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The decision you both came to was unanimous. It was the perfect time to bring the despicable prince under control. You and Kara could handle him easily and dominate him, you thought. If you could both pacify him in a way that made him seem complacent then you would not face any ire from the loyalists in your group. Looking over, you can make out in the look Kara gave you that she came to more or less the same conclusion. So it was decided.

There was another line of reason from you. You were in Kara's body so why not make use of it while you have it? For all the times you held back from being with men or using men, somehow it felt different in the current form. But of course it did. You were not a man in this body but a very attractive woman. There was still a faint hesitation but it felt as though Kara's body and instincts overrode that somewhat. Looking over to your right, in contrast, Kara was far less sexually aggressive in your body. It was a bit amusing.

You considered the actual moves to make the plan work. The prince's question still demanded an answer one way or another. As tempting as it was to just try and dominate him, that would not make the prince happy. It would not make him complacent. No, based on everything Kara told you, the secret to draining a man was humoring him. Giving just enough to them in a meaningless sense so that they would offer you everything in a literal sense. An exchange. It felt so strange to be about to put that principle in motion when it was, in essence, what was used on you to a lesser extent.

“Well?” The prince asked, growing impatient.

Kara leaned over and whispered in your ear. “I'll follow your lead on this one. It's up to you. Just be careful, this guy is weird.” She said astutely. You were not positive until you heard her say that. She noticed something about the prince as well. The odd pulling towards his words. Still, that was when you were weak in your own body. You were in Kara's form and you felt invincible. You could never lose in this body. At least, that was the sense you got.

“I apologize, my prince.” You said, bowing shallowly to humor him. His striking emerald eyes lit up.

Kara smirked and followed your lead, just like she said she would. “At your service, my prince.” She matched your bow.

“Well, this is quite the change from before. Are you two ready to cooperate?”

You stepped forward. “I considered my actions before and I'm ready to cooperate to get what I want, at least.” You tried to sound a bit stubborn to fit the character of Kara.

The prince smiled and rubbed his chin curiously. He did not immediately take the bait, surprisingly, and instead turned to Kara to ask.

“What about you, Hero? Your woman is saying she wants me. Is that okay?” It almost ran the risk of sounding considerate, except that his tone was dripping with smugness. He expected the Hero's face to twist in despair, only to be surprised when it showed indifference instead. It was an odd dynamic you two were showing and you were not sure if he was going to fall for it. Just the way you two were acting screamed that something was off.

Kara shrugged. “That might be fine... If I can join in.” It was your body and your voice so it was ultimately just a bit surreal to hear that, even if you knew it was from Kara. The prince was just as shocked to hear that. He stared at Kara questioningly, but then slowly nodded in thought. His eyes trailed up and down your body.

“I don't consort with men, though-” The prince was cut off.

If it were you, you would have a much harder time making the clutch decision. Kara, however, was not you. She only wore your body.

“I can be a girl, if you want, my prince.” She said slyly. The body language and tone was hers, even though the voice was yours, so it was convincing. The prince was immediately taken aback. You smirked, he was obviously taken off guard. It was more or less what you two wanted. So, even though Kara had made a decision for you that seemed like it might come back to bite you, if the prince was a Mana cow under both of your control it would not matter.

Surprisingly, the prince collected himself quickly and cleared his throat. “So... In exchange for 'joining in' you would take on a female role?” He asked. He used the term exchange rather deliberately and his demeanor made it look as though he was gearing up for a negotiation. He even seemed a bit disappointed when Kara merely nodded and agreed.

“That's fine.” It was an easy thing for her to just say that she agreed.

“It's... Fine? Alright then.” He exhaled lightly, his eyes still staring into Kara's. You had to stifle a laugh. The Prince was so out of his element between you two. The body swap had thrown him through a loop as your expected personalities and demeanors were totally different. The prince grew a bit more firm and added.
“The role will be performed by you not just when you are around me, understand?”

“I understand.” She said, smiling. It was all so easy.

“Good.” The prince breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to you.
“Now you...” He looked to still be in thought.
“You simply want my dick, correct? You are obsessed with sex but also have some vague control issues.” He analyzed.

“Y-yeah? That's about right.” As you said that Kara huffed beside you. You shot her back a look that chided her for having such a problem with that mild admission while just moments ago she agreed on your behalf to have you take on a feminine role. Not that it mattered. All of these agreements were negotiable once the prince was drained and under your control. With that in mind you smirked slyly and took it a bit further.
“I'm ready to be a good girl, my prince. You don't have to give me dick and I'll still be good.”

“Well, that is more like it.” He claimed with a wide smile. He drew out his large, discolored member. It looked better than you remembered, but you guessed that it was just Kara's instincts and perception that were shaping your view there.
“Down, girls.” As he said that and began to grow throbbingly hard before you both, you saw the vitality and Mana sloshing around in his large, royal sack and felt hunger. You wondered if Kara felt this way all the time. Looking over, she was licking her lips as well once she got down. As he noticed the way both of you were looking he idly stroked himself and mused.
“It seems as though you both want something more than just to to taste my member...” He tilted his head at both of your reactions. Your body did not have the face to be perfectly deceiving while you did not have the personality nor the poker face. You knew one thing, you did not want to tell him directly.
“What is it... Royal seed?” As he asked that you both got the same idea and nodded deviously. It was both accurate and completely wrong. Saying that you just wanted his seed completely betrayed what you were actually taking from him.

