still had not added the last part. As you were about to be flipped over her shoulder you leaned up and nipped down on her ear. Both twitched wildly, making a sound like a bird trying to take off. Her tail wagged erratically as well, and her limbs went fully soft as she crumpled a bit in your lock.
“H-hey...” She groaned.

“There. Now that Jackal's as weak as a kitten and you're free to assert your dominance over her.” Charli claimed.

“You going to be good?” You whispered in Merit's ear.

She nodded quickly. “Y-yesh...

“This is incredible.” You commented. Kissing around her neck and hugging her from behind once she was more passive. She was receptive and even felt a bit more affectionate in your arms but she was slowly beginning to get some fight back. If you could keep her like this, you thought, you could actually have her. It was ideal. Merit was a good woman. An attractive partner and a useful tool. She was everything you wanted in your accord. The only issue was her behavior. It felt like the genuine beginning of a new chapter in your relationship. One where you were on top. You had not felt love but you were trying it on the girls in your group and Merit was a prime candidate. A literal princess that you could have all to yourself.

“Not a lot of humans know these tricks. It works better and better the bigger and stronger you are but humans like you can use it just fine so long as someone bigger and better isn't coming along. Like this.” He casually pulled Merit free from your grip, spun her and placed her in the same lock except he had to crane his head down to nip her wildly twitching ear. He did it naturally like he had performed the move a hundred times before. Where she looked weak under your lock she seemed to be absolutely melting in his. He blinked, as though just realizing something.

“What?” You gulped.

“I shoulda asked if you liked this girl because she's kinda just, like... Mine, now, almost.”

“Almost!? W-well wait! I do actually kind of like her so stop!” You gritted your teeth. You were still hard at the idea of asserting your dominance only to have her pulled away. The lingering erection was no going away, despite, or possibly because of the situation.

“Oh... Uhm. You love her and stuff?” The Dog asked innocently, scratching his own ear awkwardly.

“Yeah!” It was not for sure, but it was the best answer given the circumstances.

Charli looked skeptical. “Doesn't sound like you mean it... Are you sure? You guys got some things to work out, or something?”

You inhaled deeply. “She is- It's complicated. She's strong, interesting and extremely attractive. Her personality draws the most attention partially because she's difficult. I think...” You were more or less convincing yourself at this point.
“I think I do love her to some extent, whatever that means. So could you please-”

Charli sighed and shook his head. “Nah, nah.”


“This one's no good, bro. It's okay, I got your back. I'll take this one. You can get way better girls.”

“But-” You were dumbfounded

“The trick with most Beastwomen is-” Charli grunted and performed the act again to make Merit's head  visibly spin.
“Break them down with tricks.” She was melting in his arms again but this time he took his free hand and placed it over her womb.
“Send her into heat with magic.” You suddenly saw Merit lose all sense in his arms. Her lips parted, her cheeks flushed and she began dripping and rutting back against him.

“Then take them to the ground.” Charli abruptly brought Merit back to her knees and bent over her back. He returned a hand to the back of her neck and moved her into a prostrating position.
“She struggles...” As he explained, Merit fought weakly back to get up.
“But eventually when she realizes you're stronger she'll settle down and start acting real nice!” He said cheerily. Your heart pounded as Merit stopped fighting and began just passively rutting back against his crotch.

“I-I am so sorry for acting up, Charli....” She moaned, seeming in genuine remorse. It was so unlike her.

“It's okay, babe.” He nodded. The Dog then looked to you for approval.

“Why did you-”

“It's okay, bro. I made it so that she's in love with me and only me. This girl is basically gonna be obsessed with me. She'll probably die for me or something, too... Crazy, right? But now that I took this bad girl off your hands you can focus on the good girls in the school! Got your back, bro.” He grinned widely. It did not seem malicious at all, somehow and for some reason, as in despair as you were, you could not feel yourself getting truly mad at him. It was only frustrating and grating like a pet that had knocked over the trash.

“She'll need more coaching to break down completely and permanently but I can handle her. Don't you worry.”

* *

“We need to help someone out with something.” You claimed. In spite of everything that happened, you had still made a promise to the Seraph and were going to try to follow through. Also, you needed something to take your mind off of... Things.

“Oh my, did you get a bit more muscle?” Merit questioned. You stared at her awkwardly. She was far more well-behaved, but you knew why. It was her new boyfriend and 'mate.' You had to admit, as you stared down at the bit of bulk you gained through his advice; he knew his stuff.

“Looking good.” Esther winked.
“But back on track, here. What are we doing and how's it actually help us?” The girl did not mind at all that Merit was different. It meant more of you for her.

“We are going to need to navigate the school to reach a certain point.”

“What? Why?” Esther scrutinized.
“You can reach wherever you want by thinking about it.”

“Not where we need to go. This place can only be reached by traversing the halls normally. That means no right turns.”

The Goblin girl's jaw dropped. “What!? But this place is a nightmare if you don't use the folded space! The exact reason that's in place is because you aren't supposed to try to move around without it. Going around normally... Things start to get weird. This place is huge and I bet we aren't even allowed to.”

“That's why I am going to be your Chaperon.” Serane announced, stepping out from behind a bend.”

“The nurse..?” Aiden asked. He was wearing the female uniform but no one questioned it. It was what he was worried about, but he began to wonder if he should be more worried about that fact that most people did not think it was strange to see him as a girl.

“I am a teacher, as well!” Serane argued.
“We're going to explore the school. The 'real' school.”

“I'll do what everyone else thinks is right.” Merit announced happily. She was far more chipper and agreeable than her usual self, of course. Despite the practiced cheer she looked faintly nervous, like she was trying to behave, even with Charli not around.

“Okay.” You sighed, still thinking about what happened with the Dog.
“Sounds like we are in agreement.” You stared Esther down. Since the girl got off on being bullied she blushed and backed down fairly easily.
“So what's there to think about?”

“How many more bodies you want to drag along.” Serane explained.
“Familiars. You gathered a few and your group has one already. More means more security but higher visibility and personally I favor less as I do not like the idea of being visible.” She smiled sweetly.
“I will definitely be fine on my own, at least.”

“Okay... More bodies or less bodies...” You could get over the fact that she rather deliberately said bodies and not 'people.'



This right here is why you're the G.O.A.T, truly unstoppable in designing your scenarios