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Part 5

Will relaxed on a massive couch in the penthouse TV Room, watching the newly ordained Mistress drag the blushing Fatty through the streets. He changed the channel to the news, as the sudden disappearance of all illness from the earth had filtered into the news cycle.

“Hospitals across the globe have reported literally millions of seemingly miraculous recoveries within the last few hours. Medical experts and statisticians are utterly baffled, as there appears to be no reasonable hypothesis to to explain these occurrences.  Samples of disease-causing bacteria and viruses kept in secure storage for scientific purposes now appear to be entirely inactive. Even genetic ailments have corrected themselves with no explanation. Scientists are currently conducting a thorough search for any remaining pathogens, or even a single human with an illness of any kind. Meanwhile, former patients and their relatives around the world are giving thanks for this unprecedented miracle.”

There was something truly satisfying about seeing so many people alive and happy because of him, even if it had taken no real effort to accomplish something that millions of brilliant people had spent their entire lives trying to achieve in even a small measure. Will decided to continue to use his power to solve the world's problems. Over the next hour, Will continued to make wishes as he watched the news unfold. In addition to disease, he decided to eliminate aging, serious injuries, all pain above a certain threshold, obesity, male pattern baldness, tooth decay, headaches, chronic depression, and learning disabilities. He annihilated all the the carbon dioxide that the human race had produced in the last hundred years, resurrected several million animals species that had been extinct, and restored the ecosystem of the world's oceans to pristine condition. Nutritious fruits and vegetables now would spontaneously generate whenever anyone was beyond a certain hunger threshold. The radioactive materials in the world's nuclear weapon stockpiles were quietly transformed into gummy oatmeal, and the engines of all  military vehicles refused to start for any reason. Humans could now survive indefinitely, even drowning only caused unconsciousness. Violence of any kind was rendered impossible. One after another, humankind's most intractable problems and looming threats magically dissolved. The world was now irrevocably transformed by his power, and world's population was left wondering who to thank for their good fortune. Naturally, all the world's religious leaders attributed these events to their various deities, except for a few who decried them as the work of the devil. Will decided that that was enough “work” for one day, and happily changed the channel back to events close at hand.

Christine drifted awake. Her dreams had been dark and disturbing. She had been running an endless maze of dark corridors, pursued by an evil throng of white porcelain toilets. It was utter bliss to wake up in her lovely fleece blankets surrounded by the images of happy, diapered animals. Her thumb was in her mouth, and her thick diaper felt warm and squishy. Part of her had expected to wake up in her own bed, in her tiny apartment, with her alarm clock ringing. Then she would would have to get up, get dressed, get her hair and make-up in order, and go attend to the duties of a low-level office drone. She shuddered thinking about her old life. Her boss had been an evil harpy who constantly criticized her work no matter how hard she tried, work that would have been tedious even with a good supervisor. The constant stress of having to earn a living, the exhaustion of watching her mother slowly get worse and worse, even as her savings dwindled down to nothing. Treatment after treatment with no real hope in sight.

And having to get up to use the bathroom all the time! So lame!

Christine lay for a while, luxuriating in her comfortable crib. At length, she began to wonder what her mother was up to. She considered calling for her. Then it occurred to her that she had no idea if it was morning or evening. There were no windows or clocks in her nursery. It could be 2 in the morning for all she knew. She wondered if her mother was asleep. Maybe it would be more polite to wait for someone to come check on her.

“Wait a second!” she thought, realization dawning. “Who cares what time it is? Not a big baby like me, that's for sure! I think it must be Pay-Attention-To-Me o'clock!”

She took a deep breath.

“Mmmmmoooooooommmmmmmmmmmmyyyyy!” She whined at full volume, loud enough for Sophie to hear her even without the aid of a baby monitor.

“Coming, Dear!” called Sophie from the next room. She came into the nursery with a big smile on her face.

“How is my precious little princess? Did you have a good nap sweetheart?”

“No, Mommy. I was being chased around by these horrible potties that wanted to get me!”

Sophie adopted a look of deep concern, even though it was obvious that she was trying not to laugh.

“Poor baby! That sounds like a terrible nightmare. Well, you certainly don't need to worry about any potties while I'm around. Speaking of which, I think somebody made her mommy a little present, didn't she?”

Christine grinned as she put forward her hands so her mother could help her out of the crib. She knew she would need a diaper change at some point, but she couldn't just tell her mother that her bottom was messy. She loved the fact that she was no longer responsible for her own needs in any way. Sophie helped her daughter onto the padded changing table and  began pulling open the tapes on her diaper.

