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Jack stared at himself in the mirror, posing. He thought that he looked ridiculous. The exercises had made his rear and thighs larger while slimming his waist down. The lack of action with his upper body meant that his arms were thin and weak-looking. His shoulders and chest were naturally a bit slender. Jacks body was decorated by two items from the gift package. Two things he had deemed kinky enough to at least look at himself while wearing. The first innocuous-seeming item was a thin, black choker with a silver tag dangling from the front. The second, more sketchy item was a small cage that he almost did not know what to do with at first. As Jack slipped it on he found himself becoming hard, but once it was locked in place and secured there was no chance of enough blood rushing down to allow him an erection. He only felt comfortable because of the key that came with it. The other items in the package were fairly self explanatory. A dildo, a few plugs and some lube.

“As if...”

Once he was done gawking at himself jack first tried to place the key in the cage. It failed to find a hole and worse still, there was barely any crease at all. It was the same with the choker. He immediately sat down and angrily messaged Clovis.
[What's the deal with this stuff? Why wont it come off?]

[Wdym? Thought you'd be smart enough to look into them before putting them on. Though I guess the packaging isn't exactly clear.]

[Look into them?]

It was embarrassingly easy to find information on the products. Feminization wasn't just a fringe fetish, it was an industry with hundreds of products to it's name. Companies sprung up around the concept. It was not just for those living in a different body from the one they were born with, either. Men who wished to 'fem-max' as well. The dating market was exclusive and favored wealthy individuals and good looking individuals for hooking up and with the market becoming lazier overall due to online dating, nobody was willing to step outside and just 'meet' other people anymore. The initial impression was the end-all-be-all. So 'fem-maxing' was pioneered to solve the problem for young men. At least, on the surface that's why it was pushed.

Jack pulled at the collar uselessly. It was a thin, innocuous-looking thing that would offer him very little trouble or embarrassment in his day to day life. Easily hidden and easily forgotten about. It's main function was nearly invisible. A radical hormone and chemical regulator. The cage was far simpler and served as an accessory to a new social contract. Wearing it represented a pledge and and a promise to men who were not wearing it. It said loudly 'I am no longer a participant in the breeding pool. No longer a threat.' The key, deceptively, was biometrically attuned to the registered buyer and that was certainly not Jack.

[Get this stuff off me!]

[So you want to meet me in real life?”] Clovis questioned. Jack hesitated and realized that he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

[Look, Alexis. You had to activate these before using them. You skipped the agreement, right?] He frowned deeply, his lack of a response in a full minute saying everything Clovis needed to know. Going back to look at it the agreement to activate the devices that Jack skipped like he was reading an EULA was a demeaning pledge to end his participation in society as a man and also gave the company rights to his original DNA to modify and store as they saw fit. Jack silently watched videos portraying others long-term experience with the items. There were men that started out far more masculine than him that ended with wide hips, a slim waist, slim shoulders and impressive breasts. The collar was not just a referendum on hormones, it was a  complete shift of the bodies makeup. A second puberty was in store for him. A change in brain chemistry.

[If we meet in real life can you unlock this stuff?]

[Yeah, partially. The changes you go through up until then can't exactly be undone without surgery.]

[You'll just have to hurry, then!]

[Can't. I've got stuff I need to do. Didn't account for your brain to stop working and for you to put all that on without thinking or heeding any of the warnings. Maybe a month at the latest.]

He gulped. [A month!?]

[Well... For now just work out as normal to counter the hormones. Go back to your usual diet and try to keep a masculine mindset if you actually care.] It was helpful advice. Jack noted that if Clovis wanted to force it on him he could've just as easily said nothing.


* *

Jack was sweating. It had been a few days and even while eating normally and trying to work out his full body things were not going his way. If anything, the diet was having the opposite affect. As he worked out he was only burning calories, not building muscle. His belly flattened but remained soft. Same with his arms. In contrast muscle and weight was easily put on in his hips and rear. He stopped, panting where he stood.

“Hey! Nice burn.” A girl commented next to him. Jack smiled at her, since she looked cute. He was not used to being approached at the gym.

“Thanks!” He remembered himself and blushed.
“B-but I'm not making as many gains as I'd like, I gotta admit.”

“What do you mean? You look great. Great progress!”

“Eh?” Jack gave her a strange look. As he was wondering if she was just lying to hit on him she winked and pointed to a black collar around her slender neck.

“Eating big meals?” She asked. Jack nodded. He looked at her like a dear caught in headlights.
“Good call. It all goes here.” She patted her rear.
“Or here.” She then reached up to cup her breasts.
“These are especially fun. You'll love 'em.”

“How long did those... uh... take?” Jack asked hesitantly.

“In the first week you're chest is gonna start getting puffy and sore. Same with your hips and shoulders. Bones are going to start moving. It's tricking your body in ways that we didn't think possible decades ago.”

“So you're pretty into this. Did you always want to be...” He trailed off and motioned towards her body in general.

“A pretty girl? Not really. I was super straight. Not having a lot of luck dating. My current boyfriend slapped this puppy on me after a drunken night out.”

“So, wait... You're even worse off than me, then.” Jack commented.

“Your brain gradually adjusts. I kinda miss being a guy but being a girl is actually waaaay more rewarding.” She shrugged.
“Plus, I got hooked on the coolaid pretty hard halfway through.”

“The what?”

“Oh... I got totally washed in the head.” She grinned as though remembering it wistfully.
“My boyfriend completely freaking wrecked me... Hollowed me out... All that guy shit seems so silly to me now. I don't even really get it when he has his friends over doing guy stuff. Like...” She giggles.
“Like I'm looking in at it as an outsider even though I was there. Weird, huh?”

“Y-yeah?” Jack backed away and began to leave. The girl called out after him.

“Wait! Sweetie! Are you single? I know a guy!”

“I gotta get out of this thing...” He grumbled, rushing home. His hips and chest were already screaming at him after just a few days.

“No more gym, that's for sure.”



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