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Tenzin was baffled. He had always believed in Korra's ability to learn, eventually, but the main thing he knew was that it would take time. Not because it was hard but because there was something more fundamental that was walling off her performance. He had known that his father struggled with earthbending for similar reasons, so Korra's inability to airbend was no secret or surprise. The difficulty, he imagined, was that her learning was not a matter of training but growing as a person. That was why it was so jarring when in just a short week everything changed. Korra broke through all of her blockers that prevented her from learning airbending. On top of that she became more focused on her training and less focused on other distractions. Other than one, of course.That part of it was particularly surprising.
“I wasn't sure what to think when she brought that Tahno boy. He's so...” Tenzin trailed off while talking to Pema. She responded.

“Full of himself?”

“Aggressive. Cocky.” He remembered that Tahno did not react well to the children, either. By all accounts it seemed as though he should clash with Korra but when she brought him they got along quite well.
“And just a bit off.” Even with all that in mind he had to admit.

“It seems he has somehow had a positive influence over her.”

Pema turned and offered a quizzical look. “You think it's positive?” She saw hints of what their relationship was really like and it did not seem particularly healthy. At the same time there was not much she could do if both seemed happy and everything was proceeding positively.

Tenzin stared back cluelessly. “What else can I call it? She is devoting herself to her training. She is taking her position seriously and I am no longer getting calls about her going rogue around the city.” He smiled weakly.
“Whatever it is, I can now devote more attention the troubles.”

Pema decided to just leave it. She thought from experience that Korra may just be going through a phase with Tahno. That was the hope. She moved on to the newer topic easily.
“That group that's been causing trouble. Are they really a big problem?”

“We're not sure yet, but now that I am no longer being pulled in so many different directions I can afford to lend more of a helping hand. Korra was not wrong. We should be doing more for this city. If she can change then so can I. Who knows, maybe he is actually a good influence.”

“Come on! Get it down, mutt!” Tahno groaned as he stuffed his cock between Korra's lips. She was on her knees struggling, gagging and tearing up. Her face was red with embarrassment because they were not somewhere safe or private. Instead Tahno had commandeered one of the stalls in the woman's bathroom. The walls were close on either side of her and she could not tell if anyone was occupying them. She was far too distracted to learn.
“Come on...” Tahno grunted, prodding the back of her throat. Her lips had stopped somewhere around the center of his cock. There were lipstick rings all up the length where she had managed to reach her limits, then surpassed them. According to him it was something they needed to work on. Just as she felt as though she was going to throw up again she finally just closed her eyes and forced herself to gulp. Tahno felt the give and pushed hard. Her eyes opened wide, her pupils rolling back as his member pried open her throat. For the first few wild ruts he held her head with both hands and just fucked her face while she almost went limp. Once the moment had passed Tahno started to slow down to enjoy it more. He rested a hand on her head and stroked her styled hair affectionately.

“There.” He smiled down at her as she looked up through very wet eyes. The act had done a number on her makeup, as well.
“Don't worry, it'll be easier from now on.” As he promised that he slowly drew his cock from her throat to allow her to breath. His sizable cock popped free from her mouth and wobbled in front of her.

Korra gasped and wiped her mouth and eyes before asking. “Really?”

“Mhmm. Watch.” He grabbed his cock and pressed his tip against her soft red lips. Korra stared up at him hesitantly. He slowly pushed inside, releasing his cock once it was in her mouth. Korra did not fight it, she let him feed it in inch by inch. She cringed instinctively when he fed it to the point where she knew she would start gagging as it pushed into the back of her throat. To her surprise that feeling was no more. There was just a mild bit of discomfort as it pushed down her throat. He purposefully stopped before hilting himself completely inside.

“You do the rest, kiss the base of my dick and tighten. I want a big red lipstick mark there to show what you've done, okay?” He saw the hesitance in her expression, but knew intuitively how to coax her into doing something at this point.
“Oh, I get it. You can't.”