“Ohhh, it's just what I wanted! Thank you so much Sweety!” cooed Sophie playfully. She got to work lovingly wiping her daughter's butt clean. Christine sat smiling, soaking up her mother's care and attention, but when her bottom was nearly ready to be powdered, a somber expression fell across her face.

“Mom, can we have a real conversation? We need to figure out what we're doing here.”

“We're getting your sweet little tushy all nice and clean! Why, what should we be doing?”

“We should be thinking about the future. Do you really want to be wiping my butt the rest of your life?”

“I'll be wiping your butt a lot longer than that! Mommy was just watching the news. Will has completely changed the world. There's no more death or hunger or anything like that anymore. We can stay here and I can take care of you forever and ever!”

“And you're okay with that? Will already decided to make me a diaper-dependent baby. Who knows what he'll decide to do next?”

“Oh Pumpkin, there's no point in worrying about things like that! Will is too powerful to even think about challenging. Besides, you love being my little Pampers Girl!”

It was true. A week ago, Christine would have been mortified to be laying on a changing table, having her crotch and butt gently wiped clean. But now, every motion of her Mother's hand drawing the cool wipes across her flesh felt heavenly. She loved being in diapers. She loved pooping and peeing in her diapers. She loved that fact that she needed her Mommy to check and wipe and powder her butt. She loved how cute and helpless she felt.

“Yeah, I do.” she admitted, blushing intensely.

Sophie stopped wiping her daughter and straightened up.

“Now that didn't sound very enthusiastic. Maybe it's time for you to graduate to big girl panties? You could do your business on the big, scary toilet instead of in your baby pants! You'd like that wouldn't you?”

“That isn't funny Mommy! You know that Will made me afraid of the big-girl potty!”

Sophie began tickling Christine's exposed belly. “Yes, it's so cute seeing you squirm whenever I mention it! When I think of how tough and independent you were when you left for college, ready to go take on the world!And now you're not even ready to wipe your own butt!”

“I know it feels good, Mom. I really love being your diaper girl again. Really. It's just... is this all life is going to be now? You taking care of me in this nursery?”

“It's a lot better than the life we had before. A lot longer too. Besides, this doesn't have to be all we ever do. If you want something else to do, why don't you ask Will?”

“Because I don't know what he'll decide to do next! It could be anything!”

“Oh sweetheart! Will's not some monster. He's just an omnipotent weirdo! I'm sure if you get all cute and cuddly and ask him really nice he'll give you whatever you want!”

Christine considered this. He had promised to grant her three wishes a week. She still had two wishes left this week after wishing for her mother's recovery. That wish had worked out well, if you considered having a mother on permanent diaper-duty to be a good result.

“Why don't you get a little practice right now by asking for a nice, fresh diaper!” suggested Sophie.

Christine could take a hint. She clasped her hands together and put on her best cutesy voice:

“Mommy, would you pwease put my helpwess widdle butt into nice, thick Pampies?

Christine was rewarded with a generous shower of baby powder. Sophie retrieved another diaper from her bag and finished changing Christine.

“Of course, dear. I would never deprive my precious little cupcake of her adorable baby pants! Now, would you like to go see Will today?”

Christine grinned as she rubbed her hands over the the smooth plastic backing of her new diaper. She knew she ought to feel at least some trepidation at the thought of paying another visit to Will, a man who could redefine her entire existence with just a few words. But her enormous diaper made her feel so happy and safe that there was no room for anxiety.

“Yeah, let's go see Will.”

Sophie lost no time in strapping Christine into an adult-sized stroller. It could have passed for a wheelchair if not for the large pink canopy with lace fringes. As they left the nursery, it soon became apparent to Christine that Will had not been idle during her nap. The palatial penthouse had continued to expand to accommodate still more of Will's various whims. Her mother pushed her past dozens of rooms, each populated with various attractive women in suggestive attire. There were playboy bunnies, nurses in old-fashioned uniforms, Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, blonde bombshells in skimpy swimsuits. What she saw most of all were smiles. Everyone here had been drawn away from whatever life they had had before and been transformed into a ludicrous mockery of their former self. Just like her and her mother. And just like them, they were ecstatic about it. Cries of joy and delight filled the air as mother and daughter trundled down a hallway that seemed far longer than the building should be able to accommodate. The world was being transformed into a wonderland, and she was on her way to to see the master of it all.

