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Part 2

Before she could think of what to do, she heard the front door slide open.

“Afternoon, Mrs. Toole. Is Marie home?”

“Oh, you can just call me Stella! All my friends do. Marie is in her room. You can just head right in!”

Marie felt her face heat up as Katie's footsteps approached she jumped out of the crib and began desperately searching through the drawers of her dresser-turned-changing table for something to cover herself with. Most of her clothing was in there, but there were no panties, jeans, or other pants in sight. She found a skirt and desperately pulled it on.

“Hey, Marie! Your mom said I could...Whoa!” Katie gently pushed her bedroom door open. Her eyes widened as she saw Marie.

“Have you heard of knocking?” growled Marie as Katie invited herself in.

“Oh...my...gawd!” said Katie, looking down at Marie's crotch. Marie realized that the skirt she had just pulled on was not nearly long enough to cover her diaper. Her heart pounded in her ears.

“Why are you wearing a diaper?!” asked Katie, still visibly shocked.

“Look, I told you things were weird today. This just...like...happened!”

“I can't believe you're wearing a diaper!” said Katie, as though she hadn't said anything.

“It's...it's...” Marie was struggling to come up with something to say make this humiliating situation bearable, but nothing came to her.

“It's so cool!” shouted Katie.

Marie hung her head in her hands as her friend squealed with excitement. The curse had gotten her again. Of course her friends reaction would be as ass-backward as everything else. She was standing there in her disposable underwear covered with babyish prints, and she was acting like she had just bought a new car.

“Show me! Show me show meshowmie!” demanded Katie excitedly.

Marie's cheeks were still burning, but she slowly pulled up the skirt to show her friend.

“Ohmygawd! It has little teddy bears and pacifiers on it! Sooo AWESOME!”

“Katie, do you remember the conversation we had earlier today at all?”

“Yeah, you were saying about how all your rewards and punishments were all mixed up today!” she replied, as though not seeing why Marie was bringing it up.

“Right. Think. Would you ever wear something like this?” Marie asked, gesturing toward her new diaper.

Katie laughed. “Pffftt, no! I would be so fucking embarrassed!” she paused. “Oooooh! Is that what this is?”

Marie rubbed her temples. “Bingo. Here, let me try something.”

Marie opened the door and called to her mother. “Hey Mom!”

Stella popped into view. “Sweety, in this house, we say please.”

“Sure, sure. Could you explain to Katie why I'm wearing a diaper?” asked Marie.

“Oh, I'm so proud! Marie was telling me how she is going to get an apartment and move out on her own! I think she deserves to be in diapers now, don't you?”

“Definitely.” agreed Katie.

“Okay, Mom, different question. What would you say if Katie's mom decided to put her in diapers?” asked Marie.

Stella stifled a laugh. “W-What? Don't be absurd! Katie is way too big for diapers, aren't you Katie?”

“Yeah.” said Katie sheepishly.

Marie watched with satisfaction as Katie blushed intensely. In relation to her, the very suggestion of such a thing was embarrassing. But apparently the rules were different for Marie.

“Yeah, you would totally look ridiculous dressed in these diapers, which I am currently wearing. Are you still not seeing the fucking disconnect here?” asked Marie.

Katie winced. “Look, I totally get what you're trying to say, but seriously, those diapers look great on you! You look so...sharp, and professional!”

Her mother gushed. “I know! I gotta get some pictures. You could put them on your facebook profile! I'm sure anyone would hire you if they saw your new pampers!”

Marie conceded defeat. There was no cure for this madness. What would they say if she showed up to a job interview in just a diaper? The idea sounded mortifying, but by this twisted logic, it could actually work. She wondered: If acting mature got her put into diapers, what would happen if she behaved childishly?

“Hey Mom! I have an idea. Why don't we celebrate my new underwear with a piggy-back ride?” she asked. Her cheeks blushed, but she felt a rush of power at making such an insane suggestion out loud.

Her mother seemed skeptical. “Wha...what are talking about?”

“Yeah, now you're just being weird.” said Katie.

Marie sensed she had gone too far...which, by today's standards, meant she hadn't gone far enough. She decided to double down. She jumped up and down and shook her fists in the air.

“I wanna piggy-back ride, Mommy!NOW! Now Now Now NOW!!!” she shouted, doing her best imitation of a childish tantrum.

To her surprise, her mother dropped to the ground and crawled. She positioned herself for her grown daughter to mount her. “Yes, ma'am.” she said in a small, weak voice.

