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Part 3

Without windows or a clock of any, It was impossible to know what time it was when I finally woke up. Sonia was still snuggled up against me, sound asleep and breathing softly. My diaper was, if anything, even wetter than it had been. I began to wonder if The Archway had made me a bedwetter, on top of all the other indignities I was now faced with. Fortunately, I didn't seem to have a diaper rash, which I suppose I have to be grateful for.

I decided to shake Sonia awake. There was no way I could get out of the crib without waking her, and its not as though she had anything  important to do today.

“Good Morning, sleepyhead.” I whispered as I shook her by the shoulder.

She yawned and stretched. She was so cute.

“Good Morning, Miranda.”

“How you feeling? Still a happy diaper girl?” I asked.

“Yep, still nice and dumb. I had the best dream! I was back in the Perfection Grove, and about to graduate, but then my mommy showed and tore up my diploma, and she said I had to wear stinky diapers forever and ever! She looked so proud!” reported Sonia.

“Yeh, well, hopefully they'll figure out how to turn you back into your old self soon.” I said.

She winced. “Don't wanna. I love being a big stupid baby. I don't be all mean and stressed out!” She crossed her arms and pouted as I hauled myself out of the crib.

I felt like going for a walk after being in this cramped cell all day. I tried to make the changing table disappear back into the wall, but I found that it no longer responded to my words. Apparently I couldn't alter something again after already changing it. I was thirsty as well. I hoped that my jailers would eventually send in some supplies to their quarantined prisoners. If worst came to worst, I could try bashing through the walls of the cell with my enhanced strength, or conjuring food and water from the walls and floor. I didn't want to though. This facility routinely dealt with prisoners with Knight abilities or their equivalent, so they would have ways to deal with that, and anything I conjured might turn back at some point. I didn't want eat something that might decide to turn back into concrete a day later. Besides, I would probably end up with a jar of strained peas anyway.

In the meantime, I pulled Sonia out of the crib and changed her into a dry diaper, which cheered her up no end. As I was finishing the speaker above us came to life once again.

“Ms. Hubble, your attention please. This is Duchess Cross. As anticipated, Doctor Yamamoto has devised a means to neutralize your powers harmlessly. She is on her way there now to administer it. You are strongly advised to offer no resistance to this procedure. You are currently classified as a highly unusual Oddball, but I could just as easily reclassify you as a Knave if your behavior warrants it. If all goes well, you will be moved to Level 4 by the day's end.”

“Alright, I won't be difficult about it. Could we have some food and water? I haven't eaten in almost 24 hours.” I told the speaker.

“Provisions will be available once we are certain the procedure is effective.” she assured me.

“One other thing. Is there any news from the capital? Last I saw, a Knave was running rampant and turning everyone into monsters. I want to know if my family is safe.”

“A perimeter has been established around the city, and evacuation is still ongoing. I will inform you of the status of your family once that information is available. That is all.”

The speaker abruptly fell silent. Sonia stuck out her tongue at the ceiling. “What a meanie!”

“She's just doing her job. Sounds like the situation is getting bad out there.” I commented.

“I'm not worried. Nothing bad is gonna happen while you're here!” replied Sonia. She gave me a hug. I wished that I felt as safe as she did.

The shutter lifted, revealing Dr. Yamamoto. She was holding a device that looked like some kind of laser cannon.

“Good Morning. Ready for your treatment?” she asked, leveling the device at me.

I wanted to be cooperative, but I really didn't like the look of that thing. “Are you sure that thing is safe?” I asked nervously.

“Indeed. I have learned a great deal about your unique properties since you left my lab last night.”

Now I was curious. “Really? What have you learned?”

Yamamoto took a deep breath. “For one thing, I ran a self-diagnosis on the examination table. I discovered that the unique quantum signature you exhibited had propagated itself onto the equipment.”

“Is that bad?” I asked, hoping I didn't sound like an idiot.

