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Part 10

As Sophie fought the battle of the Master Bedroom, Janet and Christine sat in the nursery and discussed their plans. Christine shared everything she could think of about what she knew of Will and what had brought them to this point. Janet listened and asked questions. Christine found it incredibly helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of.

“Does your Mommy usually leave you alone like this? Mine never lets me out of her sight.” asked Janet.

“I think on some level she knows we need time to discuss our plans, but if she hears us, she might have to tell Will.” said Christine.

Janet frowned. “So, she's like, almost on our side, but not really?

“That's about right. Heck, I think you're only on my side because Will decided that you would be. Even I'm only really in my right mind when I'm asking Will to grant a wish. This is just what you have to work with when you're going up against someone omnipotent.”

“I see that, but there has to be a way to turn that around. After all, Will is still just a guy, even if anything he wishes for comes true. He has vulnerabilities.” said Janet.

“As much fun as it would be, I don't think kicking him in the balls is gonna help.” said Christine.

Janet crossed her arms. “You're smarter than that, Christine.”

She shrugged. “Yes, you're talking about psychological vulnerabilities. His libido, his fetishes, and his ego might as well be those red blinking lights on a Zelda boss. The problem is, if I try something, it has to work perfectly the first time. If I swing and miss, that's that. All he has to say is “I wish that no one would even think about trying to stop me ever again”, and then we just wouldn't. This has to be planned down to the last detail.”

Janet nodded. “We also know that Will is very creative, but doesn't really think things through. He keeps adding wild new things to the world without really considering all the consequences. Like your Humiliation School! You still have all those women under your total control in there. You can even make changes to them! That's a small army. Gotta be a way to use it.”

“An army isn't what I need. The world is full of armies that can't do squat anymore. No matter what we throw at him, he can just snap his fingers and win. What we need is a weapon that he won't see coming, that totally beats him in one move, but that doesn't rely on actually hurting him at all. I don't think we have anything like that.”

“Will can create it for us. All you have to do is ask for it in the right way. You still have one wish this month. That's easily your biggest asset.”

“You're right, and it has to be this month. Will could just change his mind and go do something else, if he hasn't already.”

Janet nodded. “Will is making more wishes every day, so he might start finding ways to make himself less vulnerable. If he were really smart, he'd set up a bunch of contingency wishes so that even if he got blindsided, he'd still come out on top.”

“Hence the ego thing.” said Christine. “His biggest weakness is that he thinks nothing can touch him, so he doesn't bother to protect himself.”

“That, and he keeps giving other people power if he thinks they'll use it in ways that are amusing to him. Plus, well...you know.”

“Hmm?” said Christine, although she had suspicions as to what her friend meant.

“He has it for you. Like, bad. Why do you think he keeps trying to give you these big, ridiculous presents like the rose garden and the school? He could just wish that you were head over heels for him. He does that with plenty of other women. He actually wants you to love him back, for real. That is a vulnerability that you can exploit the hell out of!” said Janet.

Christine felt her face burn. She had known that, of course, but having the idea spelled out like that...

“What? What did I say?” asked Janet.

“I just feel bad all of the sudden. I mean, he actually kinda trusts me. I know he has to be stopped before he enslaves everyone on earth, but...” Christine was interrupted by the sight of Janet rolling on her back with laughter. “What?”

“You actually like him, don't you? Even though he's turning the whole world into his own personal playground, you still don't want to hurt him. It's adorable!”

Christine turned away. She wondered if Janet could actually be right.

“But it's also really dumb.” said Janet, her voice suddenly dead serious. Christine jumped a little.

“If you want to win, you can't afford to show any mercy. That's even more true when you're up against someone who is stronger than you, and Will's power is so unfair it hurts. We're already at a major disadvantage right from the start. There's no room for considering Will's feelings. Beat him first, feel bad when there's time.” said Janet.

Christine didn't know how to respond. She knew her friend had a point, a really good point, but...

...but that was the kind of thinking that had led Janet to betray her all those years ago. Ruthless, victory-at-any-price Machiavellianism. It was still there, under the cute pajamas and the soggy diaper.

Luckily, the door to the nursery opened at that moment.

“Hi! Sophie told me to come get you two.” it was a girl of about nineteen, wearing a red and white Duncan's Donuts hat and polo shirt, as well as a glossy diaper with yellow decorations. “There's coffee and pizza in the Master Bedroom! Fatty ordered take-out for everyone!”

“Uh, hey, aren't you wearing one of Deedee's diapers?” asked Christine.

The girl's smile widened. “Yep! I was being all mean and bossy, so Sophie put me in this diaper, and now I just do what I'm told! I can't believe how good it feels! Anyone can order me around, and I can't do a thing about it! So, are you coming?”

There was a pause. “Yeah, thanks, we'll be there soon.” said Christine.

The girl's smile didn't fade, but her chipper voice took on an edge as she stepped forward. “Well, your mom told me to go get you, so I have to drag you there if you.,.”

“Go back to Sophie, while slapping your own butt and singing Good Ship Lollypop!” cut in Janet.

