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In a small city in Connecticut, where we lay our scene, in a modest house on a corner lot, there lived three women: June, Marissa, and Charlotte. They had met in college, where they soon became fast friends. After finishing school, they decided to go into business together, and opened a small online storefront selling customized luggage sets. To keep their expenses down, the three ended up sharing the rent on a little two-story house. The years passed, business waxed and waned, arguments and rivalries came and went, relationships blossomed and withered, but their friendship survived. Tonight is Christmas Eve, and our trio have settled into their beds, quite unenthused about the holiday to come. Business has been disappointing this year, and after much heated debate, a sad but necessary conclusion has been reached. It simply wasn't practical to spend a lot of money on gifts or a tree, let alone the plane tickets they would need to visit their various families. And so, though it grieved them, they solemnly agreed to keep their Christmas this year sweet and simple and without any costly frills.

Upon this quiet little home, in the dead of night, descended three other women, although their names are sadly unavailable to us. They opened a window that June had closed and locked securely just a few hours earlier and slipped inside, for nothing made by mortals could bar their way. They opened every cupboard and hunted through the closets, seeking their mysterious otherworldly loot, but found none. They conferred, as respected colleagues will, and settled on a plan to evenly divide the night's labors. And so, to each peacefully sleeping lady, a messenger was dispatched, to explain to each exactly how their modest plans for Christmas would have to be rethought.

Marissa stirred in her sleep. She threw off her heavy blankets. Despite the icy winds blowing outside, the house's central heating made the multiple layers of blankets and comforters almost entirely surplus to requirements. After a few seconds of exposing her bare skin to the warm air, she pulled the duvet back and wrapped it around herself. No matter how she tossed and turned, she couldn't quite seem to get comfortable.

“Hi there. What's your name sweetie?” said a voice from above her in a soft conspiratorial whisper. Marissa's eyes opened a crack, and the source of the voice gradually came into soft focus .

Marissa regarded the apparition hovering above her bed through half-lidded eyes. She was dreaming, obviously. No sane person would credit their eyes upon seeing such a bizarre figure. A red-haired woman of about forty, hovering above her bed in the middle of the night, laying horizontal in the air, as though her bare feet were standing on an invisible wall. She wore a little red cap with a white puff ball dangling down, which combined with her delicately pointed ears, made her look like one of Santa's elves. She also wore a pink tee shirt with a purple figure of a unicorn across the front, and below that she wore only an extremely bulky and silly-looking disposable diaper with a front panel of bright blue

“...missa...” muttered Marissa, more to herself than to the figure floating above her.

“Missa, huh? That's a cute name! I wonder if my name was cute too? Oh well. Just came by to ask if you happened to have any licorice lying around? Go on, you can tell me.” whispered the hovering woman.

A slight frown formed on Marissa's forehead. Licorice? The word bounced around her sleepy brain, searching in vain for something to attach itself to. She shook her head, as though to dislodge the weird idea.

“Ah, I thought not.” whispered the hovering woman. “Already had a peek around the place, if I'm being honest. Just a little formality. It's fine. The next house probably has some.”

Marissa tossed in her covers and lay on her side, trying to shut out the weird dream.

“Hey, it's okay. You're not in trouble or anything. Just lie back and let yourself relax. This won't take too long, and there's no real need for you to pay attention. I just need to tell you a few things, then I'll be on my way.”

Marissa's head suddenly felt very heavy, and her pillow was unbelievably soft as she sank back into it. The woman hovering above her was only a vague shape on the edge of her consciousness. Was that diaper glowing? It wasn't important. All the tension had vanished from the night air.

“Yes, just a few little, insignificant little items to go over. Nothing worth losing sleep over. See, first of all, I want to share some really good news with you. You see, you're going to wet your bed tonight. Yes, I'm sure you haven't done that in a while, but it's going to happen. Your bladder is going to treat itself to a nice little Christmas vacation, you see. It's already starting to slack off, getting looser and looser, weaker and weaker, until it just has to give out.”

Marissa took a long, sharp breath through her nose. She almost seemed to stir in her her sleep for a moment.

“Oh, I can see you don't care much for that idea. You like being in control of yourself. I understand. You like being a mature, independent, grown-up little lady who would never dream of doing something so undignified. And what will people think of you if they find out you can't even stay dry through the night? Well, I can help you with that. I'm giving you permission to piddle in your sleep like a little diaper baby. There's no point at all in trying to hold back. You just can't help it. Go ahead now, sweetie. It's not your fault at all. Not even a little bit. You're a good girl for making your tinkles right in your bed. Go on, now. Really soak those cute jammies of yours.”

