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Jeane was the only one other than the Hero and the Princess that were not under Malik's control, but she also knew at that point that there must have been something going on there, as well. It was too late to do anything about that. The Hero did not stop at actively ignoring her and the group. He was also very defensive of the Princess to the point that they were both unassailable. It seemed hopeless. In the times when she was away from Malik she felt hopelessness creep in. Her inability to get one over on him played upon her psyche and highlighted just how much her pride and overconfidence played a part in how she acted normally. In that realization she found something that she did not expect.

“You helped me identify a problem in myself that I had not been able to accept until now.” Jeane commented. Malik was sitting comfortably, accepting affectionate licks from Kara and the other elf. Jeane ignored them both and remained focused solely on him. Not that that was an issue. Her attention was naturally drawn to the Orc.

Malik was surprised by the admission. “It's all about self improvement.”

“On your terms, though. How much of a force of good could you be if you just tried helping people instead of manipulating them.” Jeane argued.

“This is helping people.”

“Do you believe your own ideology?”

He gave that quite a bit of thought, pushing the two girls off of him. “Parts.”

“Just parts? How ironic. Aren't you supposed to be a Shaman. A leader of your people?”

“I think there was an ancient garden. I think my people were a part of it somehow. I dunno how much I believe in a god when the name can't even be remembered, but I do believe in something. What about you?” he asked curiously, a sly smirk crossing his lips as he attempted to draw out a prideful, conceited response.

Jeane took a deep breath and shook it off. She had worked through her issues. She had to an extent outsmarted him and she was wet from it, for sure. Formerly her answer would be that she believes in what is in front of her. Magic. She believes in those methods and the results that stem from them. Anything that she needs to know is within her grasp already and that is what is important. Setting aside her pride, the answer she arrived at instead was quite simple.
“I believe that it is important to have the wisdom to acknowledge that which we do not know.”

Malik was surprised two-fold. He scratched his stubbly chin. “Huh.” But that wasn't his only weapon.
“My manipulation. You figured out how to get around it... That aspect of it.” He added with smug, giddy intent.
“Guess that means you outsmarted me.”

Jeane gasped. Knowing she had done it was one thing. Hearing him say it was far better. Her legs shook and nearly buckled under the weight of her arousal.  The thought crossed her mind that if she was with him she could keep learning more. Keep besting him. It would be an endless cycle of joy and satisfaction.. The Ciar shook it off once more.
“Stop trying to manipulate me into joining you on your terms!”

Malik quickly picked apart that demand. “What about on your terms?”

Jeane calmed herself and ran her slender fingers through her dark hair. She stood up straight and remained still. Her cheeks tinted slightly as she nodded and said.
“Don't manipulate me. Don't try to pull one over on me. Don't try to take the easy route.” She glanced back at the tent that the Hero and Princess were secluded in. She had arrived at the conclusion that he was no longer an option. It was  partially because of Malik, but only the beginning of that thought was. Thanks to his coaxing. She was able to find the reasoning to bury her feelings for him and leave the Hero behind from that initial spark, however; she had to recognize that..

“Convince me. Tell me why I should follow you and your beliefs. Why they benefit me.”

Malik tilted his head quizzically to one side and stared up at Jeane. “Catharsis is strong, but you countered it by sorting through your own strongest emotions. Locked triggers are deeply ingrained but you were able to fight your own lust to arrive at a reasoned conclusion. As far as I can tell-”

Jeane lifted her chin and looked down her nose at him sternly. “That, Orc, is an appeal to actions that I have already said are off-limits. If we are talking about the benefits of those then you may as well just ignore what I said and continue how you have been with me.”

“Hm.” He grunted. Malik finally leaned up and stared seriously at her. The benefits of Sociomancy were not just that the suite of magic could manipulate others. In an indirect way they manipulated the user. It was easy for one to begin to believe themselves or get lost in their own false messages when surrounded by supplicants. Malik felt something he had not felt at all in a long, long time. He felt challenged academically.