Shelly immediately spun on her heel and headed out the door. “On the gooood ship,(slap) Lollypop, it's a (slap) short trip to...” she sang as she ran down the hallway.

Janet and Christine just looked at each other.

Life in the penthouse began to settle into a routine, albeit a bizarre one. The transformed women had plenty of food and general amenities, but Will's absence was a drag on the party. Sophie had officially taken over as the dominant force in the local social structure, thanks to her control of Shelly, and by extension, Fatty, and by extension, the bank accounts of the massive hotel beneath them.

Fatty woke up, feeling absolutely lovely. Sophie, who her Mistress had ordered her to always obey, was sleeping with her head reasting on her soft belly. Fatty had been informed that she made an excellent pillow. Her Mistress was curled up at Sophie's feet next to Deedee. Since she was the only one awake, she spent a moment just lying peacefully and enjoying the feeling of her soft body being caressed by the soft bed and her even softer diapers. Being in diapers was just as embarrassing now as it had been when Mistress had first put her in them, especially ones decorated with cartoon pigs and hippos. She had been a little overweight in her previous existence, and she had been very sensitive about it. Now, being fat was just part of who she was. It was still embarrassing, but it was also profoundly liberating. Being fat wasn't a problem she needed to solve or a personal failing to feel ashamed of. She was fat because her Mistress had decided she should be, and Mistress was always right. Even if her Mistress was now sporting a pair of Obedience Diapers that compelled her to do whatever she was told and feel good about it, she was still all-powerful in Fatty's eyes.

Fatty pooped. It wasn't something she had planned to do, or wanted to do. She hadn't known it was going to happen until it had already started. She loved the feeling though. Her toes curled as the soft, gooey muck spewed out of her into her waiting diapers. She loved the fact that she had absolutely no control of her most basic functions anymore. She had no idea how to use a toilet, she couldn't feed herself, even walking was getting difficult.

Sophie sniffed the air and slowly opened her eyes.

“Mmm, good morning Fatty. Did you make a boom-boom?” she asked. She didn't seem upset.

“Yes ma'am. Fatty made a boom-boom.” admitted Fatty shyly.

Sophie poked Shelly with her foot to wake her. “Shelly, go get Fatty changed, and fetch me a coffee while you're at it.”

Shelly was awake and smiling almost immediately. “You got it, Boss! Come on Fatty, lets get that big butt clean!”

Fatty allowed her Mistress to pull her out of bed and drag her out of Sophie's elegantly decorated boudoir. In the nursery next door, Christine and Janet, the penthouse's other two diapered residents, were asleep in each other's arms.

Mistress lifted her onto the changing table, which groaned under her weight. For anyone else, this would have been a truly impressive feat of strength, but Fatty weighed no more than a balloon whenever Mistress was carrying her.

“Uuuhh, do you have to do that here?” asked Janet, who sounded like she had just woken up.

“Not really, but this is the only changing table around!” said Shelly in her most cheerful tone. She wasn't normally so upbeat, but wearing an Obedience Diaper made everything she did feel fun and fulfilling. She manifested a chocolate-dipped Cruller from thin air and shoved into Fatty's waiting mouth. Fatty loved being fed doughnuts, especially during changes. Changing Fatty's diaper was a big job, but Shelly's warm smile never faltered as she cleaned, oiled, and powdered her slave's ever-expanding backside. Soon, her old diaper was safely deposited in the pail, and Fatty was wearing a brand new diaper in the identical style. Mistress could manifest these as well. She was perfectly suited to looking after her Fatty.

As Shelly fed Fatty another doughnut, Janet dropped the side of the crib and crawled out. “You coming, Christine?” she asked her friend.

“Nah, Mommy is supposed to get me up in the morning.” said Christine, who promptly rolled over and went back to sleep.

Janet shrugged. “Whatever. Hey Doughnut Bitch! Diaper change, stat!” she ordered.

“Of course ma'am! Up you get!” said Shelly.

“You should be nicer to her. She didn't do anything to you.” muttered Christine from the crib.
“Whatever. She's fine with it. Hey Doughnut Bitch, while you're changing me, go ahead and tell Christine that you're a Doughnut Bitch!”

“I'm a Doughnut Bitch!” said Shelly happily as she powdered Janet.

“Slap Janet on the butt real hard!” ordered Christine, speaking very quickly so that Janet couldn't countermand her.

“Ow! Dammit!”

The women developed ways to pass the time. The cheerleaders had a poker tournament with the naughty nurses. The clowns did tricks and turned cartwheels in the halls. Sophie had plenty to do between managing disputes among the other women and keeping her charge's butts clean. Deedee was never at a loss for a mess to clean up, and Shelly and Missy were her constant helpers.  Janet and Christine began to spend more and more time in the TV Lounge, watching the world try to come to grips with Will's various wishes.

“Well, I remember looking in the mirror before bed and thinking about how much I wished that my boobs were a little bigger. They weren't terrible or anything, I just wished that they were above average. Then, I had this dream where this lady with little pink wings came through my window and told me she was the boob fairy. Her name is Jugs. She said she was here to grant my wish, and sure enough, when I woke up I had these big ol' sweater kittens! I don't understand why, really, but if you're listening Jugs...thanks!”

