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Part 8

“Very good, Christine! Let's give this diaper-humping disgrace a big round of applause!” announced Ms. Swanson. The sound of her tormentors clapping and cheering for her filled Christine with boiling anger as the afterglow faded. She wondered how this could possibly get any worse.

The applause gradually died down, until only one person was still clapping. Christine turned to see Will standing at the door of the classroom, grinning and clapping long after everyone else had fallen silent.

“Mr. Freeley!” greeted Ms. Swanson, looking a little nervous. “What a delightful surprise!”

“The pleasure is all yours, I'm sure. I just dropped in to see how Christine is doing. Did you enjoy your little humping session?” he asked.

Christine gritted her teeth. “You..,you think I enjoyed...this?” she hissed at him.

Will didn't skip a beat. “Yeh, I do. I'm the one who gave your massive humiliation fetish, and I thought you'd enjoy taking it out for a spin. Sure looked to me like you had great time!”

“She sure did!” said Ms. Swanson. “What a disgusting, ridi...”

“Shut up.” interrupted Will. Ms. Swanson's mouth closed so fast her teeth clicked together. “Christine is the star of this show. You gals are just here for decoration.”

Will turned back to Christine. He seemed to be waiting for an answer.

Christine sighed. She answered through clenched teeth. “Yes, I enjoyed it. Did you have to be so mean about it though?”

Will shrugged. “Of course not. I don't have to do anything. I could have just given you a massive orgasm with no window-dressing and left it at that. I just wouldn't see the point.”

“Well, I'm finished now. I'd like to go home.” she said.

Will clapped his hands. “See, was that so hard? Just telling me what you want? Being open about your needs?”

Christine narrowed her eyes. “Does that mean you'll actually let me go home?”

“Sure! Just pick out a few parting gifts, and I'll send you home.” answered Will.

“Parting gifts?” asked Christine, still skeptical.

“Of course. I brought all these awful bitches here for your pleasure and amusement. I even picked out women that wouldn't need any mental alterations to go along with humiliating and degrading you! If you want to keep any of them, you can take them home with you and put them in your toybox!”

Christine's skeptical expression softened a little. “You mean...they would just...be mine?”

“Yep. The moment you orgasmed, I reversed the control effect that your diaper gave you. All these women are now yours to do with as you please, for as long as you like.”

Christine turned her attention to the crowd of women, who were now looking away and shifting uncomfortably in their seats.

“So...you guys will just do as I say now?” asked, Christine, still not entirely convinced. Ms. Swanson and the others looked concerned, but didn't answer her.

“Yes.” said Will. “Not only will they obey you, you can alter them in any way you see fit.”

Christine still wasn't sure what to make of the situation. Will had arranged this scenario, including bringing in all these women she despised. He said he had done it to please her, and it had in a sense, but she knew that her sudden desire for sexual humiliation was just another of Will's little wishes. She also believed that these women had participated in this scheme of their own volition, and that she really did want some revenge, even if it couldn't be against Will, who had caused all this. Would it be so bad to try it out? That ultimate power over others that defined Will's life?

There was a long pause.

“Miss Swanson?” she said finally. “You're too tall. You should be shorter.”

Christine felt her pussy grow warm again as she watched the helpless expression on the older woman's face. All the power and confidence she had a moment ago was gone. She both physically and metaphorically shrank in front of Christine, until she was no taller than 4'8''. Christine tapped her chin.

“Fatter too. Put on...50 pounds.” Ms. Swanson buries her face in her hands as the pounds piled on. Within seconds, her figure had swollen past “hourglass” and into full-on “chubby”. Christine grinned and stood up to compare herself to her diminished enemy.

“Ms. Swanson is too dignified a name for you. From now on, your name is Missy.” she said. A dog collar appeared around Missy's neck with “Missy” written across the tag.

“I could get used to this.” said Christine. She lifted Missy's chin with fingertip. “Missy,are you mine now?”

“...yes.” whispered Missy.

“No one at the back can hear you, Missy.”

“Yes, ma'am, I am yours now.” said Missy loudly and clearly.

“Awesome. Now Missy, you see this big dirty diaper I'm wearing?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“You were saying earlier how this diaper proved how much better you were than me. Isn't that right?”

Missy hung her head. “Yes, ma'am.”

