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Part 9

Will stared out at the endless expanse of the Atlantic. The ocean breeze threw his hair behind him. The observation turret of his new airship was the perfect place to watch the sunset from.

He felt refreshed. Back at his penthouse, he had created a world that was built entirely around indulging his most perverted and intense sexual fantasies, and it had been terrific. He had transformed, dominated, and fucked dozens of women, and it had been glorious. However, a man can only take so much indulgence without a break. Sooner or later, you long for the simple things in life.

Like crossing the ocean in a vehicle that would cost billions to build even if it didn't violate the laws of aerodynamics.

As the darkness spread, Will contemplated the future. He now had the power to create any future he desired, for himself and for others, so the subject warranted some thought. Granting his own wishes and using his powers to make others desire them too was awesome, but it left a hollowness in him that he had been denying. Wiping out so  many of the world's ills had made him feel powerful and important, but also genuinely fulfilled. He decided that instead of lazily slapping away humanity's most ancient foes, he should try doing something a little more difficult, something that required thought and creativity. Now, in the silence of his fully-automated personal conveyance, he began making serious plans.

The ship was equipped with a laboratory/studio, complete with a hyper-advanced supercomputer. At least, it was after he decided it should be. He wanted to make the world a better place, and having eliminated all the usual suspects, he got to work on the more insidious ones.

The basic problem, he decided, was fulfillment. Human beings have needs that go beyond mere survival. They need pleasure, certainly, but also a feeling of accomplishment. They need to feel connected with one another. They need goals to strive for, enemies to conquer. They need things to be proud of. They need a sense that tomorrow will be better than today, and that they themselves will be better than they are now.

A world without the familiar headaches of war, death, disease, hunger, despair, poverty, and evil still needs things to fill the void those things left behind. No one is built to be happy all the time.

He sketched designs. He called for complex calculations to be performed. He covered sheets of paper, wadded them up, and drew more. He ordered the vessel's AI to take him around the horn of Africa, and up the western coast toward Suez. The vessel's engine was more powerful than any jet's, but he let it sit at a cruising velocity of 200kph. It wasn't like he needed to go anywhere, and if he did, he could get there instantly. It was the sensation of travel that he was after. Teleporting everywhere at will had taught him how lovely it was to be on the move.

In the evenings, he watched the news. They were obviously having trouble coming up with it now. It was the same pointless speculation about all his miracles. With little else happening, the camera cycled between politicians and celebrities offering their personal take on the new situation. If it bleeds, it leads, and in the new world, nothing was bleeding. Guns jammed if they were pointed at someone  and missed the rest of the time. Steel knives took on the properties of rubber if used on a living human. The only problems anyone could find were the hordes of people who were now unemployed as the medical profession and the industries that were built around it slowly collapsed. That one company that he had decided to transform into a magical corporate butt-wiping service had only been one of thousands, and there just weren't enough un-wiped butts to go round. Finally, with his airship speeding across the peaks of the Himalaya's, began reciting his backlog of wishes.

“I wish that each person with a knowledge and skills pertaining to medicine or weaponry would have the option of replacing those skills with ones more suitable to existence in this present world.”

“I wish that any person currently imprisoned for a crime they did not commit, or otherwise held unjustly, would be released. Henceforth, it shall be impossible to hold any person against their will if they have not comitted a serious offense.”

“I wish that it was impossible for any person to lie while under oath.”

“I wish that that all political leaders would be unable to lie or decieve others in any way. They will also be compelled to reveal any and all illegal and corrupt actions they have participated in or were aware of.”

Will took a deep breath. This next one was a doozey.

“I wish that the universe would now include seventeen  additional galaxies, each identical to this one in every way, save that no human has ever existed in them.”

He paused. Surely, if his power had any limit at all, that wish would have exceeded them.

“I wish I knew with certainty that my wishes have been fulfilled.

Information poured into his mind. “Okay”, he thought, “That clears that up.”

“I wish that each counter-part earth would include an incredible diversity of animals and plants, fantastic ecosystems, rich natural resources, and wondrous natural monuments.”

This time, he sensed that his wish had only been partially fulfilled. Apparently, a pristine planet Earth included those things as a matter of course, but his power had filled in some of the less interesting parts with additional natural wonders.

“I wish that portals leading to each of these alternate Earths would appear on this Earth, so that all peoples of all nations may have a new frontier in which to build their homes, their futures, and their families. These portals shall be located at a random locations on each of the seven continents, plus one each on Greenland, Hokkaido, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Baja Mexico, Hawaii, Veryovkina Cave, the bottom of the Marianas Trench, the Northern Magnetic Pole, and the top of Mount Everest.”

