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Mariana Roca

15:55 in anime, 16:55 in your video; This is great cinematography with Mizore being literally pulled to the light by Ribbon Girl. Also, about counseling: Japan is very... lacking, to say the least, in psychology and psychiatry. It's not an exaggeration that some Japanese only learn about autism, PTSD and other afflictions when they study overboard. (Edit because I forgot to shift+enter)

Chris Hee

I think there's more information on Nozomi and Mizore in the Spin-off film, Liz and the Blue Bird. I haven't watched it, but I've heard it's amazing!

Chris Hee

As I understand it, there's a piece that's heavy on the oboe in that film haha


I'll say just one thing about this episode : remember Asuka's words at the end of the ep, and don't forget them. That's all. And with this episode you now know why I said I was so excited to see you eventually react to Liz and the Blue Bird. That scene between Nozomi and Mizore has probably one of my top3 ost in the main series (performance pieces aside). It's a real departure from the usual tone of the ost for me, feeling way way more intimate that any other osts we hear in the anime (apart from 愛の見つけた場所, or "The place where I found love" from s1ep8), which is fitting considering the two characters we're dealing with. The ost in this episode is called 静謐なる心, or "Peaceful mind" (I lied I didn't say only one thing about this episode). Can't wait for next ep reaction !


spoiler much? a whole wiki link as well. we'll get there when we get there. at least put a spoiler warning on the link for anyone that might click on it.


(19:48) “...I've always liked the way you play oboe.” and (20:02) “I want to hear you play your oboe.” What a great way to end the episode. These lines hold more weight as we delve deeper into the story. Also next episode has a scene at the end, I know you always check but I just want to make sure you don't accidentally skip. Looking forward to the next one!


I really like Hibike! series, but I still don’t like Liz and Blue Bird after watching it 4 times and reading many analysis articles. What I want to say is “don't raise others' expectations too high”.


In this episode you can see that Asuka (and Yuuko) misunderstood Mizore's attitude to Nozomi, so her decision, "don't let them meet", is wrong. They should communicate with each other as soon as possible.


This is such a heavy episode that addresses something almost no anime I’ve seen talks about. Honestly, yellow bow girl redeemed herself a bit in my eyes, and all her actions, good or bad, just shows her alignment and personality