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You ducked around the corner, content to just watch for the moment. It was mainly just to see how she would react. At best you were going to be treated to an amusing beatdown. At worst, you could step in if anything truly troubling was about to happen to her.

“Come on, Princess.” The man said in a soft, low tone.
“You actually into that guy? Is it because he's the same Home as you? Not exactly the typical Tintamere, huh?”

Merit stared up incredulously, crossing her arms under her perky breasts. “Better than the typical Lauda.”

He leaned forward, prompting her to lean back. “You like trouble, though. A challenge. I bet you got all of them in the palm of your hand. Not me.”

“You would be surprised.” She argued with a smirk.


“They all have such strong spirits.”

The man laughed loudly, holding his large stomach. “Seriously?” He pretended to wipe a tear for effect.
“Oh yes. The man I thought was bland puts his own needs before others. The little pushover prince has clear ideals that he is not willing to budge on. The Goblin is wild and-”

“What about you?” He lifted his hand and pressed it to the wall over her shoulder, leaning in to bring his face close to hers.

“I was getting to that.” She uttered in annoyance, refusing to budge.
“I am not convinced by shallow machism.”

“What if it isn't shallow?”

Her long dark ears twitched. “You can not convince me that you are not a weak, scared boy on the inside.”

The large man reached up with his free hand, grabbed her chin, squeezed so that her full, lush lips puckered. He then kissed her before she had too much time to act. She froze, unsure of what to do at first. The kiss looked good. Good enough for her to not immediately push him away. When it broke she was staring up with faintly red cheeks. The beastwoman licked her lips and triumphantly stated.

The man chuckled. “If you say so.” He leaned back, releasing his hand from the wall. It swung back and gave her firm rear a smack as he waddled away, slowly rounding a corner. Merit stood still for a few moments, seeming to be in thought. You waited for a good moment to step out so that it was not clear that you had watched the whole thing. The scene had succeeded at grounding you. The world was not created for your purposes. There were multiple people in it with their own goals and strengths and vices. You wondered if what you saw was an example of weakness on Merit's part, or something else. The worst thing, in your mind, would have been genuine affection. The best case was that he was using force, but even that was not ideal.

You rounded the corner, acting casual. “Hey Merit.”

She turned to look at you and was quite nonchalant consider what she had just been up to. The girl smiled softly.
“Oh. Hello. Any updates on that teacher?”

“Not quite. Just coming to see how you're doing.” You offered as a half truth.

She lifted a brow. “I'm doing well. I was about to go exercise, then take a bath.” The Jackal gave you a sultry look.

“Do you wish to join me... For either?”

You took a deep breath and stepped towards her. With your new decision on how you wanted to act going forward and the things you just saw you wanted to revamp how you acted around her, as well. You tried to perform the same as him. She looked somewhat surprised as you planted your hand on the wall beside her head. Your hand was small in the print that was left. Merit observed you curiously.
“If we could skip to the bath.”

“What's that?” Her ears perked.

You leaned in to kiss her about as forcefully as you saw the big bully do successfully. To your own surprise you felt her slender fingers gripping your chin and pinching your cheeks. She had stopped you in mid attempt.

“You smell like sex.” She tilted her head to one side and stared you down.


“I am no one's second helping.” She released your face only to swiftly smack your cheek with the same hand. It was a slight movement that carried enough force to turn your head and leave you a little jarred.
“I deserve more than that.” She smiled sweetly.
“Was there anything else?”

“I... No, nothing else just yet.”

Merit shrugged. “Alright. Next time at least wait a day between encounters, you maniac. I will be training, then I will be at the bath for my cleaning and massage.” She winked and began to strut away. You felt a rush of intrusive thoughts as you saw her firm ass move while she walked. You reeled your hand back and smacked it firmly. It was the first time smacking a woman's rear. Merit did not have a whole lot to work with but it was still a soft feeling. There was give there and it felt as though the cheek you struck jiggled beneath the impact. You flinched as she turned quickly and immediately leveled a stare at you that was like the wrath of the underworld. Eyes burning. Fur and tail standing on end.
“What. Did. I. Just. Say?”

You stepped back and raised your hands. She closed her eyes, placed a finger to one of her long ears and the other was raised to her mouth at the cuff of her blouse.
“Yes. Aiden? You are available.” It was not a question but a demand.
“You are required to collect a body at this location. Refuse at your discretion, it does not matter to me. I am telling you.”

“Woah woah. Wait, what are you-” You vaguely remembered seeing her hips turning and her legs lifting, then nothing. Black.

* *

When you opened your eyes you saw Aiden leaning over you. Adelin was seated in the corner of the room, as it was technically his turn with her.

“Wow. I can't believe she knocked you out. What did you do?”

You held your head. There was a warm, wet cloth laid over it. You were baffled. “I made what I thought were all the right moves. It doesn't make sense.”

Aiden blinked. “I don't really understand the context so I can't comment.” You groaned and explained the situation to him in an abridged form that captured all of the main points you thought were important enough to mention. To your surprise, the one thing he picked up on first was.
“You had s-sex with Esther?” Aiden was blushed.


“Are you two together? Why did you want to then try to do something with Merit, as well?” Aiden questioned naively.

“Obviously I want to be having sex with both of them.” You offer bluntly.

He coughed and sputtered in response. “W-what?” The boy collected his thoughts and calmed himself.
“It seems pretty obvious that Merit doesn't want that.”

“She's kind of crazy. It might just be that she wants me to push harder.”

Aiden lifted both brows and stared at you in disbelief. “She kicked you really hard.”

“Like I said. She's crazy.” You rubbed your head where it felt like the welt was.

“I think you're crazy.” Aiden complained.
“You can do something really nice, like encourage me and bring out good things in people, but then on a whim you seem to just go and get obsessed with s-sex.”

“It's the male curse, from what I understand.”

“I don't think all men suffer from this curse.” He argued skeptically.

You smirked at him and sat up, looking down at his tight pants. “Maybe some of us are just more male than others?”

Aiden blushed and clenched his thighs. “What are you implying?”

“I'm implying that you'd look cute in one of those girls Lauda uniforms. Or...” You looked past him at Adelin and her maid outfit. Aiden's cheeks turned beet red. It was more of a bashful embarrassment than anything. An odd response.

“Cute? Aren't you weird for wanting to see a guy do something like that?” He argued.

“What I bet is, if you put something like that on I wouldn't be able to tell you're a guy.”

Aiden grumbled and slid his chair back. He stood up and walked towards the door, his head lowered. You thought that you had lost another one in the same day, but as he reached the threshold there was a flick of his wrist. The pants he wore shifted and connected, then shortened and expanded out into a skirt that showed off his smooth legs right up until the point his socks extended and crawled all the way up to his thighs while remaining snug. His jacket sleeves shortened and tightened until it was a vest over a white blouse. As he turned you noticed that even his tie had shortened and knotted itself into a green bow that circled the white collar of the blouse. Aiden tussled his short blonde hair a little and stared at you indignantly.
“What do you think? Appropriate?” He had used a common form of magic to change the shape of his clothes. The Academy uniform already being of high quality helped the spell.

Appropriate was not the right word. There was almost no telling. The only hint that he was still male was the lack of makeup. But even without that his face, his chin and his soft, small body all betrayed the facts of the matter.

“It's actually uncanny.”

“Hmm....” He looked down and touched his lips in thought. It, again, was not the reaction you were expecting.
“I could maybe keep dressing like this... For you.” He stammered to add.
“I-I-In private!”



That Merit encounter could not have gone better🙏


Touch the elf. Put him on a shelf.