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Reyna stared down at the small addition to her Deep Dive setup. The device was a small box attached to a mouthpiece. The box attached to a desk or a chair or whatever a player had and inside they could place 3 meal nutrition packs. Make no mistake, the actual packs tasted abysmal in real life and just tasting the foul sludge would be enough to vomit because it was, in essence, a slurry of all the balanced food groups one needed to live through another day. But that did not matter because once someone was under they could eat in O2O and still gain nutrition from it while tasting the in game food, which was typically about as good as one could make it.

Much like rabbit starvation, there was a far more dire malady in O2O where players would spend so much time inside without any nutrition. They could eat food in the game but it would never actually offer them any value. A few people wasted away inside before the company had to introduce vital scans into their tech that would forcibly log someone out if they were literally starving or dehydrated. The addition of that feature made it possible to detect a persons nutritional levels by piggybacking off of the gear's scans. The nutritional device was a third party system that simply drip-fed horrible sludge and allowed someone to basically live in the game and only leave to change the packs once every 24 hours or so. It was  a perfect solution for people with no life. Though, it was also used by virtual office workers who were forced to take their lunch inside of the world.

“Why'd you gift me this?” She messaged Zern.

“What? You don't like it? A lot of people would kill for this thing.” He was not wrong. The actual device was about as expensive as a game console and came with a subscription of slurry that would essentially last a lifetime. The makers were able to do that because, apparently, if one was no concerned about adaptability they could create cheap, nutritional food very cheaply and easily. The fact that they could find anyone that was willing to buy or eat it at all was a miracle.

“It's fine, I guess. Still. I asked why.”

“You're unemployed, right? Living in the game is probably better than whatever stupid shit you plan on doing outside of it. I heard from your one guy friend Jack that you barely have anything going on.” Reyna silently cursed Jack and noted that Zern was on speaking terms with her friends. Some of them, at least. She would have to be careful.
“I mean, I could fix that if you wanted to meet up in person.”

“No, no... That's fine.” She looked on the bright side. More time spent in the game meant that she could spend more time grinding or making money. Plus, it was a legitimately much better world and in theory, she could save money by getting food in game while allowing the machine to feed her cheap slurry outside. It was efficient if someone was attempting to no-life the game.

“You know, its crazy how much better this version of you is.” Zern commented. His hand rested idly on Rey's head. She glanced up from what she was doing. Her lips were halfway around his cock because she wanted to practice making him feel good. There was a skill for every action in the game and all of that was not raised through points but through repetition. She slowly drew up the shaft until her lips reached the head, then circled it with her tongue a little before allowing it to pop free from her lips.
“If I could be as good outside as I was here I would. Sorry.” She said earnestly. It felt bad to become a completely different person once the game turned off, but at least she was able to spend more time inside thanks to the device.

“There is.” He said simply. Reyna perked up.

“How?” She was definitely interested and did not look at any of Zern's antics as sabotaging herself. To the Rey in the game, she was the right version. The one that they should be.

“I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.” Rey leaned up as he said that, intent on listening.

“I don't look different outside the game. No part of me does. It doesn't really matter how you look in this game if you got power, so I use a one-to-one avatar.” Rey nodded slowly. She thought that was interesting but did not immediately follow. He picked up on that and continued.
“Alright. So there's a few things about this game that are interesting. First, you actually keep some  portion of the skills you learn in game as muscle memory, but it's really slight. But you also keep your memories.” He stared down at her with a patronizing smile, waiting to see if she got it. Rey did feel like she understood what he was getting at. He essentially wanted to make memories that would extend out into the real world and affect Reyna's mind. She opened her mouth to say as much but Zern quickly cut her off as soon as he saw she was going to speak.
“It's okay, sweetie. You're a girl. It's fine for you to not understand these things.”


