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Part 6

Christine crawled over to Will and settled down beside him.

“I'm booooorrrrrred!” she whined. “I don't want my whole life to just be Mommy taking care of me. I need excitement! Adventure!”

“Daaahhh! Sounds like you want to make another of your wishes! Well, think carefully about what you really want...” Will snapped his fingers. Just as before, Christine felt her real emotional responses return to her. The shame of wearing nothing but a thick diaper in front of so many people redoubled on her, with none of the sweet pleasure that she now associated with humiliation. She felt the deep horror of knowing that her mother and everyone around her were now mere toys to this all-powerful maniac. A maniac who was offering her whatever she wanted. She searched her mind frantically for a wish that he wouldn't just refuse or twist to his own ends. The more she thought about it, the less likely it seemed that she would actually get anything except more humiliation.

“Having trouble making up your mind?” asked Will, clearly enjoying my sudden discomfort. “I can help with that. You just need some additional motivation. If you can't think of a wish in ten seconds, I'll just make one for you!”

Christine began to panic. She knew that the threat was real, but every wish that ran through her mind was immediately followed by a nightmare scenario of how it could go wrong.

“Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Ding!” said Will when the ten seconds were over. Instantly, the warm pleasure of being controlled and humiliated by Will returned to her. “Better luck next time, my dear. But you do win a lovely parting gift. Oh, Sophie!”

Christine turned to see her mother climb up the huge bed and stand before Will like a servant before a king. “Yes, sir?”

“I'm afraid your daughter wasn't able to think of a good wish in time. She'll have to try again some time.” said Will.

Sophia adopted a look of motherly concern. “Oh, I'm so sorry sweetheart!”

“I've decided that she needs a little practice making creative wishes. Why do don't you reach into her diaper bag and show Christine her lovely parting gift!”

Sophia's look of concern deepened as she reached into the diaper bag that had become her constant companion recently. As anticipated, she pulled out a diaper. This one was even thicker than the one Christine was already wearing. The front was decorated with rainbows, genie lamps, and shooting stars.

“That's right.” said Will with a grin. “It's a fantastic new diaper for your big baby girl. And not a minute too soon!”

Christine wasn't a bit surprised to feel her guts rumble at Will's words. She felt her cheeks burn with shame as her bowels went to work without any conscious control. Within seconds, her diaper that Sophie had changed her into not twenty minutes earlier was full to bursting. Christine had only a few seconds to experience the unfiltered shame of pooping her diaper, before the rich, blissful pleasure returned to her. She knew that she had missed her chance, but she couldn't even bring herself to care.

Sophie smiled as she approached Christine. “Wow, sweetheart! You really had to go, didn't you?”

Christine could only frown and nod. Of course she had. Like everything else, it happened because Will wanted it to. All she could do was lie back and enjoy the feeling of her mother changing her. For all her embarrassment, she had to admit that Will's powers had worked on her. She loved diapers. She loved being changed. She even loved all the woman watching and cooing over her as her mother gently cleaned her and sealed her into the new diaper.

“There!” said Sophia as she put the final tape into place. “Hopefully this will last a little longer than that last one!”

Christine looked at her new diaper with suspicion. It felt even more comfortable and luxurious than her last diaper, but she knew it had some kind of trick to play on her.

“What do you think of your new diaper, Christine?” asked will, his chin resting on his fist.

Christine opened her mouth to tell him that she liked it, in spite of her misgivings. When she did, she felt a tickling feeling rise from her diaper, shoot up her belly and into her mouth.

“I wish that Mommy had to breastfeed me!” the words came out in a natural-sounding happy voice. Christine immediately covered her mouth in shock.

The diaper glowed for a moment. When it was done, Christine saw that her mother was now wearing a cowbell around her neck.

“Ohhhhh, does somebody miss Mommy's boobies? Of course I'll breastfeed you sweetheart!”

Christine wanted tell her mother that she hadn't actually wanted that, but she was afraid that if she tried to speak the diaper would just force her to make another embarrassing wish. Christine watched as her mother unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her large breasts. As soon as they bounced into view, Christine found herself utterly entranced by them. They were so beautiful, so perfect. Looking at them made Christine feel very warm, safe, and loved. Also, hungry.

“It's okay honey!” said her mother with an indulgent smile. “These are all yours now. Tuck in!”

Christine did just that. Her lips found their way around Sophia's nipple, and before she knew it she was suckling away like a pro. She couldn't believe how warm, sweet, and delicious her mother's milk was. Her face collapsed against the soft cushion of her mother's breast. Sophia lightly stroked Christine's back as she fed, cooing encouragement to her all the  After a few minutes, the milk gradually petered out, and Sophia passed Christine to other breast. She found herself feeding with renewed vigor as her tummy gradually filled with the thick liquid. When she had finally finished, she felt her mother give a gentle pat on the back, prompting to give a loud burp of contentment.

“There. Do you feel better now sweety?” asked Sophia, as she gave Christine's diaper a pat.

Christine opened her mouth to thank her mother for the lovely meal, but her diaper had other ideas. In the same natural voice, she heard herself say:

“I wish I had to go to school.” She winced as the words left her mouth. The diaper glowed again.

When her vision cleared, Christine found that she was wearing a Japanese fuku uniform. The short skirt did almost nothing to hide her bulging diaper.

“Okay, honey. I'll take you to school!” said Sophie, lifting Christine into her arms with casual ease.

“Have fun at school, Diaper-Butt!” called Will as Sophie strapped her daughter back into her stroller and trundled her out of the room.

As she was rolled though the ever-expanding palace toward the elevator, Christine tried to reason with her mother.

“Mom, are you still there? Have you been brainwashed?” she asked.

Her mother smiled in a way she didn't like at all. “Oh, I'm doing fine, honeybunch. Mommy is barely brainwashed at all!” said Sophie as she summoned the elevator.

“I don't really want to go to school.” she mumbled as the elevator doors slid open.

“Oh, I know. But you should have made your wish when you had the chance! Now Will is going to have his fun with us anyway. You should think of some good wishes while you're in class.”

“I already graduated college! What school are we even going to?”

“I'm not sure, but I know exactly where to take you. I'm to bring you there straight away and pick you up at 5 o'clock.”

“Who's going to be there? Who's going to change me?” Christine was feeling very uncertain about this entire idea.

“It'll all be fine. Don't worry so much. Will is taking care of all of us now!”

Christine was finding her Mother's “barely brainwashed” attitude disturbing. She knew, of course, that in many ways she was just as brainwashed as her mother. The prospect of being seen in public in her over-sized diaper scared her, but it also aroused her. She was excited by how utterly helpless and embarrassed she felt. But that emotional cushioning had disappeared when she had been about to make her wish, rendering everything around her suddenly horrifying, just as she had agreed to when she first met Will.


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