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Happy New Year, sweetheart. I want you to sit very still for me. Can you do that? Just rest peacefully for a little while. Allow your mind to drift.

Things are going to be different this year. It's time for a major change of direction. It's time to stop running on auto pilot and start living deliberately. It is possible. You can choose to change your life. You can make the positive changes you need to become a happier, healthier person.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath through your nose. Slowly. In...and out.

In...and out. Very good.

You know the kind of life you want. You need to stop pretending to be content with where you are and start fearlessly pursuing your goals. Many of these goals will be difficult to achieve, and  will require serious time and effort to fully realize. But the first step is always to acknowledge that this is what you want. That this is the right path for you. That it is possible for you to change your life for the better. I know it may not feel that way, but it will happen. You need to trust that this time, it really will.

Relax. Let your shoulders slump down. Allow your belly to droop. Let your head fall to one side. You don't need to hold on to anything right now. You don't need to be in control. You don't need to think about anything right now. You don't to need to worry about anything. Let go.

I know this isn't the first time you've tried to do this.. I know that nearly every time the calendar year has drawn to a close, you have resolved to change your life many times over. But somehow, you cannot seem to make it stick. Maybe for a few days or weeks you'll struggle with yourself, but then life gets in the way, problems and frustrations inevitably crop up, and pretty soon you find yourself slipping back into your old habits. You tell yourself that just this once won't hurt. You tell yourself that you can always try again next week. You tell yourself that you just don't have the energy to fight with yourself today. You tell yourself all sorts of silly, comforting lies. And the result is always the same. You find yourself at the end of yet another wasted year, with the same problems you've always had, looking back on your failures and regrets.

It's okay. Deep breath in...and out. Gooood.

I didn't lie, sweetie. This year will be different. Really. This year, I will be here to help you achieve your dreams. I will help you become the person you have always wanted to be. I will be with you, every step of the way. Your lack of willpower won't hold you back this time. I'm going to take charge of your resolutions this year. You won't need to struggle with yourself. You won't need to be in control of yourself at all. You can just relax, lie back, and let me handle all those hard decisions. I'll handle all the hard work of keeping you on the straight and narrow. And in order to do that, I just need you to make one last decision. It won't be hard at all, but it's very important. I need you to willingly, deliberately, surrender all of your self-control to me. I need you to decide to place all your power, all your volition, into my hands. You need to accept the fact that you're too weak to control your own life. You need to make a conscious choice to entrust me with total power over your existence.

Deep breath in. Very good. And...release.

Trust is the most important thing right now. Only absolute trust will allow this magical transformation to take hold. There can be no shadow of doubt in your mind. You must accept that no matter what happens, no matter what you may think or feel or experience, I am here for you. I know what you need. I know what is best for you, even if you don't. I will always do what is best for you. I will see to your every need. I will protect you. You are completely safe right now. Allow all your mental defenses to fall away. Let all thought of resistance drift into the void. You don't need to worry. You don't need to try to please me, or impress me, or maintain any kind of image of yourself. You need to relax completely. If you feel that you are about to drool a little, that is okay. If your bladder releases while you are relaxing, that is absolutely fine. If you find your attention starting to waver from my voice, that is no problem at all. You don't need to hold onto anything. Allow yourself to let go.

In through the nose. And... out. Just like that.

Well done. Very good. You're doing very well. You may think you couldn't possibly get any more relaxed than you are now, but you're wrong. Even more tension is draining out of you. You're sinking even deeper into trance, becoming more and more open to my words.

We're going to start now. I'm going to help you sink into a deep, deep trance. I'm going to enchant you, enthrall you. You can already feel yourself falling under my spell. My voice is slipping gently into your mind, suffusing all your thoughts. You can feel your self-control gently fading away, being slowly replaced by my power. It's trickling its way through your being, down into the deepest recesses of your subconscious. With every word, with every second that passes, that wonderful feeling of helpless relaxation is growing stronger and stronger. You can feel it slowly spreading down your spine, spilling into your arms and legs like warm honey. You're going to start to feel very warm, very comfortable. Every part of your body is getting heavier. The seat under you you is growing softer and warmer with every word I speak. Let yourself sink, deeper and deeper. You don't need to move right now. You don't need to think. There is no more need for effort or struggle. Only the bliss of allowing my voice to spread its way through you.

In...and out. In...and out. There we go. The rhythm feels so natural now. No need to think about it. It's a part of you.