“It indicates that your mere presence has a passive effect on people and objects in proximity to you. I detected similar irregularities on the hallways you walked down on your way here, as well as on the elevator. I estimate the effective range of your ability at about ten yards. Sonia here was already heavily affected by the time she brought you here, which is why you were able to transform her so completely. Once the signature has taken hold, it grows stronger with time. I estimate that the effect will continue to expand, possibly without limit, if not corrected.”

The speaker turned back on, and the commanding voice of Duchess Cross filled the room. “Doctor, please withhold the technical explanation until after you have tested the relevant procedure. Less yapping, more zapping.”

“Roger.” said Yamamoto, and pulled the trigger. I was instantly blinded. My entire body felt like it was being struck with a high-powered fire-hose. I was forced backward against the wall as the beam vibrated my bones. When my vision cleared, the room had not changed in any visible way. Sonia was staring at me with a concerned expression. If Dr. Yamamoto was disappointed, she showed no sign. She  was the very image of professionalism.

“Doctor, report! Was the procedure successful?” came the Duchess's voice.

“In a manner of speaking. As I was about to say before I was interrupted, I noted a small spike in the strength of the quantum effect when Ms. Hubble was electrically stunned. After some analysis, I conclude that Ms. Hubble is able to absorb ambient energy in order to fuel her powers. This projector is designed to supply such energy in a form that her system can readily absorb without undo pain or injury.” the Doctor reported.

The Duchess sounded confused. “If I understand you correctly, you've developed a way to recharge her abilities. How will that help us to neutralize them?”

Dr. Yamamoto shrugged. “Put simply, it won't.”

“I...What?” shouted the Duchess incredulously.

“As I previously noted, Ms. Hubble's ability affects all people and matter in her vicinity, and the effect strengthens with time. I myself am no exception. During my analysis, I came to the conclusion that I did not have any wish to restrict Ms. Hubble in any way. In fact, I believe that I shall work to provided her with greater power, and unrestrained freedom.”

“You...you've been compromised.” came the bitter voice of the Duchess.

“That is correct.” Yamamoto retrieved a small device from her lab coat and pressed a button. The speaker immediately went silent.

“The Duchess can no longer see or hear us, Ms. Hubble. What are your orders?” asked the doctor.

I was flummoxed. “You really wanna help me?” I asked, hoping I hadn't completely misread the situation.

“Of course.” she replied.

“Why?” I asked.

Yamamoto frowned slightly. “Perhaps I haven't made myself adequately clear. I belong to you, just as Sonia here does. My only purpose in existence is to bow to your every whim. If you desire it, you may take my intellectual abilities and render me as dull-witted as Sonia, or even more so. I can be a valuable servant, or an object of ridicule, or anything else you wish. You are in charge of me, entirely and permanently. What do you desire?”

I stared at her, trying to wrap my head around this. This intelligent, formidable woman was essentially admitting that I had completely brainwashed her, just by being in the same room with her. I felt horribly guilty to have taken over her individual desires and essentially enslaved her. Still, the fact remained that she had been pretty wretched to me when she had the free will to do so, and the feeling I got from seeing her so subservient was...enticing.

“Well...I could use a diaper change.”

“Right away ma'am.” she instantly crossed the room, lifted me onto the changing table and undid the tapes that I had been struggling with all day with casual ease.

“I have disabled the security system on this level, but it will inevitably be reestablished.” she said as she carefully wiped me down. “Remember, the Duchess has intellectual faculties on par with my own, and she still has a staff of several dozen Knights and plenty of Brights.”

“This is crazy.” I said, although that much was obvious. “They're just going to capture us again, and then I'll go to one of those really high-tech prisons where they put the worst Knaves.”

“I believe that outcome is avoidable.” said the Dr. Yamamoto, sprinkling me with baby powder. “I have temporarily boosted the effectiveness of your abilities. They should be sufficient to convert additional personnel to your cause.”