The centerpiece of the ever-expanding complex was a massive auditorium. The room was tastefully decorated in green and white marble with checkerboard tile floors, classical Greek columns, and huge landscape paintings covering the walls. At the center of the room was a four-poster bed large enough to be a bedroom in its own right, and it was occupied by a knot of lovely ladies in a variety of outfits, ranging from the suggestive to the bizarre. And laying in the center of it all was Will, naked, holding a glass of wine, and filled to the brim with endless, invincible arrogance. Clearly the power had gone to his head in a huge way.

The women who surrounded him seemed utterly infatuated with him, grinning widely and nodding along to every word that fell from his lips. In front of the gigantic bed was a line of sensibly-dressed and dignified women, queuing up to receive the judgment of the new Lord of the Universe. Christine listened carefully as her mother pushed her toward this extremely cozy-looking seat of power. She knew that her best odds of success would be to catch Will in a good mood. Actually, she thought, it might be best to catch him when his perverse lust was largely satiated. Then he might be feeling a little guilty, and would thus be more generous.

The woman at the head of the line was clearly a fashionable businesswoman in her mid-thirties, dressed in respectable gray pantsuit. Will addressed her with the harsh, bark-like voice of a Drill Instructor.


The woman flinched a bit, as if the voice were washing over her like a wave. After an awkward pause, she answered.

“...sa-Samantha Price,...sir.”

“Occupation?” the theatrical barking continued.

“...I'm the V.P. Of Sales at Manuel Pharmaceuticals.” she answered. Her confidence seemed to be building back up from the initial shock.



“What is the thing about yourself you would least like me to find out?” asked Will.

Her eyes went wide. She could feel the irresistible compulsion flow into her mouth and limbs as the words left his throat. It took all the willpower she possessed to hold back for a single second.

“I don't think Asians are good drivers.”

Will practically doubled over with laughter. He was unable to breath normally for nearly a minute. He clapped slowly as he shook.

“Fantastic! And what is it you have come to ask me for?”

Her eyes were downcast. She seemed to think herself beyond all hope.

“I'm V.P. of marketing at a medical supply company in Colorado. Ever since you removed all disease from the world, our business has been practically non-existent. We'll need to lay off thousands of employees soon if we can't generate some business. Could you use your powers to help us?”

Will's eyes were unfocused. He seemed drunk. He looked every bit like a deranged deity, dreaming the world into existence at every moment.

“I have chosen to grant your request. However, I have a number of conditions in mind. If you wish to accept my assistance, it is necessary for you accept all my stipulations.”

“That is very reasonable of you. Thank you. May I ask what your stipulations are?”

“No. You must either accept or  refuse, without knowing what the consequences will be, and you must choose now, before I make the decision for you.”

She was trying valiantly disguise her terror, but she was trembling.

“I can't make a decision on my own. The board needs to vote on something this big.”

“I'm sorry Miss Price, but if you can't negotiate on behalf of your organization, they should not have sent you to talk to me. In the future, corporate entities should know better than to ask for help if they are not prepared to make the choices that will inevitably follow. So what will it be? Accept or Refuse? You have until I run out of patience to decide.”

Samantha's look of quiet desperation dissolved into open distress.

“I...don't know what we would be accepting.” she was eyeing the walls, as though seeking an exit.

“Or refusing. But if I showed you all the conditions I intend to enforce, you would have to read them, and then show them to other people, and talk about it and argue about it endlessly and it's all just so tedious. The process to arrive at the decision is so politicized that it may as well just be a coin-flip anyway. It is up to you whether to accept or refuse. Be aware that no matter what you decide there will be those who say you made the worst choice possible. Just choose.

“...we choose to accept your help.”

“See, that wasn't so hard, was it?

Will seemed to flicker briefly, as though two pieces of footage had been spliced together.

“Now check out your prize! Will mimed throwing something large and heavy toward Samantha. She cringed briefly, then was engulfed in a burst of pure, white light.

When the light faded, she holding a large book. Its cover was light blue. In bright, colorful letters, the cover read “The Great Book of Butt-Wipes Incorporated”

With trembling fingers she opened the massive tome.