A faint smile flickered across Marissa's face. She sighed with pleasure as the tension in her bladder vanished. The hot, wet glow spread through her panties, through her fleecy pajamas, and began to soak into her blankets and mattress. A faint voice far in the background of Marissa's sleepy brain wondered about the stain and the smell, but those concerns were much too distant to focus on. Now, there was only the blissful release and the wonderful steamy heat, steadily giving way to a warm glow.

“There you go! Good girl. See how easy that was? Now you're a proper, Grade-A bedwetter. Don't worry, sweetie. I won't make you sit in those soggy clothes all night. You're a good girl, and a good girl who wets her bed has to be properly protected.”

The cottony surface of the duvet abruptly shifted against her skin, becoming something thick and smooth that crinkled slightly.

“Plastic sheets, to protect your mattress from all your little accidents. Now all anyone has to do is take one little peek at your bed to know that a cute little bedwetter sleeps there! And to protect your cute little jammies, I think a nice pair of rubber panties are a good idea too.”

Marissa mumbled faintly to herself as the yielding fabric of her thin, lacy panties suddenly gave way to bulky protective rubber.

“Wonderful! Oh, you'll love wearing your special rubber panties to bed. They really remind you that you're an adorable little bedwetter! Now, I know it's a bit embarrassing to have to wear these at your age, but remember, you're a good girl. You'll always wear your special bedtime protection, no matter how much it embarrasses you. Even if you're just lying down for a quick nap, there's no going without your bedwetter kit. That includes your plastic sheets, your rubber panties, and of course, your nighttime diapers.”

Marissa winced slightly as she felt cottony padding swell into being insider her new rubber pants. The thick, soft bulk stretched out the plastic covering and continued to grow until it squeezed her from every direction like a warm hug. The warm wetness of her accident seemed to pour itself into the padding, swelling it up even more while leaving her bed completely dry. Her butt felt like it had tripled in size. The smell of baby powder began to permeate the the warm air, and she heard the sounds of her plastic sheets rubbing against the rubber covering of her soggy diaper.

The smiling woman above her drifted lower, until she their faces were hardly a foot apart.

“Missa, you are a bedwetter, and that won't change any time soon. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, your bladder is going to let you down each and every night.  That's why you'll have to wear these silly, humiliating diapers to bed, to keep you nice and dry through the night. In fact, your poor little bladder is so weak now, it will be a surprise if you can get through the day without having an accident or two. Your potty training just isn't very reliable anymore, and there's a very good chance that daytime diapers are in your future as well. How does that make you feel?

Marissa's cheeks burned, but she lay still.

“Yes, it must be very embarrassing. That's okay, though. You don't have to take yourself so seriously all the time. It's okay to have an embarrassing little problem like this. It's cute! Don't you want to feel cute? Feel like a silly, helpless, precious little sweetie-pie who needs to be well-diapered for night-night time? That's exactly what you're becoming. No need to try to boss anyone around or assert yourself or stand up for your dignity now. You can just enjoy being cuddly and adorable. You'll like being reminded that you're a bedwetter. You'll even like it when people point and laugh at you for being a bedwetter. It makes you feel so happy, so silly and cute.”

Marissa smiled as she felt her visitor tap the end of her nose.

“Now, I'm going to put my diaper-butt on your face, and you're going to fall very deeply asleep. And I mean the good kind of sleep. The kind of sleep that an earthquake couldn't wake you from. The kind of sleep that leaves you fully refreshed and energized, ready to start your day. Tomorrow, you're going to wake up feeling more awake than you have in years. It will be Christmas, and for once, it will really feel like Christmas. You're going to wake up in an absolutely soaked diaper, but no being a bad girl by changing it yourself, okay? You'll have to go find a good friend to change you into your daytime panties. Just walk up to someone you trust, admit that you wet your bed, and ask nicely to be changed. Okay? Here we go!”

Marissa felt the bulge of the strange woman's diaper settle down on her face, until her nose was buried in the woman's butt. She inhaled the heady scent of baby powder as the deepest sleep of her life claimed her.

Charlotte sat bolt upright and felt for the lamp beside her bed. With a click, the room was illuminated. Seated near the foot of her bed was a plump young woman wearing a blue dress with a white apron. Her hair was in pigtails, and she was grinning like the cat who caught the canary.

“Who are you? How did you get in here?” she snapped at the intruder. She considered whether there was anything in arm's reach that she could use as a weapon. No, she thought. Better to try to de-escalate the situation. For all she knew, the intruder might be armed.

