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Sebek had read through first few chapters quickly and noted down some of the main points. The 'training' was hidden between the lines of a pretty bog-standard story about an Orc in a fantasy world conquering loads of elves, humans and beastfolk. As basic as it was, it featured an Orc protagonist so it immediately rose above even his former favorite titles. The main points of Sociomancy, as far as Sebek  could gather from reading through the chapters several times over, were threefold: Weaknesses, Applications, Techniques.

The first point was simple and that was Sociomancy's weaknesses. The main one being that someone could not be forced to do something they did not already want to do. The fundamental example presented in the novel was that of molding clay. When clay is soft it can be shaped into anything but wherever it is hard it is immovable and prone to breaking or cracking.

“So what's the point?” Sebek questioned impatiently.
“I thought the idea was to make people do things they wouldn't otherwise do?” He removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“Nah.” Malik corrected. The phone was laying flat on Sebek's desk. He was alone in his room illuminated only by the screen. Sebek's room was the perfect picture of a shut-in's apartment. He only had one room to himself, since his family could not afford any more. Sebek lived apart from his two parents in the city for the sake of his MGS. It was a common thing for students to do immediately after they graduated since it got them out of the house and into the real world right away.

“The point is...” Malik sighed through the speaker.
“Think of it this way. Everyone's got their own clay they're working with. They got an idea that's 'solid' of what they want it to be. What you need to do is pay attention. That's the first part of it.”

Sebek nodded slowly. It was surprising how much an anti-social sounding art like Sociomancy actually required so much empathy and intuition. He read that to use it he would need to establish some baseline amount of rapport to actually interact with people before he could use it on them. It all sounded hard, and like it defeated the purpose of it all together, much like the clay example.

“Attention to their sculpture? What of it?”

“You're a smart kid... Think about it. You pay attention to what they're making. When you know that, what can you do with that information?”

Sebek looked down in thought. He lifted his head and responded. “If you know what they want to make then you can make suggestions in line with their project that also coincide with yours?” He had applied that principle before when it came to school projects. He often had the best idea for how to complete the project in a way that would get the best grade but when working with others they underestimated him and refused to listen simply because he was an Orc. What he had to do was suggest things in ways that made people comfortable to go along with it.

“Exactly!” Malek sounded like he was smiling as he spoke.
“If you aren't a freak that can see what people think and like then you're going to need to be able to talk to them. Observe them. Figure out what they want and like.”

“Wish I was a freak, instead.” Sebek muttered.

Malek clicked his tongue. “Not all it's cracked up to be. It's weird to say, but I kinda crave the challenge you're facing here. This stuff was always easy for me. Extremely easy. You need to actually plan and take risks. It's exciting, no?”

“I guess...”

“Sound a bit more excited!” Malek demanded.

“I-I g- Yeah!” Sebek uttered. He exhaled.
“Okay? So... I observe those girls-”

“I'd suggest dealing with the big, dark-haired one first.”

“The... Guy?” Sebek knew he was referring to the MCS looking guy that bullied him directly. It made sense, but as Sebek made clear, he was a guy.

“They're all girls, kid.” Malek corrected.

“That's more of a traditionalist thing. It's pretty rude in today's society to disrespect someone's gender expression.” Sebek explained gently. It was something he believe, too. The Orc was fairly liberal, even though the people around him were less than accepting.

“If MCS identifies as a man then-”

“Then you just let him continue to fuck girls and bully Orcs without consequences, right?” Malek taunted.

“Well...” Sebek was not sure what to say.

“This is justice, right? In a 'Liberal' society or whatever, would guys like that be able to do whatever they want without consequences?”

“No.” Sebek admitted.
“I'd hope not. He's racist, prejudiced and mildly violent.”

“Not 'I hope not.'” Malek mocked Sebek's weak tone with a crude imitation.

“Of course not!” Sebek stated more sternly.

“It's rehabilitation. Our friend MCS is going to become more friendly to Orcs and other Species in general.”

“That's fine, but I'm...” Sebek trailed off.

“Speak up.”

“I'm not into dudes.”

“Okay... And you don't believe in the 'traditional' ways of our people, either. Huh.” Malek thought hard on how to sell it.
“Don't you have girly boys in your future world?”

“Femboys? Yeah. But-”

“What are you into? Imagine your ideal woman.”
Sebek sighed and leaned back. He closed his eyes and folded his hands in his lap as he thought about her. He imagined and described out loud a woman with blonde hair, big breasts, a slender waist and wide hips. He thought that she should have thick thighs and a plump rear, as well.
“What's she wearing?” Malek asked.

“I dunno... A skirt? Halter top. Girly clothes.”

“Right. That all makes sense. Now, less ideal. What if she was just an average girl.” Malek asked. Sebek nodded and thought it would be fine. He did not have unrealistic standards. Her build was a bit more basic. Her curves less pronounced, but she still looked good in his mind.

“What if she's got short, dark hair?”

