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Part 7

Christine was rolled through the busy hotel lobby, drawing stares from everyone around her. Once they were outside, she saw that a hot pink Rolls-Royce was parked out front. Sophie unlocked it and lifted her daughter into a giant car seat in the back. They were off.

Christine opened her mouth to ask where they were going again, but the diaper she was wearing  took control of her mouth once again.

“I wish I had a really dirty diaper to stink up Mommy's new car!” she heard herself happily say.

Sophie just laughed as she heard her daughter's guts churn. Christine began helpless pooping her pants once again, the air rapidly filling with her stench. Her diaper expanded again and again. She hung her head in shame as the diaper swelled around her to impossible proportions. Once they were safely stopped at at traffic light, Sophie turned to Christine and pressed a large pink pacifier between her pouty lips.

“There you go, sweetheart. That'll stop your wishes for a little while. Oh, don't look at me that way. We both know you can't get enough of being in dirty diapers, and I'll never get tired of wiping your cute little butt!”

Christine sat and sucked her pacifier dejectedly. For the awful stench assaulting her nostrils and the warm squish of her diaper, what she wanted most right now was to shove her hand past her elastic waistband and give her pussy a proper seeing-to.

Soon, her mother pulled up in front of a what looked like a pink school building. The sign read “Christine's Humiliation School”. Christine gawked at the sign as Sophie opened the door and unloaded her from the car seat. Christine saw a small crowd of woman her own age gathering in front of the entrance to the school building. Each was dressed in a beautiful and very tasteful floor-length dress of various colors. Christine couldn't decided if they looked more like Disney princesses or Game of Thrones cosplayers. What chilled her to her core was the realization that she recognized everyone here. Some of them were girls she had known in high school, others from her college years, and a few were former co-workers of hers. She recognized Janet, who had been her best friend during freshman year of high school, but had then been accepted into the more elevated strata of the social scene and had left her behind. She saw Marcy, who had bullied her all the way through college. What she was seeing, she realized, was a collection of the worst bitches she had known in her life. And they were all turning to stare at her as her mother marched her toward them in nothing but a ridiculous schoolgirl outfit and an incredibly loaded diaper.

“Excuse me, ladies.” said Sophie, addressing the entire crowd. “Sorry to bother you, but Christine here has made a very big mess in her diaper. Do you know if there are any changing facilities on this campus, or should I just change her here on the grass?”

Christine's face turned tomato-red as Sophie recited this speech as though it were the most normal thing in the world. The crowd of women of stared open-mouthed at her for a moment. They clearly couldn't believe their luck. Like sharks scenting blood in the water, they immediately surrounded Christine and began teasing her mercilessly.

“Ohhhhh, my god! Is that really you Christine?”

“I can't believe she's wearing a diaper. I gotta get a picture!”

“Peeee-yew! She smells like an open sewer!”

“Does the widdle baby need her ba-ba?”

The cooing and teasing continued for several minutes. Christine found herself staring down at the ground, her chin  nearly resting on her breasts. Her cheeks burned, not just from the nightmarish shame of being put on display in such a condition, but from the powerful warmth building in her pussy.

Presently, a tall woman in a splendid green gown appeared from the school doors and approached. The crowd parted in front of her. She looked to be in her late thirties and had her red hair in a tight bun. Christine recognized her as well. She had been the supervisor for the office where she worked. She greeted Christine with a warm, matronly smile and clipped British accent.

“Christine! Welcome to your Humiliation School! We're so glad you could make it!” she turned to the crowd and spoke loudly so that everyone could hear. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ms. Swanson. I shall be little Christine's instructor here for rest of her life!”

There was a pause as she waited for Christine to respond, but she was so utterly cowed by the crowd that she couldn't speak.

“She's a little shy!” explained Sophie, still smiling in spite the nightmarish situation. “C'mon Christine! Tell the nice lady hello!”

It was all Christine could do not to burst into tears. She sucked on her pacifier loudly, prompting more laughing and cooing from the assembled crowd.

“Well no wonder she isn't speaking. She's got a pacifier in her mouth!” said Ms. Swanson, and with that she reached forward and plucked the pacifier from Christine's mouth with a single, smooth motion. “There! No comfort items are allowed in this school, young lady. Now Sophie dear, you just hand me your daughter's diaper bag and be on your way, and we'll be able to get class started.”

Christine turned and looked at Sophie. Her mother looked troubled, maybe even frightened. She reached for the strap of the diaper bag, but hesitated. She seemed reluctant to part with it.

“Oh, isn't that just always the way!” said the teacher with mock sympathy. “Is mummy reluctant to part with her precious little gumdrop? I know what will sort you out. Open wide!”

Sophie's mouth opened, clearly not of her own volition, and Ms. Swanson stuck the pacifier in her mouth. Sophie's eyes widened as she felt her mouth wrap around the nipple and begin rhythmically sucking.