“I'm the one with the blue dress!” explained the woman cheerfully, as though this explained everything. “I came in through a window.”

Charlotte's eyes narrowed. She was obviously dealing with some kind of drug addict or escaped mental patient. Focus. Keep her talking. “What do you want?”

“I just dropped by to wish you a Merry Christmas! It doesn't seem like you have a lot of decorations up, though. Do you celebrate?”

Charlotte was more certain than ever that the younger woman was deranged in some way. She spoke like none of this was really happening, like it was all just a dream she was having.

“We...agreed to more or less take a rain check on Christmas this year.” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Really? What for?”

Charlotte just stared at the woman for a moment. She decided to just tell the truth. Anything to keep the conversation going until one of her roommates woke up.

“Just the usual thing. Money.”

The woman in the blue dress wrinkled her nose. “Ah, I'm sorry. It's been a while since I had to worry about that.”

Another weird comment. Why wouldn't she worry about money? Institutionalized, probably. Everyone worries about money. She decided to change the subject.

“Plus, we just aren't feeling it. Like, why spend all this money and do all this work just to entertain ourselves?”

“What's wrong with that? I'm mean, don't you like doing things for your friends sometimes? Putting in a little extra effort to make someone's day nice? Especially at Christmas.”

Great. Her deranged home invader was also judgmental. Why wasn't anyone waking up? She didn't want to shout for rear of startling this dangerous weirdo, but they weren't exactly being quiet.

“We have a good working relationship. We're all pretty much experts in dividing up tasks now. If I started doing stuff for Christmas, the others would feel obligated to do the same. If no one is especially keen, it makes more sense just to try again next year.”

“I think I understand. I know exactly how to help!” said the woman, her tone still sickeningly sweet.

“That's okay. I'd really prefer that you jus...” began Charlotte, but the fact that her unexpected visitor had just lifted herself into mid-air made her mouth suddenly freeze in place. She hadn't noticed the pointed ears until now.

“Things are going to be a teensy bit different from now on.” she explained, lifting up the hem of her old-fashioned dress to expose her diaper. The diaper seemed to pulse with an eerie bluish glow.

“You're going to take a little break from this whole 'division of labor' concept. Instead, you're going to handle all the housework for your roommates. You'll wash all the dishes, fold all the laundry, mop the floors, scrub the bathroom. You won't complain a bit when your roommates don't pitch in. In fact, you'll stop them right away if they try to do any of your chores for you. All the housework is yours. It is your sole purpose in life to handle all the menial tasks so your roommates can just relax. It'll be like you're their nanny or their babysitter. If one of their bedrooms is untidy, it will be up to you to straighten it up. If they are hungry, you will gladly cook any meal they request.”

Charlotte's eyes were wide with utter bafflement, but she felt herself nod along to her visitor's strange pronouncements.

“Now, don't go thinking you're in charge just because you have all these responsibilities. You're not going to be the boss of anyone. You'll be more like a servant.  You're going to bend over backwards to cater to your roommate's whims. Whatever they want, whatever they demand, whatever they decide they need to have a Merry Christmas, you're going to do it for them. Your only desire will be to fulfill their wishes. You won't be a respected authority or a stern disciplinarian. You'll be doting, indulging, endlessly patient, and considerate of their needs. It doesn't matter how you are treated. If someone is rude to you, you'll simply smile and give them whatever they want. Nobody has to show you respect. You'll never argue. Whatever anyone says, you will simply smile and nod and accept that they know best. You don't need to worry or stress about making decisions. You can just happily take orders all day long.”

Charlotte stared into the stranger's glowing diaper. Strange, unfamiliar feelings seemed to flow through her as the words kept coming,

“Now, there's one little thing that your roommates are going to need that might be a little surprising. The diapers. You are completely responsible for all the diaper changes that need to happen in this house. It doesn't matter how wet or messy the diapers are. It doesn't matter if the one who needs changing ought to be able to change themselves. You love the feeling of helping omeone out of a stinky mess and into a fresh, sweet-smelling diaper.”

Charlotte sat and listed as the stranger told her of the wonderful Christmas day to come. She couldn't recall feeling so utterly at peace. When the floating woman finally turned out the lights and set her down for a night's sleep, she felt grateful for the wonderful gift she had been given. The diapered rear being rubbed against her face didn't bother her at all.

June rolled over in bed and encountered an unexpected lump among her covers. She opened her eyes and saw that a young woman had joined her in bed. She was dressed as one of Santa's helpers, although her green floral kimono didn't really complete the costume. She was sitting with her head propped up on her elbow and smiling shyly at June. There was a blush in her cheeks.