“My cause? What cause? All I want is to not spend the rest of my life in a broom closet!”

“That is a more difficult outcome to avoid than you may imagine.” she said as she sealed me into the fresh diaper. “The results of my analysis are already logged in the computer network. Your nature as a highly unusual and potent Knave is already a matter of public record.”

“I'm not a Knave!” I insisted, although the outburst rang a little false even to me. “I'm not evil or insane. I'm just an Oddball!”

“I apologize for my error ma'am.” she said with a respectful nod. “But they will not see it that way. If you are captured, you will be imprisoned for the rest of your life. They may even decide to terminate your life if capturing you proves too difficult. You have only two options that I can see. You can surrender, or you can conquer.”

That idea took me aback. “You actually think we have a chance here?” I asked.

“Yes, ma'am. I estimate that if we make proper use of strategic resources, you will be able to seize control of this facility quite quickly. Under normal circumstances, a security breach of this type would result in substantial reinforcement being summoned from Grand Unity to secure this facility. However, the Knave uprising in the city has made that option untenable. I recommend that you convert this facility and all its residents using your abilities. Then, you will be in a position to negotiate with the Utopian leadership from a position of strength.”

My mind reeled trying to absorb all this. Was I really so powerful that I could challenge an entire world full of Specials and actually win?

“What do you think, Sonia?” I asked.

“I told you not to call me that no more!” said Sonia, who was bored at being left out of the conversation.

“Fine. What should I call you?”

“You're in charge. Brainy here just said so! You think of something!”

I snickered. “Alright. How about... Princess Boom-Boom!”

Sonia...I mean Princess Boom-Boom's shirt instantly edited itself to proudly display her new moniker. “Yay! Princess Boom-Boom loves her new name!”

Wow. I hadn't expected that to work out so well. It really drove home to me the idea that I was the one with all the power here. I could even claim Dr. Yamamoto's intellect as my own and leave her an adorable rugrat like Son...er, Princess Boom-Boom. No, that would be a bad move. In addition to being brilliant, the doctor had a lot of insider knowledge of this facility, and I didn't know if I could steal that. She was much more valuable to me as an adviser. Still...

“Hey, Dr. Yamamoto, I can't help but notice that you're a little overdressed for this crowd.”

“I suppose I am, ma'am. How would you like to rectify that situation?” she asked , still maintaining an air of professionalism while surrounded by diaper girls.

“Hmmm. You need something to mark you as one of us. Any suggestions?”

She arched an eyebrow. “I suspect that you can work out a reasonable path to this goal without my advice.”

I smiled. “That's true.” I leaned forward and whispered into her ear, covering it with my hand so that Princess Boom-Boom wouldn't overhear. After a little while, Dr. Yamamoto turned to address Princess Boom-Boom.

“Pardon me, Princess. I have just been informed of some interesting new developments, which you should be aware of. First, I must inform you that I am not, nor shall I ever be, potty-trained. As such, I must be kept in thick diapers at all times.”

Princess Boom-Boom laughed and clapped as Dr. Yamamoto rattled off this speech as though she were making a presentation at a board meeting. I watched with interest. as the undergarment in question materialized inside Dr. Yamamoto's slacks, forming a slight bulge in the back of her lab coat.

“Furthermore, I must inform that I am a complete and utter dork, and my attire shall reflect that fact henceforth.” she announced as her hair elongated and tied itself into a pair of pigtails, complete with pink ribbons. A pair of thick nerd glass materialized on her face. Her plain tee shirt shortened to expose her belly-button, and now showed a set of cute little monsters from a popular children's television program. Finally, her black slacks reformed into a set of pink corduroy overalls. I let her keep the labcoat, it really set off the whole outfit.

She examined her new outfit with an appraising air. “I believe this outfit is compatible with local norms. Does my appearance please you, Miss Hubble?”

I was unable to answer, on account of laughing too hard.

It took a few minutes for me to calm down enough to approach our situation rationally.

