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As soon as you agreed Kara eagerly split your training regiment down the middle. While the baseline of seeing, breathing in and reaching out with Mana was still there it was complimented by the teaching of her more unusual methods. After a day of preparation she was ready to begin.

“You have plenty of practice partners already so I don't think I gotta set you up, right?” She asked.

“I'd prefer if you didn't.” You mention. Even though you have already surrendered to femininity for the most part, you do not like the idea of become as promiscuous as Kara. As such, 'practicing' on as many men as possible did not sound appealing.

“Right right.” She waved a hand dismissively.
“We can circle back to that later.” Kara took a minute to think as she paced around you.
“Sorry, I haven't actually taught anyone this stuff and no one taught it to me, so I'm collecting my thoughts.”

“Take your time...” You sigh.

“I got it.” She perked up.
“It's hard to describe without a subject and you're a bit stingy about that so pull your pants down.” Kara ordered. She tapped her foot impatiently as she watched you carefully unlatch your pants and pull them down. It was difficult, because anything you would've worn a mere week ago was now tight against your hips and thighs. Uncomfortably so. Kara licked her lips once it was done.
“Alright, let's... Huh?” As she knelt down she carefully inspected your nether area.

“What is it?” You were hesitant to ask. You member had only continued shrinking since your first night with Sam.

She looked up at you. “Do you care about this thing at all? Or... Did you?”

“Yeah, of course. Why?” As you asked that Kara experimentally stroked your flaccid cock. It was small in her hands to the point that she more or less needed to just use her fingers.

“You feel this?” She asked.

“Y-yeah?” You did feel it. It was not like there was no feeling down there. There was actually quite a bit. The only thing was... You gave up a while ago. No matter what you did with it it would only end in a massive tease. It felt impossible to cum through normal means. You hoped perhaps Kara could solve that issue with her skill. She did try, but with her stroking you only felt the same deceptively good sensation that eventually just hit a wall. Kara began using her mouth, and that felt better, but it was the same result. Your body began writhing uncomfortably. You stopped before precisely for this reason. Trying only filled you with need and desire, not satisfaction. You had no idea how to reach completion anymore.

“I see... My condolences.”

You gulped. That did not sound good. “W-what?”

“Well, your dick was somehow blocked from your body's core. I've actually seen something like this before, but the method is weird, here.”

“What is it like?” You tried to remain calm but felt panic setting in.

“Eunuchs. Men that've had their balls chopped off. But this is different, obviously. It's all still there but it's like all the things that made you 'work' as a man were cut from the inside. So your balls don't work and your dick can't get hard. It's weird that it shrunk, though.”

“W-wait... Are you saying-”

“You're basically not a functional male anymore. It's to a bigger extent than I thought. He did a number on you, huh?” She continued inspecting your member.
“So... You feel this?” She flicked it abruptly, which caused your whole body to nearly buckle. That one act brought you close to the edge, but not over it.

“Y-yes! Don't!” You complain, still reeling from the blow.

“Weird...” She rubbed her chin.
“The shrinking isn't natural to the methods I've seen. Looks like as it shrunk all of the sensitivity was focused. I thought maybe it'd been deadened but it's actually the opposite. The whole thing is way more sensitive but something else was cut off inside to stop you from cumming.”

“Is there anything you can do?” You groan femininely. Kara had single-handedly teased you into heat, it felt like. In your mind you felt like you would fuck anything that moved just to get off. Do anything for anyone.

“Me? No... I guess I should ask. Is there anyone you'd wanna fuck? Because you got it bad, girl.” She explained.

You thought for a second and nodded. “Sten?” You had accepted his comfort before and were comfortable with him. Otherwise the only other option was Sam, and that was no option. You decided long before this point that you would offer that man no firsts. Nothing that would give him a win.

You were dragged into Sten's room and abruptly bent over by Kara. Your pants were pulled down a bit more forwardly that you would like but you were not in any position to argue. Your own body was craving release, so the word no was not in your vocabulary in that moment.

“What is this? What are you-” Sten gulped, stopping when he both got a good look at Kara, and at you bent over the bed with your cheeks spread. Your virgin asshole was deceptively welcoming. It was almost winking with need at him.

“Sten, you have been chosen. Fuck my disciple.” Kara ordered forwardly while pointing at him. She stepped back and crossed her arms, intent on watching.

“What? But...” He trailed off as Kara stared him down.
“Yes ma'am.”

You groaned, wishing he would have the strength to stand up for himself. Ultimately though you were grateful that he did not question it too much. Kara perked up as Sten began walking forward, hastily undoing his pants.

“Actually...” She knelt down and slid between your legs. Her positioning forced you to lift your rear, but ultimately you did not care because of what happened next.
“I need to be here to see what happens more... Closely.” She uttered, probably enjoying what was going down far too much. You felt her soft lips wrap around your member and begin sucking and licking it inside her mouth. That was far too much to bear so your ass began shaking and wagging in front of Sten.

“O-okay, I'm coming, I'm coming... Do I just-” He asked hesitantly.