“Well, clearly you were mistaken about that. In fact, this diaper proves how awesome and cool I am. Doesn't it?”

Missy's eyes widened. She wasn't shocked at the absurdity of the idea, far from it. She was shocked that she hadn't realized the truth of it earlier. She gazed at Christine's filthy, swollen diaper, and felt only awe and reverence. She couldn't get over how wonderfully regal and dignified Christine looked in it. She felt the thin material of the panties she now wore, and her cheeks burned with shame. “Yes, ma'am.” she said.

Christine leaned forward and whispered softly into Missy's ear. “The reason you wear panties, is because you're a loser. Tell everyone that you wear Loser Panties.”

Her face practically glowing red, Missy turned to the class. “I'm a Loser.” she said. “And I wear Loser Panties.”

With that, the elegant gown that Missy had been wearing faded and shrank, until she was wearing nothing but a white tank-top and a pair of white panties, both with the word “Loser” written across them in bold, blue letters.

“That's right! Diapers are for cool people like me! Panties are only for losers! And as a loser, you have to obey anyone who is wearing a diaper!”

Missy cringed as the words became her reality. She knew that from now on she would be totally obedient toward anyone who was diapered, and that was only appropriate. Diapers were so awesome. She wished that she was cool enough to wear them.

Christine was on a roll.“There you have it ladies! I'm here in my amazing, kick-ass pampers, and you're all stuck in your loser panties! Bet that must be embarrassing.”

She watched as the cheeks of every woman present burned with shame. Sure enough, they were now in awe of her padded butt and utterly ashamed of their mature underwear.

“But unlike some people I could mention, I'm not a total bitch, so here's what I'll do! If you ask really, really nicely, I'll let you wear diapers and be cool like me. Any takers?”

The class looked at each other. Even with their altered mindsets, the idea of begging to be put in diapers was mortifying. After a brief pause, one reluctant hand came up. It was Janet's.

Christine put a hand to her ear. “Yes, Janet? Is there something you want to say?

Janet muttered something under her breath.

“Come up here and face the class, Janet. Make sure to enunciate, so everyone can hear you.” commanded Christine.

Janet rose and stood in front of the table as though giving a presentation. Her face was practically glowing with shame. “I think I would...like diapers, please.”

Christine snickered. “Oh, I'm sure you would, but it's up to me, not you. Why don't you explain why you think you belong in diapers.”

Janet swallowed. “I...uh...look, I know I don't really deserve diapers. I'm a bad person, I know, and I probably deserve to wear...panties every day for the rest of my life. But please, we were friends once! I know it was wrong of me to abandon you like I did. I thought I was above you, and clearly, I was wrong about that. Could you please forgive me? Please, could I be a diaper girl like you? I know I don't deserve it, but I'll do my very best to make it up to you! Pretty please, with sugar and sprinkles?”

Christine was taken aback. She had dreamed of having revenge on this woman who had turned her back on her, but now that she saw how sorry her former friend truly was, she felt really bad.

“Well...okay. I forgive you.”

Janet folded her hands and bowed in thanks. Then, she felt her mind open up.

Memories poured through her, and resolved themselves into images. She saw her mother, as she had been decades ago. Her mom towered above her like a goddess in her childish eyes. She smiled and encouraged her in a warm, maternal voice.

“What a good girl you are, Janet! At this rate, you'll be out of pull-ups in no time! I am so proud of you!”

Janet felt her mother's pride and happiness well up inside her. She felt so good, so warm and safe and happy. The warmth built up until it burst within her. With a start, she realized that she was peeing. Then, the memory seemed to flicker for a moment, like a video tape being rewound and replayed .

“Oh, Janet, its okay! Everyone has accidents sometimes. You're still my big girl! You'll just have to stay in pull-ups for a little bit longer!”

Janet was ashamed of herself, but her mother's compassion and forgiveness made it feel okay somehow. She winced as the warmth in her crotch intensified, and the vision reset again.

“Janet, we've been over this! If you want to wear panties, you need to pay attention and try to make it to the bathroom. I can't just keep you in pull-ups if you don't put in the effort. I know you can do it if you really try.”

The warmth intensified, and the vision repeated itself, changing each time.

“Janet, that's the fourth accident this week! I'm really starting to wonder if letting you wear pull-ups was a mistake. If you have one more accident, it is back to diapers with you, little missy!