“For you...” He chewed his lip a little as he mulled over the answer. The answers he could give. The answers best suited to convince her. After a few more moments he leaned back and waved a hand at her to shoo her away.
“For you there is no benefit.” He offered reluctantly, ignoring all the other things that he could have said to slyly trick her. He did not know if they would work and he had gained a bit of respect for her over the course of the conversation. Enough to consider being truthful for once. To his surprise, the moment he said that Jeane fell between his legs and picked up his trunk-like cock in her delicate, pale-white hands. The fact that she could feel his heart beating through it's thick veins sent a shiver down her spine. She kissed the tip, then licked around the head while looking up.

“You are correct. There is no benefit. Thank you for being truthful with me.” She started stroking idly, turning his half chub into a raging erection that was as thick as the Hero's forearm.

Malik touched his lips with two fingers and stared down at the Ciar with an amused expression. “You wouldn't have done this after just any answer.”

“It had to be the truth. I knew what the truth was already after thinking about it extensively. I gathered my thoughts. This entire conversation was laid out in my head before I started speaking to you.” She lowered head and kissed part of his shaft below her stroking hand, trailing down towards his balls.

“Your beliefs are exploitative. Any woman that submits to them does not do so to her benefit. Not if she is like me.”

“So this is...” He trailed off, motioned for her to continue.

“This is what's called getting over the hump. If you are the water, you have crested the Levy, Malik. The water can't break the levy-”

“But it can go over it.” He leaned back comfortably and rested a large hand on her head, encouraging her to continue licking his dirty, musky member.

“This is difficult for me. It smells bad and I do not enjoy the taste.”

Malik was noticeably amused. “Should I fix that?” He took one look from her before nodding and  arcing electricity into her temple. She shuddered and her mouth almost foamed a little from the sensation, but it was welcome. She sucked in the smell of his musky cock desperately and drooled over his dirty shaft. His skin and sweat had instantly become like sugar to her but it was not a manipulation tactic this time. It was a mechanism to bring two people closer. To settle differences and hang-ups.

“That's better.” Jeane offered breathlessly, licking up his shaft towards the tip.

“Need more?” He questioned.

“I do not need more than this to fall in love with this cock.” She stated affectionately, smooching the tip a few more times as pre formed bulbs of sticky liquid that glossed her lips.

“Ho...” Malik smiled and rested his head on his fist. His other hand gently rubbed her head.

“You aren't my first willing convert, but you are my most surprising.” He thought for a moment and added.
“My most satisfying. Tell me, what do you want to be? What do you want to do?” He felt an odd sense of admiration. He wanted to give her something. Anything.

Jeane panted. “I have already decided I am going all in. I want you to do it all to me.” Malik's heart raced as he heard the girl say that with such passion. But it only got better for him.

“Babies, service, hell... I will convert others and do my duty as an Orc woman. What else do YOU want? Your name above my cunt? I will do that, too. For you...” She paused and gulped. The intelligent woman stared up at him with a sultry stare before adding in an embarrassed tone.
“Daddy Malik.”

“Damn.” He was floored.
“You're the first girl I've met where I didn't want to fuck her brains out.” He gripped her hair and forced her lips down on his cock. She gulped and gagged as it pushed against her throat and threatened her jaw. He 'aided' her by jolting a bit looseness into those muscles, allowing the full length of his Orc cock to push comfortably into her smooth throat. His dick filled the relaxed, yet tight space like a sock. Jeane's eyes rolled back as she throated him. Thankfully she was allowed to pull back of her own accord. Malik released her head and gave her free reign. The first thing she did when she was able to breath again however was go back in. She took his full length, feeling the tip scrape her stomach. She loved the taste, loved the smell, loved the feel of it. More than anything she loved the look on his face. The satisfaction and amusement.

“Unlike you, I'm not perfect, though. So I can be a bit rough.” He added dismissively.
“I'll keep you around, mentally, unlike the others. You seem like a fun girl.” Malik offered a brief glance towards the tent the Hero was in.
“But, when I give that guy his moment of clarity I'll need you to play it up a bit. Got that?”

Jeane smiled while his cock pushed between her plump lips. She offered an 'OK' sign with her hands.




I guess what I’m asking is if this is the end of this series?


Splendid as always! You mentioned that Malik was continuing to Demonkine and I'm curious if this is the path that leads into Malik being able to impregnate Kara's entire race?

Tanya Wormald

Yeah, there's two ways to reach that point. One was where the hero took over the princess with no issue but favored Malik over Kara and made a few more bad choices after that. The other is the logical extension of this.