Will pumped his fist as he watched the new Mount Everest Portal materialize on the horizon. With these wishes, he hoped that humanity's thirst for both exploration and natural resources would be satisfied. He could have given them unlimited resources, of course, but he knew humanity would expand endlessly if given leave to do so. He had given them a reset on this planet, and now they would have plenty of new worlds to explore. Overpopulation would not become a problem again for centuries, and the world's ambitious people would have plenty of projects to complete and colonies to establish to keep them occupied. He was glad he hadn't tried this before he had made warfare impossible, or the rival nations would just annihilate each other to gain control of these resources. It would be like dropping a dead elephant into a junkyard full of rottweilers.

Will fetched himself a platter of coconut shrimp from the automated kitchenette and sat down in the lounge to watch the chaos unfold on cable news. It certainly was more entertaining than the news had been the last few days.

“...another sighting has been reported, this time in the Black Forest about thirty kilometers north from Frankfurt. The German government has dispatched a field research team to investi...”

“Incredible satellite footage shows another structure, this one at the top of Mount Everest. Chinese officials are expected to lay claim to the Everest Portal, but have so far been silent. The Nepalese government is investigating.”

“...Cabo San Lucas, where the beach is now covered with thousands of visitors, hoping to get a look at the object. Some have claimed to have passed through the object, and have reported finding a strange, alternate version of the cape in which no city has been constr...”

“...sighted in the forest northwest from Montreal, bringing the total sighted so far to nine. Given that all these locations appear to be random, and many hidden, experts believe that additional sightings are possible, perhaps even...”

“Shots were fired at the Capital Building, but, as anticipated, there were zero casualties. The perpetrators are presumed still at large. The mysterious issues involving explosives and firearms continue to baffle the Department of Defense...”

“...in the Yol Valley, in Mongolia. Crowds are forming around it, but official statements are still being delayed. The world's political situation may deteriorate if officials fail to make some kind of definitive...”

“...in Beijing. The National People's Congress was is in an uproar as dozens of officials have been unexpectedly brought up on charges of bribery and corruption. This represents the largest single change in leadership since the Chinese Civil War. A full list has not yet been released, but...”

“...have officially claimed the newly discovered land-mass, dubbing it La Tierra de Opportunidad Verdadera. The White House has released an official statement, calling this 'kind of a cheap shot.' The claim is viewed by many as a violation of national sovereignty, but due to the current state of military equipment, this response is unlikely...

“...the possibility of newly discovered continents has caused the price of oil, gas, and mineral futures to plummet. Stock markets are undulating wildly under the assault of these rumors...”

Will tented his fingers and grinned like the Grinch. People were not accustomed to so many changes occurring at once, and panic was gripping the world. Suddenly having their constituents be aware of their numerous acts of treachery and graft was bringing world governments to their knees. Honest and decent politicians did exist, but not in the kind of numbers that were needed to maintain order. If disease, hunger, or warfare were still in play, there would have been a serious body count by now, but the training wheels were on, so Will ate his delicious meal and enjoyed the mayhem. The world was definitely becoming a better place, but nobody likes rapid change. The carefully maintained balance of world power had been kicked over, and it was not yet clear who would emerge as the new winners.

Will decided to give his world-shaping power a rest and give humanity a chance to adapt.


Christine awoke with her arms wrapped around Janet. She could hear the birds singing outside, and a cool breeze wafted from the new doorway. Christine took a deep breath, and barely minded that the air smelt of baby powder and dirty diapers. This place smelled like a nursery because it was one. A big nursery for big babies like her.

She felt Janet stir in her arms.

“Morning, cutie.” she whispered.


“I think somebody needs a change.”

Janet yawned and rubbed her eyes against the sleeve of her sleeper. “Is it me?”

Christine thought. “You know, I have absolutely no idea!” she said happily.

They both snickered at that.

“Should we get up? Usually my Mommy gets me up.” asked Janet.

“There's no rush. Can we just, talk for a little while?”

“Sure. What's up?” asked Janet.

Christine heaved herself up and gently turned the baby monitor around. “I just need to know...did you hear what I was telling my mom last night?”

Christine's face reddened. “Uh, yeah, sorry. Sophie asked me to wait by the door and listen for her cue so I could surprise you, and I heard...pretty much everything.”

“That's okay. I just need you to really keep it to yourself. If Will found out...”

“Yeah, I know. I promise I won't say anything. Maybe I could help you! I know I'm just a diaper girl now, but I still remember being all smart and stuff!”