And again...

“Janet, I'm sorry. This is my fault. I really thought you were ready to try potty-training, but it's clearly too soon. Come on, let's get you changed back into a nice diaper. You can try and grow up another day.”

And again...

“Janet, we've tried potty training so many times and it just isn't working! I think it's best if we just forget the whole idea. I think its best if you just stay in diapers for now. C'mon, let's get you changed.”

And again.

“Sweetheart, I'm sorry, but there's no way you can ever be potty-trained. You're not a big girl honey, and you never will be. But that's okay! Mommy loves you, and I'll always be here to change your stinky pampers!”

And they just kept coming. Janet's mother no longer towered over her, but the infantile situations just got more ridiculous as she surged forward through her life.

“Janet, we need to talk about your diapers. These plain white ones just aren't any fun! You're Mommy's big baby, and I want everyone to know it. That's why I've bought you these nice thick diapers with cartoon bunnies on them! Let's go to the park and show everyone that you're the biggest baby in the whole world!'”

“I'm sorry, Honeybunch, but going to school is out of the question. Who would change your diapers, or give you your bottle, or hold your hand to help you walk? And all the big girls would laugh at you for still needing your baby diapers! You have to stay home where mommy can look after you.”

Oh, Sweety, you've made such a big mess in your pampers! I'm so proud of you! You're becoming the best diaper girl a mother could ask for. Now, we need to go watch your little sister graduate from high school. Make sure to cheer her on, even though she has to wear boring old panties while you get to poop in your diapers!”

Janet knew that these memories were not her own. Her mother had been a kind but firm woman, who had encouraged her to grow into a mature, responsible adult. But as the images continued to swirl through her mind, it soon became impossible to distinguish her true memories from the false ones. She knew that she had once had a life, a career, and a home of her own But now, she remembered a different life. This one was filled to the brim with comfort, attention, luxury, and praise. In one life, Christine had been a friend that she had known in high school, before she had become popular and Christine had fallen behind in the school's status race. In this new life, Christine had been her babysitter, earning money all the way through high school and later college by feeding her and changing her and playing with her. In her old life, there was still bitter feelings of jealousy and betrayal between them. In the new life, Christine was her best friend in the whole world.

The images faded and the classroom returned. She saw that she was now dressed in an outfit almost identical to Christine's. The only difference was that her diaper was clean and perfectly white. She looked into Christine's eyes, and knew that she had been forgiven.

She ran up and hugged Christine, and Christine embraced her unreservedly. She cried in Christine's arms, and not just because of Christine's dirty diaper.

“Oh Christine, I'm so sorry for everything!” she sobbed.

Christine patted her back and rocked her back and forth. “Shhh, everything is fine. That's all over now. We're friends again.”

Will clapped and brushed his eye with his sleeve. “So touching! I'm glad you two made up. Well, I promised to take you home, so I will.”

There was a flash of light. The classroom seemed wad itself into a ball and compact toward a single point. Christine found herself back in her own nursery. Missy, Janet, and Will were still with her, but the others were gone. Will presented something to her with a flourish. It was a tiny model of school building they had just been in, complete with the sign reading “Christine's Humiliation School”.

“Well?” he asked, still holding out the model.

“Uh, where did everyone go?” she asked, still trying to come to terms with the abrupt transition.

“They're all in here. I spoke to every single woman in there, and they all agreed to enroll in your Humiliation School. I might have been a little vague about exactly who was going to be humiliated. They're all held in stasis until you decide what to do with them.” Will replied.

He stood as though he expected something. Swallowing nervously, Christine said “Thank you,”

“You're welcome. You are a hard girl to shop for, you know, even for me. I give you the perfect opportunity to ask for whatever will make you happy, and you force me to guess instead.”

“Sorry.” said Christine automatically, but then she thought better of it. “Couldn't you just give me chocolates and roses?”

Will chuckled. “When I could give you pleasure, friendship, excitement, and vengeance? Well, if you insist.”

He snapped his fingers, and a doorway appeared in the wall besides Christine's crib. Beyond it, the sun was shining and birds were singing. Christine waddled to the door, her movements still obstructed by the load in her diaper.