“There's a good girl. I'd say one dummy deserves another, wouldn't you?” said Ms. Swanson, giving Sophie a condescending tap on the nose and lifting the diaper bag from her shoulder. “As you can see, I'm the one in charge around here.” She grabbed Sophie by the arm, turned her around and gave her a light slap on the rear. “So mummy is just going to have to waddle home and wait until I'm finished! Toodle-oo!”

Christine watched her mother slowly returned to the car. She turned and waved weakly at her daughter, the pacifier still in her mouth.

Christine had forgotten her own embarrassment as she watch her mother leave. She rounded on Ms. Swanson, full of anger. Her mouth opened. The loaded diaper hanging from her waist glowed.

“I wish that you were in complete control of me for the rest of the day!” the crowd erupted into laughter as the words left her. The worst part was the way the words rang with the righteous indignation that Christine truly felt. Christine felt the diaper's power spread through her body, binding her to this hateful woman's desires.

“Oh don't worry little Chrissie.” said Ms. Swanson, patting Christine's cheek. “You will have plenty of time to experience being totally helpless. Now class, pay attention!”

Ms. Swanson turned and stood with Christine between her and crowd of women. She definitely had their attention.

“Welcome to the  first day of Christine's Humiliation School. There is only one student here, of course, but we're all going to learn things. Specifically, Christine here is going to learn all about how useless and pathetic she is, and we'll all get to learn how much better we are then her! The first lesson, I suspect, is one you've mostly guessed already. But just in case you missed it, here is the full version. Christine, show all these ladies your dirty diaper.”

Christine felt compelled to bend over and lift her skirt, giving entire group an unobstructed view. Her tormentors broke out into applause.

“Yes, that is certainly one smelly, disgusting tushy!” announced Ms. Swanson, chuckling lightly to herself. “Now Christine, tell everyone why you are wearing that diaper!”

Christine struggled to keep her mouth closed, to no avail. “My mommy put me in it.” she mumbled.

“Speak up now dear, so the ladies at the back can hear you.” said Ms. Swanson sweetly.

“My Mommy put me in this diaper!” announce Christine, wincing. The crowd ate it up.

“Much better, but we need more explanation. Why exactly did she put you in it, dear?”

“I made a big poopy mess, so my Mommy had to change me.” she tried to infuse the words with venom, but they just came out as clear and sincere. Ms. Swanson waited for the laughter to die down before continuing. It took a while.

“And why did you make a mess my dear? Aren't you supposed to be potty trained at your age?”

“I made a mess because I can't control myself at all! I'm helpless to do anything about it! I poop in my pants, and there's nothing I can do about it!” she screamed.

“That's right. Lesson #1 is that Christine is a stinky diaper girl, and she always will be. On to Lesson #2. Christine, could you tell us how helplessly pooping yourself makes you feel?”

Christine winced as the words left her mouth. “I feel disgusted with myself. I feel totally ashamed and degraded...and...and... I feel really, really horny!”

“Yes, I do believe we've arrived at the crux of the matter. Christine here really gets off on being embarrassed. That's why Will gave us all his kind permission to humiliate her as much as we like!”

The assembled women continued to laugh and point at her as Ms. Swanson took Christine by the hand and gently lead her into the building. The interior was arranged to look like a typical High School, with locker-lined hallways and classrooms. Instead of being numbered, however, the classes were labeled. Ms. Swanson lead the group into a room marked “Little Dimwit”. Inside was typical high school classroom, decorated to further insult Christine. There were even posters on the walls that mentioned her by name. One read “Don't be like Christine: Read!”, and showed a picture of her with a dopey expression on her face, holding a book upside-down.  Two desks were positioned in the front row, with buzzers on them like a quiz show.

“For our first class of the day, we'll be taking a look at Christine's general knowledge. Or lack thereof, as the case may be.” announced Ms. Swanson as the women filed in. “Christine, this is your seat.” she indicated one of the front desks. “And I'll need a volunteer from the audience to compete with her. Ehh, you!” she selected Marcy from the dozens of hands that shot up.

With a squelch, Christine took her seat. She knew that this wasn't going to be in any way a fair contest. Everything around her was obviously designed to humiliate her.

“Hands on those buzzers ladies! First Question: In what year did Henry the Fifth become king of England?”

Christine winced. That was a pretty obscure question, but she had been an avid reader of british history in her freshman year at college, and she happened to remember the answer. Her hand hovered over the buzzer, wondering if this was some kind of trap.

Marcy buzzed in. “1413.” she confidently stated.

“Correct! 1 point for Marcy! Second Question: What are the four colors of the national flag of Brazil?

This time, Christine buzzed in immediately. “Green, Yellow, Blue, and White.”

“Correct! One point for Christine. Third Question: How many valence electrons does a carbon atom have?”

Christine nearly thought of the answer in time, but Marcy beat her to it. “Four.”

“Correct! That's two for Marcy! Fourth Question: How many planets are in Earth's solar system?”