Korra narrowed her eyes at him and eagerly took the rest of his cock. She made a moaning, kissing noise as she struggled for the last bit to press her lips against the base of his cock. She tightened and moved a little to try and rub off as much of her lipstick as she could to leave a mark. As she did she felt his member beginning to throb particularly intensely. Tahno held her in place, not that she was going anywhere. She was good at holding her breath so it was not an issue. Korra was not sure what was happening, then warmth started filling her stomach and a sudden sense of fullness washed over her. It told her everything she needed to know. He had just unloaded directly down her throat. As he pulled his deflating member free of her tight lips she instinctively grabbed it and started licking it clean. Tahno knew she had an alternative motive, however.

“How horny are you?” He sighed. Korra stared up awkwardly. She lifted her dress to show wetness all down her thighs.
“We gotta get back out there, you know? I don't got time to take care of every woman problem you have.” Korra kept licking and even tried pulling his limp dick between her lips.
“Stop trying to get me hard.” He laughed, playfully pushing her off him gently by the forehead.


“No buts.” As he said that Korra stared up and pouted intensely.

“Go fix your makeup, idiot.” He chided, turning around to leave. There was a gasp from outside. It was probably because he decided to stow his member after he left the stall. Korra left shortly after. She blushed as she stepped out beside Tahno and saw a familiar face. A tall, pale woman with dark hair and bright red lips. Korra before, and even now, felt inferior when compared to Asami. At least as a woman. She was worried how Tahno would look at her. To her surprise he just ignored the rich girl and walked past. The feeling she got when he paid the other woman no mind was something just shy of the feeling she got when he fucked her raw. They had done it a few times already and Korra had fallen in love with the feel. She felt like she wanted it all the time, as expressed by her obvious, dripping cunt. As he left the two women stood in silence for a few seconds, then Korra broke the tension by moving over to the mirror to fix her face. She disregarded Asami.

Asami walked up beside her and pretended to touch herself up. “You... Let him call you an idiot?” She gave Korra a quick once-over, admiring the girls curves subtly. Everything about Korra had changed physically in such a short time. She was still her athletic self but there was an obvious softness starting to show in her arms and her belly. Something must have been up. Asami could not complain, because what Korra wanted was her business. Still, with the new look Asami could also not take her eyes off of the Avatar. Korra wore a pretty little dress with high heels. Her hair was done up nice. She had become the perfect party-girl in appearance. Once Asami finally managed to pull her gaze from Korra her judgment silently fell on the girl for all the other things she let Tahno do.

“It's our thing.” Korra rolled her eyes. Even if it did not feel great to be called an idiot and even if she was still somewhat wise to all of the sketchy stuff Tahno did to her, she felt defensive when Asami spoke about it. It made her want to defend him and defend herself for falling for it.

“Sounds like it's his thing and you're just going along with it.”

Korra hurried up in removing the smudged makeup, then began applying the new layers. She was practiced at it by this point.
“Look, I don't care about Mako. He's yours. Enjoy. You got no reason to keep messing with me.” Korra waved a hand dismissively at Asami.

Asami was not sure why, but she felt hurt to hear that. “Maybe there is still a reason.” Asami muttered uncertainly. She herself was not sure, but seeing Korra dressed up, horny and made-up triggered something inside her. Just as Korra was applying more makeup Asami leaned over, turned her by the shoulder and kissed her rather suddenly and forwardly. She did it because she wanted to and maybe, if she was lucky, Korra wanted to as well. Immediately she regretted her decision. For one, the taste of unwashed cock mixed with girl-saliva filled her mouth. Next, Korra pushed Asami back and stared daggers back at her.

“The hell are you doing!?” Korra shouted, stepping around Asami to get to the exit in a hurry.

Asami gulped. “I- I don't know. I'm sorry...” The worst part was that she knew she was wrong. She also knew she probably would not get another chance with her to see if she could be right.