Outside, she saw a fabulous rose garden stretching out from the side of the hotel. The city was visible all around, only partially obstructed by the rows of huge rosebushes in full bloom. A brick path ran between the bushes, past a pair of ornamental fountains, and to a large picnic table which overlooked the edge of the structure. Like so much of what Will created, the garden was a physical impossibility, but it was there anyway. The picnic table was covered with a massive feast, including a large silver platter of chocolates. Christine gazed in awe at the scene.

“I'm only counting that as one wish, because it's just so unoriginal.” said Will. “I'll be back to grant your third wish before long. This time, think of something good.”

Will strolled idly out to the new veranda. The garden wrapped around the entire structure, and extended at least thirty feet in every direction. The chirping of birds and sound of running water gave it an atmosphere of utter serenity. It was as though the hotel itself had bloomed. Christine realized that the new addition to the building's structure would be clearly visible from below, unless, of course, Will decided otherwise.

Will snapped his fingers again, and a large silver-plated airship materialized in the air just beyond the edge of the garden. It looked like something out of a fantasy movie It was connected the building by a short stretch of silver gangplank.

“I'm going on tour. This place is nice, but it's getting a little stuffy. Later!”

Will strolled up the gangplank, which retracted behind him. The air ship sped away over the city.

“Christine! You're back early!” said Sophie, who emerged from the nursery. As usual, she was all smiles, despite how she had looked the last time Christine had seen her. Deedee was standing beside her in her maid outfit, looking equally thrilled to see her.

“Hi Mom. School was, uh...something. How are you?” said Christine. She sat down at the table and gestured for everyone to join her.

“Oh, I've been alright, although I missed you a lot. Some of the girls were picking on Deedee, so I put a stop to that.” said Christine.

“Clarissa told me to clean the entire bathroom with my tongue!” said Deedee, showing no sign of displeasure with this arrangement. “It was fun! Then I pooped my diaper, and Sophie changed me, and then she told me to stop cleaning the bathroom and give Clarissa a spanking. It was fun!”

Christine winced at the brainwashed woman. At least she was enjoying herself. Christine had just experienced what it was like to hold someone in total control, and it had been a heady feeling. Power is a hell of a drug.

“Clarissa won't try anything like that for a while!” whispered Sophie.

Christine realized that she had neglected her social responsibilities. “Well, I guess I should introduce Janet, she's a friend I knew in high school, and I think you already met Missy.”

“Oh yeah, I thought you looked familiar.” said Sophie, addressing Missy. “Didn't you used to be taller?”

“Yes, ma'am.” said Missy, looking very nervous.

“I think you dropped this.” said Sophie, looking suddenly very grim. She reached into her pocket and shoved a pacifier into Missy's mouth.

“And I think you have something of mine, too.” said Sophie, clearly enjoying the rude woman's comeuppance. Missy sheepishly returned the diaper bag.

“Perfect. Did she not change you the entire day Christine?” asked Sophie. Christine shook her head.

Sophie turned to Deedee. “Deedee, could you be a dear and give this awful bitch a good spanking while a change my daughter?”

“Right away ma'am!” said Deedee, immediately grabbing Missy and dragging her toward the picnic table.

“And no giving Deedee any orders! Keep that paci in your mouth!” ordered Christine as Deedee dutifully began swatting her backside. Deedee looked happy, but Christine remembered that she would be just as happy to lick a toilet seat.

“Come on Janet, you can be my little helper. Unless you need a change as well?” said Sophie.

“Umm..hmm.” Janet looked down at her diaper. “I'm not sure. Mommy usually tells me.”

Part of her knew this wasn't true, but it felt true all the same.

“Ah, you need someone to check you! That is so adorable! You''ll fit right in here.”

Janet smiled. “Yeah, I think I will.”

Janet was clean and relatively dry. Sophie let her sprinkle the baby powder over Christine after she was finished wiping and oiling her skin.

After getting changed, The five women sat down to dinner. The food was plentiful and delicious, particularly the chocolates. Sophie took the opportunity to outline Missy's new duties.

“You'll be helping Deedee with her cleaning duties. I'll let you know when I think you've had enough. You will obey Deedee, and not attempt manipulate her in any way. Clear?”


“Clear?” added Christine.  Missy was hers, after all. Christine realized that she might be reluctant to follow Sophie's orders, simply because Sophie wasn't diapered.