“Welcome to Butt-Wipes Inc., a truly magical company! Here are the unbreakable laws that every Butt-Wipe must follow:

  1. All Butt-Wipes must agree to wipe a butt whenever and wherever they are asked to.
  2. Each Butt-Wipe must refer to herself in the third person as “Butt-Wipe”, and wear her official uniform at all times.
  3. Each customer must be made to feel special. That is why Butt-Wipes Inc. guarantees service with a smile. Nothing brings a Butt-Wipe more happiness and fulfillment than wiping a butt.
  4. All Butt-Wipes shall be trained in the most advanced and esoteric butt-wiping techniques, for the ultimate in pleasure, relaxation, and cleanliness.
  5. Butt-Wipes Inc. will hire any woman who applies, all necessary qualifications will be granted to her upon being hired.
  6. No Butt-Wipe may handle, own, or accept money in any form. Instead all Butt-Wipes will be magically supplied with all products and services necessary for a middle-class existence as long as she remains employed by Butt-Wipes Inc.
  7. If a Butt-Wipe wishes to terminate her employment, she need only promise to never wipe any butt ever again, including her own.
  8. Butt-Wipes will also change diapers if asked, and will do so with the care and attention expected of a Butt-Wipe.
  9. Butt-Wipes will appear at any place and at any time a customer requests, no exceptions.
  10. When not assisting customers, Butt-Wipes will exist in a magical flying castle in which all their needs are met.

She continued turning page after page, the strange rules just continued on and on. She grew more and more frightened as she read.

“You can't be serious.” she said at last. “This is absurd!”

“Absurd or not, that's your reality now.” answered Will.

“You can't seriously expect me to accept this.”

“You already have accepted it.” Will gestured toward Samantha's chest. She looked down, only to discover that her clothing had been transformed. In place of her professional business suit, she now wore a form-fitting pair of jeans and a light blue v-neck tank top. Above her belly-button was a professional-looking corporate logo of a graceful feminine hand dragging a wipe between two shining butt cheeks. Above the logo was the word “Butt-Wipe” in large cheerful lettering. Her hair was now tied into a pair of pig-tails.

“Noooooo...this is...Noooo.” she whimpered and hung her head in defeat.

“Awww, cheer up Butt-Wipe! You have a guaranteed job for as long as you want it, and you'll get to spend the whole day doing your favorite thing in the whole world.”

“My favorite...no, this can's be happening!”

“Wanna bet? Lets see...who should be your first customer? Ah, perfect!” said Will, snapping his fingers.

Another woman appeared, standing next to Samantha. She was blonde and wore a checkered skirt and white blouse.

“Welcome to my court, Valerie. You and Samantha were rivals in college weren't you?”

The woman was clearly confused, but she managed to keep her composure. “Uhh..yah...she and I were both in the running to be valedictorian. I eventually won, and we drifted apart after that. Why?”

“Well, you see, Samantha here is just about to launch an exciting new career, and you've been selected to be part of it. What is it you do these days, if I may ask?”

“I work in fashion design. Mostly swimwear. Why?”

“Well good news! Your boring old career is officially over! You're going to be doing something much more fun and satisfying from now on! You are going to be the leader of a very important and influential organization! Better yet, Samantha here is going to be working directly under you. Now, why don't you turn to your new employee and explain exactly what her new duties involve?”

Valerie turned to Samantha. There was fear and confusion in both of their eyes. For a moment, they stood in silence, sharing a moment of empathy. Finally, Valerie spoke, her voice gradually transitioning from an awkward, confused tone to a dominant, imperious one.

“Samantha, from this day forward you are to answer to “Butt-Wipe”, is that understood?”

“...Yes, ma'am.”

“No, our company policy clearly shows that you need to refer to yourself in the third person now. Try again.”

“Yes, ma'am. Butt-Wipe understands.”

“Much better. You must also refer to me by my official title. Try again, please.”

Butt-Wipe took a deep breath. “Yes, Miss Pushy Tushy. Butt-Wipe understands.”

“Very Good. Now, see if you can tell me what's wrong with this picture.”

Pushy Tushy turned around and lifted her skirt, displaying her butt, which was partially covered by a pink thong.

Butt-Wipe winced. “Butt-Wipe thinks that you should not be wearing big girl underwear, Miss Pushy Tushy.”

“That's correct. And what should I be wearing, Butt-Wipe?” asked Pushy Tushy, her commanding tone now fully developed.

“Butt-Wipe thinks you should be in diapers, Miss Pushy Tushy.”

“Exactly!” she shouted, as though this should have been very obvious. “I have a very tight schedule, and going to the bathroom is out of the question. I need thick, disposable diapers for my huge, stinky messes! Is that clear?”

“Yes, Miss Pushy Tushy. Would you like Butt-Wipe to change you now, Miss Pushy Tushy?”

Pushy Tushy slapped her forehead dramatically. “Now she gets it! Yes, at once, please! God, I'm gonna make a mess on the nice clean floor at this rate!