Korra left. Asami followed but stopped outside when she saw Korra latch on to Tahno's arm. She cringed as Korra leaned up and whispered something in his ear that caused him to look back at Asami with a taunting smirk. He left a clingy Korra behind and walked up to Asami. She stood her ground, ready for any amount of shade he was about to throw at her. She was a rich kid, too. She could fight on even ground with the man.
“You wanna join us?” Asami was not expecting that. Korra looked hurt and offended. She did not think he had eyes for her, but now that Tahno showed that he might she felt incredibly jealous.

“W-what!? But you said-” Korra began before getting silenced.

“Quiet.” Tahno kept staring down Asami, who was speechless. She stared at Tahno for a moment and got nothing from him. She felt nothing. Then she stared past him at Korra and felt herself melting at the sight of her. For all of the terrible things she imagined Tahno had done, dressing her up and making her beautiful was a gift. Unfortunately, she realized, it was no one she could ever take advantage of. Unless.

Asami gulped. “Yes.”

Asami was in heaven. She stared up at Korra, who was pinning her to the bed. Their bare breasts were pressing together. Both girls were sweating.
“Listen.” Korra uttered sternly. She ws not happy with what was happening but Tahno promised her that she was the only one for him. When she asked him why then he wanted to have sex with both of them he stated that he had something to gain from it. Somehow that, and the promise that Asami would always be second, was enough.
“Tahno's mine, not-” She paused, lifting her ass as she felt Tahno pull her cheeks with one hand and thumb at her asshole with another to pry apart the tight pucker. He spat on it and massaged the lubricating saliva inside.

“You tell her, mutt.” Tahno teased. He wanted to encourage Korra to dominate Asami. He saw the way the girl looked at Korra and heard of the bathroom encounter. Asami hated his guts but he did always have his eyes on her. He didn't know that he could catch two birds with one stone by aiming squarely at the Avatar. One was obsessed with him and the other was obsessed with her. It was almost perfect.

“N-not yours.” Korra finished. She added with a renewed sense of pride.
“He doesn't wanna fuck you... He just wants to fuck you with ME. Get it?”

Asami was mesmerized as she stared up into Korra's stern expression. Even though the girl was trying to act tough there was a tint of pleasure from what Tahno was doing to her rear and it was magical to see her in that state. Asami had no idea until Korra was on top of her that this was what she wanted. She realized however that she would need to give in to have it. She could not pay for this. She could not bribe or brute force it. All she could do was submit to it to get it.

“I understand.”

“Good.” Korra said triumphantly. Her hands were pinning Asumi's arms to the bed so the girl could not move.

Tahno chimed in from the back as he rubbed his cockhead against Korra's asshole. “Kiss her.” He added after the fact, knowing he may need to bullshit a bit.
“You know... To assert dominance.”

“Would that assert dominance or whatever?” Korra asked cluelessly. She really had no idea.

Asami's expression broke. She nodded slowly as Korra stared down at her. “Y... es?” With that false admission Korra leaned down and pressed her lips against Asami's. She had Tahno to thank. If he would do this for her, maybe he was not so bad. She thought that maybe she could draw Korra away if they did this enough. Then, as she felt Korra's lips against hers she changed her mind. There was very little passion and Asami felt it. She would not have Korra. Even in the moment she could not have the feeling of having Korra. That realization washed over her and almost drove her to leave then and there. Then something happened. Tahno pushed his cock into Korra's ass and began fucking her. Asami could hear the slapping of his Pelvis against her plump ass. Then there was Passion. Without knowing, Korra slipped her tongue into Asami's mouth and began really kissing her. It was the feeling she was chasing with the woman, but ultimately it only happened because of a man.

Asami shook. She wanted to feel Korra's body but did not know if she would recoil as she had in the bathroom some time ago. As Tahno fucked Korra, Asami reached up with what little mobility her arms had and dug into Korra's rear. In that moment she realized that even if she could not have Korra to herself, in the moments when the three of them together she could feel like she did. She would have to see in the long term if that was enough for her. Asami was no fool. At least, she did not consider herself one.


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