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Love your panties, by the way.” remarked Sophie with a smirk. Missy frowned and looked downward. She didn't understand how Sophie could be so confident and imperious while wearing panties. Granted, her panties were concealed under her blue dress and didn't have “Loser” written on them, but still.

A few hours later, Christine was settling down for bedtime in pink fleece pajamas. She was full of food and chocolates, and was tired from the busy day's events. Nonetheless, she was in a somber mood. Hearing about the incident with Deedee had caused her to reflect on the entire situation. Sophie noticed her thoughtful expression.

“See, didn't I tell you it would all work out honey?” said Sophie as she tucked her in.

Christine sighed and decided to come clean. “Mother, Will has completely lost it. He's enslaving people left and right, and no one can do a thing about it. I know he's done a lot of good things too, but the two don't cancel each other out. I think...I think I have to be the one who puts a stop to all this.”

Sophie smiled. “Sweety, I'm proud of you for being so brave and so strong, but that's not going to work. Will is just something we need to get used to and learn to deal with. If you try and stop him, he'll just get mad, and that's sure to end badly. We have a nice life here now, and I don't want things to go back to the way they were. Please, just accept what life is now.”

“I can't!” said Christine. “Wrong is wrong, and turning human beings into playthings is wrong. I know Ms. Swanson is a bitch, but even bitches are supposed to have rights! And Deedee was a perfectly fine person, but then she stepped into Will's field of vision, and that was it! Will wants to make me his little consort, because without me he's totally alone. He's surround by brainwashed bimbos and powerless sycophants, so of course he just plays pranks and screws around! I'm the only one who might be able to reason with him!”

Sophie smiled and shook her head. “Alright dear, it's up to you. You're a grown woman, and you can make your own decisions.”

Christine had to chuckle at that.

“If you want to help people, find a way to do it. Will gave you power over all those people in that school, so I'm sure he'd give you more power if you asked. He's practically begging you to!” said Sophie.

Now it was Christine's turn to shake her head. “Whatever power he gives me, he can just pull out from under me if I do something he doesn't like. Heck, he'll probably just do it anyway for laughs. He seems to have a thing for power reversals.”

There was a long pause.

“Hmm?” asked Sophie.

“Nothing. Nothing at all. Night night, Mommy.”

“One last thing, honey. Remember how we talked about ways to make you cuter?”

Christine winced. She genuinely hadn't thought about it at all.

“Well, I thought of something.” Sophie turned and raised her voice. “Come on in Janet!”

Janet entered the nursery, dressed in pink pajamas that matched Christine's own.

“Janet? What are you doing here? I thought Mommy...er, my mom found you a place to sleep.” asked Christine.

Janet blushed. “Uh, well...we got to talking, and we threw around a few ideas...about possible sleeping arrangements...” she muttered nervously.

Sophie interrupted. “Janet is going to be sharing your crib tonight. I gave her Mommy a call and she agreed that this is the best way forward. You having a little friend to snuggle with is just too adorable to pass up!”

Christine was torn. She liked Janet and all, and she really had forgiven her for her for being so disloyal in high school, but the two women hadn't spoken to each other for years.

“Uh, that's great and all, really, but...” Christine began, but Sophie cut her off.

“Then it's settled. I was sure you wouldn't mind. There's certainly no reason that a couple cuties like you can't share a big crib like this!” said Sophie with mischievous grin.

Sophie dropped the side and helped Janet in. Christine moved over to give Janet plenty of room.

“No, no Christine. You need to cuddle up! I want to see an adorable pair of snugglebugs!” said Sophie.

Once again, Christine felt her mother's words wrap around her like a warm blanket, turning her maternal whim into inviolable law. Christine found herself wrapping her arms around Janet and holding her tight like a teddy bear.

“Sooo Precious! I gotta get a picture!” said Sophie, pulling out her phone.

“Mom...” protested Christine. Janet whispered to her “Shhh, it's okay. Just go with it.”

“Smile and say, 'Cribmates'!'” said Sophie, grinning from ear to ear.

Christine and Janet did. Christine was surprised to find that she liked the feeling of free and uncomplicated intimacy. She wondered if she might have complied, even if she weren't compelled to.

Sophie took several pictures. “I'll send this to your Mommy, Janet. She's on her way to come see you already. Oooh, this would look great on our Christmas cards!” Christine laughed. Her mother was in Mommy heaven.


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