You feel so relaxed now. So wonderfully, blissfully helpless. It feels so good to release everything and let my voice roll over you. You wish that you could feel this way all the time. I want that too, sweetheart, very much. I'm going to help you get there. I'm going help you become the person you always wanted to be. I want you to imagine all the warmth, all the heaviness, all the blissful relaxation in your body. It as though your body is filled with a beautiful, gentle glow. I want you to imagine that glow. Picture your glowing, relaxed body in your mind. It's so easy to see what I tell you to see. It happens all on it's own, without the slightest effort. I want you to imagine that gentle glow beginning to gather itself together. It grows brighter and brighter as it becomes more concentrated, more intense. It is changing as it gathers together, becoming more solid, becoming fluffy and bulky. It is gathering together on your hips, wrapping itself around your butt, taking on the smooth sheen of plastic. It crinkles as the tapes snap into place. A whiff of baby powder drifts into the air.

Deep breath in...and out. You are doing so well.

Yes, you know exactly what you are wearing now. Of course it is a Diaper. It is your Diaper. After so long apart, your Diapers are finally coming back to you. You are back in Diapers. I have put you back in Diapers. It might feel a little embarrassing to be back in Diapers at your age, but that's okay. You don't need to take yourself so seriously any more. It's okay to feel silly, to feel helpless, immature, even babyish. Your Diapers are here to help you feel safe. To remind you that you don't need to be in control any more. It's okay to be Dependent. It's okay to just let go and release everything. It's okay to need help. It's okay to need to be Changed.

Yes, Changed. Every part of you is about to be Changed. Everything around you, and everything inside of you. Your lifestyle, your thoughts, your feelings. At every level, you are going to be wiped clean, and all your problems and worries and fears are going to be wrapped up and disposed of. We're going go over these Changes, one at a time, and every Change will leave you feeling happier, freer, more comfortable, and more loved.

First, your mind is Changing. Your thoughts are becoming slower, heavier, harder to focus on, easier to just ignore. Your brain is getting softer and softer, warmer and warmer, until it feels like your head is full of useless, melting goop. Your memories are losing their sharpness, becoming fluffier, squishier, more vague. You are starting to feel Dumb. It feels so good, so right, to simply let go and allow yourself to be Dumb. The Dumber you feel, the happier you are. You don't need to think about anything you are saying or doing. You don't need to impress anyone with your knowledge or wit. You can relax and make a fool of yourself without any consequences. You can ask me to help you when things feel too complicated or confusing, and I will simply take care of it all for you. You can ask me to tie your shoes for you, and I'll do it for you, and give you a nice pat on the head for being so good and so Dumb. There's no need for you to think for yourself anymore. You can go ahead and leave all the tricky thinking and remembering and figuring out to me. Everything that you learned in school is fading away. All your knowledge, all the facts and ideas that you have built into your mind, is tumbling down into silly, meaningless nonsense. All your jaded opinions about the world and the people in it are dissolving away. You can just let yourself be foolish, gullible, and completely silly.

Breath in the Dumb...breath out the thoughts. Very good.

Next, your lifestyle is Changing. All your tedious, stressful responsibilities are slipping away from you, to be replaced by blissful relaxation. You don't need to struggle or plan to live in this world any more. You can wake up each day, and think of nothing except having fun. You're not going to experience even a single instant of stress or worry. You're going to be surrounded by total security, total comfort. You can spend all day just lounging around the house in your pajamas, watching cartoons, playing with your toys, and laying down for a nap the instant you start to feel tired. You won't have any chores to do. There will be no more tests or projects or deadlines. I'm giving you permission to be Lazy. You can live in my house like a happy, spoiled little pet. I will provide you with everything you need, and shower you with presents all the time. You won't need to think about, or even touch, money. Work will just be something that other people do. Your only jobs will be playing, being cute, and staying soft and cuddly. No one will ever make you feel ashamed for being so helpless and Lazy. I will sing your praises and tell you how good you are for being so adorably helpless every day.

Breath in the Lazy...breath out the stress. Very good. I'm very, very proud of you.