“Well, that is interesting. It seems you want something quite tangible that I can provide quite readily.” As he spoke your eyes and Kara's eyes were trained hungrily on his balls.  
“Listen!” he said sternly, dragging both of your eyes up to meet his.

“We are negotiating.” That simple phrase seemed to lock your gaze to his. You could not look over to tell if it was the same for Kara, but you suspected it was.

“U-understood.” You gulped. You heard Kara say beside you.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever.”

“Let's see... Would you both like access to my seed? How often?” The prince asked.

“Whenever we can take it. Whenever you can give it.” Kara clarified.

“That is a lot. I have a lot to give.” He stated. That made you both gulp. You believed it. The look of his sloshing balls was that his vitality was almost endless somehow.
“Before we begin to get into what I want from you, we should talk about the things that you should want to do to get the most out of this deal.” You both nodded.
“You should want to protect me, obviously. Preferably with your lives. I can not produce if I am dead or unwell.”

“Agreed.” Kara said easily. You nodded, as well. You planned to protect the prince, regardless.

“Good. In the spirit of the deal you should say it. We are entering a verbal contract, after all.”

While staring up into his emerald eyes you nod and repeat with Kara at the same time. “In the spirit of the deal I want to protect you with my life.” You did not know how it was for her, but for you yo felt a subtle discomfort. In your mind, you felt as thought the place you were in was unacceptably unsafe for the Prince. It preyed upon your psyche just moments after the deal.

The prince was satisfied. He added. “I think that it is only right if you want my royal seed that you should tie my happiness to yours. Therefore you should want to promote my happiness, pleasure and arousal, even at the expense of your own.” That was a bit much, but in the back of your mind you still held the belief that none of it would matter once you had him. It would be over once you could drain him and control him the way Kara controlled you.

In the rhythm of the deal, you both spoke again in unison, more or less. “I want to place your happiness, arousal and pleasure over my own.”

The prince grinned. He was staring deep into both your eyes at that point. “To clarify...” He went into an explanation that you both chose to repeat easily.

“I wish to fully tie my pleasure and happiness to yours, my prince. Even if I were to never feel joy or pleasure again I will accept yours as my own. I will never want for pleasure or happiness or chase it, except with your permission.” You realized things were getting a little intense, but the singular hope of draining the Prince's balls carried you through. But not just that. After you said it you felt an odd pull to please the man in front of you. It was a thought that existed outside of any other desire, but it was subtle enough that you did not consider it in the moment.

“Now for what I want.” He said casually. You both deflated a little at the realization that he had not even gone into her terms, only the conditions for whatever the deal was.

“Whaddaya want?” Kara asked.

“Just alter both of your goals and aspirations.” He said simply.

“What?” You made a face. It was just another pointless request that he had no hope of enforcing in your eyes, but it was still a strange ask. He could've had or asked for anything and that was it? You thought it was strange.
“To what?”

“That is a better question! To what indeed... He leaned down and whispered in each of your ears. The ears of Kara's body of course twitched as he basically blew soft, disgusting words into them. Still, at the back of your mind that same cocky thought prevailed. The cocky prince would be brought low once you both had your way with him.
“Agree?” He asked after leaning back. Neither of you heard what was stated for the other, which made it complicated. At the same time, neither of you thought it mattered. With a shrug you both nodded.

“Deal!” You and Kara licked your lips hungrily and stared at his cock once it was done. Disappointment filled you as he drew the painfully hard member back into his pants, leaving a definite outline that did not look like it would go away.
“Uhm...” Kara looked up at him questioningly, as did you.

“That is all. You may go. I need to pack my things and get ready.” He was about to turn when you began to speak.


The prince shot a look at you. “Did I stutter?”

Your ears droop and your head lowers. The fur on your tail stands up as it stops wagging. “No, my prince.” You knew for a fact that you had other priorities before you could think of acting for your own pleasure or benefit.

You rushed into Jeane's area, ignoring Raithe as you passed through the camp. She stared at you quizzically.
“What is it?” She regarded you normally because you and Kara both swapped bodies back guiltily. It felt bad to be deceptive and you decided you should probably not do that again in his presence. You were very hurried and desperate in your search.

“Do you have spare clothes? You are about my size, right?”

The elf blinked. “R-roughly? Why? Hero, what is this about?”

“Where is it?” You asked, avoiding her question.

“I just have some spare underwear and chest wrapping, but-” You hastily stripped and stole the unmentionables she mentioned. They were in her bag near the top. It was a loose collection of things that she was able to carry on her person. Everything else was left behind. It felt bad stealing, but it was for the Prince, so all was justified.