Nearby, a package of diapers materialized. The packaging featured Super-girl modeling the product. It read “Super-Poopers Supreme” and bore the slogan “For Today's Busy Girl on the Go”. Pushy Tushy sat down and laid back as Butt-Wipe tore open the package and pulled out an enormously thick diaper with the S-shield symbol prominently displayed. Pushy Tushy continued to bark orders as Butt-Wipe set about changing her. All necessary items poofed into being around her as she worked.

“Get rid of this thong! Nothing but diapers for me from now on!”

“The skirt too. It'll just be in the way!”

“Lift my legs, please!”

“Use plenty of powder! I expect it to dust the ground when I walk!”

“Make sure its good and tight!” Soon, the bossy woman was securely taped into her new underwear.

“Nice Work! Ready to really put your skills to the test?”

“...yes, ma'...Miss Pushy Tushy. Butt-Wipe is ready.”

“Good to hear it. Here...we..go!”

With that, Pushy Tushy bent her knees and released an enormous fart. The farting changed pitch as she began filling her new diaper with shit. The padding swelled outward impossibly as gallon after gallon of gooey mess pushed the diaper beyond all reasonable capacity. Soon, Pushy-Tushy heaved a sigh of relief as she completed her impossibly large mess. She looked like she had a glossy white beanbag between her legs.

“Alright, Butt-Wipe, time to really go to work. First, explain to me what I just did.”

“You...you pooped in your diaper, miss Pushy Tushy.”

“Not good enough. Service with a smile! Remember?”

Butt-Wipe found herself smiling like she hadn't smiled in ages. She suddenly found that pure happiness was radiating from Pushy Tushy's full diaper.

“Good. Now, tell me like I'm a toddler. And be sure to compliment me.” instructed Pushy Tushy.

“Whooo! Looks like somebody made a very big poopy in her dipees. Who's a Super Dooper Pooper? You are! You are!”

“Excellent. Now, take a big sniff and tell me how it smells.”

Butt-Wipe pushed her nose into the mound of padding and loudly inhaled.

“You made a really stinky mess for Butt-Wipe to clean up! Don't worry about a thing, Miss Pushy Tushy! Butt-Wipe will have your precious little butt nice and clean in no time!”

Butt-Wipe continued to grin as she undid the tapes she had just snapped into place. She pulled wipe after wipe from a box that appeared beside her. The box bore the same butt logo as her shirt. Pushy Tushy moaned in pleasure as Butt-Wipe's hand gently caressed her curves, thoroughly leaving each cheek clean and shiny. The massively full diaper was soon rolled into a beachball-like mass.

Butt-wipe unfurled yet another thick diaper.

“Ah ah ah! Aren't you forgetting something Butt-Wipe?” rebuked Pushy Tushy.

Butt-Wipe slapped her own forehead. “Of course! Sorry Butt-Wipe is so forgetful, Miss Pushy Tushy!”

With that, Butt-Wipe leaned forward and gave her boss's clean butt cheek a big, sloppy kiss.

“Thank you for letting me wipe your butt, Miss Pushy-Tushy.” she said, giving a small bow of respect toward the butt in question.

“You're very welcome Butt-Wipe. Now the diaper!”

Remembering her boss's earlier warning, Butt-Wipe repeated her earlier procedure, sealing Pushy-Tushy into a heavily powdered diaper.

Will clapped. “Well done ladies. I can see that Butt-Wipes Inc. is off to a great start. I'm sure that Pushy-Tushy here will give you plenty of opportunities to practice your art. Off you go now!”

The two woman vanished in a shower of white sparkles.

“On to other business.” announced Will. “Christine, come on up and say hi!”

Not wanting to waste a moment, Christine rose from the stroller and scampered up to the enormous bed. It wasn't easy to pull herself up, but she managed.

“Hi, Will. How are things?” she asked lamely.

“Oh you know, ruling the world, bending the human race to my whims. You?”

“Not bad. My mommy put me down for a nap, I had a bad dream about potties, I pooped in my diaper so Mommy had to change me. Things are pretty good.” she replied.

“Oh how rude of me! You haven't met our new staff yet. Everyone, this is Christine. As you can no doubt see from her outfit, she's a Big Baby, and a personal friend of mine. Why don't you introduce yourselves, ladies?