Christine gave Janet's butt a playful slap. “Yeah, you really are adorable. I really like cuddling with you, you know. I don't know what I can do about Will, honestly. I don't have a plan.”

“We can make a plan together! We'll be like super spies!” whispered Janet.

Christine snorted. “Diaper girl spies?”

“Yeah!” said Janet. She started singing the James Bond theme. “Duh duh, duh duh,duh duh duh, duh duh...dududuh! Dunun...pppttt!”

Christine shook with laughter, but Janet's expression suddenly became absolutely serious.

“You made me a big diaper baby, and I'll always be thankful for that, but I'm still the same Janet I always was on the inside. You know I can be a stone-cold, manipulative, scheming bitch when I need to be...Sorry. Point is, I've got your back, girl. No one can stand in our way, not even Will.”

There, with the songbirds chirping outside and the scent of a dirty diaper in the air, Christine and Janet sealed their conspiracy with a fist bump. Then they started calling for Sophie to come change them.


All was not well in the newly created Penthouse Suite. It was large, certainly, but now that Will had left it had stopped expanding, and it was still home to dozens of women, nearly all of whom had been teleported out of their normal lives and blessed with new forms and new urges. The full team of cheerleaders that Will had summoned the previous night were still there in a their own area of the Penthouse. Without Will to keep everyone occupied/terrified, a degree of ill feeling began to simmer amongst the women.

Will had only created one kitchen, for instance. It was, of course, an extremely nice kitchen, complete with a very friendly team of busty chefs. Still, it was one gourmet food outlet to serve dozens of hungry women.

Once Sophie had finished changing, bathing, and breastfeeding Christine and Janet (an easier job with Deedee and Missy for support), she naturally was overdue for some breakfast of her own. So, she left her two charges to play in the nursery while she and her two assistants headed for the kitchen.

The kitchen was under siege. Beautiful women of all shapes and sizes were crowded around the serving hatch, loudly demanding coffee. Sophie was tall enough to see the three chefs in iconic chef hats, white aprons, and matching white bikini's rushing around frantically trying to satisfy the crowd.

Sophie's stomach complained loudly, but she decided to sit at an empty table and wait patiently while the cooks caught up with demand.

One of the women glanced backward and saw Sophie.

“Hey, I need to talk to you!” shouted an angry voice with a Midwestern accent.

“Never a good start.” thought Sophie as the heavyset woman stomped over.

“Yes, dear?” asked Sophie, with slightly more politeness than the woman had shown her.

“Don't dear me! Where is Will? He was over in your section the last time anyone saw him.” she said.

“He left.” answered Sophie.

“Where? When is he back?” demand the woman angrily.

Sophie shrugged. “He's omnipotent. He goes wherever he wants, and he'll be back when he feels like it. Is there a problem, miss...uh...” Sophie trailed off in order to underline the fact that she neither knew nor cared who she was talking to.

She rolled her eyes. “Mrs. Crumley. I used to teach geometry.”

Sophie grinned. “Oh yeah, I remember now. Aren't you the one who...”

“Don't say it!” hissed the woman viciously. Sophie saw Mrs. Crumley's thumb twitch nervously.

“Sucks...Her...Thumb?” said Sophie slowly and deliberately. Mrs. Crumley snarled with frustration, and seemed to stiffen. It was as though it was taking every ounce of strength she could muster just to keep...

Her thumb popped into her mouth, and she began sucking loudly and rhythmically, all while attempting to melt Sophie's head with her glare alone.

“Oh, what a pouty little thing you are! So cute!” teased Sophie.

With visible effort,, Mrs. Crumley managed to rip her thumb from her mouth. “Stop it! We need Will back, now. I can't keep order around here forever.”

Sophie snorted. “You're keeping order? In between sucking your thumb and dreaming about Will's cock? Where do you find the time?”

To her consternation, Mrs. Crumley discovered her thumb had once again found its way into her mouth while Sophie was speaking. Another struggle to pull it free followed.

“Frankly, I've got more to work with than most of these gals. Half of them are dumber than the middle schoolers I used to teach, and most of the ones who can still think are too busy being deliriously happy to care about anything. We have problems, and you're the one who might be able to help.” she finished, and her thumb was immediately being sucked again.

“Such as?”

Another visible struggle.

“Dear, why don't you just talk around your thumb? It'll be way easier, and you'll feel so much calmer.” said Sophie. She had been joking, but to her surprise, Mrs. Crumley did as she suggested.

“Wisten (suck). The aww unee oo (suck) batwooms in wis ole prase, an unee (suck) dis un itchen. Ah awriddy asssed aroun, un (suck) nobidy as anymuny. Wut amay sposta do?” she asked.