“Alright, let's go take over this place. Where to first?” I asked Dr. Yamamoto.

“I believe we should attempt to enter the lower security area on Level One first. The defenses there are minimal, and there are plenty of personnel there that we can use to swell our ranks.”

“Sounds good, but can we get something to eat first? I'm starving.”

As it turned out, there were snack and drink machines machines on the way. None of us had any cash on us, but that was no problem now that I had the powers of a Knight. A little light smashing later, and we enjoyed a breakfast of snack cakes and chocolate milk. As we ate in the hallway, we heard a loud crash from down the hall, followed by the groan of metal being forcibly bent under terrific force.

“Ah.” said Dr. Yamamoto, looking a lot less alarmed than me. “It appears that the security staff has decided to forcibly open the door into Level Two. I did not expect the Duchess to risk her forces in this manner. I am afraid that you will have to deal with them, Miss Hubble.”

“Me? Even with my strength, there must be dozens of Knights here! I can't fight off all of them.”

“I have boosted the strength of your quantum effect. You should be able to affect them to a limited degree even with only brief exposure. Good luck. Princess Boom-Boom and I are behind you.” she calmly informed me.

I sighed as the sound of contorting steel finally stopped. I guess they made an opening large enough to get in through. My two companions crouched behind the snack machine as I listened to the sounds of booted feet trampling down the hallway, growing louder and louder.

When they finally turned the corner, I saw what I was up against. A dozen men and women in riot gear and brandishing batons, flashlights and sub-machine guns. I stood with my shoulder's square to them as they approached.

They surrounded me, moving with the military precision of a well-drilled commando squad. Their leader was a sandy-haired woman who leveled an AK-47 straight at my head. She raised a two way radio and reported in.

“Target captured. Awaiting further instructions. Over.”

“Captured? You haven't even touched me yet.” I pointed out.

Two burly men grabbed my arms of and raised them above my head. I realized that remark had probably been ill-timed.

“Do not attempt to resist!” she barked at me. “We are all Knights here. This force is sufficient to destroy an entire army. You will come with us to Maximum Security on Level 5. Now, where are the staff members you captured?”

I was done with this nonsense. Everyone around here thought they could push me around. Well, now I was the one with the upper hand. I swelled with confidence.

“You won't be escorting me anywhere, and you haven't captured anyone. You think you're an unstoppable force? All I see are a bunch of thumbsuckers.”

Sure enough, she dropped her gun to the floor and jammed her right thumb into her mouth. Her  eyes widened with shock. Weapons clattered to the floor as the entire squad was forced to start sucking their thumbs. That was all the opening I needed. I threw the two men who had been holding my arms against the walls like two thumb-sucking cannonballs. The squad was indeed well trained, and attempted to fight me without the use of their dominant hands. Sonia must have been a serious badass before she met me, because I sent them flying one after the other. The fight went on for a full five minutes, and I gave as good as I got. Soon, the steel walls of the corridor were covered in impact marks from being struck with superhuman force.

No one one actually sustained any real injuries. The trouble with Knights fighting each other is that they are basically indestructible. You end up destroying everything except your actual opponent. I got a few bruises from being slammed against the wall, but the walls took the worst of it. I didn't have to actually defeat anyone though, because while we were fighting, my other power was in the background, doing its thing.

“Teddy Bear.” I announced. The large, burly man who was about to attack me instantly transformed into a giant stuffed animal. I was now filled with the awesome strength he had possessed, allowing me to easily send the next batch of attackers flying. I turned guard after guard into adorable stuffed animals. The plushy creatures were still alive and aware, and looked at themselves in helpless confusion. Realizing that the battle was hopeless, the survivors retreated down the hallway.

I was triumphant. Surrounded by the silent bears that were now permanently loyal to me, I exulted in the strength I now possessed. I could rip through anything and anyone. I was, beyond a doubt, the most powerful Special who had ever lived. And I would only get stronger.


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