“Silly. That's why a man's here for you.” He cut her off again, this time by pulling her head down gently and moving his cock to press against her lips. She felt annoyed at him for the first time. Being demeaned was not actually very fun and neither was being looked down upon. She did still want to make something of herself in the game. At the same time, her lips opened to accommodate his member.  It did actually make her fairly horny. Sucking on it, practicing, getting better. The fact that it was actually his cock in shape, size and smell only added to the experience. Zern smirked. He had plans. He was not telling her exactly what he was doing because he wanted it to be a surprise for Reyna. He knew it would work. A full 14 hour session would make it work.

As Reyna was kicked out of the game to refill the machine, before she had any time to unpack she got a message from Zern. She remembered all of what happened and it was a bit jarring. She especially remembered him saying he looked the same in real life. It had to be an exaggeration. His cock was burned into her mind. It was too good for a guy like him, but even her admitting it was good was mind-warping. What also burned into and warped her mind were the three straight meals of thick, potent cum he force-fed her. What's worse, it actually worked. The game did not care what you were eating, it only cared that she was eating it, and that it was not poison to her character. She tried to shake it off as she read the message.

“How's my favorite baby-maker doing?” Reyna stared at the message with distaste. But something else happened, as well. Something she wished did not. She became a bit horny. She was already wet from being in the game, so she could not tell if the comment made her more so. The scary thing was, it may have. It hit her what had happened. She had been in the game for 14 hours without picking up on it. Not that the Rey in the game would do anything about it. Reyna wanted to go out and start leveling and making money but Rey allowed herself to easily get pulled into a 14 hour fuck-session with a disgusting primate of a man. She did not have to try to remember what happened during it because it was also burned into her mind, much like his cock.

Over the course of the session Zern continuously demeaned her and whispered misogynistic words into her ear. Then, no matter how she felt about those he would always do something to draw her attention way. He would make her horny, or finger her, or fuck her. It was that rhythm constantly until finally she logged out and found that, outside the game, a comment like the one he sent made her a bit horny. She steadied both her anger and arousal. Any drastic reaction would make the troll think he won.

“I am fine.”

“That's fine. I really do wanna pump you full of kids, though. How do you feel about that, Rey?”

“Feels like a waste. I got a pretty good degree just to immediately go out and get knocked up by some gross loser.”

“I agree. Getting a degree was a waste for a girl like you. Just think, you spend a few of your best years in school and you could've already settled down with a well-off guy and had a few kids by now. Don't worry, sweetie, you're still young.” That got her. Her hands slid down between her legs and began working. Unfortunately, just like before she could not bring herself to orgasm. She cursed herself, wishing she had not just completely forgotten about shopping for real toys once she wound down from the last time.

“But your clock is ticking, huh? Aren't gonna be in your twenties forever Reyrey.” He teased. Surprisingly, as she was desperately fingering herself and massaging her clit, reading that comment did something for her. She gulped and used one hand to type back.

“What'll you do if we meet? You're probably a wuss in real life.” She did not want to let on that she wanted him to keep talking dirty. She just hoped that coaxing him would achieve the desired effect. Because she hated to admit it but she did desire it. In the moment, at least.

“I'll knock you up as soon as possible. Do whatever I can to take over your life.”

“That's fucked up... Just find an easier girl. There's plenty of bimbos out there.” She was getting close.

“That's just it. I don't want a bimbo. As soon as I met you I knew what I wanted. I've been a degen all my life but then I saw you. Extremely intelligent, but dumb in all the right ways. Self-righteous, cocky. You were so sure of yourself and so driven and so wrong that I just thought it'd feel good to tie someone like you down to someone like me. Ruin you, basically. Because we both know you deserve it. Hey, it wont be a bad life. <3” She was panting. He said it all so frankly.
“You can cum now, by the way.” There was no way he could've known, but he guessed right. She told herself that it was a coincidence. That she was not doing it with his help or with his permission. But, in that moment her whole body did tense in her first real orgasm in what felt like months.

“Oh god...” She said out loud, then typed back.
“I'll be logging back in soon.”