June returned the beautiful woman's smile. This wasn't exactly her usual order when it came to sexy dreams, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Hi.” she whispered.

“Hey there.” whispered June.

“Know what I'm gonna do to you?” asked the visitor in soft purr.

June felt her pulse flutter. “What?”

The woman slid herself on top of June, so that the blankets tented over the two of them. She set hands on either side of June's head and leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

“I'm gonna put you back in diapers.”


June frowned. That line didn't seem to fit this scenario at all. The woman crouching over her didn't seem surprised by her reaction.

“Diapers. You're gonna be in diapers. Full time, day and night. No more big girl panties. No more running to the bathroom to do your business. You'll be wearing your bathroom. You'll do your business wherever you happen to be. Nice, fluffy clean diapers. Droopy, heavy, wet diapers. Stinky, squishy full diapers. Right here on your cute tushie. Now, just sit back, and explain your new life in diapers.

June felt the eerie light spill across her face. Eyes wide with confusion, she glimpsed the diaper that her nightime visitor wore under her kimono. The strange glow lit the tiny world under her blankets. Her head felt soft and heavy as she collapsed backward onto her pillow.

“You won't have to worry about getting changed, either. That's not your job anymore. You're not going to lift one finger to change your own diapers. You'll lie down  to be wiped clean and powdered by whoever has the job of taking care of you.”

“Shhh. No, silly. You're not going to be embarrassed about being in diapers. Not even a little bit. You're going to be a proud diaper girl! You look your best when you're running around in nothing but your big thick huggies. You're going to want everyone to see you in your diapers. You'll want everyone to know that you're not even slightly ready for potty-training. You won't even remember what it feels like to be shy. Stage fright will just be a thing that happens to other people. You're going to be pure energy, pure confidence. You'll be completely certain of the rightness of everything you think and feel. You'll be flooded with power, with dignity, with unshakeable, unquestionable rightness. Everything you want, you will loudly and fearlessly demand. You will be pampered, indulged, and catered to. Everyone around you exists only to meet your needs and fulfill your wishes. You're going to be a bratty, bossy, self-important, self assured, powerful, dominant woman...in diapers.

June's face spread into a grin of imperious superiority as the stranger pressed her rear against it. Soon, she was plummeting down into a blissful, dreamless sleep.

The three floating home invaders re-assembled in the living room. They stopped to do a little light redecorating before they drifted off into the frigid night air, congratulating one another on a job well done. They left Charlotte, Marissa, and June sleeping peacefully, with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads.

When Marissa woke from the best night's sleep of her life, she immediately noticed that her diaper was wet. It would have been sagging between her legs if it weren't held in place by her rubber pants. She wondered briefly if she always wore a diaper to bed, but she couldn't see how it could possibly be otherwise. There were over a dozen cases of adult diapers in her closet, and a half-empty one next to the bed. She was obviously a very heavy wetter, and judging by the plastic sheets on her bed, that had been the case for a very long time. Even her pajama top said “Bedwetter” across the front. The word made her blush. But she knew it was the simple truth.

She searched her drawers for something less embarrassing to wear, but it was no use. Every blouse and tee shirt she owned proudly announced her nighttime incontinence. Even her daytime underwear was marked with her new personal brand. She sighed. There was no getting around it. She reached down to her rubber panties to pull them off, but they simply snapped back into place.

“Right.” she said aloud, feeling a little woozy. “I need someone to do that for me.” The thought made her heart race. She wanted to the ground to open up and swallow her. With her thick diapers peaking out from her pajama bottoms, she went out to find someone to change her.

Charlotte stirred awake when June charged into her room and excitedly leaped onto her bed. She was wearing nothing but an extremely thick and obviously full diaper. It was decorated with little green and red decals showing ornaments and sprigs of holly.

“It's Christmas! It's Christmas! Wake up wake up wake up wake up!!!!!” cheered the nearly naked woman as she bounced up and down on Charlotte's bed. Curiously, Charlotte's first thought was that her slightly older roommate looked absolutely precious in her Christmas-themed diaper. Her second thought was that June was in desperate need of a diaper change.

“Merry Christmas, dear.” said Charlotte as she rose from her bed. She didn't normally get up so quickly and easily, and she certainly had never called her roommate “dear” before, but it felt completely natural to do so today.

“Presents! Presents! I wanna open my presents! Now now now now!” June was pumping her fists in the air. Charlotte didn't think she had ever seen her roommate so excited.