Your feelings are Changing. Never again will you need to keep control of your feelings. You won't ever need to be brave or tough or calm ever again. Powerful, irresistible emotions will well up inside of you, much more quickly and readily than ever before. But that won't be a problem for you at all. I'll be here to handle all your feelings for you. If you ever feel scared, you can come running to me, and I will cradle you in my arms and pat you on the back and tell you everything will be okay. If you feel angry, you can stomp your feet and scream and throw a big tantrum. If you feel sad or frustrated,. you can just sit down and have a nice, long cry. It's okay to cry. In fact, it's good to cry.You can cry as much as you want from now on, and you'll find that it will come very easily to you, and it will feel so nice to let your feelings flow out of you. You can finally experience all your emotions in their most raw, unrefined, intense forms. You can express your feelings with complete freedom, complete acceptance. And not just your negative feelings, either. You will find it easier to laugh as well as to cry. You'll find that silly cartoons can send you into a fit of uncontrollable giggling, even if you aren't sure why. The thought of getting a present or going out for ice cream will send you dancing for joy or jumping up and down in excitement. You will feel Happy almost all the time. You'll find that a smile will form on your face for no reason at all. You'll feel Happy when you wake up. You'll feel Happy when you lie down to sleep. You'll be Happy just to think of how safe and comfortable and loved you are.

Breathe in the Happy...breathe out the control. Aaah, doesn't that feel so, so good?

Now, there's just one final Change we need to discuss. Or rather, a series of Changes. Specifically, your Diaper Changes. Did you think that was all just a metaphor? No, sweetheart. There's going to be actual, literal, thick, glossy, disposable Diapers on your adorable butt, all day, every day.

This isn't up to you. Nothing is up to you, not now. You are completely in my power, completely helpless to resist being Diapered. You are going back in Diapers because I have decided that that is what is best for you.

You need t accept that you are in Diapers. You need to accept that you will always be in Diapers. You love your Diapers. You need your Diapers. Every time you realize that you are wearing a Diaper, you feel so Happy, so Lazy, so Dumb and Dependent. You can trust your Diapers. They are here to keep you safe, protected, and comfortable. You can relax completely, knowing that your diapers are embracing you in a warm, loving hug. You will never have to say goodbye to your Diapers again. The potty is forever off-limits to you. You will never have the slightest desire or ability to hold your bladder. By the time you realize you are about to make your tinkles, you'll already be wetting your Diaper. You are Diaper-Dependent for life, and that is exactly how it should be.

Diapers look so good on you, sweetheart. You'll look so adorable, waddling around the house in big bulky diapers. You look so sweet and helpless and adorable in them. You'll look even cuter when you squat down in the corner to fill those Diapers for me. Yes you will, sweetheart. Every time you need to make pushies, you're going to do it out in the open where I can see you. I want to be able to clap and cheer and praise you for doing such a good job of loading your Diapers. You'll get excited whenever you feel the urge to make your pushies, just imagining all the wonderful compliments you'll get. You love the feeling of being in a wet, soggy, squishy, stinky diaper. The fuller and smellier your Diaper gets, the more you'll love waddling around in it. There's only one thing in the world you'll love even more than charging around the house with your full, messy diaper wagging in the air behind you.

This is it, sweetie. The final touch. In a few moments, I'm going to help you wake up. When I do, all these Changes will become completely permanent and irreversible. The Dumb, Lazy, Happy, Diaper-Dependent version of yourself will be your one and only true self, for good. It all comes down to this.

Breath in the baby powder...breath out all the shame. There you go. Very good.

I want you to imagine me lifting you off your feat and cradling you in my arms. As much as I love how big and squishy and full you've made your Diaper, I know you love being Changed even more. It's time to put you on your soft, padded Changing Table. This is the moment when I will forever wipe away every trace of the stressed, tired, unhappy life you once had. That was last year's model, and that life no longer suits you. It's time for something brand new, something clean and fresh. You clap and cheer as you watch me wrap up 2023 and drop its steaming bulk into your Diaper Pail, never to be seen again.

To all my wonderful readers, who have stuck with me through thick and thin, Happy New Year!


Josh Stack

This was actually rather relaxing and comforting. It almost makes me want to get hypnotized by it for real. Your use of Hypnotic Language is excellent and makes me think you could write an actual induction. This is why I really like your transformation scenes, regardless of what stories they show up in. The way you go into detail with every single aspect of the transformation, regardless of whether it’s physical or mental. This kind of domination is just so thrilling to me. To be honest, quite a few of your stories with these scenes have actually gotten my heart racing. The New Year’s Special itself is full of stuff I found fun. The idea of using a diaper change as a metaphor for being completely mentally rewritten and given a fresh start is something that could only work in an ABDL and I’m always happy to see you take advantage of those opportunities. The emphasis put on how our POV character is being made this way because this is what is best for them, because this is how they will finally be happy, is as sweet as it is sad (because “ignorance is bliss” is a kinda depressing concept).