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There was a knock at the door as Stacy set her new cards down in front of her. “I'll get it!” she announced excitedly.

She opened the door. As she had hoped, standing outside was her own mother, Mrs. Gale Boatswain. “Stacy!” she said joyously as her daughter embraced her. “I'm so happy to see you!”

Stacy held her mother in her arms for several seconds. She was feeling confused and frightened, and having her mother with her made her feel better immediately. She heard her mother sniff the air.

“Whoo! My goodness, Stacy! Have you pooped yourself?” asked Gale.

Stacy pulled back from her mother, suddenly feeling strange. Of course she had pooped herself. The load sitting in the back of her diaper had become her main source of comfort and enjoyment in an otherwise stressful and distressing situation. But something about the way her mother had made this observation was very...off. She sounded very little like the kind but forceful woman she had just left at home to go pursue her degree. She sounded...happy, maybe even excited, at the fact that her adult daughter had poop in her pants.

“Uh...yah. Are you okay, Mom?” asked Stacy uncertainly.

Her mother chuckled. “Oh, I'm doing fine, sweety. I'm just so happy to see you. Your full diaper is just a bonus!”

Stacy blanched. She knew that she loved the smell and feel of her full diaper thanks to the Honey card, but she knew that didn't extend to everyone else. “...why?”

Her mother patted the mound of poop behind her. “I just can't wait to clean you up! Its been far too long since I got to change your diapers! Can we do it now, honey?”

Stacy scrutinized her mother. She was dressed in a stereotypical maid's outfit, with smoothly pressed black fabric and crisply starched white frills. She wore a large hand-bag over one shoulder, which could easily be a diaper bag. “...why are you asking me?” asked Stacy.

Her mother looked puzzled for a moment, but then she smiled. “I just want to take care of you, sweetie. Anything you need, just tell Mama, and I'll take care of it.”

Stacy was very uncomfortable now. The card that had summoned her mother here was called “The Servant”, and only now did it dawn on her what that might imply.

“Mom...how would you feel if I...told you to touch your toes?” she asked cautiously.

She chuckled, then seemed puzzled. “I guess...I guess I would just touch my toes? Huh.”

Stacy sighed. “Okay, I guess that can't be helped. We're playing a really fucked-up boardgame here, and I need your help, because my team isn't doing well.” she explained.

Gale blanched. “Stacy, watch your language!”

Stacy rolled her eyes. “Uh, fine. We're playing a...twisted, insane, ridiculous board game?”

“There you go.”

“Stacy!” said Chelsea from behind her. “Quit chatting with your mom! We need to strategize here! Rose rolled while you were out here blabbing!

“Hello! I don't believe I've had the pleasure.” said Gale irritably.

“Chelsea is basically team leader now, Mom. We're on her team.” said Stacy.

“Never mind that!” said Chelsea. “Look!”

Chelsea pointed past Gale to the street in front of the sorority house. Stacy saw that a strange procession was approaching through the night. There were hundreds of squat figures, no more than three feet in height. They seemed to have dark fur covering their faces, long thin snouts like dogs, and bat-like ears sticking out from their heads. They were clearly visible from the dozens of torches they carried. Stacy also spotted the glint of numerous weapons.

“What are they?” asked Stacy. She hadn't meant it to be a scream, it just kinda worked out that way.

“It's Rose's challenge card.” said Chelsea. She became a blur, pulling Gale and Stacy into the house with cheetah-like speed. “It's called 'The Siege'.”

A horn blew in the distance. Stacy could hear the army advancing on tiny marching feet. Rocks and tiny arrows began pelting the windows.

Stacy struggled to focus in spite of her fear. “W...wait! It's Rose's turn isn't it? Shouldn't we be trying to make her lose?”

Chelsea rolled her eyes. “Sure, why don't you go talk to those little fuckers outside about it! This is an all or nothing challenge. Those things are coming after all of us.” She ran to the wall with superhuman speed and returned with several antique cavalry sabers. Stacy reluctantly took one, finding it lighter than she had expected. “Mom, take one. This is war!” she ordered. Although she had expected it, it still made her feel strange when her mother obeyed her order without question. Dana, standing nearby, was already plenty armed.

Stacy heard the sound of heavy furniture being dragged around upstairs. To her surprise, and entire bed was lobbed down and wedged into the stairway to the upper story.

“Looks like Rose and her new lackey are fortifying the upstairs.” said Dana. “We should find a defensible position as well.”

A thunderous crack filled the foyer. A small battering ram was striking the house's front door.

“What about the basement?” suggested Stacy. “All concrete, only one way in.”

The front door burst open, bringing the debate to a premature end. Chelsea ran for the back door, and the other three did there best to follow her as the army of goblin-like creatures began pouring into the house. When Chelsea opened the back door, she immediately found that an advance battalion of the little monsters had circled around and captured the garden. With an even larger force behind them, the four had no choice but to charge.

Tiny spears and large rocks were lobbed at Chelsea, but her enhanced reflexes and speed allowed her to dodge all of them. She began running her saber into the tiny attackers faster than they could react. Instead of bleeding, the wounded creatures instantly vanished, clattering to the ground as gold coins upon being struck. Dana soon caught up, charging into the fray to protect Chelsea as both her card and her sisterly duty demanded. Stacy saw that the “The Knight” was no joke. Dana slashed her way through the enemy ranks like a whirlwind, sending cold coins scattering everywhere. Following in her wake, Stacy and Gale were able to reach the hatch and open it. They retreated into the cellar, just as the main force of the enemy crashed over like a wave.

