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                Since there are a lot of new faces around here, I'd like to repeat my earlier request for feedback. Leave a comment to tell me what you'd like to see, or what you would like me to avoid in the future. Thanks in advance.



Just joined today and I would like to give my thoughts. I've read three of your series so far, The Archway and the game of Fools up to date and Impossibilities up to date on Furaffinity. I read that about a week or two ago and found Game of Fools today and just the one chapter got me to take the plunge on Patreon. Let me start off with what I love about your stories. Not only do you incorporate some fantastical element into each one, they are also unique and fresh. Yes, you've used a couple of standard AB/DL tropes, but when you do it is fleshed out in a brand new way that I haven't seen before. The level of creativity in your magical plot devices is such a welcome sight. The second thing I really like is your character interaction. There is actual conflict in your stories and not just some half-hearted resistance before the main character submits to eternal diapered bliss. The characters themselves are often simplistically designed but not in a bad way. They are definitely not cardboard cutouts but rather have just enough detail and backstory to give a clear picture of each one and leave the rest to the readers imagination. Finally, I enjoy how you approach the mind control elements differently in each story. Having Larry back away (and the MC allowing him to) in one story and the heroine's mother and best friend having bouts of lucidity when the controlling force isn't around work well to balance things out. Now two constructive criticisms and a personal preference. Be mindful about rapid escalation. You have two stories where someone got godlike power in the first few chapters and doing that really throws off the pacing and tempo of a story. In Impossibilities his power usage felt a little stale in later chapters while in The Archway you did a nice job of imposing a limiter before she became too powerful for the opposition to have a chance. Also, I notice that after the first few uses and changes, you tend to talk about the diapers less frequently and when you do it seems a bit phoned in. Talking about diapers go from being the main coarse to garnish by mid story. I know there are only so many ways you can describe someone pooping their pampers but breaking up the intensity of a fast paced action scene one after another with a little more attention to the bottom line could reset the tempo and keep things from going off the rails. The personal preference thing is just that I'm not really a fan of fanfics. So far I have not read a single story of yours I didn't like and I will most likely give trickster's box a chance, but probably when it is the only story left for me to read. Man, I really rambled on there. To sum up, I love your stories and I am glad to be one of your Patreons. I only wish I found you sooner.


Thank you so much for all this feedback! Balancing a long, complex plot with multiple interacting characters with the kind of erotic elements I enjoy is definitely an art I have yet to master, although I think I will enjoy learning. Mainly, I want to say that it is so hard to take my work seriously when I don't feel like anyone else does. You are genuinely the first person to give me positive feedback on The Archway! It wasn't very popular on DA, so I had largely put it on the back burner, but now I shall be sure to get more chapters out. Thank you again, and I hope you continue to enjoy!