Sebek imagined it. She still probably looked fine. “Yeah. That's okay, I guess.” He was still there for it.

“Flat chest?”

Sebek shrugged. “That... Is probably fine, too?” He imagined her. With everything else she was still pretty good looking. He was not exactly picky. He would settle for less than ideal.

“You'd marry her? Fuck her? Date her? Kiss her?” Malek bombarded Sebek with questions in quick succession to the point the he had to answer quickly. Even if it was just through the phone, the old Orc sounded very charismatic

“I-I dunno! Yes? Yes? Yes? I mean... Sure, she's fine. I would want to get to know her, but pending that, yeah.”

“You'd do all that but the chick described is way closer to MCS than you're ideal woman.” Malek mentioned offhandedly.

Sebek blinked. Suddenly in his mind MCS's face was plastered over the girls he imagined with thick lips and a pouting expression. The odd thing was, Malek was right. He was still at least a little hard at the thought. Some part of him was even a bit more interested. The thought of MCS looking like that and doing... Things for him after everything he said. It was catharsis.

“Okay.” Sebek relented.
“What do we do?”

* *

Malek spoke into the wireless earbuds Sebek wore. “It's the most basic Sociomancy technique. It requires set up, but very little actual aura manipulation. It's the 'ol secret message. You know what that is?”

“Subliminal? Well, it's a technique in advertising that-”

“Enough of that. The most powerful version of this is deceptively simple. You wait for the subject to get hot and bothered then, in the middle of them feeling that you insert a picture or instigate a thought of what you want them to associate with that feeling. Lock it in and let them stew.” Sebek knew MCS's stops so he was able to follow him pretty effectively.

“How am I going to do this? Surely he isn't enough of a degen that he'll get horny on the train?” The Orc wore a crude disguise so as not to be recognized. Sunglasses, a trench coat and a white face mask that one would wear if they were sick. As if in direct response to Sebek's question the 'main character' was surprisingly horny when his entourage got off on their own stops. He pulled up porn on his phone and watched it on the train. The guy seemingly had no issue sporting a hard-on around others, though it was tactically deflected down the leg of his pants. Sebek thought that it was admirable that he at least stopped short of touching himself in public. It solidified the fact that MCS really did need Malek's form of 'rehabilitation.'

“She's literally blushing. Time to make your move.” Malik advised.

Sebek gulped and moved close to MCS. He pulled up an image of himself up on his phone. It was embarrassing to even have and he dreaded anyone else seeing it. In it Sebek was nude and adopting a masculine pose, or at least attempting to. Though it was Sebek, to someone like MCS it may as well have been any other bulky orc. While he was looking hot and bothered Sebek strategically dropped his phone so that it would land face up in MCS's lap. As he looked down and caught a glimpse of the image Sebek performed his first instance of Sociomancy by subtly tapping MCS's temple and whispering.

MCS gasped and jolted as if he suffered a mild static shock. and tossed the phone away reflexively after that. “W-what the hell!?” He glared up at the disguised Sebek and pointed.
“P-perve! Perve!” He shouted ironically, hiding his own phone and his own erection. Unfortunately a few other passengers stared down at the phone and started screaming at the sight. Sebek blushed deeply and dove for it to close the image. Luckily the doors opened just in time and he was able to roll out the door while a few attendants were in chase. Malek cackled loudly into his ear as Sebek ran.

“The tactical roll? Masterful. I think you got her at the perfect time. She's gonna be thinking of your body when he takes care of himself, that's for sure.”

“It's that strong?” Sebek panted. He was trying to get a good distance.

“Eh... She can fight it, but it'll be on her mind. Intrusive thoughts. The real mindfuck is they're intrusive thoughts that'll help her get off.”

“Good.” Sebek smiled. It was very small, but it felt good to get one over on the guy.

The moment he thought he had made his dramatic escape he rounded a corner and ran right into a small girl with bronze skin and golden bunny ears that he recognizes as being the outspoken member of MCS's entourage. She was looking down at her phone with the messages open. Slowly her eyes were turning up towards him. Time had the feel of slowing down as Sebek looked at her phone and saw rapid fire messages from someone popping up with prime words like perve and Orc being something he could pick up on, even upside down. He did not actually have much time to react so she was able to fully take him in and narrow her eyes.

Malik was in his ear urging him to act. “You gotta take care of this one. No other choice. Claim your birthright.”

The beastwoman clicked her tongue and cocked her hip. “I mean, it's obviously you, right? You thought a mask would hide your fat face?”

“She knows.” Malik taunted.
“You know what you have to do.”

Sebek was stunned. The girl continued talking. “So you were like... trying to drop Gary nudes, or something? Lol. What TF is that?” The bronze-skinned girl mocked with a raised blonde eyebrow. She leaned forward and poked his chest with her phone.
“You're, like, a total freak, huh? Maybe I should call Garde on you. It was a crime, you know?”

“She's literally gonna bust you, kid.”
“Make the decision.”