“That won't hold them for long.” said Chelsea.

Stacy was surprised to see that after “The Cavern” challenge had been completed, the cellar had completely returned to its original state. Dana began dragging one of the heavy shelves toward the hatch. Sure enough, the attackers were already beating on the heavy wooden doors with their tiny weapons.

“What are we supposed to do? There's way too may of them!” said Stacy.

Dana was struggling to push the heavy shelf “Errr....If we can control...their entry, they should overwhelm Rose and Staci before us!”

“What happens then? We don't want them to get killed either!” said Stacy.

Chelsea began helping Dana push the shelf, making only a marginal contribution to the effort. “Stacy, could you please do something besides whine and stink up the place?” she snarled. Stacy hung her head in shame. Her mother patted her shoulder.

The shelf did a mediocre job of reinforcing the hatch, but unfortunately, in case of fire all basements are required to have a secondary exit, and this was no exception. With the shattering of thick, tempered glass, another front was opened up and goblins began rushing into the cellar. Chelsea And Dana charged and began slaughtering the attackers, but there were just too many.

“Mom! Come on! We're attacking too. Charge!” said Stacy, running to reinforce Dana's flank. Gale, surprised but unable to disobey, charged as well. Amazingly, once they joined the fray, the attack melted before them. The goblins retreated, as though terrified.

“What? They're running?” asked Chelsea.

“They are no match for us.” said Dana.

“Well, yeah, but that didn't stop them before. I wonder...behind us!”

Several of the goblins had slipped in through the gaps around the heavy shelf, and were slipping stealthily behind the four women. Dana slashed through them one after another with quick, fluid strokes. As soon as the four reached the hatch, more began attacking through the window again. The enemy seemed to alternate between near-suicidal ferocity and abject cowardice. The small army of sword-wielding women attacked back and forth across the cellar, until the floor was glittering with gold coins. Still there seemed to be no end to the enemy.

“This isn't working!” yelled Chelsea over the snarls and hisses of the attackers. “They're just gonna keep attacking until we're exhausted!”

Dana was sweating, as was Chelsea. It was obvious that Stacy and Gale would have no chance if the two enhanced fighters slowed down even a little.

“I don't...understand...their tactics!” said Dana, breathing hard. “They...should have...overwhelmed us...already!”

Stacy, who had only managed to guard their flank so far because the goblins kept retreating whenever she was near, furrowed her brow in concentration. There had to be some piece that she was missing, that the others were just too busy fighting to see...

“I've got it!” said Gale, triumphantly. She thrust her sword into one of the attacking monsters, reducing it to a gold coin. “It's the diaper!”

Eyes went wide. Once the absurd idea was out, it was impossible not to see it. None of the goblins were going anywhere near Stacy. They were retreating every time she approached.

“The noses!” said Chelsea, grinning as she cut down another enemy. “They hate your stinky diaper even more than we do!”

“It's the...stupidest shit  I ever heard!” said Dana. “But I'll take it!”

Stacy blushed hard. Against all probability, this was her moment to save the day. She just wished it didn't involve saying what she was about to say.

“Mom! Diaper change! Now!” Stacy felt her entire blood supply fill her cheeks.

Gale grinned like a madwoman. “You got it, sweety!”

The four women retreated to a protected area behind one of the shelves. Dana and Chelsea held off the attackers while Gale pulled item after item out of her bag. She spread a changing mat on the floor, and set wipes, baby powder, and a small stack of diapers identical to the one Stacy was already wearing (except in one respect). Once Stacy was on the changing mat, her mother went to work with amazing speed and efficiency. Stacy watched her mother wipe her, while Dana cut down enemy after enemy behind her, and she realized that they were mirrors of each other. The game empowered Dana to protect her sister in battle, and it empowered Gale to clean her daughter's bottom. Within seconds, Stacy was wearing a fresh, clean diaper, and her used one was sitting in a swollen wad nearby.

In a flash, Chelsea grabbed the discarded diaper and hucked it toward the shattered window. As soon as it landed, the goblins stopped streaming in, but they redoubled their attack from the other direction.

“Stacy!” shouted Chelsea. “Reload! Now!”

Stacy stared in horror from the changing mat. “Wh...what?”

“Reload! Its our only chance!” she repeated as she desperately whipped her sword through the advancing hoard.

Stacy knew what she had to do. Luckily, the Skunk was on her side. She strained, and immediately another stinky mess began to fill the diaper her mother had just put on her.

Gale shook her head in exasperation. “Deja Vu.”

Again, her mother wiped her butt cheeks with incredible efficiency, again Chelsea threw the diaper, and again Stacy filled her pants as Dana cut through the ever thinning ranks of the goblins. Stacy found that no matter what she did, her diaper could not stay clean for more than a minute, and her mother's bag never ran out of supplies. The curse of the Skunk would not permit her a clean diaper, and the Servant was always ready to serve again. Soon, there were dirty diapers piled at both ends of the cellar, and more scattered around the room. No goblins dared intrude in this hotbox of diaper stench. Stacy drank in delicious lungfuls of the air while her three companions held their noses and waited for the challenge to be over, one way or another.


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