Marie's eyes widened. She had whined like a toddler, and now her mother was completely submitting to her. She made a mental note: Act like an adult, get treated like a child. Act like a baby, get treated like an authority figure.

She sat on her mother's back. “Giddyup!”

She rode her mother around the house for the better part of an hour. Katie looked on in wonder and confusion as mother and daughter played. Marie knew that her mother wasn't enjoying the experience, but the feeling of power she got from ordering her around was intoxicating. She continued shouting orders.

“Faster Mommy, faster!”

“Oink Mommy! Oink like a piggy!”

Her mother did as she commanded. She oinked, squealed, and grunted she heaved her daughter across the house. Soon she was sweating and gasping for breath, so Marie decided that she had had enough. For now anyway. She stood up and allowed her mother to do the same.

“That was...something else.” said Katie.

“Okay, you guys gotta tell me. What just happened? What did it feel like to you?” asked Marie.

Her mother furrowed her brow. “Well, you wanted a piggy-back ride, and you were so commanding and authoritative, I just got swept up in it.”

“It's really cool how persuasive you can be when you want to be. I got chills when you were ordering your mom around like that!” said Katie.

Hmm. Neither of them seemed angry or upset about it at all. Did that mean that she could order anyone around, any time, with no side effects? She grinned evilly. Further testing was definitely needed.

“Okay! I guess it's Katie's turn then.” said Marie.

“Uh, I'm good, thanks.” said Katie.

“She's a guest in our home honey. Be polite.” said her mother with a warning tone.

“Hmm, no, I don't think I'm done playing yet. Katie, you're gonna get down on all fours and be a good little piggy for me.”

“No fucking way.” said Katie. She was getting angry now, but Marie knew the cure for that.

“Kaaatiiiiiiie, me wanna ride! Me wanna ride now, now, now!” whined Marie. She stomped her foot for emphasis.

Katie still looked annoyed, but she got down on all fours anyway. “Fine! Whatever...”

“Yay!” said Marie. She had only been playacting at first, but being able to act out and get her way was going to her head. She was starting to wonder if this was a curse at all. If so, it didn't seem to be a curse on her. She sat her diapered butt on her friend's back and they were off.

“I warned you, sweetheart. Now, you're gonna get it!” said her mother as she rode Katie around. Marie wondered what “it” would be this time.

As it turned out, “it” was two large pepperoni pizzas with olives and mushrooms. Marie loved olives and mushrooms on pizza, but since they weren't very popular she rarely got to enjoy them. Tonight, her mother was punishing her by ordering nothing but her favorites. Katie sat and ate across from her. In spite of what she had just put them through, neither woman seemed upset with her at all. They were soon chatting pleasantly over their dinner. Marie wondered how long this would last. After all, what would her life be like if she always got her own way, and was punished if she was kind or polite to anyone? She wondered if she could stay sane. She decided she needed to re-balance things a little.



“I'm sorry. I was testing my boundaries, and they just weren't there. I got a little carried away.”

Katie snorted. “Yeah, literally.”

Marie's mother piped up. “I'm glad you're sorry, honey, but that's not gonna get you out of your punishment. You sit there and finish your pizza!”

“Okay, mom. No problem.” said Marie.

Katie stood up. She grabbed Marie gently by the shoulders as though she wanted her to stand.

“Wh...what are you doing?” asked Marie.

“I just want you to know that I accept your apology. C'mon.”

Marie eyed her friend suspiciously. “What are gonna do?”

“I need to forgive you. Stand up.”

Marie knew this wasn't gonna be good. She felt better after apologizing, but she also knew that it was a bad idea to apologize in this upside-down world she now lived in. The earnest look on Katie's face was what drove the point home, though. She had to accept the consequences of her choices. She stood up.

Katie turned her and leaned her over the table. She knew what was coming now, but it was too late to do anything about it. Katie raised her hand, and forgave Marie hard on her diapered rear.

“I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you.” chanted Katie as the smacks landed one after another.

Katie forgave Marie forty times, twenty on each cheek. The impacts were barely painful through her thick diaper, but hurt all the same. Marie found that she was getting aroused as her friend's hand forgave her again and again. She thought to herself that maybe she ought to apologize more often if this is what she got for it.

“Thanks.” she said as she quickly sat down again. She didn't want to upset her mother by refusing to finish her pizza.

“Don't mention it.” said Katie.