“What about makeup?” You asked while slipping on the tight thong. You also wrapped the black wrappings around your chest even though you had nothing there. It still gave the vague illusion. Though your body was slight and unfeminine, it was almost enough.

“I already told you I did not have my makeup! Would I look like this if I had it?” She motioned towards her flat gray skin.

You scoff. “Yeah yeah. No need to get snippy.” You sighed deeply.
“Sorry, I guess I'm being snippy now? I'm in a bit of a rush. We're leaving soon and I needed some better clothes. Do you think I look... Girly?”

Jeane was speechless. “You look... Vaguely feminine with that on? But you are going to wear clothes over it so I do not see-” You leaned forward and hugged her.

“Thanks Jeane!” Contradicting her words you just rushed back without putting anything else on. Your appearance was like that of a savage. You were similar to Raithe in her first appearance only you were wearing less. Literally just the womens underwear you stole to make you seem more feminine.

“The point...” She finished as you were out of eashot.
“Where are we going!” She called after you.

You were going back to the Kingdom. You and Kara both agreed that Demonkine was no place for the Prince. You needed to keep him safe, regardless of what problems existed in her home. Since you and Kara were the only ones pushing to cross the border it was a simple switch. Albeit a confusing one. Instead of splitting people evenly in the carts it was you, Raithe and Kara with the Prince.

“Can I get you anything?” You asked dotingly.

“Yes, please let us serve you.” Kara added impatiently. You both had done nothing since you left. It made you both antsy. You could tell that Kara was on edge, especially. Raithe was just observing curiously.

The prince considered your words, then slowly unbuckled his pants. “I think I will let you ladies serve me, now.” Your faces lit up. It was what you were waiting for. The opportunity to turn things around. You and Kara leaned down in the cart and shared the Prince's dick eagerly. You both worked together to kiss up the shaft, suck on the balls and gulp down the cock itself. You were too engrossed to be surprised by how easily you swallowed it down to the base without hesitation, just like your fox counterpart. His dick tasted and felt so good but ultimately the thing that made you feel even better were the signs that the Prince was feeling good due to your efforts. It drove you to do more and to do what more you decided to do better. The promise of eventually gobbling up all of his Mana was still an extremely promising concept. As Kara was taking her turn with his cock and going especially deep, and while you were sucking on one of his sweaty balls the Prince asked.
“So, what is it about my seed that truly makes you want it? Nothing dangerous I hope?”

With that the two of you stopped and stared at each other. Your cheeks flushed deeply. “Is- Is it?” You asked Kara. All of your desires were suddenly overridden by that one clawing question. It triggered the realization in you that what you were doing may be unsafe for the Prince; the man you would give your life to protect.

She gulped. Kara, you knew, came to the same realization. “To be honest... A little bit, yeah? I don't think it's GOOD for him, exactly. Not the way we wanna do it.”

“When I think about it, stealing the Prince's Mana is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.” You claimed. Kara nodded to confirm that thought as though it were the easiest conclusion in the world to reach.

“Plus... I don't think this meshes well with my goal in life.”

“Mine, neither.” Kara admitted.

The Prince leaned back comfortably, resting a hand on yours and Kara's head. “Tell me. I may make it happen as thanks for confessing what you were going to do and stopping before it was too late.” He offered amicably.

“It's... Silly.”

“Tell me.” He insisted.

“I want to be your Maiden, but I know that role is gone and-” He stopped you with a  finger on your lips and looked to Kara.

“I don't know what that is, but I want it, too.”

The prince nodded to you. “You can explain it, Hero.”

“Functionally a Maiden is a bodyguard, a maid and a concubine all rolled into one. It was discontinued due to the inhumane training requirements.”

“I believe in you girls.” The Prince said confidently.
“But... I am going to need you to reverse whatever draining you are going to do.”

“Can we reverse it?” You asked Kara.

She nodded. “Technically we could give instead of take but-”

“Let's just do it.” You nodded assertively and went back in to serve the Prince. You breathed Mana into his cock as you kissed and licked it, as did Kara. From that moment on it was more or less over. Your mind numbed as you gave him everything in exchange for something he wanted to begin with. Instead of pacifying him you both exchanged a passive look. Oddly, she smiled at you contentedly, triggering you to offer the same smile back. The prince was going to be safe in the Kingdom, you were both going to accomplish your goals and it was going to be Bliss.

* * *

It is a historic moment. The first bad end reached through voting. I have to say I expected this one the least. As promised, next week will continue down the safe-ish route and we will see how Kara and the Hero plan to cooperate.



I sort thought that this option was dangerous. But thought as the Hero being in different bodies might prevent the Prince's power of suggestion be valid when switched back. I am not sure if the Hero with the power could change his shape though.


Yeap, figured as much, but still a very good bad ending. I know that we are just going back to a safe route but just curious, at what point will/do we go all the way back to the choice on women?


Think they mean going back to either Matching Kara or Remaining Professional.

Tanya Wormald

Oh, I see. It's going to be down to how much people want to see those vs continuing the alternate Kara path line. If I get a lot of comments that want to see specific paths I may put it to poll and we can switch gears for the extra chapters.