Charlotte pursed her lips. “But honey, we talked about this. We agreed not to exchange gifts this year.” said Charlotte

“Ha Ha! You talk funny!” giggled June. Suddenly,her eyes went wide, and voice suddenly became deadly serious. “And there are presents. They are under the tree. I don't know where they came from, but I do know that I'm gonna open them right now, and you are going to watch me do it...right...now! So move your butt!”

Charlotte's mind was full of confusing mixed signals. Tree? What was she talking about? It didn't seem to matter, though. Charlotte felt her butt twitch involuntarily when she heard the command. She felt her feet begin drawing her toward the door without any conscious decision on her part. “But...sweetie...your diaper is really very full. I really ought to change that first...”

“No “buts”!” interrupted June, hands on hips. “Presents first, then diapee change! I want you to smell my stinky diapee butt while I open my presents!”

Charlotte felt her shoulders sag. She felt guilty for suggesting something so dumb. “Of course, dear. Sorry.” She sniffed the air thoughtfully as stepped toward the door, still in her nightie. In the hallway, Marissa was already up. She looked uncertain and kept glancing down at her feet.

“Char? Um...I wet my bed. Can you change me?” she asked, her face glowing with shame. She was pointing at her rear. Sure enough, she appeared to be heavily diapered under her pajama pants.

“Yes, dear! Just as soon as I've finished with June.” said Charlotte. Everyone was being so forceful today. It was kind of frightening, but also somehow comforting. She could simply relax and focus on doing as she was told. First, presents, then diapers, just as June had said.

“No! She has to make gingerbread cookies after my diaper change! I want gingerbread cookies!” announced June, her voice a trumpet of command.

“What! Come on, I want my big-girl panties! I can't just hang out in my...” she gestured to her soggy diaper, which her pajama bottoms and pink rubber panties were both completely failing to conceal. The words died in her throat.

“I'm sorry, dear, but June did ask first...” mumbled Charlotte.

“Yah! And who cares what a stupid little bedwetter thinks!” sneered June, sticking out her tongue to punctuate her pronouncement.

Marissa blushed harder and looked down to her feet sheepishly. The fact that the person who had just made this accusation was currently wearing a droopy, squishy diaper of her own did not seem to cushion the impact of the epithet whatsoever. She drew in a long breath through her teeth. “Yah...you're right. I'm just a stupid little bedwetter, aren't I?”

As she spoke, she felt the burning in her creaks surge into a crescendo, and then settle into a gentle, warm burn. She was a bedwetter, anyone could make fun of her, no one would take her seriously, and all anyone needed to do to shut her up was to remind her of her silly diapers and rubber sheets. And it was okay. It was a relief to be able to just let go and allow herself to be laughed at.

Marissa didn't get changed until well into the morning. She sat with Charlotte and watched with interest while June greedily tore open one present after another. The tree really was beautiful, even if it was very unclear who had set it up. There were plenty of gifts under it as well, none of which had tags. Seeing that none of the presents were clearly marked for any specific individual, June naturally decided that all of them were for her. She attacked the pile with wild abandon while her roommates watched from the couch, offering occasional and wholly unnecessary encouragement. The only presents they received were the ones that June decided she didn't want, such as the training potty the vacuum cleaner.

After she had amassed a huge pile of toys, stuffed animals, bibs, pacifiers, and yet more diapers and changing supplies, Charlotte spread out a changing mat in front of the tree and lovingly changed her into a fresh diaper. It wasn't until the gingerbread cookies were in the oven that she finally freed Marissa from her bedwetting kit and pulled a pair of training pants up to replace them. June, naturally, found this utterly hilarious.


Josh Stack

This is definitely my favorite of your 2023 stories. I just absolutely love your Diaper Elves series (even if Archway is still my favorite). There's something about their casual use of their power that is-I’ll be blunt here-really sexy. It’s just “This is the way things are now, and you can’t do anything about it” and the best part is that they aren’t being cruel or mean about it. They always make sure that people are either content with their punishments or outright enjoy them. I’m honestly surprised that none of the Diaper Elves have wondered if the people they’ve punished are better off as a result. The Diaper Elves are certainly rather generous, though I suppose if you’re gonna turn someone into a greedy Brat, you might as well shower her with all the toys she could ever possibly want. Of course, it also makes perfect sense that they would change June’s roommates to fit her new personality. A caregiving maid who loves to be given orders, no matter how unreasonable and demanding those orders are. A shy little bedwetter who loves to be mocked and belittled. It makes me wonder if the Elves have some kind of formula.