“Initial missions through the Diamond Head portal have discovered a parallel version of Hawaii in which no settlements of any kind have ever been established. The parallel islands are home to hundreds of species, some of which were thought extinct in our own Hawaii, and some of which have never been seen at all. A seaplane is currently being passed through the portal in pieces and re-assembled on the other side. It is hoped that a mission to the mainland will determine whether the Diamond Head portal and the Cabo San Lucas portal are contiguous with each other.”

“A regiment of Chinese soldiers has been dispatched to the base of Mt. Everest to protect Chinese interests in the area. Technically, the peak of the famous mountain is in both Chinese and Nepalese territory, but that arrangement seemed more reasonable when the area had no particular strategic or economic value. The Nepalese expedition to the peak has not returned, and radio transmissions have cut off abruptly. Although the platoon still has no functional lethal weaponry, officials warn that hand-to-hand combat and tear gas are still reasonably effective. The Nepalese government has demanded the removal of troops from their territory, and international courts are expected to weigh in later this week.”

“I was on the toilet, just finishing up, when I had this idea that it would be great to have someone to wipe my butt for me. It was just a weird, random thought, but this woman suddenly appeared in the bathroom and asked to wipe my butt! I was startled at first, but she was so friendly and nice about it that I was put right at ease. She said her name was Butt-Wipe, and she works for Butt-Wipes Inc. She's shown up every time since then. I haven't wiped my own butt in two days! It feels weird telling people this, but there have been so many weird things on the news lately, I felt I needed to speak up.”

“Satellite images have picked up an additional portal, located on the sea ice at the earth's northern magnetic pole, bringing the total number of portals to fourteen.”

“U.S. Troops crossed the U.S. /Mexico border this morning, and advanced on Cabo San Lucas. Locals in the area have gathered to block them from reaching the portal. A whitehouse spokesman insists that the troops are acting without official sanction, and simply see securing the portal as vital to U.S. interests.”

“This large platform-like structure appeared quite suddenly atop the Newark Grand Hotel yesterday afternoon. Locals were hesitant to report or discuss the sudden appearance, as many believed it to be some kind of hallucination. No planning permission for the extension has been extended or requested. Local police are attempting to acquire a warrant to search the premises.”

Christine turned to Janet. “is that something we should be worried about?”

Janet shrugged. “I mean, maybe? What are they going to do? Arrest us? We haven't really done anything illegal. I mean Will probably has, but they're not gonna arrest him either.”

Christine crossed her arms. “Someone is going to figure out what's going on. Will hasn't been sneaky at all.”

“Because he doesn't need to be.” said Janet, still radiating indifference. “What if someone does find out that Will is the one curing all diseases and adding parallel Earths to the world? What do they do then?”

Christine gave up. “I guess you're right. I just keep hoping that something will happen to resolve all this without me, but there just isn't anything like that. It's just going to come down to me.”

Janet nodded. “Which is why you need to talk to your mom about getting that thing we discussed earlier.”

Christine shushed her friend suddenly as the door opened.

“Hey girls!” said Sophie. “How is the rest of the world doing?”

“Well, a whole bunch of wars are breaking out over those portals to parallel earths, but nobody is actually dying, so I guess, okay?” said Christine.

“See? I knew all that worrying was for nothing.” announced Sophie. “Let's focus on things that really matter.” She reached down and checked both women's diapers. “A little soggy, but they'll hold for a while.”

The news was now showing a live feed from one of the parallel earths. It was showed a enormous sea turtle surfacing off the coast of the alternate Hawaii.

“Wow, look at that thing! Will sure is making the world a wonderful place, isn't he?” said Sophie, as she watched the massive creature raise its head.

Janet jabbed Christine with her elbow.

“Yeah, its really amazing!” said Christine, trying to inject enthusiasm into her voice. “Hey listen, Mommy. Me and Janet were wondering...could we play house?”

Sophie smiled. “Of course you can! That would be so adorable! What do you need from me?”

Janet piped up. “Well, we were arguing about who would be the Mommy and who would be the baby, but we both wanted to be Mommies!”

Christine's cheeks reddened. This was it. “So...could we borrow Deedee to play the baby?”

Sophie listened with half an ear. The news had shifted to showing a sabre-toothed tiger wandering in the dense forest of alternate Canada. “I guess, sweetie! Go ahead and tell Deedee to play along.”

“We'll just need some of her diapers.” said Christine, moving in for the kill.

Sophie was entranced by live footage of a battle in Baja Mexico. Without guns, knives, or explosives, the battle was being conducted with punches and kicks. Since no actual injuries could happen, this simply resulted in an unending slug-fest.

“Sure, honey. Here, this should last you while.” said Sophie absently. She reached into her diaper bag and pulled out a half-dozen adult diapers, each with the power to render the wearer completely happy and obedient.

“Thanks, Mommy!” said Christine in her best cutesy voice. The two diapered women left, supposedly because they were excited to play. Sophie sat on the couch.


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