“Yes!” Both you and Kara shouted at him. He pushed his cock into your rear raw, but surprisingly it did not hurt. You stretched to accommodate him easily despite it being your first time and your pucker and insides were so silky as to allow him to slide in without too much friction. You had no idea if it was normal or not but Sten felt that something must have been done to your body to make it so simple. He had to admit that your rear was the tightest, purest hole he had ever entered. It was a bit too much. As he pushed himself to hilt inside of you and hugged you from behind it did exactly what you needed it to. His head dragged against something inside and triggered your twitching, begging member to orgasm in the most intense manner you had ever felt. You did not feel as though you were unloading but instead just leaking inside of Kara's mouth. You felt as though you could be carried further, unlike with your normal releases. You felt like you could cum again and again with the right... Tool. Unfortunately for you, Sten's member burst the moment it bottomed out in your tight rear. You felt the warmth of his seed permeating your insides. It felt faintly like disappointment but ultimately you were just glad to have some relief.

As he was cumming Kara released your member, leaned up and whispered in your ear. “Drain his Mana. It's just like 'breathing' from the land. Pull his Mana...” You are hesitant at first, then Kara adds.
“You'll feel even better. Because lets face it... He didn't exactly go the distance, did he.”

You nodded and guiltily focused on 'breathing' in his mana. Only, instead of through your hands it was through your insides. Slowly you felt power and pleasure build inside of you. He did not have a lot, but it was still a surprising amount for a non-magical individual. Sten moaned and slumped onto your back. “O-ohhhh... Fiona...” He managed before passing out completely.

“Ugh... He said my sisters name.” You complained, shaking him off of you. You catch him before he lands on the floor and instead move him to the bed.

“That would be a turn off for me, too.” Kara commented offhandedly. She sighed.
“Men that are better at sex are a bit better. Because, if they can hold it in you can take more from them and they should have more, as well. Internal Magic usually is related to virility, in my experience.” She shrugged.
“But anyway, this is good. You can farm this guy, solve your little problem and hey... I learned something fun while I was investigating.” Kara grinned. By the look on her face you could tell she had buried the lead.

“What?” You almost dreaded to ask. You could never be sure if it was good or bad news for her.

“Your body released none of your Mana.”

“Uh huh?” You stare at her, unsure what that means.

“To be clear, that's not normal. Women and men will typically trade. Even I'll let some out when I'm draining a guy.” She points down to your flaccid member.
“That thing didn't give off any. It's like your body is cheating. I don't think the guy that did this to you did it intentionally, but you have an extremely overpowered constitution.”

“What does that actually do for me?”

“It doesn't seem like a lot but it means you aren't gonna leak Mana when you cum. It doesn't make you a god, it's just a little advantage that I haven't seen before.”

Another week passed. You lasted living with Sam solely due to the fact that your were fucking Sten the whole time behind Sam's back. It was not completely satisfying, but it was sating. It kept you sane, most importantly. You actually felt quit empowered because as you grew more and more attractive, the rules were still in place and Sam could not touch you below the shoulders. So, it seemed as though he was the one being teased and taken through a loop. Still, you did have to humor him somewhat.

“Lift your arms.” He asked. You did so easily. Posing was one of his most common requests.

“This is surprising.”

“What?” You question with a disinterested tone.

“Who woulda guessed that you'd end up looking more like your mother. I lucked out.” Sam chuckled.

You blushed deeply. “The hell does that mean?”

“Looked in the mirror lately?” He asked.

“I try not to.” You genuinely disliked reminding yourself. You had gotten good enough at applying makeup that you did not need it, anyway. You knew what was happening to your body. You did not need to see it. Without asking, Sam placed his hands on your shoulders and turned you around to face the mirror. You did not notice it before, but as his hands touched your neck you see a choker after it is removed. He tossed it to the side.

“We don't need this anymore, I don't think.”

“What was that?”

“Focus.” He pointed straight ahead at the mirror, rubbing your shoulders. Your eyes widened at the sight. You had grown a little taller and your face was different. It looked like a cross between Fiona and your mother, Marrien, but it leaned more towards the latter. Your jaw was different, everything seemed different. Your lips were full and pouting, but that was not new. Even your nose seemed a little smaller and cuter.

“These shoulders must be sore holding those up, huh?” Commented idly. Glancing down you for the first time got a grasp of just how large and heavy your tits had become. They were at least D cup. Your waist was slender and your belly flat. Your hips were childbearing, despite having no children to possibly bare. If you turned slightly you knew you would see the plump rear that you had been complimented on in Town by Sten and others.

“I like to think there's a male or female side locked in every body. You could go one way or another depending on how you're formed in the womb. This is what you'd look like naturally if you were female. That's what I think, anyway.” A bit desperately Sam asked.
“I want you...” It was the first time you had heard him speak with that tone. It felt oddly empowering. Still, you had chosen Sten. You had no energy to give to Sam. As you thought that, though, a mischievous idea crossed your mind. You had not tried it because you had Sten to practice on, but Sam was a prime target.

“Okay, Sam. Why don't I help you out?” You smirked, convincing yourself you'd drain him for all he's worth.

An hour later you are on your knees in front of Sam panting, wondering what happened. You kiss his sloshing balls and stroke his cock desperately. You were actually becoming tired before he was. You sensed so much Mana built up in his enormous testicles that you wanted bad, but he was not giving it. You had grown experienced at seeing it and the amount from the one load that Sam stubbornly refused to give you was enough to dwarf Sten's supply that he had provided for the entire week. As you kissed up his shaft and tried again to coax any sort of release by sucking on the man's large tip, he said something that halted your effort.
“A bit better than that Sten kid's huh?”

Your eyes widened. He knew but he did not seem upset, just amused. His expression carried a cruel bend to it, however. The only thing he demanded in that moment was an answer. You had it. The correct answer was right in front of you. It was just a matter of whether you wanted to tell the truth, or a lie.



No vote I guess. But I would say truth.