This time, Christine hit the buzzer first. It was a dreadfully easy question. “Nine!”

“Oooh, Sorry dear. There are only eight. Christine loses a point.”

Christine fumed. She knew full well that Pluto had been reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. Why had she said the first thing to pop into her head?

“Fifth Question: What is ten times eight?

There was a pause. Christine looked over at Marcy, who was crossing her arms and holding her head up in a typical Marcy display of indifference. She knew it was a trap. How could it not be? Slowly, she reached for the buzzer. Marcy beat her to it anyway. “Eighty.”

“Correct! That's three points for Marcy. And thank-you for giving Christine a chance to think it over. Sixth Question: What is two times three?

Christine hit the buzzer, to her own surprise. She didn't even want to take part in this inane contest. “Five.”

She winced. The class behind her burst into laughter. “Ohhh, sorry dear, but I did say “times”, not “plus”. Christine's score is now negative one.”

Christine hung her head. She knew she ought to have known better than to participate in this farce. It was obvious that Ms. Swanson was manipulating her. She decided to just relax and let the ridiculous situation conclude.

The quiz continued, and Christine still found herself buzzing in again and again, giving answers that were not only wrong but designed to invite more ridicule. Even knowing that it was all a lie, it still wounded her pride to fail in front of so many people. Her pussy ached for release as her score plummeted into the negative numbers. When the bell finally rang, Christine had racked up negative seventeen points. “I think we've all seen what a dimwit our Christine is! Next class for today is PE!” announced Ms. Swanson.

She lead the class through a door marked “Perpetual Embarrassment”. It lead to a large gymnasium with polished wood floors. As they entered, each woman's dress was transformed into a P.E. uniform, consisting of a white shirt with the name of the school across the front and a pair of pink shorts. Christine's uniform was identical, except her loaded diaper did not transform at all.

What followed was a series of physical challenges, at which the woman in the thick diaper was at an obvious disadvantage. Christine was outclassed in running, in dodgeball, in climbing a rope, and in soccer. Despite the challenges obviously being intended to humiliate her, Christine found that she enjoyed herself. She liked exercising, and was in excellent shape overall. In fact, if she wasn't forced to waddle with a cushion of her own shit between her legs, she was confident that she would smoke all these girls. In the foot race, she nearly came in seventh place, but her legs fell out from under her and she fell on her ass near the finish line. Even as the women who had been behind her ran around her as she struggled to get back up, she felt certain that none of them could have held a candle to her if Ms. Swanson were playing fair. Finally, the bell rang, and the women's clothing returned to normal as they filed out of the gym. The next classroom was labeled “Horny Loser”.

The women filed in and took their seats behind simple wooden desks. Christine was easily dragged to the front of the class, where a demonstration table was set up. She was definitely in Ms. Swanson's power, she couldn't muster an ounce of resistance.

“For our next class of the day, Christine will be showing us all what a horny loser she is. Now that she is helplessly pooping in her pants, you probably think that she would have some trouble getting a date, and you'd be right. Fortunately, we have a little present here to help her out.”

Ms. Swanson reached behind the table and produced a huge teddy bear. It was dark brown in color, nearly three feet in height, and wore a blue t-shirt labeled “Christine's Only Boyfriend”. The classroom erupted into cheers as Ms. Swanson laid it on the table.

“Christine, meet Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear is going to be your only friend in the whole world from now on. You may not be able to attract a real man, but Mr. Bear has everything a stinky diaper girl like you really needs. So, without further ado, Christine is going to show us how she gets off now. Don't forget to sing the song!”

Christine had no idea what was about to happen, but her body moved of its own accord anyway. She found herself crawling onto the table on all fours, with her swollen diaper wagging in the air behind her. She grabbed the teddy bear and gently laid it on its back on the table. She crawled on top of the soft, fluffy toy, and began to rhythmically hump it. The women cheered and encouraged her as she pounded her diapered pussy into the fluffy cushioning again and again, Sure enough, she found herself starting to sing as the deep humiliation and the sexual urges it stimulated grew stronger and stronger.

“Oh Mr. Bear, Oh Mr. Bear!

I'm a horny girl for you!

To you I'll ever be true, true, true!

There is no man for me,

except for you, you, you!

Even with my pampers full of poo!

Oh Mr. Bear, Oh Mr. Bear!

You don't mind by messy butt!

Even when the other guys

Shake their heads and tut!

I'm a diaper loser, I'm a stinker, but

for my Teddy-Beddie Bear I am a slut, slut, slut!”

She continued to sing the inane little ditty as she humped the stuffed animal. She was soon sweating and gasping for breath as she continued to belt out verse after humiliating verse. Soon, the song ended abruptly as Christine experienced the most gushy, gross, and overpowering orgasm of her life. She kept mashing herself into the teddy bear as the explosion of pleasure gradually faded into a soft, warm glow.


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