Sebek was sweating. He had to choose. There was only one thing he could do.

* *

He sat submissively on a bench in a small, private sitting area in one of the cities many alleyways. They were present all over the place. Public restrooms with small benches took the place of parks quite a while ago. For the average class, at least. The girl paced back and forth in front of him.
“So this is the state of our species.” Malik criticized.
“Subdued by a girl that's a foot shorter.” Sebek couldn't say it with the girl right in front of him, but he was still thinking it; she had not done anything wrong. Not to his knowledge and not to him. In fact, she was the one that seemed to stop the assault. He wondered if he just was not cut out for the type of operation Malik had in mind.

“I'm really sorry.”

“So you admit it?” She questioned.

“Uhm.” He gulped.

The girl exhaled and looked down on him with a smug smirk. “I wasn't even sure if he was just overreacting or some shit, but you actually did it? Oh-megalol.” She rolled her eyes.
“Mal, should I tell someone?”

“No!” Sebek begged.

“Hmm.” She tapped her chin with her phone. The messenger app was open but nothing further had been sent yet.

“Well, let's see it.”

“Huh?” Sebek was stunned.

“Your dick.” She demanded. He choked on his words.
“What? You'll show Gary but not me? You gay?”

“N-no! Definitely not.” He argued.

“So why him?”

Sebek took a page out of Malik's notes for a semblance of an explanation, no matter how weak it was. “Well... By traditional Orcist interpretation, Orcs are the only men. So... He's really a girl.”

“That's funny.” Her eyes widened at the explanation.
“But you don't actually believe that?”

“No...” Sebek admitted.

“Why not?” She tilted her head to one side quizzically.

“I think that it's important to respect gender expression and to not disrespect the troubles others genuinely do have with gender expression.” Sebek explained.

The girl whistled. “Wow. You sound pretty smart-” Sebek's demeanor brightened prematurely after hearing that.
“For someone that exposes themselves on a train. I dunno what any of that means, but are you gonna show me your dick, or what?” She added impishly.

Malik spoke slowly, like a disappointed father. “The girl is asking you to show her your dick. Does this break any of your arbitrary moral hangups?”

Sebek took a deep breath and unbuckled his pants. As an Orc he was naturally gifted, though he understated his gift quite a bit. He faced jealousy in the locker room quite often growing up. The girl leaned forward and acted surprised as his eight-inch member was pulled out and allowed to flop over the top of his pants. His balls followed. A big, sloshing pair that would not lose to many other species.
“Wo-ho-hoa. The nerdy guy is packing? What a meme. Feel like I should take a pic.” She lifted her phone.

“Please don't!” Sebek held up his hands. She reluctantly lowered her phone with a sigh.

“'Kay. So, how much money do you have on you? Never had an Orc before.” She offered casually.

“I'm sorry?”

“She's a whore.” Malik explained.
“It would be so easy to have her if you'd just try.”

“Credit on hand right now? I have 20...”

She shrugged “That's enough.” The girl then smirked and added once Sebek transferred the money.
“For me to not take a pic with your dick flopped out and send it all around the MGS.

“I stand corrected. You're being extorted. Another humiliation.”

Sebek thought it was a surprisingly fair price. “Thanks. Does this mean you're not going to tell on me to your friends or... Anyone else?”

She was surprised by the response. “You're really taking this in stride. Thought you'd be angrier and meaner. I got Fast-Vac so I'm not really worried for my safety, but I guess I didn't need it.”

Sebek felt vindicated as soon as she mentioned Fast-Vac, though of course Malik would not understand who they were.
“I'm not acting this way because I was afraid of anything. I didn't think it would be right to do anything to you.”

“Well that's nice.” She commented genuinely. You just keep on surprising me.” She looked to be in thought before offering.
“My name's Mars.” Her eyes lit up.
“Wanna hear something funny?”


“Gary literally can't connect the dots so he doesn't get that it was you.” Sebek was extremely relieved. He chuckled lightly.

“Are you two together? Sorry if it's a personal question.”

“We're together, yeah.” She rolled her eyes. “I know he fucks around but multiple wives probably doesn't sound strange to you, huh?”

Sebek shook his head. “One man and one woman.”


“It's a misnomer. Some believe in that sort of thing but the majority of us are monogamous.”

“Oh! That's cute.” She smiled widely. The wheels in her head seemed to be turning.
“Do you want me to introduce you to Gary and our friend group formally.”

Sebek coughed and sputtered as he swallowed a bit of saliva out of shock. “S-sorry? That guy is incredibly racist.”

“Yeah.” She cackled.
“But he'll deal with it. I think it'll be funny to see what he does when he's threatened. Maybe...” She looked down.
“Maybe he'll stop fucking around if there's another, smarter guy around.”

“I'm likely to get killed.” Sebek argued.

“Society still has laws. You're a smart guy and you're a big guy. If you can take a bit of bullying then I think it'll be fine.”

“Say yes!” Malik demanded.


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