Sophie didn't bother to hide her amusement at the middle-aged woman's adorable lisp. She turned to her companions to share the moment, but was met only by Deedee's vacuous cheerfulness and Missy's resigned boredom. “I can see the problem.” she said finally. “Will really didn't think through the logistics of having so many people here. How many of us are there, anyway?”

“Ad weas (suck) fordy. Uh duzen cheeweaduhs, some nusses (suck), cwowns, shid wike dat.”

“Forty women, Two bathrooms, one kitchen, no money...” summed up Sophie. “Oh, what about that girl who takes care of the fat one? Didn't she make a doughnut appear from nothing?”

Mrs. Crumley pulled her thumb out again. “We already thought of that. She's not being cooperative.”

“Well where is she? Maybe I can talk to her.” offered Sophie.

Mrs. Crumley rolled her eyes and beckoned for the three to follow her. She already had her thumb back in her mouth.

They found Shelly, or “Mistress” as she was now known, sitting on the huge bed in the Master Bedroom. Several other women in various ridiculous costumes were scattered around the room. A few had cups of coffee and empty dishes scattered around them, but most looked tired and hungry. Mistress was busy feeding Fatty yet another glazed ring.

“Ewwo Elly.” said Mrs. Crumley through her thumb.

“Oh hey Mrs. Crumley! Did you rethink my offer?” said the girl cheerfully.

“Oh.” mumbled the geometry teacher as defiantly as she could.

“What offer?” ask Sophie.

“Well, thumbsucker over there was asking if I could create enough doughnuts for everyone, since Will made it so I can create as many as I want. As a matter of fact, Fatty here is the hotel manager and she could just order us as much food as we want, and just charge it to the hotel. Right, Fatty?”

“...mmm, yes, Mistress.” said Fatty forcing down another doughnut.

“Well why don't you then?” asked Sophie.

“What's in it for me? I already have everything I need. I told Mrs. Crumley that she could have all the doughnuts she wants. All she has to do is change her name to Lady Widebottom and be my slave forever. Sounds fair, right?”

Sophie suppressed her first three responses, and spoke with forced pleasantness. “Sweety, is this really how you want to play this? I know you're new to whole “having power” thing, but it's important not to overstretch yourself. If I were you, I'd take this opportunity to earn myself a little goodwill around this place.”

“Mistress” wasn't impressed. “That's your offer? Good will? And you won't even call me by my preferred title? No thanks, bitch. You want my help, you can get on your knees and ask nicely.”

Sophie took a deep breath. “Alright, that's up to you. Deedee, Missy, grab her!”

The two women lunged forward and grabbed Shelly. “Hey, stop!” she yelled. Deedee immediately stopped and stood grinning in place while Shelly struggled to escape from Missy.

A struggle ensued. Shelly and Sophie barked orders back and forth to bring their various minions into play. Deedee changed sides every few seconds, and was always delighted to obey whoever had spoken to her last. Fatty did her best to protect her Mistress, but all it took was a good shove to knock her onto her generously padded backside, which was a position that she couldn't escape easily. The deciding move was Sophie's, who shouted:

“Anyone who wants coffee had better grab this bitch!”

That brought several nearby cheerleaders and a clown girl on to her side, and the battle was soon over.

“What you gonna do now, bitch!” yelled Shelly from her position pinned to the ground. “You can't actually hurt me, you know! It's a whole new world, now!”

Sophie knew full well that any attempt to actually harm someone physically would fail completely under the wishes that Will had made, but she had other assets to turn to.

“We're not going to hurt you, Shelly. We're not savages. In fact, I'm gonna take really good care of you.” Sophie reached into her diaper bag and retrieved a thick disposable. It had yellow blocks across the front forming the word “Obedient”.

“See, you're getting something nice and comfy to wear! You and Deedee will match! Isn't that great?”

Shelly kicked, struggled, and shouted obscenities as Sophie pulled off her shoes, socks, jeans, and thong. It took a while, but soon Shelly was wearing her new underwear.

“Last tape! There we go! How do feel now Shelly?” asked Sophie.

Shelly was suddenly completely calm. She smiled, and looked around the room as though she had never seen it before. “Wow! I feel great!” she said.

“Are you ready to be a good girl and do everything you're told, no matter how embarrassing?” asked Sophie sweetly.

“You know, I think I am! Man, this diaper rules!” said Shelly with great enthusiasm.

“Great! Tell Fatty to only take orders from me from now on.”

“Fatty, you will only take orders from Sophie from now on!” said the delighted Shelly.

“And apologize for being such a bitch.” added Sophie.


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