After they ate, Katie and Marie sat down to watch Netflix while Stella washed dishes. Marie was tempted to offer to help, but she resisted. Who knew what kind of “reward” that might get her?

“What do you want to watch?” asked Katie.

Marie thought about it. “Have you ever seen “Alice in Borderland”? Its pretty good.”

Katie winced. “Isn't that a little...juvenile?”

Marie was taken aback by that. It was actually a little on the dark and violent side. Then she remembered that today was opposite day. “I guess you're right. We should watch something more adult. How about Sesame Street?”

Katie pumped her fist. “Now you're talking! Something to get the blood pumping!”

Marie laughed at Katie for a solid two minutes, during which time she clearly had no idea what her friend's issue was. Marie decided that she was actually okay with watching some Sesame Street if Katie somehow perceived it as cool and interesting. She just needed one little touch to make the evening complete.

“Alright, but if we're watching Sesame Street, I'm not gonna be the only diaper girl around. You're my friend, not my babysitter. You're wearing a diaper tonight.” Marie informed her.

Katie blanched. “What? How does that even make sense? I'm not a baby!”

Marie grinned. She knew that Katie still perceived diapers as being for babies, unless Marie herself was wearing them. Luckily, Marie had one more card to play.

“MMMMOMMMM!!!” she yelled. Her mother popped out of the kitchen  and practically stood at attention. “Yes, dear?” she asked in the hesitant voice of one addressing a superior.

“Mom, I want Katie to be a diaper girl, but she won't!” whined Marie.

“Sweety, what is this nonsense?” asked Stella. “Of course Katie isn't in diapers. She's much too old.”

Marie could see that mere whining wasn't strong enough to force through this ridiculous idea. So, she decided to go for a full-on temper tantrum.

“Waaaaaa! I want Katie in diapees, Mommy! Katie in diapees, now! I want it I want it now now now!” Marie kicked her legs and pounded the floor with her fists as she screamed at the top of her lungs. It actually felt really good to cut loose like this.

Stella sighed. “Well, you heard Marie, Katie. I guess you're going back in diapers for the evening.”

Katie was clearly horrified. “You can't be serious! What is wrong with you? I'm not doing that!”

Stella shook her head. “I'm sorry you feel that way, but if you're in my house, you have to follow my rules. That means diapers for you, young lady!”

“Awww, fine. Let's just get this over with.” growled Katie as she stood up.

Stella marched Katie into Marie's room. Marie followed, grinning all the way. The feeling of power she now had was overwhelming. Her pussy was begging for release as Stella hefted Katie onto the changing table and started removing her shoes and jeans. Marie sat her diapered butt next to Katie's head as Stella began rubbing baby oil into Katie's skin.

“Ha Ha! You have to wear diapers like a stupid little baby, while I get to wear diapers, like a smart, important adult! I guess that means I'm in charge of you, doesn't it?”

Katie seethed as she lifted her butt so that a thick disposable could be slid into place. “Grrr...fine. You're the boss, Marie, I guess.”

“Yay!” Marie was lost. The world's rules and restrictions had been totally overturned, and she felt complete and utter liberation. She knew the power would go straight to her head, and she wanted it to.

Stella sealed the final tape into place. “There Marie. Katie is a big diaper girl now. Are you happy?”

“Just one more thing, Mommy! You need a diaper too!” announced Marie cheerfully.

“What? Thats...thats utterly...” her mother seemed torn by this development. She couldn't say that it was impossible now that she had already put an adult houseguest into diapers.

Marie wound up to deliver another tantrum. “Mommy has to wear diapers! Mommy has to wear  diapers! Now! Now!...”

“Fine!” shouted Stella. Apparently she had, like many a tired parent, decided that it was easier just to give in to the demands of a spoiled brat. Stella kicked off her shoes and climbed onto the changing table. Katie and Marie helped her get her pants off. Katie was still miffed to be put in diapers at her age, but now that everyone at the party was dressed the same, it wasn't so bad. The two oiled and powdered Stella, and soon she was one of the girls.

The three spent the rest of the night staying up and watching Sesame Street. Stella found the childish show vaguely amusing in the way of parents. Marie enjoyed more than she expected, mainly because, thanks to the fact that she had picked it out, Katie still perceived it as a wild action show. Katie genuinely became excited and tried to predict what would happen next, as though she were watching a compelling drama. She even jumped during a sudden change of scenery, as though she were a tense action scene. Marie just laughed and laughed until she peed herself. Stella led her off to be changed, congratulating her on her womanly grace and maturity.


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