“Hi Christine” said a woman with an olive complexion. She wore a white lab-coat, a pair of wire-rim spectacles, and a pair of pink bunny ears. “My name used to be Jamila Woodford, but these days I go by Dumb-Dumb. I used to work as a Research Technician at the Cambridge Institute of Experimental Medicine, but now that there's no more disease in the world I don't need any intelligence. Will made my brainy-brains go bye-bye, and now I just love to tell people what an idiot I am! Like, seriously, I can be outsmarted by a kindergartner now! Just ask me any question, and I won't be able to tell the answer cause I'm such a moron! Isn't that great?!”

“Hi Christine.” said a heavy-set blonde woman with a Midwestern accent. “My name is Mrs. Crumley, and I was Will's Geometry teacher when he was in eighth grade. Apparently he had a bit of a crush on me, so now that he controls the world he's made me the same age I was back then...forever. Oh! I've also started sucking my thumb. I had quite a thumb-sucking habit when I was younger, but I managed to get over it. Now my oral fixation is back with a vengeance and there's no way I'll ever break the habit now. He also made me really good at giving blowjobs, and I'm totally addicted to Will's jizz now. Could I blow you now, sir?”

“Not right now, Mrs. Crumley” answered Will. She looked disappointed, and consoled herself by sticking her thumb in her mouth and loudly sucking on it.

“Hi Christine.” said a brunette in a conservative-looking pantsuit. Her hair was in a bun and she wore a pair of thick-rimmed glasses. She spoke with a clear voice and perfect enunciation. “My name is Clarissa, and I once interviewed Mr. Freely for a position at Sheffield Analytics. I turned him down, and I was quite rude about it, so I'm being punished now. Sometimes, Will makes me stand in the corner, or eat nothing but green beans for dinner. But mostly, I get spanked. Will has made my keister very soft and sensitive, and I have to accept a spanking from anyone who offers one. If you'd like, I can certainly lay across your lap and you could give my butt a good seeing to. The worst part is, I'm not allowed to stop acting very proud and dignified, so the humiliation of being repeatedly spanked never goes away. The spankings make me very submissive too. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't do for someone who spanks me.”

“Hi Christine.” said a tall Hispanic woman in a pink bikini. She also wore a small tiara on her head, and had gauzy wings growing out of her back, held a little pink wand in her hand, and her breasts were so large it was a wonder that she could stay upright. “My name used to be Maria, but Will changed it to Jugs. I'm the Boob Fairy. It's my job to make sure that every woman on earth gets a nice big pair of titties to call her own. Your tits look great, but if you want them bigger, just let me know. When I have time off work, my boobies are at Will's beck and call!”

“Hi Christine!” said a girl in her late teens. She wore a work uniform with the Duncan's Donuts logo on the shirt and hat. “My name is Shelly, but I mostly go by Mistress these days. This is my slave, Fatty.” she gestured toward a very tubby woman in a pink t-shirt and diaper. The t-shirt had the word “Fatty” written across the ample bust in poofy lettering. The diaper was decorated with cartoon pigs and hippos. “Say hi to Christine, Fatty!”

“Hi, Christine.” said the woman with a friendly smile. “I'm Fatty!”

“Will was nice enough to give this tubby loser to me free and clear!” explained Shelly. “ As long as I keep her fed, she does everything I say. Hey Fatty, why don't you show Christine why you belong in diapers!”

Fatty immediately heaved herself to a standing position. She slowly and awkwardly turned around and bent over, giving Christine a full view of her ridiculously fat and padded backside. Wet squelching noises emerged from her butt as she happily spoke.

“Fatty belongs in...errff...diapers because I'm a big...oooh...stinky baby! Fatty is...ahhh...too dumb to ever be potty-trained, so my wonderful...hhuuhhuu...Mistress keeps me in thick pampers!”

“That's a good job, Fatty!” said Shelly, giving fatty's loaded diaper a hearty slap. “I think somebody just earned herself a treat.” she pulled a chocolate doughnut out what seemed to be thin air and shoved it into Fatty's waiting mouth. The tubby woman seemed to be in ecstasy as she chewed and swallowed.

“There! Now your big diapered butt will be even bigger!”laughed Shelly as Fatty again settled down behind her with a squish.

Christine was distressed by the transformations that Will was now wishing for. Each of these women seemed to have been turned into ridiculous mockeries of their former selves. Will was clearly going nuts with the absolute power he now had. Of course, she herself was now a diapered baby girl, completely dependent on her mother to take care of her, and this knowledge didn't really bother her. Like all these women, her desires had been transformed as well, making this humiliating situation feel absolutely pleasurable and acceptable.

“Fantastic!” said Will. “Now that we're all friends, what brings you here, Christine?”


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